309 research outputs found

    Autonomous Task-Based Evolutionary Design of Modular Robots

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    In an attempt to solve the problem of finding a set of multiple unique modular robotic designs that can be constructed using a given repertoire of modules to perform a specific task, a novel synthesis framework is introduced based on design optimization concepts and evolutionary algorithms to search for the optimal design. Designing modular robotic systems faces two main challenges: the lack of basic rules of thumb and design bias introduced by human designers. The space of possible designs cannot be easily grasped by human designers especially for new tasks or tasks that are not fully understood by designers. Therefore, evolutionary computation is employed to design modular robots autonomously. Evolutionary algorithms can efficiently handle problems with discrete search spaces and solutions of variable sizes as these algorithms offer feasible robustness to local minima in the search space; and they can be parallelized easily to reducing system runtime. Moreover, they do not have to make assumptions about the solution form. This dissertation proposes a novel autonomous system for task-based modular robotic design based on evolutionary algorithms to search for the optimal design. The introduced system offers a flexible synthesis algorithm that can accommodate to different task-based design needs and can be applied to different modular shapes to produce homogenous modular robots. The proposed system uses a new representation for modular robotic assembly configuration based on graph theory and Assembly Incidence Matrix (AIM), in order to enable efficient and extendible task-based design of modular robots that can take input modules of different geometries and Degrees Of Freedom (DOFs). Robotic simulation is a powerful tool for saving time and money when designing robots as it provides an accurate method of assessing robotic adequacy to accomplish a specific task. Furthermore, it is difficult to predict robotic performance without simulation. Thus, simulation is used in this research to evaluate the robotic designs by measuring the fitness of the evolved robots, while incorporating the environmental features and robotic hardware constraints. Results are illustrated for a number of benchmark problems. The results presented a significant advance in robotic design automation state of the art

    Automated Real-Time Control of Fluidic Self-Assembly of Microparticles

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    Self-assembly is a key coordination mechanism for large multi-unit systems and a powerful bottom-up technology for micro/nanofabrication. Controlled self-assembly and dynamic reconfiguration of large ensembles of microscopic particles can effectively bridge these domains to build innovative systems. In this perspective, we present SelfSys, a novel platform for the automated control of the fluidic self-assembly of microparticles. SelfSys centers around a water-filled microfluidic chamber whose agitation modes, induced by a coupled ultrasonic actuator, drive the assembly. Microparticle dynamics is imaged, tracked and analyzed in real-time by an integrated software framework, which in turn algorithmically controls the agitation modes of the microchamber. The closed control loop is fully automated and can direct the stochastic assembly of microparticle clusters of preset dimension. Control issues specific to SelfSys implementation are discussed, and its potential applications presented. The SelfSys platform embodies at microscale the automated self-assembly control paradigm we first demonstrated in an earlier platform

    Robotic metamorphosis by origami exoskeletons

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    Changing the inherent physical capabilities of robots by metamorphosis has been a long-standing goal of engineers. However, this task is challenging because of physical constraints in the robot body, each component of which has a defined functionality. To date, self-reconfiguring robots have limitations in their on-site extensibility because of the large scale of today’s unit modules and the complex administration of their coordination, which relies heavily on on-board electronic components. We present an approach to extending and changing the capabilities of a robot by enabling metamorphosis using self-folding origami “exoskeletons.” We show how a cubical magnet “robot” can be remotely moved using a controllable magnetic field and hierarchically develop different morphologies by interfacing with different origami exoskeletons. Activated by heat, each exoskeleton is self-folded from a rectangular sheet, extending the capabilities of the initial robot, such as enabling the manipulation of objects or locomotion on the ground, water, or air. Activated by water, the exoskeletons can be removed and are interchangeable. Thus, the system represents an end-to-end (re)cycle. We also present several robot and exoskeleton designs, devices, and experiments with robot metamorphosis using exoskeletons

    An Untethered Miniature Origami Robot that Self-folds, Walks, Swims, and Degrades

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    A miniature robotic device that can fold-up on the spot, accomplish tasks, and disappear by degradation into the environment promises a range of medical applications but has so far been a challenge in engineering. This work presents a sheet that can self-fold into a functional 3D robot, actuate immediately for untethered walking and swimming, and subsequently dissolve in liquid. The developed sheet weighs 0.31g, spans 1.7cm square in size, features a cubic neodymium magnet, and can be thermally activated to self-fold. Since the robot has asymmetric body balance along the sagittal axis, the robot can walk at a speed of 3.8 body-length/s being remotely controlled by an alternating external magnetic field. We further show that the robot is capable of conducting basic tasks and behaviors, including swimming, delivering/carrying blocks, climbing a slope, and digging. The developed models include an acetone-degradable version, which allows the entire robot’s body to vanish in a liquid. We thus experimentally demonstrate the complete life cycle of our robot: self-folding, actuation, and degrading.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant 1240383)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant 1138967)American Society for Engineering Education. National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowshi

    Modular event-driven unmanned aerial vehicles control platform

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    Hoje em dia, os drones estão-se a tornar cada vez mais comuns nas nossas vidas diárias. Com a agilidade, acessibilidade e diversidade dos drones, eles são uma excelente plataforma para transportar dispositivos (p.ex., conjunto de sensores, câmeras, unidades computacionais de pequena dimensão). Assim sendo, são uma excelente ferramenta para tarefas como: explorar e estudar áreas perigosas, monitorizar campos de agricultura, ajudar na detecção e combate de incêndios ou vigiar multidões. Para realizar tais tarefas, ferramentas de automação e integração são essenciais, para que o desenvolvimento se concentre na própria aplicação e não nos problemas relacionados com a integração e automação do sistema do drone. Os drones atualmente disponiveis não são capazes de lidar com tais complexidades de forma tão transparente. Por exemplo, certos niveis de automação são ja possiveis, mas requerem hardware e software especificos do fornecedor; no que toca a integração, alguns já supportam SDK ou API para interagir com o drone, mas mais uma vez com a inconveniência de necessitar de conhecimento prévio sobre os sistemas dos drones. Para responder a estas necessidades, esta tese propõe uma plataforma modular de controlo baseada em eventos para abstrair os processos de automação e integração da complexidade subjacentes aos drones. Enquanto que a plataforma permite que as aplicações controlem e interajam com os drones, a sua complexidade é resolvida dentro da plataforma, simplificando o processo de integração. Além disso, com a plataforma proposta, a automação e funcionalidades do drone podem ser estendidas para estender as funcionalidades de drones mais limitados. A plataforma desenvolvida foi testada em diferentes cenários, tanto ao nível das suas funcionalidades como ao nível da analise de desempenho. Os resultados mostram que, além das funcionalidades suportadas, a plataforma consegue suportar o controlo e gestão de pelo menos até 64 drones em simultâneo sem ter modificações significativas nos atrasos de comunicação e throughput.Nowadays, drones are becoming more common in our daily lives. Since drones are agile, a ordable and diverse, they make an excellent platform to carry devices around (e.g., sensor arrays, cameras, small computers). With these capabilities, they become an excellent tool for tasks like: explore and study hazardous areas, agriculture monitoring, help on the detection and ght in res, and crowd surveillance. To perform such tasks, automation and integration tools are a must have, so that the development can focus on the application itself and not on the issues related with the integration and automation of the drone system. Current available drones are not capable of properly handling such complexities in a seamless way. For instance, some levels of automation are already possible, but require vendor speci c hardware and software; for integration, some o er SDK or API interactions, but once again with the inconvenience of requiring extensive knowledge about drone systems to implement. To address these issues, this thesis proposes a modular event-driven control platform to abstract automation and integration processes from the underlying complexities of the drones, while the platform lets the applications control and interact with the drones. The drones' complexities are resolved within the platform, therefore simplifying integration process. Moreover, with the proposed platform, drone automation and functionality can be extended across distinct brands of drones, while some may already support some features, others may not, and in that case the platform modules may intervene to extend the features of less capable drones. The developed platform has been tested in di erent scenarios, such as in terms of its functionalities and in terms of performance analysis. The results show that, besides the supported functionalities, the platform is able to handle the control and management of at last 64 simultaneous drones without signi cant changes in the communication delays and throughput.Mestrado em Engenharia Informátic

    Towards an integrated framework for the configuration of modular micro assembly systems

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    The future of manufacturing in high-cost economies is to maximise responsiveness to change whilst simultaneously minimising the financial implications. The concept of Reconfigurable Assembly Systems (RAS) has been proposed as a potential route to achieving this ideal. RASs offer the potential to rapidly change the configuration of a system in response to predicted or unforeseen events through standardised mechanical, electrical and software interfaces within a modular environment. This greatly reduces the design and integration effort for a single configuration, which, in combination with the concept of equipment leasing, enables the potential for reduction in system cost, reconfiguration cost, lead time and down time. This work was motivated by the slow implementation of the RAS concept in industry due, in part, to the limited research into the planning of multiple system reconfigurations. The challenge is to enable consideration of, and planning for, the production of numerous different products within a single modular, reconfigurable assembly environment. The developed methodology is to be structured and traceable, but also adaptable to specific and varying circumstances. This thesis presents an approach that aims towards providing a framework for the configuration of modular assembly systems. The approach consists of a capability model, a reconfiguration methodology and auxiliary functions. As a result, the approach facilitates the complete process of requirement elicitation, capability identification, definition and comparison, configuration analysis and optimisation and the generation of a system configuration lifecycle. The developed framework is demonstrated through a number of test case applications, which were used during the research, as well as the development of some specific technological applications needed to support the approach and application

    The State of the Art of Information Integration in Space Applications

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    This paper aims to present a comprehensive survey on information integration (II) in space informatics. With an ever-increasing scale and dynamics of complex space systems, II has become essential in dealing with the complexity, changes, dynamics, and uncertainties of space systems. The applications of space II (SII) require addressing some distinctive functional requirements (FRs) of heterogeneity, networking, communication, security, latency, and resilience; while limited works are available to examine recent advances of SII thoroughly. This survey helps to gain the understanding of the state of the art of SII in sense that (1) technical drivers for SII are discussed and classified; (2) existing works in space system development are analyzed in terms of their contributions to space economy, divisions, activities, and missions; (3) enabling space information technologies are explored at aspects of sensing, communication, networking, data analysis, and system integration; (4) the importance of first-time right (FTR) for implementation of a space system is emphasized, the limitations of digital twin (DT-I) as technological enablers are discussed, and a concept digital-triad (DT-II) is introduced as an information platform to overcome these limitations with a list of fundamental design principles; (5) the research challenges and opportunities are discussed to promote SII and advance space informatics in future

    Towards an integrated framework for the configuration of modular micro assembly systems

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    The future of manufacturing in high-cost economies is to maximise responsiveness to change whilst simultaneously minimising the financial implications. The concept of Reconfigurable Assembly Systems (RAS) has been proposed as a potential route to achieving this ideal. RASs offer the potential to rapidly change the configuration of a system in response to predicted or unforeseen events through standardised mechanical, electrical and software interfaces within a modular environment. This greatly reduces the design and integration effort for a single configuration, which, in combination with the concept of equipment leasing, enables the potential for reduction in system cost, reconfiguration cost, lead time and down time. This work was motivated by the slow implementation of the RAS concept in industry due, in part, to the limited research into the planning of multiple system reconfigurations. The challenge is to enable consideration of, and planning for, the production of numerous different products within a single modular, reconfigurable assembly environment. The developed methodology is to be structured and traceable, but also adaptable to specific and varying circumstances. This thesis presents an approach that aims towards providing a framework for the configuration of modular assembly systems. The approach consists of a capability model, a reconfiguration methodology and auxiliary functions. As a result, the approach facilitates the complete process of requirement elicitation, capability identification, definition and comparison, configuration analysis and optimisation and the generation of a system configuration lifecycle. The developed framework is demonstrated through a number of test case applications, which were used during the research, as well as the development of some specific technological applications needed to support the approach and application

    Characterisation of Functional Brain Networks underlying Cognitive Reasoning and Intelligence

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    Factories of the Future

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    Engineering; Industrial engineering; Production engineerin