288 research outputs found

    Lasting EEG/MEG aftereffects on human brain oscillations after rhythmic transcranial brain stimulation: Level of control over oscillatory network activity

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    A number of rhythmic protocols have emerged for non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) in humans, including transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS), oscillatory transcranial direct current stimulation (otDCS) and repetitive (also called rhythmic) transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). With these techniques, it is possible to match the frequency of the externally applied electromagnetic fields to the intrinsic frequency of oscillatory neural population activity ("frequency-tuning"). Mounting evidence suggests that by this means tACS, otDCS, and rTMS can entrain brain oscillations and promote associated functions in a frequency-specific manner, in particular during (i.e. online to) stimulation. Here, we focus instead on the changes in oscillatory brain activity that persist after the end of stimulation. Understanding such aftereffects in healthy participants is an important step for developing these techniques into potentially useful clinical tools for the treatment of specific patient groups. Reviewing the electrophysiological evidence in healthy participants, we find aftereffects on brain oscillations to be a common outcome following tACS/otDCS and rTMS. However, we did not find a consistent, predictable pattern of aftereffects across studies, which is in contrast to the relative homogeneity of reported online effects. This indicates that aftereffects are partially dissociated from online, frequency-specific (entrainment) effects during tACS/otDCS and rTMS. We outline possible accounts and future directions for a better understanding of the link between online entrainment and offline aftereffects, which will be key for developing more targeted interventions into oscillatory brain activity

    Alpha power increase after transcranial alternating current stimulation at alpha frequency (α-tacs) reflects plastic changes rather than entrainment

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    Background: Periodic stimulation of occipital areas using transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) at alpha (α) frequency (8–12 Hz) enhances electroencephalographic (EEG) α-oscillation long after tACS-offset. Two mechanisms have been suggested to underlie these changes in oscillatory EEG activity: tACS-induced entrainment of brain oscillations and/or tACS-induced changes in oscillatory circuits by spike-timing dependent plasticity.<p></p> Objective: We tested to what extent plasticity can account for tACS-aftereffects when controlling for entrainment “echoes.” To this end, we used a novel, intermittent tACS protocol and investigated the strength of the aftereffect as a function of phase continuity between successive tACS episodes, as well as the match between stimulation frequency and endogenous α-frequency.<p></p> Methods: 12 healthy participants were stimulated at around individual α-frequency for 15–20 min in four sessions using intermittent tACS or sham. Successive tACS events were either phase-continuous or phase-discontinuous, and either 3 or 8 s long. EEG α-phase and power changes were compared after and between episodes of α-tACS across conditions and against sham.<p></p> Results: α-aftereffects were successfully replicated after intermittent stimulation using 8-s but not 3-s trains. These aftereffects did not reveal any of the characteristics of entrainment echoes in that they were independent of tACS phase-continuity and showed neither prolonged phase alignment nor frequency synchronization to the exact stimulation frequency.<p></p> Conclusion: Our results indicate that plasticity mechanisms are sufficient to explain α-aftereffects in response to α-tACS, and inform models of tACS-induced plasticity in oscillatory circuits. Modifying brain oscillations with tACS holds promise for clinical applications in disorders involving abnormal neural synchrony

    Noninvasive brain stimulation techniques can modulate cognitive processing

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    Recent methods that allow a noninvasive modulation of brain activity are able to modulate human cognitive behavior. Among these methods are transcranial electric stimulation and transcranial magnetic stimulation that both come in multiple variants. A property of both types of brain stimulation is that they modulate brain activity and in turn modulate cognitive behavior. Here, we describe the methods with their assumed neural mechanisms for readers from the economic and social sciences and little prior knowledge of these techniques. Our emphasis is on available protocols and experimental parameters to choose from when designing a study. We also review a selection of recent studies that have successfully applied them in the respective field. We provide short pointers to limitations that need to be considered and refer to the relevant papers where appropriate

    Studying the cortical state with transcranial magnetic stimulation

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    Cortical excitability and connectivity describe the state of the cerebral cortex. They reflect the ability of neurons to respond to input and the way information flows in the neuronal networks. These properties can be assessed with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), which enables direct and noninvasive modulation of cortical activity. Electrophysiological or hemodynamic recordings of TMS-evoked activity or behavioral measures of the stimulation effect characterize the state of the cortex during and as a result of the stimulation. In the research reported in this Thesis, the ability of TMS to inform us about the cortical state is studied from different points of view. First, we examine the relationships between different measures of cortical excitability to better understand the physiology behind them; we show how cortical background activity is related to motor cortical excitability and how the evoked responses reflect the excitability. Second, this study addresses the questions whether the TMS-evoked responses include stimulation-related artifacts, how these artifacts are generated, and how they can be avoided or removed. Specifically, we present a method to remove the artifacts from TMS-evoked electroencephalographic (EEG) signals arising as a result of cranial muscle stimulation. The use of TMS-EEG has been limited to relatively medial sites because of these artifacts, but the new method enables studying the cortical state even when stimulating areas near the cranial muscles, especially lateral sites. Finally, this work provides new information about brain function. The mechanisms how the brain processes visually guided timed motor actions are elucidated. Moreover, we show that cortical excitability as measured with TMS-evoked EEG increases during the course of wakefulness and decreases during sleep, which contributes to our understanding of what happens in the brain during wakefulness that makes us feel tired and why the brain needs sleep. The study also shows the sensitivity of the TMS-EEG measurement to changes in the state of the cortex. Accordingly, we demonstrate the power of TMS in studying the cortical state

    Inconsistent effects of parietal α-tACS on Pseudoneglect across two experiments:A failed internal replication

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    Transcranial electrical stimulation (tES) is being investigated as an experimental and clinical interventional technique in human participants. While promising, important limitations have been identified, including weak effect sizes and high inter- and intra-individual variability of outcomes. Here, we compared two “inhibitory” tES-techniques with supposedly different mechanisms of action as to their effects on performance in a visuospatial attention task, and report on a direct replication attempt. In two experiments, 2 × 20 healthy participants underwent tES in three separate sessions testing different protocols (10 min stimulation each) with a montage targeting right parietal cortex (right parietal–left frontal, electrode-sizes: 3cm × 3cm–7 cm × 5 cm), while performing a perceptual line bisection (landmark) task. The tES-protocols were compared as to their ability to modulate pseudoneglect (thought to be under right hemispheric control). In experiment 1, sham-tES was compared to transcranial alternating current stimulation at alpha frequency (10 Hz; α-tACS) (expected to entrain “inhibitory” alpha oscillations) and to cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation (c-tDCS) (shown to suppress neuronal spiking activity). In experiment 2, we attempted to replicate the findings of experiment 1, and establish frequency-specificity by adding a 45 Hz-tACS condition to α-tACS and sham. In experiment 1, right parietal α-tACS led to the expected changes in spatial attention bias, namely a rightward shift in subjective midpoint estimation (relative to sham). However, this was not confirmed in experiment 2 and in the complete sample. Right parietal c-tDCS and 45 Hz-tACS had no effect. These results highlight the importance of replication studies, adequate statistical power and optimizing tES-interventions for establishing the robustness and reliability of electrical stimulation effects, and best practice

    Oscillatory mechanisms of conscious perception and attention

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    Although the prominent role of neural oscillations in perception and cognition has been continuously investigated, some critical questions remain unanswered. My PhD thesis was aimed at addressing some of them. First, can we dissociate oscillatory underpinnings of perceptual accuracy and subjective awareness? Current work would strongly suggest that this dissociation can be drawn. While the fluctuations in alpha-amplitude decide perceptual bias and metacognitive abilities, the speed of alpha activity (i.e., alpha-frequency) dictates sensory sampling, shaping perceptual accuracy. Second, how are these oscillatory mechanisms integrated during attention? The obtained results indicate that a top-down visuospatial mechanism modulates neural assemblies in visual areas via oscillatory re-alignment and coherence in the alpha/beta range within the fronto-parietal brain network. These perceptual predictions are reflected in the retinotopically distributed posterior alpha-amplitude, while perceptual accuracy is explained by the higher alpha-frequency at the to-be-attended location. Finally, sensory input, elaborated via fast gamma oscillations, is linked to specific phases of this slower activity via oscillatory nesting, enabling integration of the feedback-modulated oscillatory activity with sensory information. Third, how can we relate this oscillatory activity to other neural markers of behaviour (i.e., event-related potentials)? The obtained results favour the oscillatory model of ERP genesis, where alpha-frequency shapes the latency of early evoked-potentials, namely P1, with both neural indices being related to perceptual accuracy. On the other hand, alpha-amplitude dictates the amplitude of later P3 evoked-response, whereas both indices shape subjective awareness. Crucially, by combining different methodological approaches, including neurostimulation (TMS) and neuroimaging (EEG), current work identified these oscillatory-behavior links as causal and not just as co-occurring events. Current work aimed at ameliorating the use of the TMS-EEG approach by explaining inter-individual differences in the stimulation outcomes, which could be proven crucial in the way we design entrainment experiments and interpret the results in both research and clinical settings

    Targeting the neurophysiology of cognitive systems with transcranial alternating current stimulation

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    Cognitive impairment represents one of the most debilitating and most difficult symptom to treat of many psychiatric illnesses. Human neurophysiology studies have suggested specific pathologies of cortical network activity correlate with cognitive impairment. However, we lack (1) demonstration of causal relationships between specific network activity patterns and cognitive capabilities and (2) treatment modalities that directly target impaired network dynamics of cognition. Transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS), a novel non-invasive brain stimulation approach, may provide a crucial tool to tackle these challenges. We here propose that tACS can be used to elucidate the causal role of cortical synchronization in cognition and, eventually, to enhance pathologically weakened synchrony that may underlie cognitive deficits. To accelerate such development of tACS as a treatment for cognitive deficits, we discuss studies on tACS and cognition (all performed in healthy participants) according to the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) of the National Institute of Mental Health

    Left parietal tACS at alpha frequency induces a shift of visuospatial attention

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    Background Voluntary shifts of visuospatial attention are associated with a lateralization of parieto-occipital alpha power (7-13Hz), i.e. higher power in the hemisphere ipsilateral and lower power contralateral to the locus of attention. Recent noninvasive neuromodulation studies demonstrated that alpha power can be experimentally increased using transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS). Objective/Hypothesis We hypothesized that tACS at alpha frequency over the left parietal cortex induces shifts of attention to the left hemifield. However, spatial attention shifts not only occur voluntarily (endogenous/ top-down), but also stimulus-driven (exogenous/ bottom-up). To study the task-specificity of the potential effects of tACS on attentional processes, we administered three conceptually different spatial attention tasks. Methods 36 healthy volunteers were recruited from an academic environment. In two separate sessions, we applied either high-density tACS at 10Hz, or sham tACS, for 35–40 minutes to their left parietal cortex. We systematically compared performance on endogenous attention, exogenous attention, and stimulus detection tasks. Results In the endogenous attention task, a greater leftward bias in reaction times was induced during left parietal 10Hz tACS as compared to sham. There were no stimulation effects in either the exogenous attention or the stimulus detection task. Conclusion The study demonstrates that high-density tACS at 10Hz can be used to modulate visuospatial attention performance. The tACS effect is task-specific, indicating that not all forms of attention are equally susceptible to the stimulation

    The spatial localization of targeted alpha modulations in concurrent EEG-fMRI during visual entrainment

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