13 research outputs found

    Augmented Reality Techniques in Industrial Warehouse Logistics in Mining Industry

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    Visualization techniques for augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) are developed well enough to display any data, if need be. This paper deals with a new data visualization technique for efficient product storage and use. The solution proposed herein applies AR visualization. The paper describes an application that displays all necessary data on the screen using AR-markers, and has an option of making them markers complicated and adding three-dimensional models of an object

    Immersive Analytics Through HoloSENAI MOTOR Mixed Reality App

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    This study examines the use of HoloSENAI MOTOR as novel approach for preparing students and professionals for the industry 4.0. This new Augmented Reality technology was developed with UNIT3D and C# language for the Microsoft HoloLens®. This educational resource enables the projection of 3D scenes of a real electric motor into the natural world environment. It was used by undergraduates from an Engineering course in Brazil. Our aim is to identify the potential benefits and barriers to promote immersive analytics and authoring skills through HoloSENAI MOTOR for learning and teaching. We present Immersive Analytics as an approach that combines real-time interaction with visualization techniques for students to explore and analyze information about the motor in their physical environment. This study is based on Responsible Research and Innovation approach and supported by e-authentication and authorship verification TeSLA. It revealed that the key benefits for learners were to increase their motivation, curiosity and understanding in terms of features, properties and functionalities of the motor, including better acquisition of information and data analysis skills. They key barriers highlighted by educational technologies, were the high cost equipment, the technical development of applications and the pedagogical approaches for assessment

    Multi-3D-Models Registration-Based Augmented Reality (AR) Instructions for Assembly

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    This paper introduces a novel, markerless, step-by-step, in-situ 3D Augmented Reality (AR) instruction method and its application - BRICKxAR (Multi 3D Models/M3D) - for small parts assembly. BRICKxAR (M3D) realistically visualizes rendered 3D assembly parts at the assembly location of the physical assembly model (Figure 1). The user controls the assembly process through a user interface. BRICKxAR (M3D) utilizes deep learning-trained 3D model-based registration. Object recognition and tracking become challenging as the assembly model updates at each step. Additionally, not every part in a 3D assembly may be visible to the camera during the assembly. BRICKxAR (M3D) combines multiple assembly phases with a step count to address these challenges. Thus, using fewer phases simplifies the complex assembly process while step count facilitates accurate object recognition and precise visualization of each step. A testing and heuristic evaluation of the BRICKxAR (M3D) prototype and qualitative analysis were conducted with users and experts in visualization and human-computer interaction. Providing robust 3D AR instructions and allowing the handling of the assembly model, BRICKxAR (M3D) has the potential to be used at different scales ranging from manufacturing assembly to construction

    Implementasi Augmented Reality dengan Memanfaatkan GPS Based Tracking pada Sistem Pengenalan Gedung Universitas Tanjungpura

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    Universitas Tanjungpura (UNTAN) merupakan universitas negeri yang berada di kota Pontianak. UNTAN memiliki banyak gedung yang tersebar pada lahan dengan luas areal 12.135 m2. Banyaknya gedung ini membuat sebagian orang akan kesulitan dalam mengenali dan mendapatkan informasi mengenai gedung yang berada dalam lingkungan UNTAN. Interaktivitas menjadi salah satu poin yang penting dalam pengembangan sebuah aplikasi. Teknologi Augmented Reality (AR) adalah salah satu teknologi interaksi yang dapat mengintegrasikan obyek virtual dengan lingkungan nyata secara real-time. AR memungkinkan user untuk berinteraksi dengan obyek virtual secara natural. AR yang diimplementasikan pada aplikasi bekerja dengan cara memberikan label pada gedung yang ditampilkan oleh layar smartphone. Teknik tracking AR yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah GPS based tracking, dimana teknik ini memanfaatkan data koordinat yang dimiliki oleh gedung untuk memberikan label pada gedung. Pengujian pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pengujian akurasi dan kuesioner. Berdasarkan hasil dari pengujian akurasi yang dilakukan, aplikasi yang diimplementasikan dengan teknologi AR ini dapat mengenali gedung dari depan, sisi belakang, sisi kiri maupun sisi kanan gedung dan dari jarak dekat, sedang maupun jauh. Berdasarkan kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada 100 responden, didapatkan bahwa aplikasi yang diimplementasikan dengan teknologi AR dapat mempermudah masyarakat kota Pontianak untuk mengenali gedung yang berada di lingkungan UNTAN, sebesar 89% responden yang merasa dimudahkan oleh teknologi AR. Masyarakat kota Pontianak lebih dimudahkan dengan fitur teknologi AR untuk mengenali gedung di UNTAN daripada menggunakan fitur peta digital, dimana persentase pemilih teknologi AR sebesar 96%. Kata Kunci— Android, sistem pengenalan gedung, universitas tanjungpura, augmented reality, GPS based tracking

    Implementasi Augmented Reality dengan Memanfaatkan GPS Based Tracking pada Sistem Pengenalan Gedung Universitas Tanjungpura

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    Universitas Tanjungpura (UNTAN) merupakan universitas negeri yang berada di kota Pontianak. UNTAN memiliki banyak gedung yang tersebar pada lahan dengan luas areal 12.135 m2. Banyaknya gedung ini membuat sebagian orang akan kesulitan dalam mengenali dan mendapatkan informasi mengenai gedung yang berada dalam lingkungan UNTAN. Interaktivitas menjadi salah satu poin yang penting dalam pengembangan sebuah aplikasi. Teknologi Augmented Reality (AR) adalah salah satu teknologi interaksi yang dapat mengintegrasikan obyek virtual dengan lingkungan nyata secara real-time. AR memungkinkan user untuk berinteraksi dengan obyek virtual secara natural. AR yang diimplementasikan pada aplikasi bekerja dengan cara memberikan label pada gedung yang ditampilkan oleh layar smartphone. Teknik tracking AR yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah GPS based tracking, dimana teknik ini memanfaatkan data koordinat yang dimiliki oleh gedung untuk memberikan label pada gedung. Pengujian pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pengujian akurasi dan kuesioner. Berdasarkan hasil dari pengujian akurasi yang dilakukan, aplikasi yang diimplementasikan dengan teknologi AR ini dapat mengenali gedung dari depan, sisi belakang, sisi kiri maupun sisi kanan gedung dan dari jarak dekat, sedang maupun jauh. Berdasarkan kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada 100 responden, didapatkan bahwa aplikasi yang diimplementasikan dengan teknologi AR dapat mempermudah masyarakat kota Pontianak untuk mengenali gedung yang berada di lingkungan UNTAN, sebesar 89% responden yang merasa dimudahkan oleh teknologi AR. Masyarakat kota Pontianak lebih dimudahkan dengan fitur teknologi AR untuk mengenali gedung di UNTAN daripada menggunakan fitur peta digital, dimana persentase pemilih teknologi AR sebesar 96%. Kata Kunci— Android, sistem pengenalan gedung, universitas tanjungpura, augmented reality, GPS based tracking


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    In this paper, Augmented Reality (AR) and Videogames are presented as two technologies suitable to be applied (independently and mixed) to Climate Change issues. The article is centered on teaching-learning, sensitization and awareness campaigns about Climate Change. On one hand, Augmented Reality and some examples of Climate-Change-related applications are presented. On the other hand, videogames are presented as useful tools for learning under the philosophy of Digital Game-Based Learning (DGBL). Some principles of DGBL are discussed and some examples of videogames applied to Climate Change issues are presented. Lastly Augmented Reality games are explored and an early classification is introduced. Finally, it is concluded that videogames and Augmented Reality are two current technologies that must be applied to processes related to education on climate change due to their features and nature

    The evolution of information flows in construction projects: a contemporary study on the embracing of Augmented Reality

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    The successful completion of a construction project involves the collaboration of various stakeholders which generates extremely exhaustive and varied information. Consequently, the effectiveness of the information flows ominously impact the strong work relationships between project stakeholders. Even though various adversarial effects to the construction project management threshold; cost, quality and time, are triggered by disordered information trails, numerous barriers for the effective information transfusion stay as a grey area. As an innovative tide towards overpowering the information management barriers in a conventional construction project, execution of Augmented Reality (AR) has been highlighted by scholars. Even though AR is already being incorporated in industries like automobile and aviation, it has not yet been considerably executed in the construction industry. Therefore, to exploit the potential of AR to improve information management, a qualitative research approach was incorporated. The extensive literature synthesis revealed the sustainability to adopt AR in the construction industry while highlighting the associated barriers in its pathway. In conclusion, the AR implementation for mitigating the barriers was evaluated and it indicated on AR’s promising nature for such mitigation. This study will be an initiative to integrate the conventional construction environment with AR to enrich the efficiency of project information management


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    Abstract—Augmented Reality allows for an on-site presentation of information that is registered to the physical environment. Applications from civil engineering, which require users to process complex information, are among those which can benefit particularly highly from such a presentation. In this paper, we will describe how to use Augmented Reality (AR) to support monitoring and documentation of construction site progress. For these tasks, the staff responsible usually requires fast and comprehensible access to progress information to enable comparison to the as-built status as well as to as-planned data. Instead of tediously searching and mapping related information to the actual construction site environment, our AR system allows for the access of information right where it is needed. This is achieved by superimposing progress as well as as-planned information onto the user’s view of the physical environment. For this purpose, we present an approach that uses aerial 3D reconstruction to automatically capture progress information and a mobile AR client for on-site visualization. Within this paper, we will describe in greater detail how to capture 3D, how to register the AR system within the physical outdoor environment, how to visualize progress information in a comprehensible way in an AR overlay and how to interact with this kind of information. By implementing such an AR system, we are able to provide an overview about the possibilities and future applications of AR in the construction industry

    Mobile Wound Assessment and 3D Modeling from a Single Image

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    The prevalence of camera-enabled mobile phones have made mobile wound assessment a viable treatment option for millions of previously difficult to reach patients. We have designed a complete mobile wound assessment platform to ameliorate the many challenges related to chronic wound care. Chronic wounds and infections are the most severe, costly and fatal types of wounds, placing them at the center of mobile wound assessment. Wound physicians assess thousands of single-view wound images from all over the world, and it may be difficult to determine the location of the wound on the body, for example, if the wound is taken at close range. In our solution, end-users capture an image of the wound by taking a picture with their mobile camera. The wound image is segmented and classified using modern convolution neural networks, and is stored securely in the cloud for remote tracking. We use an interactive semi-automated approach to allow users to specify the location of the wound on the body. To accomplish this we have created, to the best our knowledge, the first 3D human surface anatomy labeling system, based off the current NYU and Anatomy Mapper labeling systems. To interactively view wounds in 3D, we have presented an efficient projective texture mapping algorithm for texturing wounds onto a 3D human anatomy model. In so doing, we have demonstrated an approach to 3D wound reconstruction that works even for a single wound image

    Advanced visual slam and image segmentation techniques for augmented reality

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    Augmented reality can enhance human perception to experience a virtual-reality intertwined world by computer vision techniques. However, the basic techniques cannot handle complex large-scale scenes, tackle real-time occlusion, and render virtual objects in augmented reality. Therefore, this paper studies potential solutions, such as visual SLAM and image segmentation, that can address these challenges in the augmented reality visualizations. This paper provides a review of advanced visual SLAM and image segmentation techniques for augmented reality. In addition, applications of machine learning techniques for improving augmented reality are presented