13,730 research outputs found

    Dissemination of technology information through YouTube: a case of renewable energy technology

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    Internet video sharing has been used by scholars for two main purposes. First, it is for informal scholarly communication including teaching and academic conferences. Second, it is for engagement tool by contemporary society. Renewable energy technology has also been utilizing internet video sharing technology for those purposes. It is a promotional tool to disseminate information about the technology as well as a media for public engagement with renewable energy issues. This paper reviews how YouTube, the most popular internet video sharing website whose content is created and accessed publicly for free of charge, has been elaborated in scholarly publication in the various fields prior to showing how renewable energy is portrayed in YouTube. By using a hundred YouTube most viewed videos, this paper presents an in-depth and systematic measurement study on the characteristics of YouTube videos on renewable energy issues

    Development of CLIL activities for Primary Education: Energy and Matter

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    En la sociedad actual, donde la demanda de un sistema educativo plurilingüe y multicultural es cada vez mayor, el enfoque AICLE -Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras-se ha abierto paso. Se presenta como una metodología innovadora en la que la adquisición de la segunda lengua se da de forma natural. Debido a su gran capacidad educativa, cada vez son más los centros que apuestan por implementarlo en sus aulas, contribuyendo así a un cambio significativo en la enseñanza del inglés. En este trabajo se analizan los antecedentes y los cinco pilares fundamentales en los que se basa. Finalmente, se plantea un ejemplo de Unidad Didáctica para impartir Ciencias Naturales en el tercer curso de Educación Primaria.In today's society, where the demand for a multilingual and multicultural educational system is increasing, the CLIL approach -Content and Language Integrated Learning- has made its way. It is presented as an innovative methodology in which the acquisition of the second language occurs naturally. Due to its great educational capacity, more centres are encouraged to implement it in their classrooms, thus contributing to a significant change in the teaching of English language. This essay analyses the antecedents and the five fundamental pillars on which it is based. Finally, it presents an example of a Didactic Unit to teach Natural Science in the third year of Primary Education.Graduado o Graduada en Maestro en Educación Primaria por la Universidad Pública de NavarraLehen Hezkuntzako Irakasletzan Graduatua Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa

    The Challenge of Digital Transition in Engineering. A Solution Made from a European Collaborative Network of Remote Laboratories Based on Renewable Energies Technology

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    Society currently faces two crucial challenges: digital transition and energy transition. Educative innovation plays a key role in this challenging scenario, particularly engineering careers, where laboratory practices are as important as theoretical classes. This paper presents a standardized training platform supported by five European universities which include a remote laboratory experience. Each university is responsible for developing a training module under the guidance provided by the responsible entity (University of Huelva, Spain). For this purpose, the University of Huelva has implemented a remote laboratory based on a supercapacitor power bank. The rest of the universities have selected any other renewable source and have replicated the information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure. The result is a European network materialized on a homogenized platform where teachers and students can find all the teaching materials (theory and practice) to train and to be trained in renewable energy matters in the new digital era.This research was funded by Erasmus+ Programme, grant number Ref. 2020-1-IT02-KA226-HE-095424 RE-OPEN project; ERASMUS+ Programme 2020-KA2; and the APC was funded by Ref. 2020-1-IT02-KA226-HE-095424 RE-OPEN project, founded by ERASMUS+ Programme 2020-KA2

    A novel approach of multimedia instruction applications in engineering education

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    Effective use of educational technology depends on knowledge of why and how to utilize technology to solve teaching and learning problems. The present study first conducts a systematic literature review of the limited studies undertaken on multimedia instruction applications for engineering education to critique the current status of knowledge in this area. The conventional qualitative content analysis method was employed for data analysis. The results highlighted the incompatibility of three basic educational elements i.e. engineering curriculum, educational resources and engineering students’ learning characteristics all of which posed major challenges in teaching and learning engineering courses. Multimedia instruction enhances engineering students’ understanding of engineering concepts, procedures, problems and solutions through direct visualization. Furthermore, it could indirectly assist students in achieving higher order learning levels and skills through enhancing or supporting educational resources and increasing students’ motivation. Mobile multimedia instruction and a student-generated multimedia learning approach to improve engineering education are suggested for future research

    Carbon management strategy for schools

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