505 research outputs found

    Instruction-set architecture synthesis for VLIW processors

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    Heterogeneous parallel virtual machine: A portable program representation and compiler for performance and energy optimizations on heterogeneous parallel systems

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    Programming heterogeneous parallel systems, such as the SoCs (System-on-Chip) on mobile and edge devices is extremely difficult; the diverse parallel hardware they contain exposes vastly different hardware instruction sets, parallelism models and memory systems. Moreover, a wide range of diverse hardware and software approximation techniques are available for applications targeting heterogeneous SoCs, further exacerbating the programmability challenges. In this thesis, we alleviate the programmability challenges of such systems using flexible compiler intermediate representation solutions, in order to benefit from the performance and superior energy efficiency of heterogeneous systems. First, we develop Heterogeneous Parallel Virtual Machine (HPVM), a parallel program representation for heterogeneous systems, designed to enable functional and performance portability across popular parallel hardware. HPVM is based on a hierarchical dataflow graph with side effects. HPVM successfully supports three important capabilities for programming heterogeneous systems: a compiler intermediate representation (IR), a virtual instruction set (ISA), and a basis for runtime scheduling. We use the HPVM representation to implement an HPVM prototype, defining the HPVM IR as an extension of the Low Level Virtual Machine (LLVM) IR. Our results show comparable performance with optimized OpenCL kernels for the target hardware from a single HPVM representation using translators from HPVM virtual ISA to native code, IR optimizations operating directly on the HPVM representation, and the capability for supporting flexible runtime scheduling schemes from a single HPVM representation. We extend HPVM to ApproxHPVM, introducing hardware-independent approximation metrics in the IR to enable maintaining accuracy information at the IR level and mapping of application-level end-to-end quality metrics to system level "knobs". The approximation metrics quantify the acceptable accuracy loss for individual computations. Application programmers only need to specify high-level, and end-to-end, quality metrics, instead of detailed parameters for individual approximation methods. The ApproxHPVM system then automatically tunes the accuracy requirements of individual computations and maps them to approximate hardware when possible. ApproxHPVM results show significant performance and energy improvements for popular deep learning benchmarks. Finally, we extend to ApproxHPVM to ApproxTuner, a compiler and runtime system for approximation. ApproxTuner extends ApproxHPVM with a wide range of hardware and software approximation techniques. It uses a three step approximation tuning strategy, a combination of development-time, install-time, and dynamic tuning. Our strategy ensures software portability, even though approximations have highly hardware-dependent performance, and enables efficient dynamic approximation tuning despite the expensive offline steps. ApproxTuner results show significant performance and energy improvements across 7 Deep Neural Networks and 3 image processing benchmarks, and ensures that high-level end-to-end quality specifications are satisfied during adaptive approximation tuning

    Running deep learning applications on resource constrained devices

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    The high accuracy of Deep Neural Networks (DNN) come at the expense of high computational cost and memory requirements. During inference, the data is often collected on the edge device which are resource-constrained. The existing solutions for edge deployment include i) executing the entire DNN on the edge (EDGE-ONLY), ii) sending the input from edge to cloud where the DNN is processed (CLOUD-ONLY), and iii) splitting the DNN to execute partially on the edge and partially on the cloud (SPLIT). The choice of deployment between EDGE-ONLY, CLOUD-ONLY and SPLIT is determined by several operating constraints such as device resources and network speed, and application constraints such as latency and accuracy. The EDGE-ONLY approach requires compact DNN with low compute and memory requirements. Thus, the emerging class of DNNs employ low-rank convolutions (LRCONVs) which reduce one or more dimensions compared to the spatial convolutions (CONV). Prior research in hardware accelerators has largely focused on CONVs. The LRCONVs such as depthwise and pointwise convolutions exhibit lower arithmetic intensity and lower data reuse. Thus, LRCONVs result in low hardware utilization and high latency. In our first work, we systematically explore the design space of Cross-layer dataflows to exploit data reuse across layers for emerging DNNs in EDGE-ONLY scenarios. We develop novel fine-grain cross-layer dataflows for LRCONVs that support partial loop dimension completion. Our tool, X-Layer decouples the nested loops in a pipeline and combines them to create a common outer dataflow and several inner dataflows. The CLOUD-ONLY approach can suffer from high latency due to the high transmission cost of large input data from the edge to the cloud. This could be a problem, especially for latency-critical applications. Thankfully, the SPLIT approach reduces latency compared to the CLOUD-ONLY approach. However, existing solutions only split the DNN in floating-point precision. Executing floating-point precision on the edge device can occupy large memory and reduce the potential options for SPLIT solutions. In our second work, we expand and explore the search space of SPLIT solutions by jointly applying mixed-precision post-training quantization and DNN graph split. Our work, Auto-Split finds a balance in the trade-off among the model accuracy, edge device capacity, transmission cost, and the overall latency

    Hardware Acceleration Using Functional Languages

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    Cílem této práce je prozkoumat možnosti využití funkcionálního paradigmatu pro hardwarovou akceleraci, konkrétně pro datově paralelní úlohy. Úroveň abstrakce tradičních jazyků pro popis hardwaru, jako VHDL a Verilog, přestáví stačit. Pro popis na algoritmické či behaviorální úrovni se rozmáhají jazyky původně navržené pro vývoj softwaru a modelování, jako C/C++, SystemC nebo MATLAB. Funkcionální jazyky se s těmi imperativními nemůžou měřit v rozšířenosti a oblíbenosti mezi programátory, přesto je předčí v mnoha vlastnostech, např. ve verifikovatelnosti, schopnosti zachytit inherentní paralelismus a v kompaktnosti kódu. Pro akceleraci datově paralelních výpočtů se často používají jednotky FPGA, grafické karty (GPU) a vícejádrové procesory. Praktická část této práce rozšiřuje existující knihovnu Accelerate pro počítání na grafických kartách o výstup do VHDL. Accelerate je možno chápat jako doménově specifický jazyk vestavěný do Haskellu s backendem pro prostředí NVIDIA CUDA. Rozšíření pro vysokoúrovňovou syntézu obvodů ve VHDL představené v této práci používá stejný jazyk a frontend.The aim of this thesis is to research how the functional paradigm can be used for hardware acceleration with an emphasis on data-parallel tasks. The level of abstraction of the traditional hardware description languages, such as VHDL or Verilog, is becoming to low. High-level languages from the domains of software development and modeling, such as C/C++, SystemC or MATLAB, are experiencing a boom for hardware description on the algorithmic or behavioral level. Functional Languages are not so commonly used, but they outperform imperative languages in verification, the ability to capture inherent paralellism and the compactness of code. Data-parallel task are often accelerated on FPGAs, GPUs and multicore processors. In this thesis, we use a library for general-purpose GPU programs called Accelerate and extend it to produce VHDL. Accelerate is a domain-specific language embedded into Haskell with a backend for the NVIDIA CUDA platform. We use the language and its frontend, and create a new backend for high-level synthesis of circuits in VHDL.

    Compilers for portable programming of heterogeneous parallel & approximate computing systems

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    Programming heterogeneous systems such as the System-on-chip (SoC) processors in modern mobile devices can be extremely complex because a single system may include multiple different parallelism models, instruction sets, memory hierarchies, and systems use different combinations of these features. This is further complicated by software and hardware approximate computing optimizations. Different compute units on an SoC use different approximate computing methods and an application would usually be composed of multiple compute kernels, each one specialized to run on a different hardware. Determining how best to map such an application to a modern heterogeneous system is an open research problem. First, we propose a parallel abstraction of heterogeneous hardware that is a carefully chosen combination of well-known parallel models and is able to capture the parallelism in a wide range of popular parallel hardware. This abstraction uses a hierarchical dataflow graph with side effects and vector SIMD instructions. We use this abstraction to define a parallel program representation called HPVM that aims to address both functional portability and performance portability across heterogeneous systems. Second, we further extend HPVM representation to enable accuracy-aware performance and energy tuning on heterogeneous systems with multiple compute units and approximation methods. We call it ApproxHPVM, and it automatically translates end-to-end application-level accuracy constraints into accuracy requirements for individual operations. ApproxHPVM uses a hardware-agnostic accuracy-tuning phase to do this translation, which greatly speeds up the analysis, enables greater portability, and enables future capabilities like accuracy-aware dynamic scheduling and design space exploration. We have implemented a prototype HPVM system, defining the HPVM IR as an extension of the LLVM compiler IR, compiler optimizations that operate directly on HPVM graphs, and code generators that translate the virtual ISA to NVIDIA GPUs, Intel’s AVX vector units, and to multicore X86-64 processors. Experimental results show that HPVM optimizations achieve significant performance improvements, HPVM translators achieve performance competitive with manually developed OpenCL code for both GPUs and vector hardware, and that runtime scheduling policies can make use of both program and runtime information to exploit the flexible compilation capabilities. Furthermore, our evaluation of ApproxHPVM shows that our framework can offload chunks of approximable computations to special purpose accelerators that provide significant gains in performance and energy, while staying within a user-specified application-level accuracy constraint with high probability

    Machine Learning and Signal Processing Design for Edge Acoustic Applications

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    Machine Learning and Signal Processing Design for Edge Acoustic Applications

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    Communication reduction techniques in numerical methods and deep neural networks

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    Inter-node communication has turned out to be one of the determining factors of the performance on modern HPC systems. Furthermore, the situation only gets worse with the ever-incresing size of the cores involved. Hence, this thesis explore the various possible techniques to reduce the communication during the execution of a parallel program. It turned out that there is no one-size-fit-all approach to the challenge. Despite this, the problems in each field, due to their unique characteristics, dispose of distinct opportunities for the communication reduction. The thesis, first devles into numerical linear algebra, develops an evolution of the Pipelined CG called IFCG. It eliminates the synchronizations normally take place towards the end of each iteration to increase the parallelism. Secondly, the thesis draws its attention on reducing the necessity to transfer the parameters between the CPU host and GPUs during a neural network training. It develops two routines: ADT and AWP in order to compress and decompress the weights with a reduced data representation format prior and right after the data transfer takes place. The compress rate is adjusted vis-à-vis the L2-norm of the weights of every layer. In the third contribution, the thesis diminish the communication in model parallelizing a deep neural network. Instead of splitting and distributing the neurons of each layer to the available processes on the system, now it is done every other layers. This results in a 50% percent reduction of the communication whereas it introduces 50% of extra local FP computation.La comunicació entre els nodes de computació multi-core sorgeix com un dels factors principals que impacta el rendiment d’un sistema HPC d’avui en dia. I més, mentre més core es pusa, pitjor la situació. Per tant aquesta tesi explora les possibles tècniques per a reduir la comunicació en l’execució d’un programa paral·lel. Tot i això, resulta que no existeix una sola tècnica que pugui resoldre aquest obstacle. Tot i que els problemes en cada àmbit, com que té els seus propis caracristics, disposa variosos oportunitats per la reducció de comunicació. La tesi, en primer lloc, dins de l’àmbit de l’àlgebra lineal numèriques desenvolupa un algoritme IFCG que és una evolució de Pipelined CG. IFCG elimina les sincronitzacions normalment posa cap al final de cada iteració per augmentar el paral·lelisme. En la segona contribució, la tesi dirigeix l’atenció a reduir la necessitat de transferir els paràmetres entre el CPU i els GPUs durant l’entrenament d’una xarxa neuronal. Desenvolupa rutines ADT i AWP per comprimir i descomprimir els pesos amb una representació de dades reduïda abans i just desprès de la transferència. La representació es decideix dinàmicament segons el L2-norm dels pesos a cada capa. Al final la tesi disminueix la comunicació en paral·lelitzar el model duna xarxa neurona. En lloc de distribuir les neurones de cada capa als processos disponibles en el sistema, es fa cada dues capes. Així que corta com mitja de la comunicació. En canvi, com que distribueix només cada dues capes, les capes restes es repliquen, resulta que incorre en una augmenta de 50% de computació local