4,466 research outputs found

    Please, talk about it! When hotel popularity boosts preferences

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    Many consumers post on-line reviews, affecting the average evaluation of products and services. Yet, little is known about the importance of the number of reviews for consumer decision making. We conducted an on-line experiment (n= 168) to assess the joint impact of the average evaluation, a measure of quality, and the number of reviews, a measure of popularity, on hotel preference. The results show that consumers' preference increases with the number of reviews, independently of the average evaluation being high or low. This is not what one would expect from an informational point of view, and review websites fail to take this pattern into account. This novel result is mediated by demographics: young people, and in particular young males, are less affected by popularity, relying more on quality. We suggest the adoption of appropriate ranking mechanisms to fit consumer preferences. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd

    How TripAdvisor’s reviewers level of expertise influence their online rating behaviour and the usefulness of reviews

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    The internet has improved the buying behaviour of customers. The development of technologies has led to the dissemination of opinions on social networks where customers buy goods and services. These comments on social networks started to be a part of the purchasing process. Until a few years ago, customers used to choose their itineraries based on tourist guides or brochures. Nowadays, customers’ reviews have changed the way a destination is portrayed, enhancing the description of a product or a service to a level that not even the supplier was able to reach before. There are different types of reviewers. The aim of this study is to identify both reviews, experts and non-expert reviewers and analyse the way they write their reviews. Reviews of five hotels taken from the TripAdvisor website were used in order to conduct this study. After analyzing a great set of variables, the results show that there is not much different on the amount of positive/negative reviews written by a reviewer, however, there is a difference in the deeper meaning of a review when it is positive than when it is negative. The expert reviewer tends to be more emotional when writing positive reviews than negative reviews. Regarding the usefulness of the reviews, there is no significant difference in usefulness of a review whether is an written by an expert reviewer or by a non-expert reviewer. The results also indicate that being an expert does not influence the rating a reviewer gives to a hotel stay either. The study was conducted by using Lexalytics program to analyze a Natural Language Processing (NLP) used to classify reviews according to their polarity. With this study, a new research in study was filled. This study gives insights on the polarity of a review depending on the type of reviewer. The results of this study are also important for hotel managers in order for them to understand the type of guest in house.O desenvolvimento da tecnologia, com ênfase na internet e nos seus desenvolvimentos ao longo dos anos, melhorou o comportamento dos clientes e levou à disseminação de opiniões em redes sociais onde os clientes compram productos e serviços. Os comentários feitos a um produto ou serviço nas redes sociais começaram a fazer parte do processo da compra. Até há uns anos atrás, os clientes escolhiam os itinerários para as suas viagens com base em guias turísticos e brochuras. Recentemente, os comentários de clientes mudaram a maneira que um destino é explicado e ilustrado, melhorando, desta forma, a descrição de um produto/serviço a um nível que nem mesmo os fornecedores destes tinham alcançado ainda. Há diferentes tipos de reviewers. O objectivo deste estudo é identificar ambos tipos, expert e non-expert e analisar o estilo de reviews escrita por estes. Experts são assim denominados se tiverem escrito mais de dez reviews; por outro lado os non-expert reviewers são assim denominados se tiverem escrito menos de 10 reviews. Para este estudo, foi utilizada informação de cinco hotéis de Orlando, Florida, retirada do TripAdvisor. Depois de uma análise das variáveis, os resultados mostram que não há grande diferença no que toca ao volume de comentários positivos/negativos escritos por um utilizador. Por outro lado, existe uma diferença na emoção dada a cada comentário, entre os utilizadores. O expert reviewer tende a ser mais emocional quando escreve comentários positivos do que quando escreve comentários negativos. Relativamente a utilidade de cada comentário, não há grande diferença no que toca a ser um expert reviewer ou um non-expert a escrever um comentário. Os resultados indicam, também, que ser um expert não tem qualquer influência na avaliação que um utilizador dá a sua estadia num hotel. Este estudo foi feito com base no programa Lexalytics, com objectivo de analisar a Natural Language Processing (NLP) usada para classificar os comentários de acordo com a sua polaridade

    Generation, susceptibility, and response regarding negativity: an in-depth analysis of negative online reviews

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    Negative online reviews can drastically influence consumer behavior and business strategies. Recent attention on the subject demonstrates its importance in the consumer and marketing literature. Even so, no study quantitatively investigates the corpus of the literature. This study quantitatively and systematically investigates the foundational research streams of negative online reviews to identify influential sources and main areas of knowledge in the domain. The study employs an integration of text mining and co-citation analysis, recognizing that firms’ responses to negative online reviews cannot be analyzed without understanding the role of customers. Accordingly, this study generates insight into customers and firms in each negative online review stage, furnishing a conceptual framework that synthesizes the previous literature and highlights the most important research gaps requiring attention. Ultimately, the conceptual framework can guide future researchers in unfolding new and novel directions to expand the boundaries of the negative online review literature


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    Signals convey information to marketplace participants regarding the unobservable quality of a product. Whenever product quality if unobservable prior to purchase, there is the risk of adverse selection. Problems of hidden information also occur in the consumer marketplace when the consumer is unable to verify the quality of a good prior to purchase. The sending, receiving, and interpretation or signals are potential ways to overcome the problem of adverse selection. In general, there is a lack of empirical evidence for signaling hypothesis, particularly that which links signaling to business performance outcomes. This research proposes that reputation serves as a marketplace signal to convey unobservable information about products offered for sale. Signaling hypotheses are tested in a network context, examining the influence of signals throughout a network of buyers and sellers in a marketplace. There are many situations where a signal does not affect just one sender and one receiver; multiple constituencies may be aware of and react to a given signal. This study incorporates the actions of seller side principals, seller side agents, and buyer side agents when examining marketplace signals and provides a new perspective and better vantage point from which to test signaling theory. The research setting for this study is the world’s largest individual marketplace for Thoroughbred yearlings. Several sources of secondary data are employed. These openly available published sources of information were selected as representative of the information that would typically be available to marketplace principals and agents to use in planning interactions in this unique live auction marketplace. The findings from his study indicate that the reputation of seller side principals and agents affect the eventual business performance outcomes as measured by final price brought at auction for goods. Specifically, seller side principals and agents who have developed a reputation for producing or selling high-priced or high-performing goods will be rewarded in the marketplace with relatively higher prices for their goods. Buyer side agents who are more central in the marketplace will pay relatively higher prices for goods. Evidence suggests that more central seller side agents will receive relatively higher prices for their goods

    Linking farmers to markets through valorisation of local resources:the case for intellectual property rights of indigenous resources

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    This is the scientific report from a research programme which explored the current lack of a suitable public system for protecting GIs in Southern Africa. In contrast to the European Union, the current South African legal framework only provides for the protection of GIs as collective and, in certain circumstances, as certification trademarks. The lack of a public system through which to valorize GIs was identified as excluding resource poor farmers (but also commercial larger scale farmers) from a potentially useful tool for improving their market access. The need for a public system of protection also emanates from the significance of the wild resources found in South Africa and Namibia, which are often the only source of income for resource poor communities and which is threatened by bio‐piracy. It thus appeared important to assess the merits of developing an institutional framework for protecting GIs in Southern Africa and to evaluate the needs for a sui generis legal system. Secondly, an analysis was done of the local dynamics based on specific agro‐food products. Two central questions were therefore addressed in this study: "How can local communities successfully protect their resources and differentiate their production through GIs?" and "What is the nature and extent of the required institutional and legal framework to achieve this objective?”.Geographical indications; indigenous resources; intellectual property rights; collectivae action; Southern Africa

    Influence of Coherent Context for Positioning Distinctive and Iconic Sicilian Sparkling Wines: Effect of a Sensorial Experience on a Gulet

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    Spumante wines produced in Sicily region (southern Italy) have sensorial characteristics significantly different from those produced in other Italian regions, because of the great differences of terroir. Offering a product included in a coherent and consistent context allows consumers to differentiate in the marketplace. The aim of this study is to propose solutions for Sicilian wineries for positioning Sicilian Spumante in the market, based on empirical data. Moreover, it was investigated whether a positive experience in a context consistent with the Sicilian sparkling wines could influence consumers’ consumption intentions. A blind sensory test was performed by 146 expert wine tasters. Opinions regarding sensorial quality, value, and suitable selling place for all wines tasted were investigated. Out-of-context and in-context preferences were analyzed. Development of the unipolar model to describe the stimulus-organism-response (SOR) process was attempted. Findings contribute to experiential marketing actions for other iconic wines and wine regions

    Quality modeling in electronic healthcare: a study of mHealth Service

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    Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have the potential to radically transform health services in developing countries. Among various ICT driven health platforms, mobile health is the most promising one because of its widespread penetration and cost effective services. This paper aims to examine Quality Modeling in Electronic Healthcare by using PLS based SEM