398 research outputs found

    GaAs nano-ridge laser diodes fully fabricated in a 300 mm CMOS pilot line

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    Silicon photonics is a rapidly developing technology that promises to revolutionize the way we communicate, compute, and sense the world. However, the lack of highly scalable, native CMOS-integrated light sources is one of the main factors hampering its widespread adoption. Despite significant progress in hybrid and heterogeneous integration of III-V light sources on silicon, monolithic integration by direct epitaxial growth of III-V materials remains the pinnacle in realizing cost-effective on-chip light sources. Here, we report the first electrically driven GaAs-based multi-quantum-well laser diodes fully fabricated on 300 mm Si wafers in a CMOS pilot manufacturing line. GaAs nano-ridge waveguides with embedded p-i-n diodes, InGaAs quantum wells and InGaP passivation layers are grown with high quality at wafer scale, leveraging selective-area epitaxy with aspect-ratio trapping. After III-V facet patterning and standard CMOS contact metallization, room-temperature continuous-wave lasing is demonstrated at wavelengths around 1020 nm in more than three hundred devices across a wafer, with threshold currents as low as 5 mA, output powers beyond 1 mW, laser linewidths down to 46 MHz, and laser operation up to 55 {\deg}C. These results illustrate the potential of the III-V/Si nano-ridge engineering concept for the monolithic integration of laser diodes in a Si photonics platform, enabling future cost-sensitive high-volume applications in optical sensing, interconnects and beyond.Comment: 40 pages with 16 figures. pdf includes supplementary informatio

    Center for Space Microelectronics Technology

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    The 1991 Technical Report of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Center for Space Microelectronics Technology summarizes the technical accomplishments, publications, presentations, and patents of the Center during the past year. The report lists 193 publications, 211 presentations, and 125 new technology reports and patents

    Near infra-red single-photon detection using Ge-on-Si heterostructures

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    This Thesis investigates the design of Ge-on-Si single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD) detectors combining the many advantages of low-noise Si single-photon avalanche multiplication with the infrared sensing capability of germanium. The devices were simulated by using electric field modelling software to predict key aspects of the device behaviour in terms of the current-voltage characteristic and electric field. The devices were then characterised in terms of their single-photon performance. A 25 m diameter device showed a single-photon detection efficiency of ~ 4 % at a wavelength of 1310 nm and a temperature of 100 K when biased at 10 % above the breakdown voltage. In the same condition, a dark count rate of ~ 6 Mcs-1 was measured. This resulted in the lowest noise equivalent power of ~ 1 × 10-14 WHz-1/2 of Ge-on-Si SPADs reported in the scientific literature. At the longer wavelength of 1550 nm, the single-photon detection efficiency was reduced to ~ 0.1 % at 125 K and 6 % of relative excess bias. Although further investigation needs to be carried out, a potential major advantage of these devices compared to the InGaAs/InP SPADs could be that of reduced afterpulsing since a small increase (a factor of 2) in the normalised dark count rate was measured when the repetition rate was increased from 1 kHz to 1 MHz. Finally, the fill-factor enhancement of 32 × 32 Si CMOS SPAD arrays resulting from the integration of high efficiency diffractive optical microlens arrays was investigated. A full characterisation of SPAD arrays integrating microlens arrays in terms of improvement factor and spatial uniformity of detection is presented for the first time in the scientific literature in a large spectral range (500-900 nm) and different f-numbers (from f/2 to f/22) by using a double telecentric imaging system. The highest improvement factor of ~16 was measured for a SPAD array integrating microlens arrays, combined with a very high spatial efficiency uniformity of between 2–6%

    Enhancing the fill-factor of CMOS SPAD arrays using microlens integration

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    Arrays of single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD) detectors were fabricated, using a 0.35 μm CMOS technology process, for use in applications such as time-of-flight 3D ranging and microscopy. Each 150 x 150 μm pixel comprises a 30 μm active area diameter SPAD and its associated circuitry for counting, timing and quenching, resulting in a fill-factor of 3.14%. This paper reports how a higher effective fill-factor was achieved as a result of integrating microlens arrays on top of the 32 x 32 SPAD arrays. Diffractive and refractive microlens arrays were designed to concentrate the incoming light onto the active area of each pixel. A telecentric imaging system was used to measure the improvement factor (IF) resulting from microlens integration, whilst varying the f-number of incident light from f/2 to f/22 in one-stop increments across a spectral range of 500-900 nm. These measurements have demonstrated an increasing IF with fnumber, and a maximum of ~16 at the peak wavelength, showing a good agreement with theoretical values. An IF of 16 represents the highest value reported in the literature for microlenses integrated onto a SPAD detector array. The results from statistical analysis indicated the variation of detector efficiency was between 3-10% across the whole f-number range, demonstrating excellent uniformity across the detector plane with and without microlenses

    Center for space microelectronics technology

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    The 1992 Technical Report of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Center for Space Microelectronics Technology summarizes the technical accomplishments, publications, presentations, and patents of the center during the past year. The report lists 187 publications, 253 presentations, and 111 new technology reports and patents in the areas of solid-state devices, photonics, advanced computing, and custom microcircuits

    Feasibility of Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes in CMOS standard technologies for tracker detectors

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    The next generation of particle colliders will be characterized by linear lepton colliders, where the collisions between electrons and positrons will allow to study in great detail the new particle discovered at CERN in 2012 (presumably the Higgs boson). At present time, there are two alternative projects underway, namely the ILC (International Linear Collider) and CLIC (Compact LInear Collider). From the detector point of view, the physics aims at these particle colliders impose such extreme requirements, that there is no sensor technology available in the market that can fulfill all of them. As a result, several new detector systems are being developed in parallel with the accelerator. This thesis presents the development of a GAPD (Geiger-mode Avalanche PhotoDiode) pixel detector aimed mostly at particle tracking at future linear colliders. GAPDs offer outstanding qualities to meet the challenging requirements of ILC and CLIC, such as an extraordinary high sensitivity, virtually infinite gain and ultra-fast response time, apart from compatibility with standard CMOS technologies. In particular, GAPD detectors enable the direct conversion of a single particle event onto a CMOS digital pulse in the sub-nanosecond time scale without the utilization of either preamplifiers or pulse shapers. As a result, GAPDs can be read out after each single bunch crossing, a unique quality that none of its competitors can offer at the moment. In spite of all these advantages, GAPD detectors suffer from two main problems. On the one side, there exist noise phenomena inherent to the sensor, which induce noise pulses that cannot be distinguished from real particle events and also worsen the detector occupancy to unacceptable levels. On the other side, the fill-factor is too low and gives rise to a reduced detection efficiency. Solutions to the two problems commented that are compliant with the severe specifications of the next generation of particle colliders have been thoroughly investigated. The design and characterization of several single pixels and small arrays that incorporate some elements to reduce the intrinsic noise generated by the sensor are presented. The sensors and the readout circuits have been monolithically integrated in a conventional HV-CMOS 0.35 μm process. Concerning the readout circuits, both voltage-mode and current-mode options have been considered. Moreover, the time-gated operation has also been explored as an alternative to reduce the detected sensor noise. The design and thorough characterization of a prototype GAPD array, also monolithically integrated in a conventional 0.35 μm HV-CMOS process, is presented in the thesis as well. The detector consists of 10 rows x 43 columns of pixels, with a total sensitive area of 1 mm x 1 mm. The array is operated in a time-gated mode and read out sequentially by rows. The efficiency of the proposed technique to reduce the detected noise is shown with a wide variety of measurements. Further improved results are obtained with the reduction of the working temperature. Finally, the suitability of the proposed detector array for particle detection is shown with the results of a beam-test campaign conducted at CERN-SPS (European Organization for Nuclear Research-Super Proton Synchrotron). Apart from that, a series of additional approaches to improve the performance of the GAPD technology are proposed. The benefits of integrating a GAPD pixel array in a 3D process in terms of overcoming the fill-factor limitation are examined first. The design of a GAPD detector in the Global Foundries 130 nm/Tezzaron 3D process is also presented. Moreover, the possibility to obtain better results in light detection applications by means of the time-gated operation or correction techniques is analyzed too.Aquesta tesi presenta el desenvolupament d’un detector de píxels de GAPDs (Geiger-mode Avalanche PhotoDiodes) dedicat principalment a rastrejar partícules en futurs col•lisionadors lineals. Els GAPDs ofereixen unes qualitats extraordinàries per satisfer els requisits extremadament exigents d’ILC (International Linear Collider) i CLIC (Compact LInear Collider), els dos projectes per la propera generació de col•lisionadors que s’han proposat fins a dia d’avui. Entre aquestes qualitats es troben una sensibilitat extremadament elevada, un guany virtualment infinit i una resposta molt ràpida, a part de ser compatibles amb les tecnologies CMOS estàndard. En concret, els detectors de GAPDs fan possible la conversió directa d’un esdeveniment generat per una sola partícula en un senyal CMOS digital amb un temps inferior al nanosegon. Com a resultat d’aquest fet, els GAPDs poden ser llegits després de cada bunch crossing (la col•lisió de les partícules), una qualitat única que cap dels seus competidors pot oferir en el moment actual. Malgrat tots aquests avantatges, els detectors de GAPDs pateixen dos grans problemes. D’una banda, existeixen fenòmens de soroll inherents al sensor, els quals indueixen polsos de soroll que no poden ser distingits dels esdeveniments reals generats per partícules i que a més empitjoren l’ocupació del detector a nivells inacceptables. D’altra banda, el fill-factor (és a dir, l’àrea sensible respecte l’àrea total) és molt baix i redueix l’eficiència detectora. En aquesta tesi s’han investigat solucions als dos problemes comentats i que a més compleixen amb les especificacions altament severes dels futurs col•lisionadors lineals. El detector de píxels de GAPDs, el qual ha estat monolíticament integrat en un procés HV-CMOS estàndard de 0.35 μm, incorpora circuits de lectura en mode voltatge que permeten operar el sensor en l’anomenat mode time-gated per tal de reduir el soroll detectat. L’eficiència de la tècnica proposada queda demostrada amb la gran varietat d’experiments que s’han dut a terme. Els resultats del beam-test dut a terme al CERN indiquen la capacitat del detector de píxels de GAPDs per detectar partícules altament energètiques. A banda d’això, també s’han estudiat els beneficis d’integrar un detector de píxels de GAPDs en un procés 3D per tal d’incrementar el fill-factor. L’anàlisi realitzat conclou que es poden assolir fill-factors superiors al 90%

    Enabling High Performance III-V Thin-Film Photodetectors on Unconventional Surfaces

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    High performance optoelectronic devices made of III-V compound semiconductors are preferred over elemental semiconductors due to their superior optical and electronic properties. With the development of semiconductor fabrication technology, thin-film optoelectronics on unconventional surfaces have drawn attention due to the benefits of enhanced absorption/reflection, reduced fabrication cost, superior mechanical flexibility, opportunities for integration with dissimilar materials, etc. In this thesis, we demonstrate novel fabrication techniques that transfer the III-V optoelectronic devices, especially high-performance photodetectors focal plane arrays, from their bulky and rigid crystalline substrates, to unconventional lightweight, flexible, conformal, and non-developable surfaces without performance degradation. The demonstrations include a cylindrical and bendable 8×100 thin-film In0.53Ga0.47As p-i-n photodiode array fabricated on a thin flexible plastic foil, and a hemispherical GaAs p-n junction focal plane array that mimics the size, form, and function of the human eye. In addition, we integrate an energy harvesting photodetector comprising an InGaAs-based thin-film thermophotovoltaic (TPV) cell with low index dielectrics and even air for enhanced out-of-band photon recycling. Specifically, an unconventional TPV cell is fabricated over an air cavity, showing 8% (absolute) power conversion efficiency improvement compared to conventional thin-film TPV cells, leading to a record-high TPV power conversion efficiency of > 30% at 1500K emitter temperature. The demonstrated high performance III-V thin-film photodetectors on unconventional surfaces unlock possibilities for future optoelectronics that are beyond current planar and lattice-matched substrates, and provide paths to their ubiquitous applications.PHDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/155088/1/fandejiu_1.pd
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