84 research outputs found

    Krzywda Żeromskiego : 100 błędów w „Wietrze od morza” w krytycznej edycji (2012)

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    I jak tu mieć zaufanie do poważnych i nobliwych placówek naukowych, gdy Instytut Badań Literackich PAN w Warszawie publikuje tetralogię Stefana Żeromskiego, obejmującą Wisłę, Sambora i Mestwina, Wiatr od morza oraz Międzymorze, z olbrzymią – jak dla mnie – ilością różnorakich pomyłek, nieścisłości i zwyczajnych literówek? Jest jakaś złowroga siła, która prześladuje Wiatr od morza od samego początku zaistnienia na rynku wydawniczym, czyli od roku 1922, gdy wyszły dwie edycje tego ulubionego dzieła pisarza – kandydata ówcześnie do Nagrody Nobla. Domyślam się, że tuż po zakończeniu I wojny światowej i w trakcie starcia z zagonami sowieckimi nie było warunków, by bezbłędnie ogłaszać pierwodruk tej opowieści o dziejach Smętka na Pomorzu. Stąd nie za bardzo dziwiła mnie liczba około trzystu błędów w najwcześniejszym wydaniu. Piszę o tym w studium tekstologicznym pt. Mortkowicz, Pigoń i Goliński wydają „Wiatr od morza” („Pamiętnik Literacki” 2011, z. 1, s. 195–206). Ale sto pomyłek w roku 2012, i to w piątym tomie Pism zebranych? [...]

    Stefan Żeromski, biography intersected with history

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    Stefan Żeromski was a prominent writer and a social activist. His biography went down in Polish history. He was particularly active during the war in 1920 and fighting for Polish borders. After the war he popularized the idea of self-government and was strongly supporting regionalism. His work was substantially influenced by pursuit of independence. Żeromski was treating his work as a way to serve the society.Stefan Żeromski was a prominent writer and a social activist. His biography went down in Polish history. He was particularly active during the war in 1920 and fighting for Polish borders. After the war he popularized the idea of self-government and was strongly supporting regionalism. His work was substantially influenced by pursuit of independence. Żeromski was treating his work as a way to serve the society

    O niektórych animizacjach i personifikacjach w twórczości Stefana Żeromskiego

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    Stefan Żeromski was a writer and a person with very strong ties with nature. He was especially close to the world of fauna and flora, which he knew and observed well. Żeromski largely introduced this outside world into his writings. In his representations, the author made use of different linguistic and stylistic means such as: names and designations, appositional conjunctions, periphrases, hyperboles and other, and primarily metaphors and comparisons including animization and personification. Żeromski made use of animization as a form of an extended metaphor or a comparison, mainly with reference to floral objects, to which he attributed various human characteristics— the appearance and actions, human behaviours and sensual feelings, and even the means of communication with the environment. In the texts of Żeromski, personification—as a more complete form of animization— includes plants, and, from the animal realm, mainly birds, often assuming the form of short stories. The questions presented in the article have been illustrated with extended quotations from the diaries of the writer as well as from various fabular writings of his authorship

    Zakon Krzyżacki w literaturze polskiej i niemieckiej XIX i pierwszej połowy XX wieku

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    Praca wydana drukiemOne of the topics of European literature of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century was the Teutonic Order which was shown in different literary forms created and developed in that time. It was often the main character of historic novels, short stories or tragedies and sometimes, like in the case of poetry, it was only an element fulfilling the function of a metaphor or a parallel. The legends relating to the Order, the mysteriousness of life in the Middle Ages, political and amorous intrigues, mysterious rituals; these were the basics of a “Teutonic” novel that also corresponded with the principles of romanticism. The book shows the differences and similarities of the image, role and function of the Teutonic Order in German and Polish literature of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. The way in which the Teutonic Order was presented in the literature influenced the historic and political awareness of the reader; in the second half of the 19th century, the Teutonic history also acquired national meaning in Germany and Poland. Stereotypes concerning both nations function in both German and Polish society and they are captured in the analysed novels. Knowing the history connecting both nations, it is not easy to depict the Teutonic Order in a direct and objective way, especially since we can clearly see the element of mutual accusing or even hate both from one, and the other side. For a Pole, a German novel will be full of deceit, understatements and falsifying of historical facts. The German reader will perceive a Polish novel in the same way. Thus, these works are intended to be accepted only in a circle of people of a certain origin

    Conrad "skolonizowany" czyli jak tłumaczono Conrada w międzywojniu

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    Joseph Conrad was quite often involved in different political disputes. The main aim of this article is to present the way Conrad's works were translated and understood during the interwar period (1918-1939). Basing on the conceptions of Theo Hermans and André Lefevere (text manipulation, patronage and refraction) the deformation of Conrad's translations are demonstrated. The result of this kind of activity was to place Conrad in Polish cultural and geopolitical framework after getting independence. /J>K03e(j)a KoHpaaa aobojiho qacTO aHra>xnpoBajin b pa3Horo Btt.ua nojiHTHHecKHe ccopbi. IJejib 3toh CTaTbH yxa3aTb xax 6mjih nepeBejjeHbi h npHHtrru npoH3BefleHna /J>KO3c<|)a KoHpa.ua b Ilojibine b MewBoeHbiü nepnoa (1918-1939). Onnpajicb Ha KOHueniiHH Teo XepMaHca n AHape JletjjeBepe (MaHHnynaiiHJi TeKCTOM, noKpoBHTeJibCTBo h pe4>paKUH>i), aBTop yxabiBaeT cnocoôbi Ae4>opMa- UHH nepeBOAOB npoH3BeueHHH KoHpa.ua, Tax hto6m BriHcaTb ero b noubCKHH KyjibTypHbifi h reonojiHTHHecKHii KOHTexcT nocjie nonyneHHH He3aBHCHM0CTH

    W poszukiwaniu sensu polskich przekładów J. Conrada : prze-pisywanie, manipulacja czy kulturowa adaptacja.

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    The works of Joseph Conrad (and, more specifically, their Polish translations) were frequently used in political debates. Many critics read their own contents into his works, and used Conrad as an exemplum illustrating arguments they had advanced. This article is an analysis of the manipulations which Conrad’s works were subjected to in Poland. The analysis has been conducted with the use of terminology applied in the descriptive studies on translation. In the article, the author focuses on the distortions of Conrad’s translated works, which resulted from the continuous influences of various ideologies. To this end, terms such as: re‑writing, refraction and patronage, introduced into translation studies by André Lefevere, have been used

    Women from Galicia and the Polish film culture of 1920s and 1930s

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    The text examines forms of participation of women from Galicia (Kraków and Lwów) in Polish film culture that started to develop dynamically after 1918. There were several different occupations for women who tried to work for the film industry, including being actresses, owners or managers of cinemas but also film critics. Moreover, the early decades of 20th century was the time of emerging of women’s spectatorship, and film popular culture – commercialized and popularized by yellow press and film magazines. Closer examination of biographies of Zofia Batycka from Lwów and Maria Malicka from Kraków provides documents and visual materials, illustrating development of Polish star system and on the other hand of women’s professional experience. Other interesting sources of information about women and early cinema in Poland are film critics wrote by women who as Stefania Zahorska or Magdalena Samozwaniec were modern, independent women, educated and open-minded. Their memories and essays can be considered both as a documentation of film history but also of women’s history (and women’s spectatorship)

    Charakterystyka wiatru przypowierzchniowego sprzyjającego najwyższym sumom opadów atmosferycznych na polskim wybrzeżu Bałtyku

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    The aim of the paper is to analyze directions and speed of the surface wind in one hundred days with the highest daily precipitation totals in years 1954–2003 in selected weather stations located on the Polish seacoast. The study describe wind directions according to the shore-line of the Baltic Sea. The analysis demonstrated that an onshore wind is more conductive for intensive precipitation than offshore one. The wind along the shore-line occurred more frequent from the west (in Gdynia from the north) than from the east. Generally, the domination of the northern and the western wind (with higher than average velocity of the wind) in these days are evident.5245259Badania Fizjograficzn

    Literatura niemiecka o Krzyżakach

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    In the german literature of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century the German Order is shown as a Germanic folk that fights with the age-old enemy of the Eastern Europe – with Slavs. As it is not hard to tell, the aim of the writers is clear-cut – to show the need of expansion of Germans to the East in order to civilize the pseudochristian tribes. The German Order had to fulfil its mission, that means to Christianise and civilize the eastern lands both according to the true history of Europe and to the history created for the reader

    Jak pogłębiać więzi młodych ludzi z ich miejscem zamieszkania? Wędrówki po Krakowie inspirowane twórczością Doroty Terakowskiej

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    The article entitled: How to deepen the bonds of young people with their place of residence? Wandering around Krakow inspired by the work of Dorota Terakowska fits in the broad issues of didactics of literature and language in the contemporary school. A special reflection is put on fostering young people’s love for reading texts about their nearest region (the place of their residence). A proposal for a literary tour around Krakow is included in the framework of a specially designed project, thanks to which it is possible to take elementary school students to two different (and therefore not boring) worlds: 1) real places close to their life experience; 2) parallel places, recorded in the literature of Dorota Terakowska, i.e., Babci Brygidy szalona podróż po Krakowie, Władca Lewawu. The proposed activities, as it turned out in practice, were an effective way of encouraging students to read and “grow roots into the soul”.Artykuł Jak pogłębiać więzi młodych ludzi z ich miejscem zamieszkania? Wędrówki po Krakowie inspirowane twórczością Doroty Terakowskiej wpisuje się w szeroką problematykę dydaktyki literatury i języka w szkole współczesnej. Szczególny namysł dotyczy rozbudzania w młodych ludziach miłości do czytania lektur i najbliższego regionu (miejsca zamieszkania). W ramy specjalnie opracowanego projektu włącza się propozycję wycieczki literackiej po Krakowie, dzięki której możliwa jest podróż uczniów szkoły podstawowej do dwóch odmiennych (a przez to nienudnych) światów: 1) miejsc realnych, bliskich ich doświadczeniu życiowemu; 2) miejsc równoległych, utrwalonych w literaturze Doroty Terakowskiej tj.: Babci Brygidy szalona podróż po Krakowie, Władca Lewawu. Proponowane działania, jak się okazało w praktyce, stanowiły skuteczną formę zachęcania uczniów do czytania oraz „puszczania korzeni w duszę”