134 research outputs found

    Comparison of two approaches for web-based 3D visualization of smart building sensor data

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    Abstract. This thesis presents a comparative study on two different approaches for visualizing sensor data collected from smart buildings on the web using 3D virtual environments. The sensor data is provided by sensors that are deployed in real buildings to measure several environmental parameters including temperature, humidity, air quality and air pressure. The first approach uses the three.js WebGL framework to create the 3D model of a smart apartment where sensor data is illustrated with point and wall visualizations. Point visualizations show sensor values at the real locations of the sensors using text, icons or a mixture of the two. Wall visualizations display sensor values inside panels placed on the interior walls of the apartment. The second approach uses the Unity game engine to create the 3D model of a 4-floored hospice where sensor data is illustrated with aforementioned point visualizations and floor visualizations, where the sensor values are shown on the floor around the location of the sensors in form of color or other effects. The two approaches are compared with respect to their technical performance in terms of rendering speed, model size and request size, and with respect to the relative advantages and disadvantages of the two development environments as experienced in this thesis

    Enhancing information-based spaces using IoT and multimedia visualization - a case study

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    O principal objetivo desta pesquisa é fazer uma exploração em torno das estruturas conceituais, estado da arte e aplicações plausíveis da Internet de Coisas Multimédia em serviços distribuídos com para a criação de ambientes aumentados que contribuam a melhorar a experiência coletiva e participação das pessoas assistentes a conferências profissionais, reuniões grupais e espaços públicos em geral. Assim, a metodologia será baseada em uma revisão do estado da arte das tecnologias de IoT aplicáveis a coisas de multimédia e visualização de informação, especialmente no contexto de espaços públicos aumentados, onde o acesso a informação de alta qualidade possa ser possível sem influenciar negativamente a interação no mundo real entre os participantes, assim como melhorar a experiência global dos mesmos, considerando também soluções tecnológicas projetadas para os eventos de prazos limitados.The main objective of this research is to make an exploration around conceptual frameworks, state of the art and plausible applications of the Internet of Multimedia Things in distributed services for creating augmented environments that contribute to enhance the collective experience and participation of people attending professional conferences, group meetings and public spaces in general. Thus, the methodology will be based on a review of the state of the art of IoT technologies applicable for multimedia things and information visualization, specially in the context of augmented public spaces, where the access of high-quality data can be possible without preventing real-world interaction among attendants, as well as improving the overall experience of participants, considering also technological solutions designed for the events of limited time-frames

    Novel Architecture of OneM2M-Based Convergence Platform for Mixed Reality and IoT

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    There have been numerous works proposed to merge augmented reality/mixed reality (AR/MR) and Internet of Things (IoT) in various ways. However, they have focused on their specific target applications and have limitations on interoperability or reusability when utilizing them to different domains or adding other devices to the system. This paper proposes a novel architecture of a convergence platform for AR/MR and IoT systems and services. The proposed architecture adopts the oneM2M IoT standard as the basic framework that converges AR/MR and IoT systems and enables the development of application services used in general-purpose environments without being subordinate to specific systems, domains, and device manufacturers. We implement the proposed architecture utilizing the open-source oneM2M-based IoT server and device platforms released by the open alliance for IoT standards (OCEAN) and Microsoft HoloLens as an MR device platform. We also suggest and demonstrate the practical use cases and discuss the advantages of the proposed architecture

    Intelligent IoT and Dynamic Network Semantic Maps for more Trustworthy Systems

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    As technology evolves, the Internet of Things (IoT) concept is gaining importance for constituting a foundation to reach optimum connectivity between people and things. For this to happen and to allow easier integration of sensors and other devices in these technologic environments (or networks), the configuration is a key process, promoting interoperability between heterogeneous devices and providing strategies and processes to enhance the network capabilities. The optimization of this important process of creating a truly dynamic network must be based on models that provide a standardization of communication patterns, protocols and technologies between the sensors. Despite standing as a major tendency today, many obstacles still arise when implementing an intelligent dynamic network. Existing models are not as widely adopted as expected and semantics are often not properly represented, hence resulting in complex and unsuitable configuration time. Thus, this work aims to understand the ideal models and ontologies to achieve proper architectures and semantic maps, which allow management and redundancy based on the information of the whole network, without compromising performance, and to develop a competent configuration of sensors to integrate in a contemporary industrial typical dynamic network

    RPL And COAP Protocols, Experimental Analysis for IOT: A Case Study

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    Internet of Things(IoT) in recent days playing a vital role in networking related applications. However, there are several protocols available for building IoT applications, but RPL and CoAP are important protocols.There is a customized protocol requirement for specific IoT applications, while working on specific research problems. Further, adequate platforms are required to evaluate the performance of these protocols. These platforms need to be configured for the protocol, which is very crucial and timeconsuming task. At present, there is no collective and precise information available to carry out this work. This paper discusses two different open source platforms available for IoT. Also,various IoT research ideas need to design of IoT protocols. A few IoT communication technologies are mentioned in the paper. The detail analysis of, two common protocols, namely Routing Protocol for Low-Power Lossy Networks (RPL) and Constrained Application layer protocol (CoAP) is carried out with respect to latency delay and packet delivery ratio. The results, discussion and conclusion presented in this paper are useful for researchers, who are interested to work with IoT protocols and standards

    Design Fiction Diegetic Prototyping: A Research Framework for Visualizing Service Innovations

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Purpose: This paper presents a design fiction diegetic prototyping methodology and research framework for investigating service innovations that reflect future uses of new and emerging technologies. Design/methodology/approach: Drawing on speculative fiction, we propose a methodology that positions service innovations within a six-stage research development framework. We begin by reviewing and critiquing designerly approaches that have traditionally been associated with service innovations and futures literature. In presenting our framework, we provide an example of its application to the Internet of Things (IoT), illustrating the central tenets proposed and key issues identified. Findings: The research framework advances a methodology for visualizing future experiential service innovations, considering how realism may be integrated into a designerly approach. Research limitations/implications: Design fiction diegetic prototyping enables researchers to express a range of ‘what if’ or ‘what can it be’ research questions within service innovation contexts. However, the process encompasses degrees of subjectivity and relies on knowledge, judgment and projection. Practical implications: The paper presents an approach to devising future service scenarios incorporating new and emergent technologies in service contexts. The proposed framework may be used as part of a range of research designs, including qualitative, quantitative and mixed method investigations. Originality: Operationalizing an approach that generates and visualizes service futures from an experiential perspective contributes to the advancement of techniques that enables the exploration of new possibilities for service innovation research

    5G network end-to-end delay measurements for live video streaming

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    Abstract. Focus of this thesis is in the data transmission delay comparison between Edge server and Cloud server when utilizing either 4G or 5G connectivity. In previous mobile phone network generations for example a multimedia server had to be installed on a Cloud server in the internet. 5G mobile phone network introduces a new concept called Edge server. Edge server is located close to the base station and therefore it is assumed to shorten the data transmission delay between the 5G mobile/client and a server application. Edge server can be used both in 4G and 5G networks. In this thesis first the 5G network and the essential new 5G architecture main design principles are gone through. Next the 5G Test Network that is used as a test environment is described and 5G main modules like Multi-access Edge Computing are introduced. 5G performance is clarified and compared against 4G. Delay testing is done in the 5G Test Network using Hospital Use Case demo. There operating room personnel like doctors and nurses is wearing Augmented Reality glasses and they are streaming their view together with patient status related information to multimedia server residing in 5G Test Network Edge server or in internet cloud. From the multimedia server the video is streamed by for example students, medical experts or consultants in a remote location. As part of the thesis the test system is defined and built based on the Hospital Use Case demo. Test specification is created, and tests are executed according to it. Results are recorded and analysed. Data transmission delays between the video stream originator and multimedia server are measured using Qosium measurement system. Also delay between the multimedia server and the streaming client is measured. Measurements are done for configurations where multimedia server is located at the Edge server and the internet cloud server. Both 4G and 5G connectivity is used for both server locations. When delay measurement results were compared it became clear that Edge server has much shorter data transmission delays compared to the internet cloud server. With 5G connectivity the delay was measured to be around 10 milliseconds for both uplink and downlink. With internet cloud the delays varied between 31 and 45 milliseconds with 5G connection. It can be concluded that from today’s mobile phone networks, 5G network does offer the fastest connection to a server environment by utilizing Edge server.5G verkon viiveen mittaaminen videostriimille. Tiivistelmä. Tämä diplomityö keskittyy vertaamaan datatiedonsiirron eroja reunapalvelimen ja internetin pilvipalvelimen välillä 4G ja 5G matkapuhelinverkossa. Aiempien sukupolvien matkapuhelinverkoissa esimerkiksi multimediapalvelin oli asennettava internetin pilvipalvelimelle. Viidennen sukupolven matkapuhelinverkossa otetaan käyttöön reunapalvelin. Reunapalvelin sijaitsee tukiaseman läheisyydessä ja täten sen oletetaan lyhentävän 5G-päätelaitteen ja palvelimen sovelluksen välistä tiedonsiirtoviivettä. Reunapalvelinta voidaan käyttää sekä neljännen että viidennen sukupolven matkapuhelinverkoissa. Tässä diplomityössä käydään ensin läpi 5G-matkapuhelinverkko ja sen arkkitehtuurin pääsuunnittelukriteerit. Seuraavaksi kuvataan testaamisessa käytettävä 5G-testiverkko ja 5G-verkon tärkeimmät moduulit kuten Multi-access Edge Computing. 5G-verkon suorituskyky selitetään ja sitä verrataan edelliseen 4. sukupolven verkkoon. Viivemittaukset tehdään 5G testiverkossa käyttäen 5G lääketieteen käyttötapauksen demoympäristöä. Siinä operointihuoneen henkilöstöllä, kuten lääkäreillä ja hoitajilla, on yllään lisätyn todellisuuden lasit. Lasit lähettävät henkilön näkymän ja potilaaseen liittyvää tietoa 5G-testiverkon reunapalvelimella tai internetin pilvipalvelimella sijaitsevalle multimediapalvelimelle. Multimediapalvelimelta video striimataan esimerkiksi lääketieteen opiskelijoille, asiantuntijoille tai konsulteille, jotka ovat etäällä lähetyspaikasta. Osana diplomityötä määritellään ja rakennetaan lääketieteen käyttötapauksen demon perustuva testausjärjestelmä. Testispesifikaatio luodaan, testit suoritetaan sen perusteella. Testitulokset tallennetaan ja analysoidaan. Tiedonsiirtoviiveet videolähteen ja multimediapalvelimen välillä mitataan käyttäen Qosium mittausjärjestelmää. Myös multimediapalvelimen ja videostriimin vastaanottajan väliset viiveet mitataan. Mittaukset tehdään konfiguraatiolle, jossa multimediapalvelin on sijoitettu reunapalvelimelle ja konfiguraatiolle, jossa se on sijoitettu internetin pilvipalvelimelle. Sekä 4G että 5G-yhteyttä käytetään molemmille konfiguraatiolle. Kun mittaustuloksia verrataan, käy selväksi, että reunapalvelimella on huomattavasti lyhyempi tiedonsiirtoviive kuin internetin pilvipalvelimella. 5G-yhteydellä mitattu viive oli noin 10 ms sekä ylössyöttö- että alassyöttösuuntaan. Internetin pilvipalvelimella viiveet vaihtelivat 31 ja 45 millisekunnin välillä 5G-yhteydellä. Voidaankin todeta, että nykyisistä matkapuhelinverkoista 5G-verkko tarjoaa nopeimman yhteyden palvelinympäristöön reunapalvelimen avulla

    Teollisen internetin hyödyntäminen voimalaitoksissa

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    The goals of this thesis were to explore the how Industrial Internet solutions could be utilized in power plants and their automation. The contents include a market analysis of the current Industrial Internet market and an analysis on the situation of competing power plant and automation system suppliers. Additionally, this thesis explains the different components of an Industrial Internet platform and studies how such a platform can be utilized to create a real-time process monitoring application for a power plant. The Industrial Internet market situation is currently in a very fast moving state, however there is no clear market shareholder that has risen above the rest. Analyzing the Industrial Internet offering of companies such as GE, Siemens and ABB lead to the conclusion that many companies are developing their own visions of Industrial Internet platforms, but none have yet to offer anything very advanced or even complete. These Industrial Internet platforms that are being developed can be summarized to be collections of components and tools that allow the utilization of advanced data collection and analytics capabilities. The key components include data sources, data pipelines, central storage, analytics, visualizations and security. Utilizing these components in the Valmet Industrial platform, this thesis presents a practical implementation of dashboards that can be used to monitor the performance of a power plant. The finished application allows a customer’s production manager to monitor process performance from any device over the internet and provides easy access to data in support of business decisions and to analyze any problematic parts of key processes. Finally, methods on how these newly developed capabilities can be utilized and integrated into business opportunities are studied to explain how the Industrial Internet platform can be utilized to improve current offerings and provide new products and services in the future. For example, predictive maintenance models can provide the capability to optimize maintenance routines and prevent process downtime. This is a logical next step to research when developing new features into the created platform. Moreover, the combination of Industrial Internet capabilities with new technologies such as virtual reality, drones and blockchains can bring completely new business opportunities in the future

    Monitoring and Information Alignment in Pursuit of an IoT-Enabled Self-Sustainable Interoperability

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    To remain competitive with big corporations, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often need to be more dynamic, adapt to new business situations, react faster, and thereby survive in today‘s global economy. To do so, SMEs normally seek to create consortiums, thus gaining access to new and more opportunities. However, this strategy may also lead to complications. Due to the different sources of enterprise models and semantics, organizations are experiencing difficulties in seamlessly exchanging vital information via electronic means. In their attempt to address this issue, most seek to achieve interoperability by establishing peer-to-peer mappings with different business partners, or by using neutral data standards to regulate communications in optimized networks. Moreover, systems are more and more dynamic, frequently changing to answer new customer‘s requirements, causing new interoperability problems and a reduction of efficiency. Another situation that is constantly changing is the devices used in the enterprises, as the Enterprise Information Systems, devices are used to register internal data, and to be used to monitor several aspects. These devices are constantly changing, following the evolution and growth of the market. So, it is important to monitor these devices and doing a model representation of them. This dissertation proposes a self-sustainable interoperable framework to monitor existing enterprise information systems and their devices, monitor the device/enterprise network for changes and automatically detecting model changes. With this, network harmonization disruptions are detected in a timely way, and possible solutions are suggested to regain the interoperable status, thus enhancing robustness for reaching sustainability of business networks along time