101 research outputs found

    From SMART to agent systems development

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    In order for agent-oriented software engineering to prove effective it must use principled notions of agents and enabling specification and reasoning, while still considering routes to practical implementation. This paper deals with the issue of individual agent specification and construction, departing from the conceptual basis provided by the SMART agent framework. SMART offers a descriptive specification of an agent architecture but omits consideration of issues relating to construction and control. In response, we introduce two new views to complement SMART: a behavioural specification and a structural specification which, together, determine the components that make up an agent, and how they operate. In this way, we move from abstract agent system specification to practical implementation. These three aspects are combined to create an agent construction model, actSMART, which is then used to define the AgentSpeak(L) architecture in order to illustrate the application of actSMART

    Системний та структурний рівні організації мультиагентних систем з можливістю адаптації процесу обробки даних

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    У статті розглядаються системний рівень подання мультиагентної системи та структурна організація її агентів. Агент представляється у вигляді набору елементів, що будують граф із можливими шляхами обробки вхідних заявок. Запропоновано механізм обробки заявок агентом, який надає можливість адаптації системи до класу задач, що розв'язуються, та динамічної зміни цілей агентів.The paper deals with system level representation of multi-agent systems and structural organization of its agents. The agent is presented as a set of elements that construct a graph of possible routes of processing incoming requests. What is offered is the way an agent handles requests that allows the system to adapt to the classes of tasks solved and dynamic changes of agent's goals

    Распределение мобильных компонентов системы управления информационно-телекоммуникационной системой

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    Expedience of the use of agent technologies in functioning management systems of large-scale information-telecommunication systems is shown. The management system agents optimal assignment mathematical model is offered.Показана целесообразность применения агентских технологий в системах управления функционированием крупномасштабных информационно-телекоммуникационных систем. Предложена математическая модель оптимального распределения агентов системы управления

    Ethnicity in patagonian hunter-gather: approaches from computational simulation

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una simulación computacional de las dinámicas de etnicidad en sociedades cazadoras recolectoras patagónicas. Entendiendo a la etnicidad como una categoría de relación social, consideramos que la revisión de este marco conceptual nos permitirá comprender su aplicación dentro del campo de la experimentación arqueológica

    Norms and accountability in multi-agent societies

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    It is argued that norms are best understood as classes of constraints on practical reasoning, which an agent may consult either to select appropriate goals or commitments according to the circumstances, or to construct a discursive justification for a course of action after the event. We also discuss the question of how norm-conformance can be enforced in an open agent society, arguing that some form of peer pressure is needed in open agent societies lacking universally-recognised rules or any accepted authority structure. The paper includes formal specifications of some data structures that may be employed in reasoning about normative agents

    Social machines for education driven by feedback agents

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    The aim of this paper is to explain some of the ways in which multi agent system (MAS) theory can be used to describe, design and enhance social machines (also referred to as Socio-Cognitive Systems). We believe there is a really opportunity for the MAS community to engage with emerging theory and practice of designing such systems. Social machines - also referred to as Socio-Cognitive Systems from the MAS community - are terms used to refer to the recent breed of technological systems which allow human and computational agents to socially interact, typically on a large scale and sometimes towards achieving shared goals. Examples include social networking platforms and crowd sourced encyclopaedias. The discussion of social machines and MAS is taken from three perspectives. Firstly, the theoretical notion of an abstract social machine as a socio-cognitive system containing humans and agents is introduced. Secondly, a speci#12;c instance of a social machine which has been designed to enable social music learning supported by agents is described. Thirdly, an agent architecture which is designed for operation within educational social machines is discussed, with particular focus on what we believe is the core currency of these machines: feedback.Much of of this work was undertaken as part of the FP7 project in the Technology Enhanced Learning Program called Practice and Performance Analysis Inspiring Social Education (PRAISE) involving the 1st and 2nd authors. We acknowledge Harry Brenton, Marco Gillies Andreu Grimalt-Reynes, Jonathan James, Edgar Jones, Julian Padget and Harko Harko Verhagen who have helped in discussions. The second author received support from the European Network for Social Intelligence, SINTELNET (FET Open Coordinated Action FP7-ICT-2009-C Project No. 286370) for short term visits to the IIIA to work with the 3rd author.Peer Reviewe

    Some Questions Inspired by (Membrane Computing Motivated) Language-Theoretic Models

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    This contribution argues for the proposition that formal models based on the theory of formal grammars and languages are adequate for the study of some computationally relevant properties of agents and multi-agent systems. Some questions are formulated concerning the possibilities to enlarge the universality and realism of such models by considering the possibilities to go with their computing abilities beyond the traditional Turing-computability, and by considering very natural properties of any real (multi-)agent system such as the partially predictable functioning (behavior) of agents, their unreliability, dysfunctions, etc