25 research outputs found

    Floating Banner Blindness on Mobile Device: An Experimental Approach Using Neuroscientific Methods

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    A neuroscience approach to human behavior sometimes give us insightful lessons differentiated from conventional approach does. Floating ad is a type of advertisements in which a user must click (touch) a close button in a state in which the content is hidden. There has been controversy over whether floating ads are effective ad formats. there are few research considering mobile environments. The purpose of this study is to discover cognitive and emotional response on floating advertisements on smartphones. We measure consumers\u27 cognitive and emotional responses using eye tracking and EEG simultaneously. The experiment will be designed to happen under the most realistic conditions. The experiment will be conducted inside the closed room at laboratory. A news web page will be displayed on the iPhone 6S screen. We expect that this approach will provide information about psychological reactions that users do not consciously realiz

    How online advertising competes with user-generated content in TripAdvisor. A neuroscientific approach.

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    The previous literature has almost ignored the interaction of user-generated content (UGC) and advertising content embedded in social media platforms. Visual attention is an important factor for tourist services in analyzing the value of online ads inserted close to UGC. Drawing on cognitive load theory, congruence research and dual processing models, the purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of online advertising on social media. A first study based on eye-tracking and EEG analysis was conducted to assess if there was a difference in visual attention and engagement when an ad was embedded in TripAdvisor content. Our findings showed that synergies between social media content and advertising content positively affect users’ visual attention. A second study, using an online survey, was carried out to assess the impact of congruent/incongruent ads on ad recall (2a) and, using eye-tracking, on visual attention (2b). Appropriate managerial implications are provided

    Gender differences in perceptions and attitudes toward online shopping: A study of Malaysian consumers

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    Despite the high potential of online shopping in Malaysian market, there is still a lack of understanding with regards to gender differences on online shopping behaviour. This research was conducted to determine the differences between male and female Internet users on their perceptions and attitudes toward online shopping. Data were collected from 500 respondents via social network website, Facebook. The results of the study revealed that men are more in favour of online shopping, have positive attitude towards web advertising, and perceive online shopping as more useful compared to women. On the other hand, women users perceive online shopping to be joyful than men. This research results have profound implications on online retailers and marketers

    Influence of Regulatory Fit Theory on Persuasion from Google Ads: An Eye Tracking Study

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    Search engine marketing accounts for a high percentage of investment in platforms such as Google. Several studies have confirmed that users have a negative bias towards advertisements, so we apply social psychology theories via the elaboration probability model in this analysis. In this research, we modify the types of ads shown on Google’s results pages using the regulatory focus and fit and message framing theory to study attentional and behavioral responses with eye-tracking technology and cognitive responses from self-report measures. The results confirm a negative bias towards ads and a preference for organic results. Although promotion-framed ads seem to be more persuasive than neutral and prevention-framed ads, it was not possible to prove compliance with regulatory fit in this field through survey-based studies.Spanish National R+D+I Research Program - NeuroTourism project (grant no. ECO2017-88458-R)Andalusian R+D+I Research Program - “Research in NeuroSOCOM” project (grant no. B-SEJ-209-UGR18

    A trend study on the impact of social media on advertisement

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    This paper presents a comprehensive scientometric study for the impact of social networks on advertisement. The study uses the Scopus database as a search engine to accomplish the survey. To better understand the evolution and identity of this category, the study covers 1216 most cited data over the period 1983-2019. Qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques are applied to determine author distribution, country, individual and institutional-level productivity rankings. In terms of keywords, the study indicates that social media was jointly studied with gender and be-havior and researchers from the United States maintained the highest rate of contribution. The survey also indicates that there were strong collaboration between the researchers from China and United States. Moreover, there were also remarkable collaborations between the researchers in United States from one side and other countries

    Blindness to sponsor: Application to sports event posters

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    Advertising posters in sports sponsorship are versatile marketing tools with significant media impact and high visibility. However, the academic literature on the impact of advertising posters in this field is scarce. The purpose of this research is to measure the spontaneous recall of and attention toward business brands sponsoring sports events while assessing their location and congruence level. The sample was segmented according to gender. The experiment involved 12 stimuli related to three sporting disciplines corroborating the issue of media blindness with respect to advertising posters. Consistent with the placement theory, we found that the position of the sponsoring brand affected attention and recall with no remarkable differences between genders. Furthermore, we found no significant differences in the congruence levels, reinforcing the image transfer theory. A general guideline would be placing the sponsoring brand within the effective range of the poster while leveraging the effects of articulation and the remaining mediating variables in the literature

    The effect of web advertising visual design on online purchase intention: An examination across gender

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    With web advertising growing to be a huge industry, it is important to understand the effectiveness of web advertisement. In this study we investigate the effects of web advertising visual design (WAVD) purchasing intention within the framework of an integrated model. Nine hypotheses were developed and tested on a dataset of 316 observations collected via a questionnaire survey. The results of structural equation modeling (SEM) indicate that while web advertising visual cues influence consumers' purchasing intention through advertising attitudes and brand attitudes, they do not have direct effects on purchasing intention. Further results on the moderating role of gender suggest that web advertising visual cues have direct effect on consumers' purchasing intention for male groups but not for female groups. This study contributes to the understanding the role of visual dimensions in forming online purchase intentions

    Influence of message appeal on attention. An eye-tracking study

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    El presente estudio analiza la efectividad publicitaria utilizando una metodología de seguimiento ocular. La investigación analiza las diferencias en la atención según el tipo de apelación del mensaje (agradable, neutral y desagradable), evalúa el papel moderador de la preocupación por el problema medioambiental y el enfoque regulatorio. Los resultados muestran que, los estímulos textuales negativos son los que mayor atención reciben, además en participantes con baja preocupación medioambiental, los estímulos de baja elaboración captan antes la atención. En general, los participantes más preocupados por el medioambiente, se fijan más rápidamente en términos de tiempo y frecuencia en estímulos que requieren mayor grado de elaboración. El trabajo también presenta recomendaciones en materia de elaboración de campañas de difusión de energías renovables (EERR) a través de medios que utilicen publicidad digital.This study analyses advertising effectiveness using an eye-tracking methodology. The research analyses differences in attention according to the type of message appeal (pleasant, neutral and unpleasant), assesses the moderating role of environmental concern and regulatory focus. The results show that negative textual stimuli receive the most attention, and that in participants with low environmental concern, low-elaboration stimuli are more attention-grabbing. In general, participants who are more concerned about the environment focus more quickly in terms of time and frequency on stimuli that require a higher degree of elaboration. The paper also presents recommendations for the development of renewable energy (RE) media campaigns using digital advertising