359,649 research outputs found

    Applications of Soft Computing in Mobile and Wireless Communications

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    Soft computing is a synergistic combination of artificial intelligence methodologies to model and solve real world problems that are either impossible or too difficult to model mathematically. Furthermore, the use of conventional modeling techniques demands rigor, precision and certainty, which carry computational cost. On the other hand, soft computing utilizes computation, reasoning and inference to reduce computational cost by exploiting tolerance for imprecision, uncertainty, partial truth and approximation. In addition to computational cost savings, soft computing is an excellent platform for autonomic computing, owing to its roots in artificial intelligence. Wireless communication networks are associated with much uncertainty and imprecision due to a number of stochastic processes such as escalating number of access points, constantly changing propagation channels, sudden variations in network load and random mobility of users. This reality has fuelled numerous applications of soft computing techniques in mobile and wireless communications. This paper reviews various applications of the core soft computing methodologies in mobile and wireless communications

    Biological processes and links to the physics

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    Analysis of the temporal and spatial variability of biological processes and identification of the main variables that drive the dynamic regime of marine ecosystems is complex. Correlation between physical variables and long-term changes in ecosystems has routinely been identified, but the specific mechanisms involved remain often unclear. Reasons for this could be various: the ecosystem can be very sensitive to the seasonal timing of the anomalous physical forcing; the ecosystem can be contemporaneously influenced by many physical variables and the ecosystem can generate intrinsic variability on climate time scales. Marine ecosystems are influenced by a variety of physical factors, e.g., light, temperature, transport, turbulence. Temperature has a fundamental forcing function in biology, with direct influences on rate processes of organisms and on the distribution of mobile species that have preferred temperature ranges. Light and transport also affect the physiology and distribution of marine organisms. Small-scale turbulence determines encounter between larval fish and their prey and additionally influences the probability of successful pursuit and ingestion. The impact of physical forcing variations on biological processes is studied through long-term observations, process studies, laboratory experiments, retrospective analysis of existing data sets and modelling. This manuscript reviews the diversity of physical influences on biological processes, marine organisms and ecosystems and their variety of responses to physical forcing with special emphasis on the dynamics of zooplankton and fish stocks

    The HPx software for multicomponent reactive transport during variably-saturated flow: Recent developments and applications

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    Abstract HPx is a multicomponent reactive transport model which uses HYDRUS as the flow and transport solver and PHREEQC-3 as the biogeochemical solver. Some recent adaptations have significantly increased the flexibility of the software for different environmental and engineering applications. This paper gives an overview of the most significant changes of HPx, such as coupling transport properties to geochemical state variables, gas diffusion, and transport in two and three dimensions. OpenMP allows for parallel computing using shared memory. Enhancements for scripting may eventually simplify input definitions and create possibilities for defining templates for generic (sub)problems. We included a discussion of root solute uptake and colloid-affected solute transport to show that most or all of the comprehensive features of HYDRUS can be extended with geochemical information. Finally, an example is used to demonstrate how HPx, and similar reactive transport models, can be helpful in implementing different factors relevant for soil organic matter dynamics in soils. HPx offers a unique framework to couple spatial-temporal variations in water contents, temperatures, and water fluxes, with dissolved organic matter and CO2 transport, as well as bioturbation processes

    A Framework for Evaluating Model-Driven Self-adaptive Software Systems

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    In the last few years, Model Driven Development (MDD), Component-based Software Development (CBSD), and context-oriented software have become interesting alternatives for the design and construction of self-adaptive software systems. In general, the ultimate goal of these technologies is to be able to reduce development costs and effort, while improving the modularity, flexibility, adaptability, and reliability of software systems. An analysis of these technologies shows them all to include the principle of the separation of concerns, and their further integration is a key factor to obtaining high-quality and self-adaptable software systems. Each technology identifies different concerns and deals with them separately in order to specify the design of the self-adaptive applications, and, at the same time, support software with adaptability and context-awareness. This research studies the development methodologies that employ the principles of model-driven development in building self-adaptive software systems. To this aim, this article proposes an evaluation framework for analysing and evaluating the features of model-driven approaches and their ability to support software with self-adaptability and dependability in highly dynamic contextual environment. Such evaluation framework can facilitate the software developers on selecting a development methodology that suits their software requirements and reduces the development effort of building self-adaptive software systems. This study highlights the major drawbacks of the propped model-driven approaches in the related works, and emphasise on considering the volatile aspects of self-adaptive software in the analysis, design and implementation phases of the development methodologies. In addition, we argue that the development methodologies should leave the selection of modelling languages and modelling tools to the software developers.Comment: model-driven architecture, COP, AOP, component composition, self-adaptive application, context oriented software developmen

    Influence of palaeoweathering on trace metal concentrations and environmental proxies in black shales

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    The mineralogical and chemical compositions of Lower Carboniferous (Tournaisian) marine black shale from the Kowala quarry, the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland, were investigated. This study focuses on disturbances in palaeoenvironmental proxies caused by palaeoweathering, which progressively changed the major and trace element abundances. Palaeomagnetic investigations reveal that the Devonian – Carboniferous succession was weathered during the Permian-Triassic by the infiltration of oxidizing fluids related to karstification following post-Variscan exhumation. The weathering process led to vermiculitization of chlorite, partial dissolution of calcite and replacement of pyrite by hematite and goethite. Moreover, the concentrations of some trace metals, including Co, Cu, Pb, Mo, Ni, As and U, significantly decreased. Consequently, some elemental abundance ratios that are used as environmental proxies, including U/Th, Ni/Co and V/Cr, were altered. Elements that are bound to iron sulphides (e.g., Mo) appear to be especially prone to mobilization by even a lightly weathered black shale. The documented weathering, including changes in elemental concentrations, can potentially create misinterpretations of the original palaeoenvironmental conditions. In addition, the palaeoweathering of the studied samples appears to have substantially changed the carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and molybdenum stable isotope values. The nitrogen and molybdenum stable isotope ratios, in particular, appear to be most sensitive to the effects of weathering and therefore are good indicators of (palaeo)weathering processes. The major cause of these changes is the decay of organic matter and pyrite. For the organic carbon stable isotopes ratios, the main factor that controlls this process appears to be the preferential degradation of labile organic matter. A combination of the total organic carbon (TOC), total sulphur (TS) content, Mo concentration and stable isotope compositions seems to be the most useful for identify (palaeo)weathering. Our results suggest that reductions in TS and Mo in tandem with diminished Mo stable isotope values in the absence of obvious changes to the TOC content provide the most compelling evidence of (palaeo)weathering

    A review of urban climatology

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    The review attempts to elucidate the history of interest and the developing research work done in the field of urban climatology, with special emphasis on temperature. References are made to the works of certain researchers whose publications have not yet been translated into the English language. The reference list is by no means complete but contains most of the important works in this field

    Hydrogen-Related Conversion Processes of Ge-Related Point Defects in Silica Triggered by UV Laser Irradiation

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    The conversion processes of Ge-related point defects triggered in amorphous SiO2 by 4.7eV laser exposure were investigated. Our study has focused on the interplay between the (=Ge•-H) H(II) center and the twofold coordinated Ge defect (=Ge••). The former is generated in the post-irradiation stage, while the latter decays both during and after exposure. The post-irradiation decay kinetics of =Ge•• is isolated and found to be anti-correlated to the growth of H(II), at least at short times. From this finding it is suggested that both processes are due to trapping of radiolytic H0 at the diamagnetic defect site. Furthermore, the anti-correlated behavior is preserved also under repeated irradiation: light at 4.7eV destroys the already formed H(II) centers and restore their precursors =Ge••. This process leads to repeatability of the post-irradiation kinetics of the two species after multiple laser exposures. A comprehensive scheme of chemical reactions explaining the observed post-irradiation processes is proposed and tested against experimental data.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Modeling adaptation with a tuple-based coordination language

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    In recent years, it has been argued that systems and applications, in order to deal with their increasing complexity, should be able to adapt their behavior according to new requirements or environment conditions. In this paper, we present a preliminary investigation aiming at studying how coordination languages and formal methods can contribute to a better understanding, implementation and usage of the mechanisms and techniques for adaptation currently proposed in the literature. Our study relies on the formal coordination language Klaim as a common framework for modeling some adaptation techniques, namely the MAPE-K loop, aspect- and context-oriented programming

    Modeling Adaptation with Klaim

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    In recent years, it has been argued that systems and applications, in order to deal with their increasing complexity, should be able to adapt their behavior according to new requirements or environment conditions. In this paper, we present an investigation aiming at studying how coordination languages and formal methods can contribute to a better understanding, implementation and use of the mechanisms and techniques for adaptation currently proposed in the literature. Our study relies on the formal coordination language Klaim as a common framework for modeling some well-known adaptation techniques: the IBM MAPE-K loop, the Accord component-based framework for architectural adaptation, and the aspect- and context-oriented programming paradigms. We illustrate our approach through a simple example concerning a data repository equipped with an automated cache mechanism