36 research outputs found

    3D high definition video coding on a GPU-based heterogeneous system

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    H.264/MVC is a standard for supporting the sensation of 3D, based on coding from 2 (stereo) to N views. H.264/MVC adopts many coding options inherited from single view H.264/AVC, and thus its complexity is even higher, mainly because the number of processing views is higher. In this manuscript, we aim at an efficient parallelization of the most computationally intensive video encoding module for stereo sequences. In particular, inter prediction and its collaborative execution on a heterogeneous platform. The proposal is based on an efficient dynamic load balancing algorithm and on breaking encoding dependencies. Experimental results demonstrate the proposed algorithm's ability to reduce the encoding time for different stereo high definition sequences. Speed-up values of up to 90× were obtained when compared with the reference encoder on the same platform. Moreover, the proposed algorithm also provides a more energy-efficient approach and hence requires less energy than the sequential reference algorith

    H.264/AVC inter prediction on accelerator-based multi-core systems

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    The AVC video coding standard adopts variable block sizes for inter frame coding to increase compression efficiency, among other new features. As a consequence of this, an AVC encoder has to employ a complex mode decision technique that requires high computational complexity. Several techniques aimed at accelerating the inter prediction process have been proposed in the literature in recent years. Recently, with the emergence of many-core processors or accelerators, a new way of supporting inter frame prediction has presented itself. In this paper, we present a step forward in the implementation of an AVC inter prediction algorithm in a graphics processing unit, using Compute Unified Device Architecture. The results show a negligible drop in rate distortion with a time reduction, on average, of over 98.8 % compared with full search and fast full search, and of over 80 % compared with UMHexagonS search

    Motion estimation and CABAC VLSI co-processors for real-time high-quality H.264/AVC video coding

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    Real-time and high-quality video coding is gaining a wide interest in the research and industrial community for different applications. H.264/AVC, a recent standard for high performance video coding, can be successfully exploited in several scenarios including digital video broadcasting, high-definition TV and DVD-based systems, which require to sustain up to tens of Mbits/s. To that purpose this paper proposes optimized architectures for H.264/AVC most critical tasks, Motion estimation and context adaptive binary arithmetic coding. Post synthesis results on sub-micron CMOS standard-cells technologies show that the proposed architectures can actually process in real-time 720 × 480 video sequences at 30 frames/s and grant more than 50 Mbits/s. The achieved circuit complexity and power consumption budgets are suitable for their integration in complex VLSI multimedia systems based either on AHB bus centric on-chip communication system or on novel Network-on-Chip (NoC) infrastructures for MPSoC (Multi-Processor System on Chip

    An Adaptive Motion Estimation Scheme for Video Coding

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    The unsymmetrical-cross multihexagon-grid search (UMHexagonS) is one of the best fast Motion Estimation (ME) algorithms in video encoding software. It achieves an excellent coding performance by using hybrid block matching search pattern and multiple initial search point predictors at the cost of the computational complexity of ME increased. Reducing time consuming of ME is one of the key factors to improve video coding efficiency. In this paper, we propose an adaptive motion estimation scheme to further reduce the calculation redundancy of UMHexagonS. Firstly, new motion estimation search patterns have been designed according to the statistical results of motion vector (MV) distribution information. Then, design a MV distribution prediction method, including prediction of the size of MV and the direction of MV. At last, according to the MV distribution prediction results, achieve self-adaptive subregional searching by the new estimation search patterns. Experimental results show that more than 50% of total search points are dramatically reduced compared to the UMHexagonS algorithm in JM 18.4 of H.264/AVC. As a result, the proposed algorithm scheme can save the ME time up to 20.86% while the rate-distortion performance is not compromised

    Architectures for Adaptive Low-Power Embedded Multimedia Systems

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    This Ph.D. thesis describes novel hardware/software architectures for adaptive low-power embedded multimedia systems. Novel techniques for run-time adaptive energy management are proposed, such that both HW & SW adapt together to react to the unpredictable scenarios. A complete power-aware H.264 video encoder was developed. Comparison with state-of-the-art demonstrates significant energy savings while meeting the performance constraint and keeping the video quality degradation unnoticeable

    The Design of Network Camera System Based on TMS320DM642

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    随着社会和互联网技术的进步,视频监控技术也逐渐数字化和网络化。网络摄像机便是视频监控设备数字化与网络化的产物,它是将传统的模拟视频信号转变成数字视频信号,并且借助现有的IP网络进行传输。它的出现是视频监控系统发展中质的飞跃,如何设计高分辨率、可扩展性强、易于升级的网络摄像机更是当今视频监控研究的热门方向。本文基于这种需求,设计了一套以DSP和H.264为核心的网络摄像机系统。 本文的硬件平台选用以DSPTMS360DM642芯片为核心的开发板,采用H.264算法实现系统的视频编码,编码器源代码选用的是三大开源代码之一的x264代码。本文主要任务就是移植x264到DM642中,并且优化x264...With the development of society and internet technology, video surveillance has become digitalized and networked. Network camera, which is the new generation equipment for video surveillance, has caused a tremendous progress in the field of video surveillance system. Designing a network camera with high performance, easy expanding and easy updating is one of the most popular researches nowadays. T...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院自动化系_检测技术与自动化装置学号:2322008115337

    Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm using Hybrid Search Patterns for Video Streaming Application

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    The objective of the paper is to develop new block matching Motion Estimation (ME) algorithm using hybrid search patterns along the direction of best match. The search efficiency for sequences with fast motions and high resolutions is improved by proposing New Cross Diagonal-Hexagon Search (NCDHS) algorithm which involves a novel multi half-hexagon grid global search pattern and a cross diagonal-hexagon local search pattern. The new search pattern enables the proposed algorithm to perform better search using 9.068 search points on an average, to obtain optimal motion vector with slight improvement in quality. This inturn reduces ME Time upto 50.11%, 47.12%, 32.99% and 43.28% on average when compared to the existing Diamond Search (DS), Hexagon Search (HS), New Cross Hexagon Search (NHEXS) and Enhanced Diamond Search (EDS) algorithms respectively. The novelty of the algorithm is further achieved by applying the algorithm proposed for live streaming application. The NCDHS algorithm is run on two MATLAB sessions on the same computer by establishing the connection using Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) /Internet Protocol (IP) network. The ME Time obtained is 14.5986 seconds for a block size 16x16, is less when compared to existing algorithms and that makes the NCDHS algorithm suitable for real time streaming application