1,019 research outputs found

    Michel Treyvaud

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    Assessing the validity of western measurement of online risks to children in an Asian context

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    Before the advent of the Internet, television with limited channels was the only media choice that most children were exposed to, and took place under family supervision. Children’s television viewing was controllable and the risks were limited to watching sexual and violent content. Nowadays, children are surrounded by a variety of digital media and are exposed to many different risks, many of which are still unknown and under-researched. For many children, the Internet is fully integrated into their daily lives, along with the potential risks. The present study aimed to (i) describe the level of risks children are exposed to, and (2) test the measurement validity of a total of 45 items assessing nine scales online risky behavior in children were adapted from studies carried out in Europe and the United States. The study comprised 420 school going children aged 9, 11, 13, 14, and 16 studying in Malaysia. Descriptive analyses showed that children were more exposed to ‘unwanted exposure to pornography’ and less to ‘conduct risk’. Boys and older children were more exposed to the risks compared to girls and younger children. The study validated five dimensions (inappropriate materials, sexting, contact-related risks on, risky online sexual behavior, and bullying/being bullied) assessing children’s online risky behavior by using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Further research is needed to investigate the measurement of children’s online risk, since the scales developed in Europe and the United States are not wholly suitable to an Asian context

    Acceptability and feasibility of collecting psychosocial data from fathers of very low birth weight infants

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    The aim of this study was to determine the feasibility and acceptability of collecting outcome data from parents of very low birth weight infants, and to explore the psychological and social adaptation of fathers. Questionnaires were distributed to 38 parents of very low birth weight infants and 36 parents of term infants within a hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Field notes were also taken. Parents indicated collecting outcome data in this population was feasible and acceptable, but barriers and difficulties in data collection were identified, particularly for fathers. Furthermore, parents highlighted a lack of emotional support for fathers. In conclusion, research with parents of very low birth weight infants should happen with consultation, flexibility, and measures designed specifically for this population

    Development of Children Born Preterm: Are Dysfunctional Parenting Styles Associated with Poor Behavioural Outcomes?

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    This item is only available electronically.Children born preterm are more likely to have poor behavioural functioning, such as attention and conduct problems, than children born full-term. Though this is well documented in the academic literature, factors associated with such outcomes are still being examined. Dysfunctional parenting styles are recognised as being associated with adverse behaviours in full-term children, but when this relationship has been examined in a preterm population, the findings have been inconsistent. Only few studies have also investigated this association in older preterm children, and in children who are at high risk of poor developmental outcomes. Thus, the association between styles of parenting and child behavioural difficulties in a preterm population remains unclear. Accordingly, the current study aimed to investigate the behavioural functioning of 440 5-year-olds born <29 weeks gestation, with and without parents who had dysfunctional parenting styles. The cohort was assessed using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and the Parenting Scale, as reported by the parents. After controlling for potential confounding socioeconomic factors, results revealed that preterm children with parents who had dysfunctional parenting styles displayed more symptoms of conduct difficulties. Dysfunctional parenting styles were also associated with almost two times the odds of preterm children presenting with conduct problems that were indicative of clinical significance. The results of the present study highlight the importance of child and parental guidance to support conduct developmental outcomes in children born preterm. They further highlight the potential to alleviate clinically concerning conduct problems from continuing into later childhood and adolescence.Thesis (B.PsychSc(Hons)) -- University of Adelaide, School of Psychology, 202

    Élaboration d’une intervention infirmiĂšre suivant une approche basĂ©e sur la thĂ©orie et les donnĂ©es empiriques pour promouvoir les interactions empreintes de sensibilitĂ© maternelle Ă  l’unitĂ© de soins intensifs nĂ©onatals

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    Introduction: Sensitive mother-infant interactions are important predictors of long-term mother-infant relationship and infant development. Considering preterm infants’ immaturity, mother-infant interactions and maternal sensitivity may not develop optimally. A systematic review showed that current evidence on the effectiveness of parent-infant interventions promoting parental sensitivity in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is of low to very low quality. Objective: The objective of this paper is to report the development process of a novel nursing intervention, using a theory and evidence-based approach, to enhance maternal sensitivity and preterm infant neurodevelopment in the NICU. Methods: The Medical Research Council’s guidance to develop and evaluate complex health interventions, that is an evidence and theory-based approach, was used for this study. Thus, based on the MRC framework, three main steps were conducted: 1- Identifying existing empirical evidence; 2- Identifying and developing theory; 3- Modeling processes and outcomes. Results: We developed a guided participation intervention for mothers to participate in their preterm infant’s care and positioning (‘GP_Posit’). ‘GP_Posit’ is based upon the Attachment theory, the Guided Participation theory as well as the Synactive theory of development. Conclusion: This novel intervention is being tested in a pilot randomized controlled trial (NCT03677752).Introduction&nbsp;: La relation mĂšre-enfant, dont les interactions empreintes de sensibilitĂ© maternelle en sont l’un des principaux prĂ©dicteurs, figure parmi les facteurs pouvant amĂ©liorer le dĂ©veloppement des nouveau-nĂ©s prĂ©maturĂ©s. En raison de l’immaturitĂ© des nouveau-nĂ©s prĂ©maturĂ©s, les interactions mĂšre-enfant prĂ©coces et la sensibilitĂ© maternelle sont Ă  risque de se dĂ©velopper de façon sous-optimale. Les rĂ©sultats d’une revue systĂ©matique ont montrĂ© que les donnĂ©es actuelles sur l’efficacitĂ© des interventions parent-enfant favorisant la sensibilitĂ© parentale dĂšs l’hospitalisation Ă  l’unitĂ© de soins intensifs nĂ©onatals (USIN) sont de qualitĂ© faible Ă  trĂšs faible. Objectif&nbsp;: L’objectif de cet article est de rapporter le processus de dĂ©veloppement d’une nouvelle intervention infirmiĂšre, en utilisant une approche basĂ©e sur la thĂ©orie et les donnĂ©es empiriques, pour amĂ©liorer la sensibilitĂ© maternelle et le dĂ©veloppement neurologique des nouveau-nĂ©s prĂ©maturĂ©s Ă  l’USIN. MĂ©thodes&nbsp;: Les lignes directrices du Medical Research Council pour le dĂ©veloppement et l’évaluation d’interventions complexes en santĂ© ont Ă©tĂ© suivies. Ainsi, trois principales Ă©tapes ont Ă©tĂ© suivies : 1- Identification des preuves empiriques existantes ; 2- Identification et dĂ©veloppement thĂ©orique ; 3- ModĂ©lisation des processus et des rĂ©sultats. RĂ©sultats&nbsp;: Nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© une intervention de participation guidĂ©e pour que les mĂšres participent aux soins et au positionnement de leur nouveau-nĂ© prĂ©maturĂ© (‘GP_Posit’). ‘GP_Posit’ est basĂ©e sur la thĂ©orie de l’attachement, la thĂ©orie de la participation guidĂ©e ainsi que la thĂ©orie synactive du dĂ©veloppement. Conclusion&nbsp;: Cette intervention est mise Ă  l’essai dans un essai contrĂŽlĂ© randomisĂ© pilote (NCT03677752)

    Psychological well-being of the parents and child development, behavior, and quality of life in very low birth weight infants

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    The parents of premature infants, especially the mothers, are at increased risk for distress. Infants born prematurely are at risk for developmental problems. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the psychological well-being of both parents is associated with child development in very low birth weight (VLBW, ≀1500g) children. The burden of prematurity-related morbidity to the children and to the family was also assessed. A cohort of 201 VLBW infants born during 2001–2006 in the Turku University Hospital, Finland, and their parents were studied (I–IV). One study included a control group (n=166) of full-term infants (IV). The psychological well-being of the parents was evaluated by assessments of depressive symptoms, parenting stress, the sense of coherence and general family functioning. Cognitive, behavioral, and socio-emotional development, and the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of the children were determined when the children were 2 to 8 years old. The psychological well-being of the parents was associated with the cognitive, behavioral and social development of the VLBW children. The VLBW infants with prematurity-related morbidities had a poorer HRQoL and the general functioning of the family was inferior compared to the control children and their families. 64.5% of the VLBW children survived without morbidities. Most of the VLBW children did not have significant behavior problems (93%), had normal social skills (63%), had no emotional problems (64%), and had no problems in executive functioning (62%). Only 3% of the surviving VLBW infants had significant cognitive delay. In conclusion, the depressive symptoms and stress of the parents can be risk factors for disadvantageous child development, while a strong sense of coherence can be protective. Parents of the premature children with developmental delays might also experience more depressive symptoms and stress than other parents. Prematurity-related morbidities were a burden to the VLBW child as well as to the family.Vanhempien psyykkinen hyvinvointi ja hyvin pienipainoisena syntyneiden lasten kehitys, kĂ€yttĂ€ytyminen ja elĂ€mĂ€nlaatu Keskosten vanhemmilla, varsinkin Ă€ideillĂ€, on riski ahdistua ja masentua. Keskosten elĂ€mÀÀ voivat varjostaa kehitykselliset ongelmat. TĂ€mĂ€n tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittÀÀ molempien vanhempien psyykkisen hyvinvoinnin yhteyttĂ€ pienipainoisena syntyneen keskoslapsen (syntymĂ€paino ≀1500 g) kehitykseen. LisĂ€ksi tutkittiin keskosilla yliedustetuiksi todettujen sairauksien vaikutusta lapsen elĂ€mĂ€nlaatuun ja perheen yleiseen toimivuuteen.Tutkimukseen otettiin 201 vuosina 2001–2006 Turun yliopistollisessa keskussairaalassa hyvin pienipainoisena syntynyttĂ€ keskosta vanhempineen (I–IV). YhdessĂ€ tutkimuksessa (IV) oli mukana verrokkiryhmĂ€ (n=166). Vanhempien psyykkistĂ€ hyvinvointia arvioitiin heidĂ€n kokemiensa masennusoireiden, vanhemmuuden stressin ja elĂ€mĂ€nhallinnan tunteen kautta. Myös perheen yleinen toimivuus kartoitettiin. Keskosilta arvioitiin kognitiivinen kehitys, kĂ€yttĂ€ytymisvaikeudet, sosio-emotionaalinen kehitys ja terveyteen liittyvĂ€ elĂ€mĂ€nlaatu eri ikĂ€pisteissĂ€ 2–8 vuotiaina. Vanhempien psyykkinen hyvinvointi oli yhteydessĂ€ keskoslasten kehitykseen. NiillĂ€ keskosilla, joilla oli pitkĂ€aikaissairauksia, oli myös huonompi terveyteen liittyvĂ€ elĂ€mĂ€nlaatu ja heidĂ€n perheissÀÀn oli huonompi toimintakyky. Suurin osa keskosista selviytyi ilman keskosuuteen liittyviĂ€ pitkĂ€aikaissairauksia (64.5%), ilman merkittĂ€viĂ€ kĂ€ytösongelmia (93%), ilman tunne-elĂ€mĂ€n ongelmia (64%) ja ilman toiminnanohjauksen ongelmia (62%). 63%:lla oli normaalit sosiaaliset taidot ja vain 3%:lla oli merkittĂ€vĂ€ kognitiivisen kehityksen viive. Yhteenvetona todettiin, ettĂ€ keskoslasten vanhempien kokemat masennusoireet ja vanhemmuuden stressi voivat olla uhka keskoslasten normaalille kehitykselle, kun taas vanhempien hyvĂ€ elĂ€mĂ€nhallinnan tunne voi olla suojaava tekijĂ€. On myös mahdollista, ettĂ€ kehityksessÀÀn viiveisten lasten vanhemmat voivat kokea muita vanhempia enemmĂ€n masennusta ja stressiĂ€. Keskoslasten pitkĂ€aikaissairaudet ovat taakka lapselle itselleen mutta myös koko perheelle.Siirretty Doriast

    A systematic synthesis of qualitative studies on parents’ experiences of participating in early intervention programs with their infant born preterm

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    Early intervention programs involving both the parent and the infant born preterm have demonstrated positive effects on developmental outcomes for the children. However, studies have also shown that parental engagement and adherence when implementing intervention programs can be challenging. The aim of this review was to provide a comprehensive description and new insights into key messages gleaned from the parent reports on participating in early intervention with their infant born preterm; knowledge vital to facilitate implementation of early interventions into clinical practice when using a model of direct parent involvement. Early intervention is broadly defined as a multi-interdisciplinary field provided to children from birth to five years of age to foster child health, wellbeing, development, adapting parenting and family function. For this systematic synthesis we define early intervention as programs with specific activities completed with the infant during the first year after birth. We assembled qualitative interview studies on parents’ experiences with participation in early intervention and applied Malterud’s qualitative systematic meta-synthesis to synthesize and translate the original findings across studies. In the analysis we applied enactive concepts of embodiment, autonomy, participatory sensemaking, and agency. 10 qualitative studies were identified and included. The systematic synthesis reveals how parents’ successful and meaningful participation in early intervention programs were facilitated by their “active embodied doing.” The “embodied doing” appeared as the basis for the parents’ sense-making processes, development of confidence, and the ability for parents to see new possibilities for actions within themselves, with and in the child. In that respect, a perception of mutuality in the interaction between parent, infant and interventionist was central. Consequently, an important consideration when implementing early intervention into clinical practice is to promote embodied parent–infant interactions as well as trust between the parent and the interventionist
