1,980 research outputs found

    Unsupervised adaptation for acceleration-based activity recognition: robustness to sensor displacement and rotation

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    A common assumption in activity recognition is that the system remains unchanged between its design and its posterior operation. However, many factors affect the data distribution between two different experimental sessions. One of these factors is the potential change in the sensor location (e.g. due to replacement or slippage) affecting the classification performance. Assuming that changes in the sensor placement mainly result in shifts in the feature distributions, we propose an unsupervised adaptive classifier that calibrates itself using an online version of expectation-maximisation. Tests using three activity recognition scenarios show that the proposed adaptive algorithm is robust against shift in the feature space due to sensor displacement and rotation. Moreover, since the method estimates the change in the feature distribution, it can also be used to roughly evaluate the reliability of the system during online operatio

    Dealing with the effects of sensor displacement in wearable activity recognition

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    Most wearable activity recognition systems assume a predefined sensor deployment that remains unchanged during runtime. However, this assumption does not reflect real-life conditions. During the normal use of such systems, users may place the sensors in a position different from the predefined sensor placement. Also, sensors may move from their original location to a different one, due to a loose attachment. Activity recognition systems trained on activity patterns characteristic of a given sensor deployment may likely fail due to sensor displacements. In this work, we innovatively explore the effects of sensor displacement induced by both the intentional misplacement of sensors and self-placement by the user. The effects of sensor displacement are analyzed for standard activity recognition techniques, as well as for an alternate robust sensor fusion method proposed in a previous work. While classical recognition models show little tolerance to sensor displacement, the proposed method is proven to have notable capabilities to assimilate the changes introduced in the sensor position due to self-placement and provides considerable improvements for large misplacements.This work was supported by the High Performance Computing (HPC)-Europa2 project funded by the European Commission-DG Research in the Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement No. 228398 and by the EU Marie Curie Network iCareNet under grant No. 264738. This work was also supported by the Spanish Comision Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CICYT) Project SAF2010-20558, Junta de Andalucia Project P09-TIC-175476 and the FPU Spanish grant, AP2009-2244

    Unsupervised adaptation for acceleration-based activity recognition: Robustness to sensor displacement and rotation

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    A common assumption in activity recognition is that the system remains unchanged between its design and its posterior operation. However, many factors affect the data distribution between two different experimental sessions. One of these factors is the potential change in the sensor location (e.g. due to replacement or slippage) affecting the classification performance. Assuming that changes in the sensor placement mainly result in shifts in the feature distributions, we propose an unsupervised adaptive classifier that calibrates itself using an online version of expectation-maximisation. Tests using three activity recognition scenarios show that the proposed adaptive algorithm is robust against shift in the feature space due to sensor displacement and rotation. Moreover, since the method estimates the change in the feature distribution it can also be used to roughly evaluate the reliability of the system during online operation

    Fifteen years of wireless sensors for balance assessment in neurological disorders

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    Balance impairment is a major mechanism behind falling along with environmental hazards. Under physiological conditions, ageing leads to a progressive decline in balance control per se. Moreover, various neurological disorders further increase the risk of falls by deteriorating specific nervous system functions contributing to balance. Over the last 15 years, significant advancements in technology have provided wearable solutions for balance evaluation and the management of postural instability in patients with neurological disorders. This narrative review aims to address the topic of balance and wireless sensors in several neurological disorders, including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, stroke, and other neurodegenerative and acute clinical syndromes. The review discusses the physiological and pathophysiological bases of balance in neurological disorders as well as the traditional and innovative instruments currently available for balance assessment. The technical and clinical perspectives of wearable technologies, as well as current challenges in the field of teleneurology, are also examined

    Context-awareness for mobile sensing: a survey and future directions

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    The evolution of smartphones together with increasing computational power have empowered developers to create innovative context-aware applications for recognizing user related social and cognitive activities in any situation and at any location. The existence and awareness of the context provides the capability of being conscious of physical environments or situations around mobile device users. This allows network services to respond proactively and intelligently based on such awareness. The key idea behind context-aware applications is to encourage users to collect, analyze and share local sensory knowledge in the purpose for a large scale community use by creating a smart network. The desired network is capable of making autonomous logical decisions to actuate environmental objects, and also assist individuals. However, many open challenges remain, which are mostly arisen due to the middleware services provided in mobile devices have limited resources in terms of power, memory and bandwidth. Thus, it becomes critically important to study how the drawbacks can be elaborated and resolved, and at the same time better understand the opportunities for the research community to contribute to the context-awareness. To this end, this paper surveys the literature over the period of 1991-2014 from the emerging concepts to applications of context-awareness in mobile platforms by providing up-to-date research and future research directions. Moreover, it points out the challenges faced in this regard and enlighten them by proposing possible solutions

    A Real-Time Unsupervised Neural Network for the Low-Level Control of a Mobile Robot in a Nonstationary Environment

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    This article introduces a real-time, unsupervised neural network that learns to control a two-degree-of-freedom mobile robot in a nonstationary environment. The neural controller, which is termed neural NETwork MObile Robot Controller (NETMORC), combines associative learning and Vector Associative Map (YAM) learning to generate transformations between spatial and velocity coordinates. As a result, the controller learns the wheel velocities required to reach a target at an arbitrary distance and angle. The transformations are learned during an unsupervised training phase, during which the robot moves as a result of randomly selected wheel velocities. The robot learns the relationship between these velocities and the resulting incremental movements. Aside form being able to reach stationary or moving targets, the NETMORC structure also enables the robot to perform successfully in spite of disturbances in the enviroment, such as wheel slippage, or changes in the robot's plant, including changes in wheel radius, changes in inter-wheel distance, or changes in the internal time step of the system. Finally, the controller is extended to include a module that learns an internal odometric transformation, allowing the robot to reach targets when visual input is sporadic or unreliable.Sloan Fellowship (BR-3122), Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-92-J-0499

    Human activity recognition with accelerometry: novel time and frequency features

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    Human Activity Recognition systems require objective and reliable methods that can be used in the daily routine and must offer consistent results according with the performed activities. These systems are under development and offer objective and personalized support for several applications such as the healthcare area. This thesis aims to create a framework for human activities recognition based on accelerometry signals. Some new features and techniques inspired in the audio recognition methodology are introduced in this work, namely Log Scale Power Bandwidth and the Markov Models application. The Forward Feature Selection was adopted as the feature selection algorithm in order to improve the clustering performances and limit the computational demands. This method selects the most suitable set of features for activities recognition in accelerometry from a 423th dimensional feature vector. Several Machine Learning algorithms were applied to the used accelerometry databases – FCHA and PAMAP databases - and these showed promising results in activities recognition. The developed algorithm set constitutes a mighty contribution for the development of reliable evaluation methods of movement disorders for diagnosis and treatment applications

    Machine Learning Based Physical Activity Extraction for Unannotated Acceleration Data

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    Sensor based human activity recognition (HAR) is an emerging and challenging research area. The physical activity of people has been associated with many health benefits and even reducing the risk of different diseases. It is possible to collect sensor data related to physical activities of people with wearable devices and embedded sensors, for example in smartphones and smart environments. HAR has been successful in recognizing physical activities with machine learning methods. However, it is a critical challenge to annotate sensor data in HAR. Most existing approaches use supervised machine learning methods which means that true labels need be given to the data when training a machine learning model. Supervised deep learning methods have outperformed traditional machine learning methods in HAR but they require an even more extensive amount of data and true labels. In this thesis, machine learning methods are used to develop a solution that can recognize physical activity (e.g., walking and sedentary time) from unannotated acceleration data collected using a wearable accelerometer device. It is shown to be beneficial to collect and annotate data from physical activity of only one person. Supervised classifiers can be trained with small, labeled acceleration data and more training data can be obtained in a semi-supervised setting by leveraging knowledge from available unannotated data. The semi-supervised En-Co-Training method is used with the traditional supervised machine learning methods K-nearest Neighbor and Random Forest. Also, intensities of activities are produced by the cut point analysis of the OMGUI software as reference information and used to increase confidence of correctly selecting pseudo-labels that are added to the training data. A new metric is suggested to help to evaluate reliability when no true labels are available. It calculates a fraction of predictions that have a correct intensity out of all the predictions according to the cut point analysis of the OMGUI software. The reliability of the supervised KNN and RF classifiers reaches 88 % accuracy and the C-index value 0,93, while the accuracy of the K-means clustering remains 72 % when testing the models on labeled acceleration data. The initial supervised classifiers and the classifiers retrained in a semi-supervised setting are tested on unlabeled data collected from 12 people and measured with the new metric. The overall results improve from 96-98 % to 98-99 %. The results with more challenging activities to the initial classifiers, taking a walk improve from 55-81 % to 67-81 % and jogging from 0-95 % to 95-98 %. It is shown that the results of the KNN and RF classifiers consistently increase in the semi-supervised setting when tested on unannotated, real-life data of 12 people