308 research outputs found

    UNDERSEA : An Exemplar for Engineering Self-Adaptive Unmanned Underwater Vehicles

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    Recent advances in embedded systems and underwater communications raised the autonomy levels in unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs) from human-driven and scripted to adaptive and self-managing. UUVs can execute longer and more challenging missions, and include functionality that enables adaptation to unexpected oceanic or vehicle changes. As such, the simulated UUV exemplar UNDERSEA introduced in our paper facilitates the development, evaluation and comparison of self-adaptation solutions in a new and important application domain. UNDERSEA comes with predefined oceanic surveillance UUV missions, adaptation scenarios, and a reference controller implementation, all of which can easily be extended or replaced

    State-of-the-Art System Solutions for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles

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    Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) have gained popularity for the last decades, especially for the purpose of not risking human life in dangerous operations. On the other hand, underwater environment introduces numerous challenges in navigation, control and communication of such vehicles. Certainly, this fact makes the development of these vehicles more interesting and engineering-wise more attractive. In this paper, we first revisit the existing technology and methodology for the solution of aforementioned problems, then we try to come up with a system solution of a generic unmanned underwater vehicles

    Análisis de riesgo de vehículos submarinos no tripulados

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    To know the different missions that the UUV can carry out. To Know the operation of Glider vehicles. Analyze the different methodologies available for UUV risk assessment (equipment failure, collisions with other objects, human failures, etc.). Analyze real data of the mission of a Glider in a hypothetical scenario from deep water to shallow water. Final conclusions about the study. Conocer los distintas misiones que pueden realizar los UUV Conocer el funcionamiento de los vehículos tipo Glider Analizar las distintas metodologías existentes para la valoración del riesgo en UUV (Fallo equipos, colisiones con otros objetos, fallos humanos, etc.) Analizar datos reales de misiones realizadas por Glider en un hipotético escenario desde aguas profundas a aguas someras. Obtener conclusiones finales sobre el estudio.Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Naval y OceánicaUniversidad Politécnica de Cartagen

    Underwater Robots Part I: Current Systems and Problem Pose

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    International audienceThis paper constitutes the first part of a general overview of underwater robotics. The second part is titled: Underwater Robots Part II: existing solutions and open issues

    Disruptive Technologies with Applications in Airline & Marine and Defense Industries

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    Disruptive Technologies With Applications in Airline, Marine, Defense Industries is our fifth textbook in a series covering the world of Unmanned Vehicle Systems Applications & Operations On Air, Sea, and Land. The authors have expanded their purview beyond UAS / CUAS / UUV systems that we have written extensively about in our previous four textbooks. Our new title shows our concern for the emergence of Disruptive Technologies and how they apply to the Airline, Marine and Defense industries. Emerging technologies are technologies whose development, practical applications, or both are still largely unrealized, such that they are figuratively emerging into prominence from a background of nonexistence or obscurity. A Disruptive technology is one that displaces an established technology and shakes up the industry or a ground-breaking product that creates a completely new industry.That is what our book is about. The authors think we have found technology trends that will replace the status quo or disrupt the conventional technology paradigms.The authors have collaborated to write some explosive chapters in Book 5:Advances in Automation & Human Machine Interface; Social Media as a Battleground in Information Warfare (IW); Robust cyber-security alterative / replacement for the popular Blockchain Algorithm and a clean solution for Ransomware; Advanced sensor technologies that are used by UUVs for munitions characterization, assessment, and classification and counter hostile use of UUVs against U.S. capital assets in the South China Seas. Challenged the status quo and debunked the climate change fraud with verifiable facts; Explodes our minds with nightmare technologies that if they come to fruition may do more harm than good; Propulsion and Fuels: Disruptive Technologies for Submersible Craft Including UUVs; Challenge the ammunition industry by grassroots use of recycled metals; Changing landscape of UAS regulations and drone privacy; and finally, Detailing Bioterrorism Risks, Biodefense, Biological Threat Agents, and the need for advanced sensors to detect these attacks.https://newprairiepress.org/ebooks/1038/thumbnail.jp

    Evaluation of an acoustic detection algorithm for reactive collision avoidance in underwater applications

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    Thesis (S.B.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2013.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (page 33).This thesis sought to evaluate a vehicle detection algorithm based on a passive acoustic sensor, intended for autonomous collision avoidance in Unmanned Underwater Vehicles. By placing a hydrophone at a safe distance from a dock, it was possible to record the acoustic signature generated by a small motor boat as it navigated towards, and then away from the sensor. The time-varying sound intensity was estimated by Root Mean Square of the sound amplitude in discrete samples. The time-derivative of the sound intensity was then used to estimate the time to arrival, or collision, of the acoustic source. The algorithm was found to provide a good estimate of the time to collision, with a small standard deviation for the projected collision time, when the acoustic source was moving at approximately constant speed, providing validation of the model at the proof-of-concept level.by Oscar Alberto Viquez Rojas.S.B

    An acoustic remote sensing method for high-precision propeller rotation and speed estimation of unmanned underwater vehicles

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    Author Posting. © Acoustical Society of America, 2020. This article is posted here by permission of Acoustical Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 148(6), (2020): 3942-3950, https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0002954.Understanding the dominant sources of acoustic noise in unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs) is important for passively tracking these platforms and for designing quieter propulsion systems. This work describes how the vehicle's propeller rotation can be passively measured by the unique high frequency acoustic signature of a brushless DC motor propulsion system and compares this method to Detection of Envelope Modulation on Noise (DEMON) measurements. First, causes of high frequency tones were determined through direct measurements of two micro-UUVs and an isolated thruster at a range of speeds. From this analysis, common and dominant features of noise were established: strong tones at the motor's pulse-width modulated frequency and its second harmonic, with sideband spacings at the propeller rotation frequency multiplied by the poles of the motor. In shallow water field experiments, measuring motor noise was a superior method to the DEMON algorithm for estimating UUV speed. In negligible currents, and when the UUV turn-per-knot ratio was known, measuring motor noise produced speed predictions within the error range of the vehicle's inertial navigation system's reported speed. These findings are applicable to other vehicles that rely on brushless DC motors and can be easily integrated into passive acoustic systems for target motion analysis.This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research (Award No. N00014-17-1-2474), DARPA, the Draper Fellowship, and the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship Program.2021-06-2

    Multi-Uncrewed Underwater Vehicle (UUV) Optical Communication System Design

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    Over the past few decades the state of art of Uncrewed Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) has grown significantly, and one of the major challenges remains establishing reliable underwater communication among UUVs. This case is especially true in a multi-UUV setting where tethered communication is not an option. This research focuses on designing a cost-efficient, short distance optical communication system capable of supporting formation control of multiple UUVs. Although light attenuation underwater significantly degrades communication ranges, experimental results show that optical communication can achieve distances of almost 20 meters in clear water by utilizing a simple 10-Watt LED transmitter (with larger distances being tenable given more powerful light sources). Furthermore, a signal processing scheme and protocol is designed and tested. This scheme includes a timing sequence capable of supporting multiple UUVs, all utilizing the same transmitter wavelength and carrier frequency. This optical communication scheme is tested in air in a static three-node network. All nodes are able to send, receive and interpret digital packets at a speed of 5kbps. Although further fine-tuning of the system is required due to divergence angle limitations and timing inefficiencies, the experiments presented in this work show a successful proof-of-concept of a short distance multi-UUV optical communication syste

    Review on auto-depth control system for an unmanned underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV) using intelligent controller

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    This paper presents a review of auto-depth control system for an Unmanned Underwater Remotely operated Vehicle (ROV), focusing on the Artificial Intelligent Controller Techniques. Specifically, Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) is utilized in auto-depth control system for the ROV. This review covered recently published documents for auto-depth control of an Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV). This paper also describes the control issues in UUV especially for the ROV, which has inspired the authors to develop a new technique for auto-depth control of the ROV, called the SIFLC. This technique was the outcome of an investigation and tuning of two parameters, namely the break point and slope for the piecewise linear or slope for the linear approximation. Hardware comparison of the same concepts of ROV design was also discussed. The ROV design is for smallscale, open frame and lower speed. The review on auto-depth control system for ROV, provides insights for readers to design new techniques and algorithms for auto-depth control