98 research outputs found

    How to Play the “Playing God” Card

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    When the phrase “playing God” is used in debates concerning the use of new technologies, such as cloning or genetic engineering, it is usually interpreted as a warning not to interfere with God’s creation or nature. I think that this interpretation of “playing God” arguments as a call to non-interference with nature is too narrow. In this paper, I propose an alternative interpretation of “playing God” arguments. Taking an argumentation theory approach, I provide an argumentation scheme and accompanying critical questions that capture the moral concerns expressed by “playing God” arguments. If I am right, then “playing God” arguments should be understood, not as a warning to leave God’s creation or nature alone, but rather as an invitation to think carefully about all the ways in which the use of new technologies could go seriously wrong

    Ethical Behavior and Legal Regulations in Artificial Intelligence

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    [EN] The European Union is also working intensively on the ethical development and use of artificial intelligence. The European Parliament, which commented on the issue of intelligent autonomous robots in January 2017, expressed the need to supplement the existing legal framework with ethical principles and an "effective ethical framework for the development, manufacture, use and modification of robots". This ethical framework should be based on the principles of expediency, harmlessness, autonomy and justice. The study analyzes the interconnection of ethical and legal rules in the field of AI and shows possible directions of development.Published with the support of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR), project number TL01000299.Hauer, T. (2022). Ethical Behavior and Legal Regulations in Artificial Intelligence. En 4th International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics (CARMA 2022). Editorial Universitat PolitĂšcnica de ValĂšncia. 9-14. https://doi.org/10.4995/CARMA2022.2022.1501391

    Don’t Do Evil: Implementing Artificial Intelligence in Universities

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the ways in which we experience everyday tasks, and its reach is extending into education. Promises of AI-driven personalised learning, learner agency, adaptive teaching and changes to teacher roles are increasingly becoming realistic but the ethical considerations surrounding these, and even simpler innovations are far from clear. Various ethical standards are proposed for AI, though these tend to be high-level and generic and do not serve to guide education practice. The multiple agencies concerned with AI analytics are also yet to provide a strong sense of direction. The Open University UK has established an AI working group to explore the contribution AI might make to improving student retention, success and satisfaction. With a specific emphasis on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIEd), this paper proposes eight principles constituting an open ethical framework for implementing AI in educational settings in ways that empower students and provide transparency

    Philosophie aktuell

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    Die Aufgabe der Philosophie besteht nicht darin, den moralischen Zeigefinger zu erheben und vorzugeben, was man tun soll und was nicht. Vielmehr zeigt die Philosophie unterschiedliche Argumente auf, weshalb die eine oder andere Haltung vertretbar oder aus gewissen GrĂŒnden gegebenenfalls vertretbarer ist als eine andere. Insofern eine Gesellschaft an Klugheit interessiert ist und sich einer zukĂŒnftigen Entwicklung verantwortungsvoll stellt, kann die Philosophie eine wertvolle Aufgabe ĂŒbernehmen: Die Methode, analytisch das FĂŒr und Wider abzuwiegen, bedeutet nicht zuletzt viel Arbeit und Aufmerksamkeit fĂŒr das Detail. Wie beispielsweise das Kapitel zur GrĂŒnen Gentechnik (Seite 6) zeigt, sind die Diskussionen um die zu fĂ€llenden moralischen Urteile nicht an ein externes Gremium zu delegieren. Im Gegenteil: Die Diskussion sollte innerhalb der Gesellschaft stattfinden, einerseits um den unterschiedlichen Haltungen Platz zu geben, andererseits aber, weil nur auf diese Weise ein echter Konsens zu Stande kommen kann. Die Rolle der Philosophie zeigt sich Ă€hnlich auch, wenn es um die fĂŒr die pluralistische Gesellschaft zentrale Toleranz geht. Die wertenden Einstellungen der BĂŒrgerinnen und BĂŒrger verdienen es, ernst genommen zu werden und offen diskutiert zu werden. Nur durch eine tiefgreifende Auseinandersetzung lĂ€sst sich verhindern, dass populistische WortfĂŒhrer mit eigennĂŒtzigen, aber aufmerksamkeitsstarken Argumenten von den Themen ablenken, die ernsthaft angegangen werden möchten: Die Vision einer friedlichen und freiheitlichen Gesellschaft, das demokratische Ideal, wird nicht mit dem Verweis auf die „Krise“ aufgegeben. Verantwortung interessiert die BĂŒrgerinnen und BĂŒrger schliesslich eben doch mehr, als Donald Trumps neuste LĂŒge. Das philosophische Themendossier zeigt, dass die akademische Philosophie viel leis-tet, um eine oberflĂ€chliche Auseinandersetzung mit gesellschaftlich und zukunftsrelevanten Themen zu verhindern. Auch wenn das auf den ersten Blick nach viel Anstrengung klingt, so zeigt der zweite Blick, dass darin viel Wohlwollen zugunsten der Gesellschaft steckt. Es lohnt sich, den Mut aufzubringen, sich intensiv mit den eigenen Werturteilen auseinanderzusetzen und das Auge vom eigenen Wohl auch auf das Wohle aller schweifen zu lassen. Philosophie kann „ansteckend“ sein und viel Freude hervorrufen: Gerade dann, wenn man neue Ideen mit dazu gewinnt oder andere Argumente fĂŒr bereits gefasste Entscheidungen kennenlernt. Die Philosophie entwickelt sich fortlaufend weiter und bleibt somit mehr denn je: stets aktuell

    On the Efficiency of Ethics as a Governing Tool for Artificial Intelligence

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    The 4th Industrial Revolution is the culmination of the digital age. Nowadays, technologies such as robotics, nanotechnology, genetics, and artificial intelligence promise to transform our world and the way we live. Artificial Intelligence Ethics and Safety is an emerging research field that has been gaining popularity in recent years. Several private, public and non-governmental organizations have published guidelines proposing ethical principles for regulating the use and development of autonomous intelligent systems. Meta-analyses of the AI Ethics research field point to convergence on certain principles that supposedly govern the AI industry. However, little is known about the effectiveness of this form of Ethics. In this paper, we would like to conduct a critical analysis of the current state of AI Ethics and suggest that this form of governance based on principled ethical guidelines is not sufficient to norm the AI industry and its developers. We believe that drastic changes are necessary, both in the training processes of professionals in the fields related to the development of software and intelligent systems and in the increased regulation of these professionals and their industry. To this end, we suggest that law should benefit from recent contributions from bioethics, to make the contributions of AI ethics to governance explicit in legal terms

    Managing Organizational Identity Challenges Caused By AI Implementation: The Role Of AI Principles

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    Alongside growing external pressure for implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, multi-stakeholder demands for responsible conduct have led to an increasing number of organizational AI principles. As previous research on AI principles has mainly focused on their content, restrictions, and external functions, little is known about their relevance for organization-internal stakeholders. Concurrently, while organizational identity was shown to play a central role in technology implementation’s success or failure, with respect to AI implementation, the concept has remained unexplored. Building on 25 expert interviews as part of an ongoing research that involves a qualitative, cross-industry multiple-case study with 13 organizations, we reveal AI principles’ capacities for managing organizational identity towards AI implementation by: (1) redefining organizational identity, and (2) aligning organizational identity’s facets. Our findings accentuate the relevance of organizational identity for AI implementation, and indicate AI principles’ role as a tool to manage this transformative change in an identity-conforming way

    Towards Ethical and Sustainable Technology-Supported Ageing at Home in Finland - KATI Programme

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    Publisher Copyright: Copyright © 2021 for this paper by its authors.The population of Finland is ageing with greater demand for health and social care; homecare workers are over-burdened with keeping up with this change whilst ageing themselves. Technology is seen as one of the most promising solutions to tackling these challenges. In the national KATI programme, six regional projects will implement technology solutions and adopt new technology-based practices in a coordinated manner to support the ageing of older people at home as well as the homecare professionals and services. In this article, we give an overview of the variety of technology solutions being implemented and the first ethical questions that have been raised by the projects in the early phase. Thereafter, we highlight three different theoretical approaches that support the ethical and sustainable technology implementation advanced by the programme. The approaches 1) emphasize the holistic perspective on the health of the older person and the method of discourse ethics to seek for consensus about the technology solutions, 2) learn from safety research and the change theory for better ethical design of AI systems, and 3) analyse the technology implementations and the programme from a systemic perspective within the framework of socio-technological transition.Peer reviewe

    Ethical governance is essential to building trust in robotics and artificial intelligence systems

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    © 2018 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved. This paper explores the question of ethical governance for robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) systems. We outline a roadmap-which links a number of elements, including ethics, standards, regulation, responsible research and innovation, and public engagement-as a framework to guide ethical governance in robotics and AI. We argue that ethical governance is essential to building public trust in robotics and AI, and conclude by proposing five pillars of good ethical governance. This article is part of the theme issue 'Governing artificial intelligence: ethical, legal, and technical opportunities and challenges'
