329 research outputs found

    Infraestrutura de beira de estrada para apoio a sistemas cooperativos e inteligentes de transportes

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    The growing need of mobility along with the evolution of the automotive industry and the massification of the personal vehicle amplifies some of the road-related problems such as safety and traffic congestion. To mitigate such issues, the evolution towards cooperative communicating technologies and autonomous systems is considered a solution to overcome the human physical limitations and the limited perception horizon of on-board sensors. Short-range vehicular communications such as Vehicle-to-Vehicle or Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (ETSI ITS-G5) in conjunction with long-range cellular communications (LTE,5G) and standardized messages, emerge as viable solutions to amplify the benefits that standalone technologies can bring to the road environment, by covering a wide array of applications and use cases. In compliance with the standardization work from European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), this dissertation describes the implementation of the collective perception service in a real road infrastructure to assist the maneuvers of autonomous vehicles and provide information to a central road operator. This work is focused on building standardized collective perception messages (CPM) by retrieving information from traffic classification radars (installed in the PASMO project) for local dissemination using ETSI ITS-G5 radio technology and creating a redundant communication channel between the road infrastructure and a central traffic control centre, located at the Instituto de Telecomunicações - Aveiro, taking advantage of cellular, point-to-point radio links and optical fiber communications. The output of the messages are shown to the user by a mobile application. The service is further improved by building an algorithm for optimizing the message dissemination to improve channel efficiency in more demanding scenarios. The results of the experimental tests showed that the time delay between the production event of the collective perception message and the reception by other ITS stations is within the boundaries defined by ETSI standards. Moreover, the algorithm for message dissemination also shows to increase radio channel efficiency by limiting the number of objects disseminated by CPM messages. The collective perception service developed and the road infrastructure are therefore, a valuable asset to provide useful information for improving road safety and fostering the deployment of intelligent cooperative transportation systems.A crescente necessidade de mobilidade em paralelo com a evolução da indústria automóvel e com a massificação do uso de meios de transportes pessoais, têm vindo a amplificar alguns problemas dos transportes rodoviários, tais como a segurança e o congestionamento do tráfego. Para mitigar estas questões, a evolução das tecnologias de comunicação cooperativas e dos sistemas autónomos é vista como uma potencial solução para ultrapassar limitações dos condutores e do horizonte de perceção dos sensores veículares. Comunicações de curto alcance, tais como Veículo-a-Veículo ou Veículo-a-Infrastrutura (ETSI ITS-G5), em conjunto com comunicações móveis de longo alcance (LTE,5G) e mensagens padrão, emergem como soluções viáveis para amplificar todos os beneficios que tecnologias independentes podem trazer para o ambiente rodoviário, cobrindo um grande leque de aplicações e casos de uso da estrada. Em conformidade com o trabalho de padronização da European Telecommunications Standards Institute, esta dissertação descreve a implementação do serviço de perceção coletiva, numa infrastrutura rodoviária real, para suporte a manobras de veículos autónomos e para fornecer informações aos operadores de estradas. Este trabalho foca-se na construção de mensagens de perceção coletiva a partir de informação gerada por radares de classificação de tráfego (instalados no âmbito do projeto PASMO) para disseminação local usando a tecnologia rádio ETSI ITS-G5 e criando um canal de comunicação redundante entre a infraestrutura rodóviaria e um centro de controlo de tráfego localizado no Instituto de Telecomunicações - Aveiro, usando para isso: redes móveis, ligações rádio ponto a ponto e fibra ótica. O conteúdo destas messagens é mostrado ao utilizador através de uma aplicação móvel. O serviço é ainda melhorado, tendo-se para tal desenvolvido um algoritmo de otimização de disseminação das mensagens, tendo em vista melhorar a eficiência do canal de transmissão em cenários mais exigentes. Os resultados dos testes experimentais efetuados revelaram que o tempo de atraso entre o evento de produção de uma mensagem de perceção coletiva e a receção por outra estação ITS, usando comunicações ITS-G5, se encontra dentro dos limites definidos pelos padrões da ETSI. Além disso, o algoritmo para disseminação de mensagens também mostrou aumentar a eficiência do canal de rádio, limitando o número de objetos disseminados pelas mesmas. Assim, o serviço de perceção coletiva desenvolvido poderá ser uma ferramenta valiosa, contribuindo para o aumento da segurança rodóviaria e para a disseminação da utilização dos sistemas cooperativos de transporte inteligente.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe

    TalkyCars: A Distributed Software Platform for Cooperative Perception among Connected Autonomous Vehicles based on Cellular-V2X Communication

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    Autonomous vehicles are required to operate among highly mixed traffic during their early market-introduction phase, solely relying on local sensory with limited range. Exhaustively comprehending and navigating complex urban environments is potentially not feasible with sufficient reliability using the aforesaid approach. Addressing this challenge, intelligent vehicles can virtually increase their perception range beyond their line of sight by utilizing Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication with surrounding traffic participants to perform cooperative perception. Since existing solutions face a variety of limitations, including lack of comprehensiveness, universality and scalability, this thesis aims to conceptualize, implement and evaluate an end-to-end cooperative perception system using novel techniques. A comprehensive yet extensible modeling approach for dynamic traffic scenes is proposed first, which is based on probabilistic entity-relationship models, accounts for uncertain environments and combines low-level attributes with high-level relational- and semantic knowledge in a generic way. Second, the design of a holistic, distributed software architecture based on edge computing principles is proposed as a foundation for multi-vehicle high-level sensor fusion. In contrast to most existing approaches, the presented solution is designed to rely on Cellular-V2X communication in 5G networks and employs geographically distributed fusion nodes as part of a client-server configuration. A modular proof-of-concept implementation is evaluated in different simulated scenarios to assess the system\u27s performance both qualitatively and quantitatively. Experimental results show that the proposed system scales adequately to meet certain minimum requirements and yields an average improvement in overall perception quality of approximately 27 %

    Modeling and analysing an industry 4.0 communication protocol

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    A distributed architecture for unmanned aerial systems based on publish/subscribe messaging and simultaneous localisation and mapping (SLAM) testbed

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    A dissertation submitted in fulfilment for the degree of Master of Science. School of Computational and Applied Mathematics, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, November 2017The increased capabilities and lower cost of Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs) unveil big opportunities for a rapidly growing number of civilian and commercial applications. Some missions require direct control using a receiver in a point-to-point connection, involving one or very few MAVs. An alternative class of mission is remotely controlled, with the control of the drone automated to a certain extent using mission planning software and autopilot systems. For most emerging missions, there is a need for more autonomous, cooperative control of MAVs, as well as more complex data processing from sensors like cameras and laser scanners. In the last decade, this has given rise to an extensive research from both academia and industry. This research direction applies robotics and computer vision concepts to Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs). However, UASs are often designed for specific hardware and software, thus providing limited integration, interoperability and re-usability across different missions. In addition, there are numerous open issues related to UAS command, control and communication(C3), and multi-MAVs. We argue and elaborate throughout this dissertation that some of the recent standardbased publish/subscribe communication protocols can solve many of these challenges and meet the non-functional requirements of MAV robotics applications. This dissertation assesses the MQTT, DDS and TCPROS protocols in a distributed architecture of a UAS control system and Ground Control Station software. While TCPROS has been the leading robotics communication transport for ROS applications, MQTT and DDS are lightweight enough to be used for data exchange between distributed systems of aerial robots. Furthermore, MQTT and DDS are based on industry standards to foster communication interoperability of “things”. Both protocols have been extensively presented to address many of today’s needs related to networks based on the internet of things (IoT). For example, MQTT has been used to exchange data with space probes, whereas DDS was employed for aerospace defence and applications of smart cities. We designed and implemented a distributed UAS architecture based on each publish/subscribe protocol TCPROS, MQTT and DDS. The proposed communication systems were tested with a vision-based Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM) system involving three Parrot AR Drone2 MAVs. Within the context of this study, MQTT and DDS messaging frameworks serve the purpose of abstracting UAS complexity and heterogeneity. Additionally, these protocols are expected to provide low-latency communication and scale up to meet the requirements of real-time remote sensing applications. The most important contribution of this work is the implementation of a complete distributed communication architecture for multi-MAVs. Furthermore, we assess the viability of this architecture and benchmark the performance of the protocols in relation to an autonomous quadcopter navigation testbed composed of a SLAM algorithm, an extended Kalman filter and a PID controller.XL201

    Integrating Embedded Multiagent Systems with Urban Simulation Tools and IoT Applications

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    The smart city systems development connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) has been the goal of several works in the multi-agent system field. Nevertheless, just a few projects demonstrate how to deploy and make the connection among the employed systems. This paper proposes an approach towards the integration of a MAS through the JaCaMo framework plus an Urban Simulation Tool (SUMO), IoT applications (Node-RED, InfluxDB, and Grafana), and an IoT platform (Konker). The integration presented in this paper applies in a Smart Parking scenario with real features, where is shown the integration and the connection through all layers, from agent level to artifacts, including real environment and simulation, as well as IoT applications. In future works, we intend to establish a methodology that shows how to properly integrate these different applications regardless of the scenario and the used tools

    Raamistik mobiilsete asjade veebile

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    Internet on oma arengus läbi aastate jõudnud järgmisse evolutsioonietappi - asjade internetti (ingl Internet of Things, lüh IoT). IoT ei tähista ühtainsat tehnoloogiat, see võimaldab eri seadmeil - arvutid, mobiiltelefonid, autod, kodumasinad, loomad, virtuaalsensorid, jne - omavahel üle Interneti suhelda, vajamata seejuures pidevat inimesepoolset seadistamist ja juhtimist. Mobiilseadmetest nagu näiteks nutitelefon ja tahvelarvuti on saanud meie igapäevased kaaslased ning oma mitmekülgse võimekusega on nad motiveerinud teadustegevust mobiilse IoT vallas. Nutitelefonid kätkevad endas võimekaid protsessoreid ja 3G/4G tehnoloogiatel põhinevaid internetiühendusi. Kuid kui kasutada seadmeid järjepanu täisvõimekusel, tühjeneb mobiili aku kiirelt. Doktoritöö esitleb energiasäästlikku, kergekaalulist mobiilsete veebiteenuste raamistikku anduriandmete kogumiseks, kasutades kergemaid, energiasäästlikumaid suhtlustprotokolle, mis on IoT keskkonnale sobilikumad. Doktoritöö käsitleb põhjalikult energia kokkuhoidu mobiilteenuste majutamisel. Töö käigus loodud raamistikud on kontseptsiooni tõestamiseks katsetatud mitmetes juhtumiuuringutes päris seadmetega.The Internet has evolved, over the years, from just being the Internet to become the Internet of Things (IoT), the next step in its evolution. IoT is not a single technology and it enables about everything from computers, mobile phones, cars, appliances, animals, virtual sensors, etc. that connect and interact with each other over the Internet to function free from human interaction. Mobile devices like the Smartphone and tablet PC have now become essential to everyday life and with extended capabilities have motivated research related to the mobile Internet of Things. Although, the recently developed Smartphones enjoy the high performance and high speed 3G/4G mobile Internet data transmission services, such high speed performances quickly drain the battery power of the mobile device. This thesis presents an energy efficient lightweight mobile Web service provisioning framework for mobile sensing utilizing the protocols that were designed for the constrained IoT environment. Lightweight protocols provide an energy efficient way of communication. Finally, this thesis highlights the energy conservation of the mobile Web service provisioning, the developed framework, extensively. Several case studies with the use of the proposed framework were implemented on real devices and has been thoroughly tested as a proof-of-concept.https://www.ester.ee/record=b522498

    MQTT+: Enhanced syntax and broker functionalities for data filtering, processing and aggregation

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    In the last few years, the Message Queueing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) publish/subscribe protocol emerged as the de facto standard communication protocol for IoT, M2M and wireless sensor networks applications. Such popularity is mainly due to the extreme simplicity of the protocol at the client side, appropriate for low-cost and resource-constrained edge devices. Other nice features include a very low protocol overhead, ideal for limited bandwidth scenarios, the support of different Quality of Services (QoS) and many others. However, when an edge device is interested in performing processing operations over the data published by multiple clients, the use of MQTT may result in high network bandwidth usage and high energy consumption for the end devices, which is unacceptable in resource constrained scenarios. To overcome these issues, we propose in this paper MQTT+, which provides an enhanced protocol syntax and enrich the pub/sub broker with data filtering, processing and aggregation functionalities. MQTT+ is implemented starting from an open source MQTT broker and evaluated in different application scenarios

    A Systematic Review of IoT Solutions for Smart Farming

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    The world population growth is increasing the demand for food production. Furthermore, the reduction of the workforce in rural areas and the increase in production costs are challenges for food production nowadays. Smart farming is a farm management concept that may use Internet of Things (IoT) to overcome the current challenges of food production. This work uses the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews (PRISMA) methodology to systematically review the existing literature on smart farming with IoT. The review aims to identify the main devices, platforms, network protocols, processing data technologies and the applicability of smart farming with IoT to agriculture. The review shows an evolution in the way data is processed in recent years. Traditional approaches mostly used data in a reactive manner. In more recent approaches, however, new technological developments allowed the use of data to prevent crop problems and to improve the accuracy of crop diagnosis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio