8,737 research outputs found

    Body swarm interface (BOSI) : controlling robotic swarms using human bio-signals

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    Traditionally robots are controlled using devices like joysticks, keyboards, mice and other similar human computer interface (HCI) devices. Although this approach is effective and practical for some cases, it is restrictive only to healthy individuals without disabilities, and it also requires the user to master the device before its usage. It becomes complicated and non-intuitive when multiple robots need to be controlled simultaneously with these traditional devices, as in the case of Human Swarm Interfaces (HSI). This work presents a novel concept of using human bio-signals to control swarms of robots. With this concept there are two major advantages: Firstly, it gives amputees and people with certain disabilities the ability to control robotic swarms, which has previously not been possible. Secondly, it also gives the user a more intuitive interface to control swarms of robots by using gestures, thoughts, and eye movement. We measure different bio-signals from the human body including Electroencephalography (EEG), Electromyography (EMG), Electrooculography (EOG), using off the shelf products. After minimal signal processing, we then decode the intended control action using machine learning techniques like Hidden Markov Models (HMM) and K-Nearest Neighbors (K-NN). We employ formation controllers based on distance and displacement to control the shape and motion of the robotic swarm. Comparison for ground truth for thoughts and gesture classifications are done, and the resulting pipelines are evaluated with both simulations and hardware experiments with swarms of ground robots and aerial vehicles

    Multi-Operator Gesture Control of Robotic Swarms Using Wearable Devices

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    The theory and design of effective interfaces for human interaction with multi-robot systems has recently gained significant interest. Robotic swarms are multi-robot systems where local interactions between robots and neighbors within their spatial neighborhood generate emergent collective behaviors. Most prior work has studied interfaces for human interaction with remote swarms, but swarms also have great potential in applications working alongside humans, motivating the need for interfaces for local interaction. Given the collective nature of swarms, human interaction may occur at many levels of abstraction ranging from swarm behavior selection to teleoperation. Wearable gesture control is an intuitive interaction modality that can meet this requirement while keeping operator hands usually unencumbered. In this paper, we present an interaction method using a gesture-based wearable device with a limited number of gestures for robust control of a complex system: a robotic swarm. Experiments conducted with a real robot swarm compare performance in single and two-operator conditions illustrating the effectiveness of the method. Results show human operators using our interaction method are able to successfully complete the task in all trials, illustrating the effectiveness of the method, with better performance in the two-operator condition, indicating separation of function is beneficial for our method. The primary contribution of our work is the development and demonstration of interaction methods that allow robust control of a difficult to understand multi robot system using only the noisy inputs typical of smartphones and other on-body sensor driven devices