24 research outputs found

    A speedy cardiovascular diseases classifier using multiple criteria decision analysis

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    Each year, some 30 percent of global deaths are caused by cardiovascular diseases. This figure is worsening due to both the increasing elderly population and severe shortages of medical personnel. The development of a cardiovascular diseases classifier (CDC) for auto-diagnosis will help address solve the problem. Former CDCs did not achieve quick evaluation of cardiovascular diseases. In this letter, a new CDC to achieve speedy detection is investigated. This investigation incorporates the analytic hierarchy process (AHP)-based multiple criteria decision analysis (MCDA) to develop feature vectors using a Support Vector Machine. The MCDA facilitates the efficient assignment of appropriate weightings to potential patients, thus scaling down the number of features. Since the new CDC will only adopt the most meaningful features for discrimination between healthy persons versus cardiovascular disease patients, a speedy detection of cardiovascular diseases has been successfully implemented

    GIS-based Geotechnical Microzonation Mapping using Analytic Hierarchy Process: A case study in Shire-Endasilasie City, Tigray, Northern Ethiopia

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    This study deals with the development of a Geographic Information System (GIS)-based geotechnical microzonation model/map using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for Shire-Endasilasie, a rapidly growing city in Tigray, northern Ethiopia. The influencing factors considered as inputs for the development of the model are (i) slope gradient, (ii) bed rock and soil type, (iii) swelling potential of soil and (iv) depth to groundwater level. The factors and the classes within each factor are assigned weight and rank values respectively. To avoid subjectivity, the assignment of weight and rank values and the analysis are done by the application of AHP method. From the weight and rank values of the layers, geotechnical suitability indices were calculated using a Weighted Linear Combination (WLC) model in GIS. These continuous numerical index values have been divided into different classes. The classification result implies that the less suitable zone represents the areas that require a detailed geotechnical investigation, the moderately suitable zone represents a provisional settlement area, and the suitable zone represents the areas that are best suitable for settlement.Keywords: GIS, Analytic Hierarchy Process; Geotechnical microzonation model; Foundation, Shire-Endasilasie,Tigray, Ethiopia

    Achieving matrix consistency in AHP through linearization

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    Matrices used in the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) compile expert knowledge as pair-wise comparisons among various criteria and alternatives in decision-making problems. Many items are usually considered in the same comparison process and so judgment is not completely consistent - and sometimes the level of consistency may be unacceptable. Different methods have been used in the literature to achieve consistency for an inconsistent matrix. In this paper we use a linearization technique that provides the closest consistent matrix to a given inconsistent matrix using orthogonal projection in a linear space. As a result, consistency can be achieved in a closed form. This is simpler and cheaper than for methods relying on optimisation, which are iterative by nature. We apply the process to a real-world decision-making problem in an important industrial context, namely, management of water supply systems regarding leakage policies - an aspect of water management to which great sums of money are devoted every year worldwide. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.This work has been performed under the support of the project IDAWAS, DPI2009-11591 of the Direccion General de Investigacion del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (Spain), with the supplementary support of ACOMP/2010/146 of the Conselleria d'Educacio of the Generalitat Valenciana, and the support given to the first author by the Spanish project MTM2010-18539. The use of English in this paper was revised by John Rawlins; and the revision was funded by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain.Benítez López, J.; Delgado Galván, XV.; Izquierdo Sebastián, J.; Pérez García, R. (2011). Achieving matrix consistency in AHP through linearization. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 35(9):4449-4457. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apm.2011.03.013S4449445735

    Expertise-based ranking of experts: An assessment level approach

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    The quality of a formal decision is influenced by the level of expertise of the decision makers (DMs). The composition of a team of DMs can change when new members join or old members leave, based on their ranking. In order to improve the quality of decisions, this ranking should be based on their demonstrated expertise. This paper proposes using the experts’ expertise levels, in terms of ‘the ability to differentiate consistently’, to determine their ranking, according to the level at which they assess alternatives. The expertise level is expressed using the CWS-Index (Cochran-Weiss-Shanteau), a ratio between Discrimination and Inconsistency. The experts give their evaluations using pairwise comparisons of Fuzzy Preference Relations with an Additive Consistency property. This property can be used to generate estimators, and replaces the repetition needed to obtain the CWS-Index. Finally, a numerical example is discussed to illustrate the model for producing expertise-based ranking of experts

    Consistent Clustering of Elements in Large Pairwise Comparison Matrices

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    [EN] In multi-attribute decision making the number of decision elements under consideration may be huge, especially for complex, real-world problems. Typically these elements are clustered and then the clusters organized hierarchically to reduce the number of elements to be simultaneously handled. These decomposition methodologies are intended to bring the problem within the cognitive ability of decision makers. However, such methodologies have disadvantages, and it may happen that such a priori clustering is not clear, and/or the problem has previously been addressed without any grouping action. This is the situation for the case study we address, in which a panel of experts gives opinions about the operation of 15 previously established district metered areas in a real water distribution system. Large pairwise comparison matrices may also be found when building comparisons of elements using large bodies of information. In this paper, we address a consistent compression of an AHP comparison matrix that collapses the judgments corresponding to a given number of compared elements. As a result, an a posteriori clustering of various elements becomes possible. In our case study, such a clustering offers several added benefits, including the identification of hidden or unknown criteria to cluster the considered elements of the problem. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Benítez López, J.; Carpitella, S.; Certa, A.; Ilaya-Ayza, AE.; Izquierdo Sebastián, J. (2018). Consistent Clustering of Elements in Large Pairwise Comparison Matrices. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 343:98-112. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cam.2018.04.041S9811234

    Training Needs Analysis For Identifying Vocational Teachers' Competency Needs in ICT Expertise Program in Vocational High Schools in Bali Province

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    The aims of this study to reveal (1) the description of characteristic vocational teacher, (2) the criterion competency, (3) the account of important competency, (4) the description of actual competency performance, (5)the identification of competency gaps, (6) the determination of training priority order, (7) the recommendations regarding with training methods and training organizerThis study employed a mixed method with exploratory sequential combination. The research subjects comprised the Vocational Technical Teachers with ICT expertise program especially for Network and Computer Engineering expertise competence. This study devised competency needs for training program incorporating Training Needs Analysis. The data were collected through FGD, questionnaires and an interview guide. The data were analysed using Fuzzy Delphi method to determine criterion competency by screening process. Analytic Hierarchy Process method was conducted for determining the important competency. 360-degree rater as evaluation teaching performance. Importance Performance Analysis diagram were used for describing the competency gaps. The determination of Training Priority Order based on quadrant in IPA diagram. The results of this study showed that: (1) Vocational teachers from multiple expertise program are still lack of ICT knowledge and practice mastery especially in network engineering field because they had no ICT educational background. They still look confused and nervous in teaching and practicing in front of the class. (2) criterion competency consists of pedagogy-andragogy aspect with 11 domain areas and 34 sub-domain, professional aspect with 3 domain areas and 7 sub-domain, vocational aspect with 3 domain areas and 8 sub-domain and technology aspect with 4 domains. (3) the order of importance in terms of competency aspect is pedagogy-andragogy with weight of 0.466, vocational around 0.300, professional with weight of 0.172, technology approximately 0.063. (4) the lowest performance in pedagogy-andragogy aspect is ability in guidance and supervision internship program with 3.19 total performance, Whereas in professional aspect is the competency in application of vocational content with 3.35 total performance, in vocational aspect is competency in networking and collaboration with 2.82 total performance and In technology aspect is ability using and utilizing ICT for self-development with 3.56 total performance. (5) the competency gaps fall into the vocational knowledge & skills, application of content, content knowledge, networking and collaboration, continuing professionalism development and entrepreneurship. (6) TPO based on competencies needs has described in IPA diagram most of training needs is located in vocational and professional aspect. (7) In House Training, specific training, and short courses training were recommended as effective training methods. The training organizers may come from P4TK BMTI, P4TK BOE, Private Institutions, Universities/LPTK, Industry.:CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Research Background B. Problem Identification C. Research Focus D. Formulations of the Problem E. Research Objectives F. Significances of the Research CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A. Theoretical Review 1. The Concept of Vocational 2. Philosophy of Vocational Education 3. Theory and Assumption of Vocational Education 4. The Theory of Adult Learning 5. Adult Learning Frameworks in Vocational Education 6. Andragogy in Vocational Education 7. Employability Skills 8. Human Resource Management –Vocational Teacher 9. The Professional of Vocational Teacher 10. Needs Analysis 11. Competencies Needs Analysis 12. Training Needs Analysis 13. Fuzzy Delphi Technique 14. Analytic Hierarchy Process 15. Vocational Teacher Performance Evaluation 16. Importance Performance Analysis B. Conceptual Framework C. Relevance Research D. Research Question CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD A. Research Approach B. Qualitative Method 1. Research Location 2. Source of Data 3. Data Generating Technique 4. Analysis Data Technique 5. Data Credibility 6. Preliminary Findings Formulation C. Quantitative Method 1. Data Collecting Technique 2. Research Instruments 3. Analysis Data Technique D. Time and Place Research E. Data Analysis in Qualitative Quantitative Method CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. Findings 1. Vocational Teacher Conditions 2. Teachers Competency with Balinese Local Wisdom 3. The Criterion Competencies of Vocational Teacher 4. The Importance Competencies of Vocational Teacher 5. The Actual Competency of Vocational Teacher 6. Competency Gaps Analysis using IPA 7. Training Priority Order B. Discussion C. Limitation of Research CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. Conclusions B. Recommendations REFERENCE

    Credit scoring models: techniques and issues

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    This paper presents a brief review on the current available techniques for credit scoring model, namely the statistical-based models and the artificial intelligence/machine learning- based models. It is then followed by the suggestions on how to revise the credit scoring model that is currently being adopted by any credit risk management, if revision is needed. The revision of the model involves the selection of criteria to be included as well as the weights to be given for the criteria. Some potential techniques in selecting the criteria and determining the weights for the selected criteria are also discussed

    Inconsistency thresholds for incomplete pairwise comparison matrices

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    Pairwise comparison matrices are increasingly used in settings where some pairs are missing. However, there exist few inconsistency indices for similar incomplete data sets and no reasonable measure has an associated threshold. This paper generalises the famous rule of thumb for the acceptable level of inconsistency, proposed by Saaty, to incomplete pairwise comparison matrices. The extension is based on choosing the missing elements such that the maximal eigenvalue of the incomplete matrix is minimised. Consequently, the well-established values of the random index cannot be adopted: the inconsistency of random matrices is found to be the function of matrix size and the number of missing elements, with a nearly linear dependence in the case of the latter variable. Our results can be directly built into decision-making software and used by practitioners as a statistical criterion for accepting or rejecting an incomplete pairwise comparison matrix

    Park & Ride facility planning

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    Park&Ride objekti su mjesta na kojima se ostvaruje transfer putnika između osobnog automobila i vozila javnog prijevoza (željeznice, lake gradske željeznice, tramvaja, autobusa). Dok se u nekim gradovima Park&Ride sustavi razvijaju dugi niz godina u drugima se ovim sustavima pridaje znatno manje značenje. S obzirom da je izgradnja P&R objekata financijski zahtjevna, potrebno je njihovom planiranju pristupiti na racionalan način. U ovom su radu na temelju kritičke analize prethodnih iskustava i vlastitih istraživanja definirani glavni kriteriji koje je poželjno primijeniti u planiranju razvoja P&R objekata.Park and ride facilities are places where passengers transfer from passenger cars to public transport vehicles (railways, light urban railways, buses). Although park & ride systems have been developing for many years in a number of cities, there are still many communities in which a much smaller significance is accorded to such systems. As the construction of R&R facilities is financially demanding, these systems should be planned in a rational manner. Principal criteria to be used in planning development of P&R facilities are presented in the paper, based on critical analysis of past experience and original research conducted by the authors

    Identification and prioritization of factors affecting services provided by Real Estate Registration Organization of Iran using analytical Hierarchy process (AHP) from viewpoint of clients (case study: Real Estate Registration Organization of Bandar Abbas

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    One of the orientations of modern management is consideration of principle of customer-orientation and gaining satisfaction of recipients of services. In the executive and administrative system of Iran, satisfaction of people by the services provided by public systems could be considered as one of the main indices of measurement of efficiency, growth and development of system. In addition to satisfy people in field of receiving services from public systems, these factors can increase public trust, which could be the greatest capital and support for the administrative system. In this study, the author has tried to identify and then prioritize the factors affecting improvement of services provided by Real Estate Registration Organization of Iran using AHP method. Case study in this study is conducted on the Real Estate Registration Organization of Bandar Abbas. This study is an applied study and the data collection method is descriptive survey method. Data collection in this study is done in two main steps. The first step is associated with collection of opinions of experts and the clients about the weight of criteria using AHP questionnaire and the second step is associated with collection of the opinions of clients about the services provided by the Real Estate Registration Organization compared to criteria. In this study, purposive sampling method is used. The clients with degree higher than diploma with the ability to answer the Fuzzy AHP questionnaire were selected as sample individuals and the questionnaires were distributed among them. Due to the difficulty of fulfilling the questionnaire and the time limitation, 100 clients were selected as final sample size and the questionnaires were distributed among them. The questionnaire contains evaluation and prioritization of the criteria extracted using AHP questionnaire. 61 questionnaires out of these questionnaires were applicable and analyzable. To solve the proposed model, Excel software is used. In first step, through analysis of the determinant factors of quality of services in the literature of last 30 years, the common and applicable factors with highest consistency with public centers were identified and were localized through survey of organizational experts and the factors in consistence with the Registration Organization were selected. Among the criteria, 6 criteria with highest frequency including physical dimension (tangibles), reliability, accountability, confidence, quick services (optimized) and ease of access (sympathy) were selected. In next step, the significance and weight of criteria is determined. To this end, Fussy AHP method is used. The ranks of criteria including quality of services provided by real Estate Registration Organization of Bandar Abbas in this study are as follows: rank 1: accountability (0.19); rank 2: reliability (0.185); rank 3: quick services (Optimized) (0.184); rank 4: ease of access (sympathy) (0.17); rank 5: confidence (0.16) and rank 6: physical dimension (0.111