9,207 research outputs found

    Surveying human habit modeling and mining techniques in smart spaces

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    A smart space is an environment, mainly equipped with Internet-of-Things (IoT) technologies, able to provide services to humans, helping them to perform daily tasks by monitoring the space and autonomously executing actions, giving suggestions and sending alarms. Approaches suggested in the literature may differ in terms of required facilities, possible applications, amount of human intervention required, ability to support multiple users at the same time adapting to changing needs. In this paper, we propose a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) that classifies most influential approaches in the area of smart spaces according to a set of dimensions identified by answering a set of research questions. These dimensions allow to choose a specific method or approach according to available sensors, amount of labeled data, need for visual analysis, requirements in terms of enactment and decision-making on the environment. Additionally, the paper identifies a set of challenges to be addressed by future research in the field

    Image Retrieval within Augmented Reality

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht das Potenzial von Augmented Reality zur Verbesserung von Image Retrieval Prozessen. Herausforderungen in Design und Gebrauchstauglichkeit wurden für beide Forschungsbereiche dargelegt und genutzt, um Designziele für Konzepte zu entwerfen. Eine Taxonomie für Image Retrieval in Augmented Reality wurde basierend auf der Forschungsarbeit entworfen und eingesetzt, um verwandte Arbeiten und generelle Ideen für Interaktionsmöglichkeiten zu strukturieren. Basierend auf der Taxonomie wurden Anwendungsszenarien als weitere Anforderungen für Konzepte formuliert. Mit Hilfe der generellen Ideen und Anforderungen wurden zwei umfassende Konzepte für Image Retrieval in Augmented Reality ausgearbeitet. Eins der Konzepte wurde auf einer Microsoft HoloLens umgesetzt und in einer Nutzerstudie evaluiert. Die Studie zeigt, dass das Konzept grundsätzlich positiv aufgenommen wurde und bietet Erkenntnisse über unterschiedliches Verhalten im Raum und verschiedene Suchstrategien bei der Durchführung von Image Retrieval in der erweiterten Realität.:1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation and Problem Statement 1.1.1 Augmented Reality and Head-Mounted Displays 1.1.2 Image Retrieval 1.1.3 Image Retrieval within Augmented Reality 1.2 Thesis Structure 2 Foundations of Image Retrieval and Augmented Reality 2.1 Foundations of Image Retrieval 2.1.1 Definition of Image Retrieval 2.1.2 Classification of Image Retrieval Systems 2.1.3 Design and Usability in Image Retrieval 2.2 Foundations of Augmented Reality 2.2.1 Definition of Augmented Reality 2.2.2 Augmented Reality Design and Usability 2.3 Taxonomy for Image Retrieval within Augmented Reality 2.3.1 Session Parameters 2.3.2 Interaction Process 2.3.3 Summary of the Taxonomy 3 Concepts for Image Retrieval within Augmented Reality 3.1 Related Work 3.1.1 Natural Query Specification 3.1.2 Situated Result Visualization 3.1.3 3D Result Interaction 3.1.4 Summary of Related Work 3.2 Basic Interaction Concepts for Image Retrieval in Augmented Reality 3.2.1 Natural Query Specification 3.2.2 Situated Result Visualization 3.2.3 3D Result Interaction 3.3 Requirements for Comprehensive Concepts 3.3.1 Design Goals 3.3.2 Application Scenarios 3.4 Comprehensive Concepts 3.4.1 Tangible Query Workbench 3.4.2 Situated Photograph Queries 3.4.3 Conformance of Concept Requirements 4 Prototypic Implementation of Situated Photograph Queries 4.1 Implementation Design 4.1.1 Implementation Process 4.1.2 Structure of the Implementation 4.2 Developer and User Manual 4.2.1 Setup of the Prototype 4.2.2 Usage of the Prototype 4.3 Discussion of the Prototype 5 Evaluation of Prototype and Concept by User Study 5.1 Design of the User Study 5.1.1 Usability Testing 5.1.2 Questionnaire 5.2 Results 5.2.1 Logging of User Behavior 5.2.2 Rating through Likert Scales 5.2.3 Free Text Answers and Remarks during the Study 5.2.4 Observations during the Study 5.2.5 Discussion of Results 6 Conclusion 6.1 Summary of the Present Work 6.2 Outlook on Further WorkThe present work investigates the potential of augmented reality for improving the image retrieval process. Design and usability challenges were identified for both fields of research in order to formulate design goals for the development of concepts. A taxonomy for image retrieval within augmented reality was elaborated based on research work and used to structure related work and basic ideas for interaction. Based on the taxonomy, application scenarios were formulated as further requirements for concepts. Using the basic interaction ideas and the requirements, two comprehensive concepts for image retrieval within augmented reality were elaborated. One of the concepts was implemented using a Microsoft HoloLens and evaluated in a user study. The study showed that the concept was rated generally positive by the users and provided insight in different spatial behavior and search strategies when practicing image retrieval in augmented reality.:1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation and Problem Statement 1.1.1 Augmented Reality and Head-Mounted Displays 1.1.2 Image Retrieval 1.1.3 Image Retrieval within Augmented Reality 1.2 Thesis Structure 2 Foundations of Image Retrieval and Augmented Reality 2.1 Foundations of Image Retrieval 2.1.1 Definition of Image Retrieval 2.1.2 Classification of Image Retrieval Systems 2.1.3 Design and Usability in Image Retrieval 2.2 Foundations of Augmented Reality 2.2.1 Definition of Augmented Reality 2.2.2 Augmented Reality Design and Usability 2.3 Taxonomy for Image Retrieval within Augmented Reality 2.3.1 Session Parameters 2.3.2 Interaction Process 2.3.3 Summary of the Taxonomy 3 Concepts for Image Retrieval within Augmented Reality 3.1 Related Work 3.1.1 Natural Query Specification 3.1.2 Situated Result Visualization 3.1.3 3D Result Interaction 3.1.4 Summary of Related Work 3.2 Basic Interaction Concepts for Image Retrieval in Augmented Reality 3.2.1 Natural Query Specification 3.2.2 Situated Result Visualization 3.2.3 3D Result Interaction 3.3 Requirements for Comprehensive Concepts 3.3.1 Design Goals 3.3.2 Application Scenarios 3.4 Comprehensive Concepts 3.4.1 Tangible Query Workbench 3.4.2 Situated Photograph Queries 3.4.3 Conformance of Concept Requirements 4 Prototypic Implementation of Situated Photograph Queries 4.1 Implementation Design 4.1.1 Implementation Process 4.1.2 Structure of the Implementation 4.2 Developer and User Manual 4.2.1 Setup of the Prototype 4.2.2 Usage of the Prototype 4.3 Discussion of the Prototype 5 Evaluation of Prototype and Concept by User Study 5.1 Design of the User Study 5.1.1 Usability Testing 5.1.2 Questionnaire 5.2 Results 5.2.1 Logging of User Behavior 5.2.2 Rating through Likert Scales 5.2.3 Free Text Answers and Remarks during the Study 5.2.4 Observations during the Study 5.2.5 Discussion of Results 6 Conclusion 6.1 Summary of the Present Work 6.2 Outlook on Further Wor

    Real Time Animation of Virtual Humans: A Trade-off Between Naturalness and Control

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    Virtual humans are employed in many interactive applications using 3D virtual environments, including (serious) games. The motion of such virtual humans should look realistic (or ‘natural’) and allow interaction with the surroundings and other (virtual) humans. Current animation techniques differ in the trade-off they offer between motion naturalness and the control that can be exerted over the motion. We show mechanisms to parametrize, combine (on different body parts) and concatenate motions generated by different animation techniques. We discuss several aspects of motion naturalness and show how it can be evaluated. We conclude by showing the promise of combinations of different animation paradigms to enhance both naturalness and control

    Natural language in multimedia / multimodal systems

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    QSRlib: a software library for online acquisition of qualitative spatial relations from video

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    There is increasing interest in using Qualitative Spatial Relations as a formalism to abstract from noisy and large amounts of video data in order to form high level conceptualisations, e.g. of activities present in video. We present a library to support such work. It is compatible with the Robot Operating System (ROS) but can also be used stand alone. A number of QSRs are built in; others can be easily added

    Vizualna utemeljena teorija: metodološki nacrt i primjeri iz empirijskog rada

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    Grounded theory has not usually been associated with the extensive use of visual data. The author of the paper wants to present a basic introduction to methodological concepts and procedures, which allow researchers to incorporate visual data in their analyses while designing their research projects within the framework of grounded theory. The author also discusses the different approaches of visual data analysis that use the name of grounded theory but do not in fact perform the analysis according to its basic principles. At the outset, the author describes some inspirations that have come from a few researchers who have used the visual data in constructing theories in the grounded theory methodology style of analysis. The status of visual data and a methodological model of visual data analysis in grounded theory (multislice imagining) is also described. The multislice imagining is a grammar of visual narrations analysis that accents the following stages: a) an act of creating pictures and images (analysis of context of creation); b) participation in demonstrating/communicating visual images; c) the visual product, its content and stylistic structure; d) the reception of an “image” and visual aspects of presenting/representing something. Next, procedures of analyzing the visual data to generate categories on visual processes (transcription, open coding and memo writing) are presented. The presentation is based on examples from the author’s two research projects on a visualization of yoga practice and on a visualization of homelessness. The author also presents a selective coding of visual cases and empirical materials together with theoretical memo examples and comparative analysis. The last described procedure is a theoretical sampling indicating how and where to look for visual data to generate the properties of the category. The paper will end with conclusions and some remarks on future prospects of visual grounded theory.Utemeljenu se teoriju obično ne povezuje s opsežnom upotrebom vizualnih podataka. Autor ovog članka želi podastrijeti elementaran uvod u metodološke pojmove i procedure koji istraživačima omogućuju uključivanje vizualnih podataka u analizu dok osmišljavaju nacrte istraživačkih projekata u okviru utemeljene teorije. Autor također raspravlja o različitim pristupima analizi vizualnih podataka koji se služe imenom utemeljene teorije, ali zapravo ne izvode analizu u skladu s njezinim temeljnim načelima. Na početku autor opisuje neka nadahnuća koja potječu od malobrojnih istraživača koji su upotrijebili vizualne podatke pri konstruiranju teorija u stilu analize metodologije utemeljene teorije. Također se opisuje status vizualnih podataka i metodološki model analize vizualnih podataka u utemeljenoj teoriji (stvaranje slikovnih predodžbi u više isječaka). Stvaranje slikovnih predodžbi u više isječaka jest gramatika analize vizualnih pripovijesti koja naglašava sljedeće faze: a) čin stvaranja slika i slikovnih predodžbi (analiza konteksta stvaranja); b) sudjelovanje u prikazivanju/komuniciranju vizualnih slikovnih predodžbi; c) vizualni proizvod, njegov sadržaj i stilska struktura; d) recepcija »slikovne predodžbe« i vizualnih aspekata predstavljanja/predočavanja nečega. Nadalje, predstavljaju se procedure analiziranja vizualnih podataka u svrhu generiranja kategorija o vizualnim procesima (transkripcija, otvoreno kodiranje i pisanje bilježaka). Predstavljanje se zasniva na primjerima iz dvaju autorovih istraživačkih projekata o vizualizaciji prakse joge i vizualizaciji beskućništva. Autor također predstavlja selektivno kodiranje vizualnih slučajeva i empirijskih materijala zajedno s primjerima teorijskih bilježaka i usporedne analize. Posljednja od opisanih procedura jest teorijsko uzorkovanje koje upućuje na to kako i gdje tražiti vizualne podatke u svrhu generiranja svojstava kategorije. Članak završava zaključcima i napomenama o budućim izgledima vizualne utemeljene teorije

    A study of effective evaluation models and practices for technology supported physical learning spaces (JELS)

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    The aim of the JELS project was to identify and review the tools, methods and frameworks used to evaluate technology supported or enhanced physical learning spaces. A key objective was to develop the sector knowledgebase on innovation and emerging practice in the evaluation of learning spaces, identifying innovative methods and approaches beyond traditional post-occupancy evaluations and surveys that have dominated this area to date. The intention was that the frameworks and guidelines discovered or developed from this study could inform all stages of the process of implementing a technology supported physical learning space. The study was primarily targeted at the UK HE sector and the FE sector where appropriate, and ran from September 2008 to March 2009

    Computational physics of the mind

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    In the XIX century and earlier such physicists as Newton, Mayer, Hooke, Helmholtz and Mach were actively engaged in the research on psychophysics, trying to relate psychological sensations to intensities of physical stimuli. Computational physics allows to simulate complex neural processes giving a chance to answer not only the original psychophysical questions but also to create models of mind. In this paper several approaches relevant to modeling of mind are outlined. Since direct modeling of the brain functions is rather limited due to the complexity of such models a number of approximations is introduced. The path from the brain, or computational neurosciences, to the mind, or cognitive sciences, is sketched, with emphasis on higher cognitive functions such as memory and consciousness. No fundamental problems in understanding of the mind seem to arise. From computational point of view realistic models require massively parallel architectures