11 research outputs found

    On the dynamics of a viral marketing model with optimal control using indirect and direct methods

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    The complexity of optimal control problems requires the use of numerical methods to compute control and optimal state trajectories for a dynamical system, aiming to optimize a particular performance index. Considering a real viral advertisement, this article compares the dynamics of a viral marketing epidemic model with optimal control under different cost scenarios and from two perspectives: using numerical methods based on the Pontryagin's Maximum Principle (indirect methods) and methods that treat the optimal control problem as a nonlinear constrained optimization problem (direct methods). Based on the trade-off between the maximization of information spreading and the minimization of the costs associated with it, an optimal control problem is formulated and studied. The existence and uniqueness of the solution are proved. Our results show not only that the cost of implementing control policies is a crucial parameter for the spreading of marketing messages, but also that low investment costs in control strategies fulfill the proposed trade-off without compromising the financial capacity of a company.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia), through CIDMA – Center for Research and Development in Mathematics and Applications, within project UID/MAT/04106/2013; and through Algoritmi R&D Center, under COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/20

    Finding influential users for different time bounds in social networks using multi-objective optimization

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    Online social networks play an important role in marketing services. Influence maximization is a major challenge, in which the goal is to find the most influential users in a social network. Increasing the number of influenced users at the end of a diffusion process while decreasing the time of diffusion are two main objectives of the influence maximization problem. The goal of this paper is to find multiple sets of influential users such that each of them is the best set to spread influence for a specific time bound. Considering two conflicting objectives, increasing influence and decreasing diffusion time, we employ the NSGA-II algorithm which is a powerful algorithm in multi-objective optimization to find different seed sets with high influence at different diffusion times. Since social networks are large, computing influence and diffusion time of all chromosomes in each iteration will be challenging and computationally expensive. Therefore, we propose two methods which can estimate the expected influence and diffusion time of a seed set in an efficient manner. Providing the set of all potentially optimal solutions helps a decision maker evaluate the trade-offs between the two objectives, i.e., the number of influenced users and diffusion time. In addition, we develop an approach for selecting seed sets, which have optimal influence for specific time bounds, from the resulting Pareto front of the NSGA-II. Finally, we show that applying our algorithm to real social networks outperforms existing algorithms for the influence maximization problem. The results show a good compromise between the two objectives and the final seed sets result in high influence for different time bounds

    Marketing viral: Aplicación y tendencias

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    The purpose of this document is to explore the intellectual structure of Viral Marketing, its evolution and research trends. To this end, using scientometric techniques and tools, an analysis of citations was made, based on 188 publications on the subject, from 2000 to 2020, in the Web of Science database. This article identifies three sub-areas that have emerged from the literature. The first one focused on the factors that generate influence in the consumers' decision making, when interacting with the content generated by the company. The second explores how viral marketing has been enhanced by the advent of social networks. Finally, the third one studies the use of influencers as a dynamic element in campaigns of this type. This work explores the intersection between the discipline of marketing and the use of social networks, especially as the latter are an element for the propagation of the messages of companies and consumers.El propósito de este documento es explorar la estructura intelectual del Marketing Viral, su evolución y tendencias de investigación. Para ello, a partir de técnicas y herramientas de la cienciometría se efectuó un análisis de citaciones, a partir de 188 publicaciones realizadas en el tema, desde el año 2000 hasta el 2020, en la base de datos Web of Science. Este artículo identifica tres subáreas que han emergido de la literatura. La primera enfocada a los factores que generan influencia en la toma de decisiones de los consumidores, cuando se interactúa con el contenido generado por la empresa. La segunda, explora cómo el Marketing Viral se ha visto potenciado a partir de la llegada de las redes sociales. Finalmente, la tercera, estudia el uso de influenciadores como elemento dinamizador de las campañas de este tipo. Este trabajo, explora la intersección entre la disciplina de marketing y el uso de las redes sociales, en especial, como estas últimas son un elemento para la propagación de los mensajes de las compañías y de los consumidores

    Marketing Communication of the Brand

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    Hlavním záměrem diplomové práce je odhalení nedostatků marketingové komunikace značky ABC a následné vypracování návrhů na zlepšení. Teoretická část práce obsahuje poznatky z oblasti marketingu potřebné k pochopení tématu a jeho analýze v další části práce. V analytické části jsou provedeny analýzy vnitřního a vnějšího prostředí a analýza předešlých propagačních kampaní značky. Na základě poznatků z analytické části jsou navrhnuty změny a doporučení v marketingové komunikaci značky.The main aim of the thesis is to reveal shortcomings of marketing communications of the brand ABC and to develop proposals for improvement.The theoretical part contains knowledge of marketing necessary for proper processing of other parts of the thesis. There are analyzes internal and external environment and analysis of previous promotional campaign signs in the analytical part. Based on the findings of the analytical part there are suggested changes and recommendations in marketing communications of the brand. Klíčová

    Desenvolvimento regional e sustentabilidade: revisão sistemática e análise bibliométrica

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    El propósito de este trabajo es realizar una revisión sistemática y análisis bibliométrico de publicaciones sobre el desarrollo regional y la sostenibilidad, dos conceptos cada vez más importantes en los foros económicos, ambientales, sociales y académicos de todos los países del mundo. Se realiza bajo el concepto de cartografía científica, utilizando la bibliometría para observar las interrelaciones entre disciplinas, campos, profesiones o documentos. Para esto, se desarrollaron dos etapas: análisis bibliométrico y análisis de redes. Primero, se llevó a cabo una búsqueda WoS y se revisaron los indicadores bibliométricos. En el segundo paso, con la información y las referencias bibliográficas del primer paso, se construye la red a través del análisis de las cocitaciones, comparado con la similitud del árbol. Estos documentos se dividen en tres categorías: la raíz del documento fuente (denominados hegemónicos o clásicos); la columna vertebral del documento involucrado en el desarrollo del conocimiento actual de la materia (denominados tronco o estructurales); y la recopilación de las últimas novedades (denominadas hojas o perspectivas de trabajo del documento). Finalmente, se presentan tres perspectivas identificadas en los siguientes campos de la investigación: planeación y desarrollo territorial; evaluación y ecosistemas; China y el urbanismo

    Developing a Viral Marketing Model for Online Businesses Using a Mixed Method Approach

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    Abstract:The purpose is identifying the components and developing inner relationships between viral marketing components in online business. The research statistical population comprises of 15 individuals in three generations of X, Y and Z in the qualitative section, and 460 online customers in the quantitative section. in the qualitative section used the projection technique (word association, sentence completion, and visioning exercises) which is performed as an in-depth interview. Via MAXQDA software and in the quantitative section, 12 experts were employed to indicate Lawshe's index and from SPSS for exploratory factor analysis and inner relationships of identified components were specified and tested according to the DEMATEL technique and MATLAB and AMOS software. Validity and reliability in the qualitative part due to continuous conflict, use of integration in research, valid researcher review and in quantitative part of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to measure validity with AMOS software and Cronbach's alpha method with SPSS software to measure reliability Used. Findings in the qualitative section indicate 6 new components in the field of viral marketing included: online support, online products, online attractiveness, online risk, online appeal and online trust. The results by using DEMATEL and SEM also showed that viral marketing model in online businesses is such that there are relationships between online support and online appeal, online appeal and online persuasion, online appeal and online trust, and online trust and online risk-taking, whereas there are no relationships between online services and online appeal, and online persuasion and online risk-taking

    Legion business plan: an online clothes company

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    The thesis is a business plan for an existing Portuguese brand called Legion. Legion is a clothing brand focused on selling upper wear for young boys and girls. As a brand directed to young people, Legion's business plan focuses on digital ways to connect with the target. The project begins with the literature review. This theoretical background will support the basis of the reasoning behind the brand's decisions. It has 6 crucial chapters which relate with the brand's course of action and ideas. After placing the reader in perspective, the core of the business plan begins. The first look up is for the external analysis. It is where the external overview is scrutinised starting off by the textile industry, then PEST analysis, competition analysis and then the 5 forces of Porter. After the bigger picture, it will be analysed the internal analysis starting with the description of the brand. As a primary approach, the brand is described and explained on the first chapters as well as Legion's vision, mission and values. Afterwards is the SWOT analysis, which will allow the reader to understand overall internal situation of the brand. With that as a basis, with both analysis in mind, starts the marketing strategy. On this section it is evaluated the STP and the marketing mix. Finally, the finances of the brand are dissected. The financial plan consists on Legion's results and what can be projected on the future. This action is crucial to perceive the feasibility of the business plan.A presente tese é um plano de negócios para a existente marca de roupa portuguesa, Legion. Legion é uma marca focada na venda de artigos de roupa para a parte superior do corpo para jovens rapazes e raparigas. Como marca jovem direcionada aos jovens, o plano de negócios da Legion foca-se no digital. Consequentemente, o canal prioritário será através do e-commerce. A revisão da literatura é o primeiro passo. Esta base teórica apoiará a base do raciocínio por trás das decisões da marca. Possui 6 capítulos cruciais relacionados ao curso de ação e às ideias da marca. Posteriormente, para entender melhor a análise externa, há uma visão geral do mercado com a análise do setor. Com isso, a visão externa é examinada através da analise da industria, análise PEST, análise da concorrência e por fim com as 5 forças de Porter. O projeto continua com a análise interna. A marca é descrita e explicada nos primeiros capítulos desta análise, bem como a visão, missão e valores. Depois de colocar o leitor em perspetiva passamos para o próximo passo deste plano de negócios com a análise SWOT. Com as estas análises em mente, dá-se início à estratégia de marketing. Nesta seção, são avaliados o STP e o marketing-mix. No final do projeto as finanças da marca são dissecadas. O plano financeiro consiste no que a Legion tem vindo a fazer e no que pode ser projetado no futuro. Essa ação é crucial para perceber a viabilidade do plano de negócios

    Time-sensitive influence maximization in social networks

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    One of the fundamental issues in social networks is the influence maximization problem, where the goal is to identify a small subset of individuals such that they can trigger the largest number of members in the network. In real-world social networks, the propagation of information from a node to another may incur a certain amount of time delay; moreover, the value of information may decrease over time. So not only the coverage size, but also the propagation speed matters. In this paper, we propose the Time-Sensitive Influence Maximization (TSIM) problem, which takes into account the time dependence of the information value. Considering the time delay aspect, we develop two diffusion models, namely the Delayed Independent Cascade model and the Delayed Linear Threshold model. We show that the TSIM problem is NP-hard under these models but the spread function is monotone and submodular. Thus, a greedy approximation algorithm can achieve a 1 − 1/e approximation ratio. Moreover, we propose two time-sensitive centrality measures and compare their performance with the greedy algorithm.We evaluate our methods on four real-world datasets. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithms outperform existing methods, which ignore the decay of information value over time

    Guerrilla marketing on social media

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    Mestrado em MarketingNa atualidade, o mercado encontra-se saturado de múltiplas mensagens divulgadas pelos vários meios de comunicação, o que dificulta a tarefa das marcas atraírem a atenção dos consumidores. O marketing de guerrilha surge como uma solução a este problema de comunicação, um método inovador face ao conteúdo e aos meios de transmissão da mensagem ao público. Este recurso utiliza as vantagens das redes sociais aliadas à criatividade, permitindo captar a atenção dos consumidores e estreitar relações com os mesmos, com um investimento reduzido. O presente estudo procura compreender o impacto que o marketing de guerrilha nas redes sociais, neste caso no Facebook, tem na relação do consumidor com a marca, nomeadamente os fatores que levam os consumidores a interagir com conteúdos de guerrilha, e o impacto que estes conteúdos têm na imagem da marca. Foi adotada uma metodologia de pesquisa mista, iniciada com a realização de grupos de discussão, a que se seguiu um inquérito por questionário. Os resultados obtidos revelam que a interação entre consumidor e marca apresenta uma forte associação com as características do conteúdo publicado no Facebook. Verifica-se que conteúdos de guerrilha divertidos e que apelam ao humor potenciam o relacionamento com os consumidores, aumentando a interação. Contrariamente, conteúdos de guerrilha considerados ofensivos geram reações negativas por parte dos consumidores, além de apresentarem níveis de interação bastante reduzidos. A pesquisa mostra também que o perfil de cada utilizador se encontra associado ao nível de interação. Utilizadores que acedem frequentemente ao Facebook demonstram uma maior tendência para interagir com conteúdos de guerrilha. Complementarmente, as características do conteúdo de guerrilha apresentaram também uma forte associação com a imagem da marca. Conclui-se que conteúdos de guerrilha divertidos influenciam positivamente a imagem da marca, enquanto que os ofensivos tendem a influenciar a imagem da marca de forma negativa.Nowadays the market is saturated by never ending messages issued through the media which makes attracting customers a difficult task for the brands. Guerrilla marketing emerges as a solution to this communication problem by offering an innovator method given the content and the transmission paths of a message to the public. This resource allies creativity to social networks allowing catching customers’ eyes and strengthen the relationship with them while having a reduced investment. This study seeks to understand the impact guerrilla marketing on social networks, in this case Facebook, has on the relationship of the customer with a brand, namely the factors that lead the customers to interact with guerrilla contents and the impact those contents have on the brand's image. A mixed method research was adopted, using first ocus groups and then a questionnaire. The results suggest that the interaction between customer and brand presents a strong relation with the characteristics of the content published on Facebook. It was found that funny guerrilla marketing contents appealing to humor enhance the relationship with customers, increasing the interaction. Opposing to this, contents considered offensive generate adverse reactions on customers as well as reduced interaction levels. The research also shows the user profile relates to the interaction level. Frequent Facebook users show a greater predisposition to interact with guerrilla marketing contents. Furthermore, the characteristics of the guerrilla marketing content present a strong association with the brand's image. Funny guerrilla content affects positively the brand's image while offensive ones tend to affect it negatively