33,226 research outputs found

    Harmony and integration: The core of Woolf’s truth: A brief analysis of “wedge-shaped core of darkness” in to the 'lighthouse

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    Based on the principal theories and previous studies about Virginia Woolf and her work, considering Woolf’s view about life and writing, this paper attempts to explore the life philosophy of Virginia Woolf about truth and reality by analyzing the symbolic meaning of the image of “wedge-shaped core of darkness” in To the Lighthouse, which appears once in Chapter 11 of the book, but could be the very symbol to demonstrate Woolf’s inward understanding of truth and reality

    The Search for God: Virginia Woolf and Caroline Emelia Stephen

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    As a Modernist follower of radical individualism, Virginia Woolf is thought to be antipathetic to religious thought; Woolf’s own spirituality, however, is certainly more complicated than most critics have allowed, especially in light of the influence of her aunt, Caroline Emelia Stephen, a well-known Quaker mystic and writer who rejected the established church in favor of a less traditional version of Christianity. The intellectual relationship between niece and aunt has been little discussed; aside from Jane Marcus’s “The Niece of a Nun: Caroline Stephen and the Cloistered Imagination” and Alison Lewis’s “A Quaker Influence on Modern English Literature: Caroline Stephen and her Niece, Virginia Woolf,” few critics seem to have considered the implications of Stephen’s influence on Woolf’s works and ideas

    Virginia Woolf: moments of being

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    Put before the labyrinth and proliferation of critical perspectives, studies and readings on Virginia Woolf, entangled in articulations of teleologies and epistemologies, the critic faces a question: from where should she/he start writing, on what and from which critical perspective? These were the circumstances that dictated my choice of writing on “A Sketch of the Past”, published in Moments of Being – A Collection of Autobiographical Writing, (1976, 1985) and of analysing the narrative strategies used by the author to tell herself, to construct her identity and power, giving voice and authority to herself as a discursive formation


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    The purpose of this research was to find the depression symptoms of Virginia Woolf as the author portrayed in the characters Septimus Warren Smith and Clarissa Dalloway in Mrs Dalloway novel. It could be seen from the analysis of the data from biographical information of Virginia Woolf, narrations and utterances of the major characters Septimus and Clarissa. In order to determine the depression symptoms, Beck’s cognitive theory of depression was used in this research. This research belonged to qualitative method. The data sources were Mrs Dalloway novel and the biographies of Virginia Woolf. The data were the biographical information of Virginia Woolf, narrations and utterances in the novel refers to Woolf’s depression symptoms portrayed in the characters Septimus and Clarissa. The finding showed the depression symptoms of Virginia Woolf as were portrayed in Septimus such as negative expectation, self blame and self criticism, paralysis of the will, avoidance, escapist, and withdrawal wishes, suicidal wishes, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance, loss of libido, and hallucination.Meanwhile, the depression symptoms that were portrayed in Clarissa such as dejected mood, negative feeling toward self, low self evaluation, delusion of worthlessness, and suicidal wishes

    Humanidades médicas e psiquiatria : um estudo de caso das obras de Virginia Woolf

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    Essa dissertação é uma tentativa de integrar os resultados conceituais e empíricos de pesquisas contempoâneas acerca do transtorno bipolar e dos resultados do estudo da biografia da escritora Virginia Woolf e de seus materiais escritos (romances, ensaios, poemas, cartas) que ela produziu durante a sua vida. Essa dissertação examina as relações entre os fatores do transtorno bipolar de Virginia Woolf e a progressão da sua condição mental, a qual culminou com o seu suicídio. A incidência do transtorno bipolar, bem como de experiências traumáticas e do suicídio entre indíviduos criativos e reflexivos, especialmente escritores e poetas é discutida, utilizando Virginia Woolf como um exemplo e um parâmetro.This dissertation is an attempt to integrate conceptual and empirical contemporary research results on bipolar disease and the results of a study on the biography of Virginia Woolf and the written materials (novels, essays, poems, letters, etc.) she produced during her life. It examines the links between the environmental factors of Virginia Woolf’s bipolar disease and the progression of her mental condition which ended with her suicide. The incidence of bipolar disease, trauma experiences and suicide among creative and selfreflective individuals, specially writers and poets, is discussed, using Virginia Woolf as an example and a parameter

    Gender and translation: spanish translation of Virginia Woolf's Orlando, by Jorge Luis Borges

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    RESUMEN: Jorge Luis Borges tradujo al español la novela Orlando: A Biography, escrita por Virginia Woolf, nueve años después de la publicación, en 1928. En la obra, Virginia Woolf buscaba trazar un camino que conllevaría a la perfecta armonía de los dos sexos en la mente. No obstante, la traducción del argentino presenta una serie de cambios que permiten examinar el carácter personal que el traductor le imprimió a su traducción, como reflejo de su ideología patriarcal, consciente o inconsciente.ABSTRACT: Jorge Luis Borges translated into Spanish Orlando: A Biography, written by Virginia Woolf, nine years after its publication, in 1928. In the novel, Virginia Woolf sought to chart a path that would lead to a perfect harmony between the two sexes in the mind. However, the translation of the Argentine author has a number of changes that allows us to examine the personal character that he gave to his translation as a reflection of his conscious or unconscious covert patriarchal ideology

    Virginia Woolf

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    Who’s afraid of Virginia Woolf? Readers’ responses to experimental techniques of speech, thought and consciousness presentation in Woolf’s To the Lighthouse and Mrs Dalloway

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    Woolf’s work has been the object of several studies concerned with her experimental use of techniques of speech, thought and consciousness presentation. These investigated the way in which different perspectives coexist and alternate in her writing, suggesting that the use of such techniques often results in ambiguous perspective shifts. However, there is hardly any empirical evidence as to whether readers experience difficulty while reading her narratives as a result of these narrative techniques. This article examines empirically readers’ responses to extracts from Woolf’s two major novels – To the Lighthouse and Mrs Dalloway – to provide evidence to whether Woolf’s techniques for the presentation of characters’ voices, thoughts and perspectives represent a challenge for readers. To achieve this, a mixed-methods approach that combines a stylistic analysis with a detailed questionnaire has been employed. Selected extracts that were hypothesised to be complex due to the presence of free indirect style and/or interior monologue were modified by substituting these with less ambiguous modes of consciousness presentation, such as direct speech or direct thought. Readers’ responses to the modified and unmodified versions of the same extracts were compared: results show that the presence of free indirect style and/or interior monologue increases the number of perspectives identified by readers, suggesting that this technique increases the texts’ difficulty, laying a more solid ground for future investigations

    Arrels sota l'aigua : la meva experiència com a traductora de Virginia Woolf

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    Entre els actes, de Virginia Woolf, publicada l'any 1989, en traducció de Marta Pera, és l'última novel·la que va escriure l'autora, i la va acabar dies abans de suïcidar-se, en una atmosfera de guerra imminent. Tant per la forma experimental com per les estratègies literàries i els temes que tracta, aquesta novel·la és alhora un compendi de l'obra de l'autora i una porta oberta a noves possibilitats de creació literària que, malauradament, Virginia Woolf no va poder experimentar. La traductora ens parla de la gènesi de la traducció i de la seva lectura d'Entre els actes.Entre els actes, Virginia Woolf's Between the acts (1941), translated into Catalan by Marta Pera and published in 1989, is the last novel written by Virginia Woolf. She finished it days before committing suicide in an atmosphere of imminent war. Because of its experimental form and its literary strategies, the book is both a compendium of the work of the author and an open door to new possibilities in literary creation that, unfortunately, Virginia Woolf was not able to fully experience in her life time. The translator tells us about the genesis of this translation and about her own reading of Between the acts

    The portrait of a male artist as a young woman : Virginia Woolf and the asexual writer in the modernist tradition

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    Throughout most of her novels, Virginia Woolf enquired into the nature of art produced by women. She sought to articulate a discourse about female aesthetics. The aim of this paper is to look into the portrayal of the female artist in Virginia Woolf's novels in contrast with the male artistes, and justify why these portraits often appear to the reader as almost devoid of gender labels. In order to study this question, closer attention is paid to the main female and male artist characters in Virginia Woolf's novels 'To the Lighthouse' (1927) and 'The Voyage Out' (1915)A través de la majoria de les seves novel·les, la Virginia Woolf investiga sobre la naturalesa del art creat per les dones. L'escriptora britànica va investigar com articular un discurs sobre l'estètica femenina. L'objectiu d'aquest article és estudiar la representació de la dona artista a les novel·les de la Virginia Woolf en contrast amb els homes artistes, i justificar per què aquests retrats sovint apareixen pel lector casi desproveïts d'etiquetes de gènere. A fi d'estudiar aquesta qüestió, es presta especial atenció als principals personatges dones i homes artistes a les obres de la Virginia Woolf 'To the Lighthouse' (1927) i 'The Voyage Out' (1915
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