49 research outputs found

    Software Process Modeling with Eclipse Process Framework

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    The software development industry is constantly evolving. The rise of the agile methodologies in the late 1990s, and new development tools and technologies require growing attention for everybody working within this industry. The organizations have, however, had a mixture of various processes and different process languages since a standard software development process language has not been available. A promising process meta-model called Software & Systems Process Engineering Meta- Model (SPEM) 2.0 has been released recently. This is applied by tools such as Eclipse Process Framework Composer, which is designed for implementing and maintaining processes and method content. Its aim is to support a broad variety of project types and development styles. This thesis presents the concepts of software processes, models, traditional and agile approaches, method engineering, and software process improvement. Some of the most well-known methodologies (RUP, OpenUP, OpenMethod, XP and Scrum) are also introduced with a comparison provided between them. The main focus is on the Eclipse Process Framework and SPEM 2.0, their capabilities, usage and modeling. As a proof of concept, I present a case study of modeling OpenMethod with EPF Composer and SPEM 2.0. The results show that the new meta-model and tool have made it possible to easily manage method content, publish versions with customized content, and connect project tools (such as MS Project) with the process content. The software process modeling also acts as a process improvement activity.Ohjelmistoprosessin mallinnus Eclipse Process Frameworkilla ja SPEM 2.0 metamallilla Ohjelmistot ja ohjelmistoteollisuus kehittyvät jatkuvasti. Ketterien menetelmien tulo 1990-luvun loppupuolella, uudet kehitystyökalut ja teknologiat vaativat yhä enemmän huomiota alalla työskenteleviltä ihmisiltä. Organisaatioilla on kuitenkin ollut sekalainen kirjo prosesseja ja erilaisia prosessikuvauskieliä, koska standardia kuvauskieltä ei ole ollut saatavilla. Prosessimetamalli SPEM 2.0 julkaistiin hiljattain. Tätä mallia hyödyntää mm. Eclipse Process Framework Composer (EPFC) –työkalu, joka on suunniteltu prosessien ja menetelmäsisällön kehittämiseen ja ylläpitoon. Työkalun tavoitteena on tukea useita erilaisia projektityyppejä ja kehitystyylejä. Tässä työssä esitellään seuraavat aiheet ja käsitteet: ohjelmistoprosessit, mallit, perinteiset ja ketterät lähestymistavat, metoditekniikkaa sekä prosessien kehittäminen. Lisäksi tutustutaan muutamiin tunnetuimmista metodologioista (RUP, OpenUP, OpenMethod, XP ja Scrum) ja vertaillaan näitä. Työssä tutkitaan tarkemmin Eclipse Process Framework Composer –työkalua, SPEM 2.0 metamallia, näiden ominaisuuksia, käyttöä sekä mallintamista. Esitän tutkimustulokset ja tutkimuksenkulun OpenMethodin mallintamisesta EPFC –työkalulla sekä SPEM 2.0 -metamallilla. Tulokset osoittavat, että uusi metamalli ja työkalu helpottavat prosessin ja menetelmäsisällön hallintaa, mahdollistavat räätälöityjen julkaisujen teon sisällöstä, sekä yhdistävät prosessin projektityökaluihin kuten MS Projectiin. Mallinnus voidaan lisäksi ymmärtää osana prosessin kehittämistä.Siirretty Doriast

    Software Development Process Modeling. Developers Perspective to Contemporary Modeling Techniques

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    Formal software development processes and well-defined development methodologies are nowadays seen as the definite way to produce high-quality software within time-limits and budgets. The variety of such high-level methodologies is huge ranging from rigorous process frameworks like CMMI and RUP to more lightweight agile methodologies. The need for managing this variety and the fact that practically every software development organization has its own unique set of development processes and methods have created a profession of software process engineers. Different kinds of informal and formal software process modeling languages are essential tools for process engineers. These are used to define processes in a way which allows easy management of processes, for example process dissemination, process tailoring and process enactment. The process modeling languages are usually used as a tool for process engineering where the main focus is on the processes themselves. This dissertation has a different emphasis. The dissertation analyses modern software development process modeling from the software developers’ point of view. The goal of the dissertation is to investigate whether the software process modeling and the software process models aid software developers in their day-to-day work and what are the main mechanisms for this. The focus of the work is on the Software Process Engineering Metamodel (SPEM) framework which is currently one of the most influential process modeling notations in software engineering. The research theme is elaborated through six scientific articles which represent the dissertation research done with process modeling during an approximately five year period. The research follows the classical engineering research discipline where the current situation is analyzed, a potentially better solution is developed and finally its implications are analyzed. The research applies a variety of different research techniques ranging from literature surveys to qualitative studies done amongst software practitioners. The key finding of the dissertation is that software process modeling notations and techniques are usually developed in process engineering terms. As a consequence the connection between the process models and actual development work is loose. In addition, the modeling standards like SPEM are partially incomplete when it comes to pragmatic process modeling needs, like light-weight modeling and combining pre-defined process components. This leads to a situation, where the full potential of process modeling techniques for aiding the daily development activities can not be achieved. Despite these difficulties the dissertation shows that it is possible to use modeling standards like SPEM to aid software developers in their work. The dissertation presents a light-weight modeling technique, which software development teams can use to quickly analyze their work practices in a more objective manner. The dissertation also shows how process modeling can be used to more easily compare different software development situations and to analyze their differences in a systematic way. Models also help to share this knowledge with others. A qualitative study done amongst Finnish software practitioners verifies the conclusions of other studies in the dissertation. Although processes and development methodologies are seen as an essential part of software development, the process modeling techniques are rarely used during the daily development work. However, the potential of these techniques intrigues the practitioners. As a conclusion the dissertation shows that process modeling techniques, most commonly used as tools for process engineers, can also be used as tools for organizing the daily software development work. This work presents theoretical solutions for bringing the process modeling closer to the ground-level software development activities. These theories are proven feasible by presenting several case studies where the modeling techniques are used e.g. to find differences in the work methods of the members of a software team and to share the process knowledge to a wider audience.Siirretty Doriast

    Structured software development with the IPIDDDT method - A lean method for small agile organizations

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    A software development process is a predetermined sequence of steps to create a piece of software. A software development process is used, so that an implementing organization could gain significant benefits. The benefits for software development companies, that can be attributed to software process improvement efforts, are improved predictability in the development effort and improved quality software products. The implementation, maintenance, and management of a software process as well as the software process improvement efforts are expensive. Especially the implementation phase is expensive with a best case scenario of a slow return on investment. Software processes are rare in very small software development companies because of the cost of implementation and an improbable return on investment. This study presents a new method to enable benefits that are usually related to software process improvement to small companies with a low cost. The study presents reasons for the development of the method, a description of the method, and an implementation process for the method, as well as a theoretical case study of a method implementation. The study's focus is on describing the method. The theoretical use case is used to illustrate the theory of the method and the implementation process of the method. The study ends with a few conclusions on the method and on the method's implementation process. The main conclusion is that the method requires further study as well as implementation experiments to asses the value of the method.Siirretty Doriast

    Software development in the post-PC era : towards software development as a service

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    PhD ThesisEngineering software systems is a complex task which involves various stakeholders and requires planning and management to succeed. As the role of software in our daily life is increasing, the complexity of software systems is increasing. Throughout the short history of software engineering as a discipline, the development practises and methods have rapidly evolved to seize opportunities enabled by new technologies (e.g., the Internet) and to overcome economical challenges (e.g., the need for cheaper and faster development). Today, we are witnessing the Post-PC era. An era which is characterised by mobility and services. An era which removes organisational and geographical boundaries. An era which changes the functionality of software systems and requires alternative methods for conceiving them. In this thesis, we envision to execute software development processes in the cloud. Software processes have a software production aspect and a management aspect. To the best of our knowledge, there are no academic nor industrial solutions supporting the entire software development process life-cycle(from both production and management aspects and its tool-chain execution in the cloud. Our vision is to use the cloud economies of scale and leverage Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) to integrate production and management aspects into the development process. Since software processes are seen as workflows, we investigate using existing Workflow Management Systems to execute software processes and we find that these systems are not suitable. Therefore, we propose a reference architecture for Software Development as a Service (SDaaS). The SDaaS reference architecture is the first proposal which fully supports development of complex software systems in the cloud. In addition to the reference architecture, we investigate three specific related challenges and propose novel solutions addressing them. These challenges are: Modelling & enacting cloud-based executable software processes. Executing software processes in the cloud can bring several benefits to software develop ment. In this thesis, we discuss the benefits and considerations of cloud-based software processes and introduce a modelling language for modelling such processes. We refer to this language as EXE-SPEM. It extends the Software and Systems Process Engineering (SPEM2.0) OMG standard to support creating cloudbased executable software process models. Since EXE-SPEM is a visual modelling language, we introduce an XML notation to represent EXE-SPEM models in a machine-readable format and provide mapping rules from EXE-SPEM to this notation. We demonstrate this approach by modelling an example software process using EXE-SPEM and mapping it to the XML notation. Software process models expressed in this XML format can then be enacted in the proposed SDaaS architecture. Cost-e cient scheduling of software processes execution in the cloud. Software process models are enacted in the SDaaS architecture as workflows. We refer to them sometimes as Software Workflows. Once we have executable software process models, we need to schedule them for execution. In a setting where multiple software workflows (and their activities) compete for shared computational resources (workflow engines), scheduling workflow execution becomes important. Workflow scheduling is an NP-hard problem which refers to the allocation of su cient resources (human or computational) to workflow activities. The schedule impacts the workflow makespan (execution time) and cost as well as the computational resources utilisation. The target of the scheduling is to reduce the process execution cost in the cloud without significantly a ecting the process makespan while satisfying the special requirements of each process activity (e.g., executing on a private cloud). We adapt three workflow scheduling algorithms to fit for SDaaS and propose a fourth one; the Proportional Adaptive Task Schedule. The algorithms are then evaluated through simulation. The simulation results show that the our proposed algorithm saves between 19.74% and 45.78% of the execution cost, provides best resource (VM) utilisation and provides the second best makespan compared to the other presented algorithms. Evaluating the SDaaS architecture using a case study from the safety-critical systems domain. To evaluate the proposed SDaaS reference architecture, we instantiate a proof-of-concept implementation of the architecture. This imple mentation is then used to enact safety-critical processes as a case study. Engineering safety-critical systems is a complex task which involves multiple stakeholders. It requires shared and scalable computation to systematically involve geographically distributed teams. In this case study, we use EXE-SPEM to model a portion of a process (namely; the Preliminary System Safety Assessment - PSSA) adapted from the ARP4761 [2] aerospace standard. Then, we enact this process model in the proof-of-concept SDaaS implementation. By using the SDaaS architecture, we demonstrate the feasibility of our approach and its applicability to di erent domains and to customised processes. We also demonstrate the capability of EXE-SPEM to model cloud-based executable processes. Furthermore, we demonstrate the added value of the process models and the process execution provenance data recorded by the SDaaS architecture. This data is used to automate the generation of safety cases argument fragments. Thus, reducing the development cost and time. Finally, the case study shows that we can integrate some existing tools and create new ones as activities used in process models. The proposed SDaaS reference architecture (combined with its modelling, scheduling and enactment capabilities) brings the benefits of the cloud to software development. It can potentially save software production cost and provide an accessible platform that supports collaborating teams (potentially across di erent locations). The executable process models support unified interpretation and execution of processes across team(s) members. In addition, the use of models provide managers with global awareness and can be utilised for quality assurance and process metrics analysis and improvement. We see the contributions provided in this thesis as a first step towards an alternative development method that uses the benefits of cloud and Model-Driven Engineering to overcome existing challenges and open new opportunities. However, there are several challenges that are outside the scope of this study which need to be addressed to allow full support of the SDaaS vision (e.g., supporting interactive workflows). The solutions provided in this thesis address only part of a bigger vision. There is also a need for empirical and usability studies to study the impact of the SDaaS architecture on both the produced products (in terms of quality, cost, time, etc.) and the participating stakeholders

    Model driven product line engineering : core asset and process implications

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    Reuse is at the heart of major improvements in productivity and quality in Software Engineering. Both Model Driven Engineering (MDE) and Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) are software development paradigms that promote reuse. Specifically, they promote systematic reuse and a departure from craftsmanship towards an industrialization of the software development process. MDE and SPLE have established their benefits separately. Their combination, here called Model Driven Product Line Engineering (MDPLE), gathers together the advantages of both. Nevertheless, this blending requires MDE to be recasted in SPLE terms. This has implications on both the core assets and the software development process. The challenges are twofold: (i) models become central core assets from which products are obtained and (ii) the software development process needs to cater for the changes that SPLE and MDE introduce. This dissertation proposes a solution to the first challenge following a feature oriented approach, with an emphasis on reuse and early detection of inconsistencies. The second part is dedicated to assembly processes, a clear example of the complexity MDPLE introduces in software development processes. This work advocates for a new discipline inside the general software development process, i.e., the Assembly Plan Management, which raises the abstraction level and increases reuse in such processes. Different case studies illustrate the presented ideas.This work was hosted by the University of the Basque Country (Faculty of Computer Sciences). The author enjoyed a doctoral grant from the Basque Goverment under the “Researchers Training Program” during the years 2005 to 2009. The work was was co-supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, and the European Social Fund under contracts WAPO (TIN2005-05610) and MODELINE (TIN2008-06507-C02-01)

    Spem4mde : un métamodèle et un environnement pour la modélisation et la mise en œuvre assistée de processus IDM

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    With the emergence of MDE, many organizations have been starting to transform their traditional software development processes into model-driven processes. Kleppe and al. define a model-driven software development as “a process of developing software using different models on different levels of abstraction with (automated) transformations between these models”.While model-driven development processes – called MDE processes – have started to appear, a tool-supported Process Modeling Language (PML) for describing and enacting such processes is still lacking. The concepts of SPEM 2.0 are quite generic since they are supposed to allow describing any kind of software. However, SPEM 2.0 concepts do not succeed in capturing the exact nature of most activities and artifacts of model-driven development. In addition, another major weakness of SPEM 2.0 is the lack of concepts for process enactment.The objective of this thesis is threefold: (1) provide an extension of SPEM that reifies the MDE concepts; (2) provide a language dedicated to behavioral modeling of MDE processes; (3) provide a conceptual architecture of a PSEE (Process-centered Software Engineering Environment) that guides process designer at modeling phase and developers at enactment time.To validate our approach, a prototype of this PSEE is developed under the TOPCASED environment. This prototype provides a graphical editor for structural and behavioral modeling of MDE processes, and a process enactment engine based on process behavior models. We have also applied our approach to a significant case study: the UWE (UML-based Web Engineering) process, which is a MDE process dedicated to web applications development.L’avènement de l’IDM (Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles) a suscité beaucoup d’intérêt de la part des organisations qui de fait commencent à transformer leur processus de développement traditionnel en un processus de développement dirigé par les modèles, appelé aussi processus IDM.Au moment où ces processus commencent à émerger, nous notons l’absence d’un langage dédié pour les modéliser et les mettre en œuvre. Le standard SPEM 2.0 propose des concepts génériques qui sont supposés être capables de décrire tout type de processus logiciel. Cependant, les concepts de SPEM ne capturent pas la nature exacte des processus IDM. D’autre part, une autre insuffisance majeure de SPEM réside dans le fait qu’il n’intègre pas les concepts relatifs à la mise en œuvre des processus.L’objectif de cette thèse est triple : (1) proposer une extension de SPEM dans laquelle les concepts centraux des processus IDM sont réifiés ; (2) proposer un langage dédié à la modélisation comportementale des processus IDM ; (3) proposer une architecture conceptuelle d’un environnement logiciel d’aide à la modélisation et à la mise en œuvre des processus IDM.Pour valider notre approche, un prototype a été développé sous l’environnement TOPCASED. Ce prototype fournit d’une part un éditeur graphique pour la modélisation structurelle et comportementale des processus IDM et d’autre part un environnement de mise en œuvre s’appuyant sur les modèles comportementaux des processus. Nous avons également appliqué notre approche à une étude de cas significatif: le processus UWE (UML-based Web Engineering), qui est un processus IDM dédié au développement d’applications web

    An Analytical Review of Process-Centered Software Engineering Environments

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    Process-centered Software Engineering Environments, or PSEEs, are intended for the definition, modification, and enactment of software process models; they thus bring software development processes into effect. Even though research efforts in process-centered software engineering abound, PSEE technology has not received the attention that it deserves. In order to create a concise but effective and practically applicable evaluation framework for PSEEs, this paper first presents a survey of PSEEs and highlights the current state of the art of the technology. The PSEEs which have been reviewed herein have been regarded as software systems, and as such, have been characterized in terms of their requirements. After providing a conceptual critique of the scope and nature of conventional PSEEs, a detailed criteria-based evaluation of a select set of several recent PSEEs has been conducted. The evaluation criteria have been derived from PSEE requirements and the results of the critique, and have then been refined and evolved into the final criterion set

    Assessing and Improving Industrial Software Processes

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    Software process is a complex phenomenon that involves a multitude of different artifacts, human actors with different roles, activities to be performed in order to produce a software product. Even though the research community is devoting a great effort in proposing solutions aimed at improving software process, several issues are still open. In this Thesis work I propose different solutions for assessing and improving software processes carried out in real industrial contexts. More in detail, I proposed a solution, based on ALM and MDE, for supporting Gap Analysis processes for assessing if a software process is carried out in accordance with Standards or Evaluation Framework. Then, I focused on a solution based on tool integration for the management of trace links among the artifacts involved in the software process. As another contribution, I proposed a Reverse engineering process and a tool, named EXACT, for supporting the analysis and comprehension of spreadsheet based artifacts involved in software development processes. Finally, I realized a semi-automatic approach, named AutoMative, for supporting the introduction in real Industrial software processes of SPL for managing the variability of the software products to be developed. Case studies conducted in real industrial settings showed the feasibility and the positive impact of the proposed solutions on real industrial software processes

    A Model-Driven Approach for the Design, Implementation, and Execution of Software Development Methods

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    [EN] Software development projects are diverse in nature. For this reason, software companies are often forced to define their methods in-house. In order to define methods efficiently and effectively, software companies require systematic solutions that are built upon sound methodical foundations. Providing these solutions is the main goal of the Method Engineering discipline. Method Engineering is the discipline to design, construct, and adapt methods, techniques, and tools for the development of information systems. Over the last two decades, a lot of research work has been performed in this area. However, despite its potential benefits, Method Engineering is not widely used in industrial settings. Some of the causes of this reality are the high theoretical complexity of Method Engineering and the lack of adequate software support. In this thesis, we aim to mitigate some of the problems that affect Method Engineering by providing a novel methodological approach that is built upon Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) foundations. The use of MDE enables a rise in abstraction, automation, and reuse that allows us to alleviate the complexity of our Method Engineering approach. Furthermore, by leveraging MDE techniques (such as metamodeling, model transformations, and models at runtime), our approach supports three phases of the Method Engineering lifecycle: design, implementation, and execution. This is unlike traditional Method Engineering approaches, which, in general, only support one of these phases. In order to provide software support for our proposal, we developed a Computer-Aided Method Engineering (CAME) environment that is called MOSKitt4ME. To ensure that MOSKitt4ME offered the necessary functionality, we identified a set of functional requirements prior to developing the tool. Then, after these requirements were identified, we defined the architecture of our CAME environment, and, finally, we implemented the architecture in the context of Eclipse. The thesis work was evaluated by means of a study that involved the participation of end users. In this study, MOSKitt4ME was assessed by means of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Think Aloud method. While the TAM allowed us to measure usefulness and ease of use in a subjective manner, the Think Aloud method allowed us to analyze these measures objectively. Overall, the results were favorable. MOSKitt4ME was highly rated in perceived usefulness and ease of use; we also obtained positive results with respect to the users' actual performance and the difficulty experienced.[ES] Los proyectos de desarrollo de software son diversos por naturaleza. Por este motivo, las compañías de software se ven forzadas frecuentemente a definir sus métodos de manera interna. Para poder definir métodos de forma efectiva y eficiente, las compañías necesitan soluciones sistemáticas que estén definidas sobre unos fundamentos metodológicos sólidos. Proporcionar estas soluciones es el principal objetivo de la Ingeniería de Métodos. La Ingeniería de Métodos es la disciplina que aborda el diseño, la construcción y la adaptación de métodos, técnicas y herramientas para el desarrollo de sistemas de información. Durante las dos últimas décadas, se ha llevado a cabo mucho trabajo de investigación en esta área. Sin embargo, pese a sus potenciales beneficios, la Ingeniería de Métodos no se aplica ampliamente en contextos industriales. Algunas de las principales causas de esta situación son la alta complejidad teórica de la Ingeniería de Métodos y la falta de un apropiado soporte software. En esta tesis, pretendemos mitigar algunos de los problemas que afectan a la Ingeniería de Métodos proporcionando una propuesta metodológica innovadora que está basada en la Ingeniería Dirigida por Modelos (MDE). El uso de MDE permite elevar el nivel de abstracción, automatización y reuso, lo que posibilita una reducción de la complejidad de nuestra propuesta. Además, aprovechando técnicas de MDE (como por ejemplo el metamodelado, las transformaciones de modelos y los modelos en tiempo de ejecución), nuestra aproximación da soporte a tres fases del ciclo de vida de la Ingeniería de Métodos: diseño, implementación y ejecución. Esto es a diferencia de las propuestas existentes, las cuales, por lo general, sólo dan soporte a una de estas fases. Con el objetivo de proporcionar soporte software para nuestra propuesta, implementamos una herramienta CAME (Computer-Aided Method Engineering) llamada MOSKitt4ME. Para garantizar que MOSKitt4ME proporcionaba la funcionalidad necesaria, definimos un conjunto de requisitos funcionales como paso previo al desarrollo de la herramienta. Tras la definción de estos requisitos, definimos la arquitectura de la herramienta CAME y, finalmente, implementamos la arquitectura en el contexto de Eclipse. El trabajo desarrollado en esta tesis se evaluó por medio de un estudio donde participaron usuarios finales. En este estudio, MOSKitt4ME se evaluó por medio del Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) y del método Think Aloud. Mientras que el TAM permitió medir utilidad y facilidad de uso de forma subjetiva, el método Think Aloud permitió analizar estas medidas objetivamente. En general, los resultados obtenidos fueron favorables. MOSKitt4ME fue valorado de forma positiva en cuanto a utilidad y facilidad de uso percibida; además, obtuvimos resultados positivos en cuanto al rendimiento objetivo de los usuarios y la dificultad experimentada.[CA] Els projectes de desenvolupament de programari són diversos per naturalesa. Per aquest motiu, les companyies es veuen forçades freqüenment a definir els seus mètodes de manera interna. Per poder definir mètodes de forma efectiva i eficient, les companyies necessiten solucions sistemàtiques que estiguin definides sobre uns fundaments metodològics sòlids. Proporcionar aquestes solucions és el principal objectiu de l'Enginyeria de Mètodes. L'Enginyeria de Mètodes és la disciplina que aborda el diseny, la construcció i l'adaptació de mètodes, tècniques i eines per al desenvolupament de sistemes d'informació. Durant les dues últimes dècades, s'ha dut a terme molt de treball de recerca en aquesta àrea. No obstant, malgrat els seus potencials beneficis, l'Enginyeria de Mètodes no s'aplica àmpliament en contextes industrials. Algunes de les principals causes d'aquesta situació són l'alta complexitat teòrica de l'Enginyeria de Mètodes i la falta d'un apropiat suport de programari. En aquesta tesi, pretenem mitigar alguns dels problemes que afecten a l'Enginyeria de Mètodes proporcionant una proposta metodològica innovadora que està basada en l'Enginyeria Dirigida per Models (MDE). L'ús de MDE ens permet elevar el nivell d'abstracció, automatització i reutilització, possibilitant una reducció de la complexitat de la nostra proposta. A més a més, aprofitant tècniques de MDE (com per exemple el metamodelat, les transformacions de models i els models en temps d'execució), la nostra aproximació suporta tres fases del cicle de vida de l'Enginyeria de Mètodes: diseny, implementació i execució. Açò és a diferència de les propostes existents, les quals, en general, només suporten una d'aquestes fases. Amb l'objectiu de proporcionar suport de programari per a la nostra proposta, implementàrem una eina CAME (Computer-Aided Method Engineering) anomenada MOSKitt4ME. Per garantir que MOSKitt4ME oferia la funcionalitat necessària, definírem un conjunt de requisits funcionals com a pas previ al desenvolupament de l'eina. Després de la definició d'aquests requisits, definírem la arquitectura de l'eina CAME i, finalment, implementàrem l'arquitectura en el contexte d'Eclipse. El treball desenvolupat en aquesta tesi es va avaluar per mitjà d'un estudi on van participar usuaris finals. En aquest estudi, MOSKitt4ME es va avaluar per mitjà del Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) i el mètode Think Aloud. Mentre que el TAM va permetre mesurar utilitat i facilitat d'ús de manera subjectiva, el mètode Think Aloud va permetre analitzar aquestes mesures objectivament. En general, els resultats obtinguts van ser favorables. MOSKitt4ME va ser valorat de forma positiva pel que fa a utilitat i facilitat d'ús percebuda; a més a més, vam obtenir resultats positius pel que fa al rendiment objectiu dels usuaris i a la dificultat experimentada.Cervera Úbeda, M. (2015). A Model-Driven Approach for the Design, Implementation, and Execution of Software Development Methods [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/53931TESI

    Project-specific software engineering methods : composition, enactment, and quality assurance

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    Softwareentwicklungsmethoden beschreiben Best-Practice-Ansätze für die Entwicklung von Softwaresystemen. Damit sind Methoden einfachen Ad-Hoc-Ansätzen überlegen und ihr Einsatz unterstützt die Entwicklung von hochqualitativer Software. Jedoch erfordert der effektive Einsatz von Methoden, drei Dinge: Erstens müssen Methoden auf aktuellen Methodeninhalten basieren, zweitens müssen sie auf den Projektkontext angepasst werden und drittens müssen sie wie vorgeschrieben von dem Projektteam angewendet werden. Ansonsten gefährden veraltete, unangepasste oder falsch angewendete Methoden den Projekterfolg. Während andere Ansätze nur einige dieser Aspekte abdecken, präsentieren wir einen umfassenden, werkzeugbasierten Ansatz, der alle Aspekte des Managements von Softwareentwicklungsmethoden abdeckt. Unser Ansatz ermöglicht die Erstellung von formalen, kompositions-basierten Methodenmodellen. Erstens werden Methodenmodelle aus formalen Methodenbausteinen zusammengesetzt. Diese repräsentieren, aktuelle Methodeninhalte und werden in einer aktualisierbaren Methodenbasis gehalten. Zweitens werden Methodenmodelle projektspezifisch und kontextbasiert komponiert. Drittens wird ihre korrekte Anwendung durch den Einsatz einer Process-Engine sichergestellt. Unsere Proof-Of-Concept-Implementierung demonstriert die Machbarkeit unseres Ansatzes und stellt Werkzeugunterstützung für die Definition von Methodenbausteinen, die konsistente Methodenmodellkomposition und die Ausführung mit Standard-Process-Engines zur Verfügung.Software engineering methods describe structured, repeatable best practice approaches for the engineering of software systems. The project team of a software project enacts a method and applies the described activities. As methods are superior to ad-hoc build and fix approaches, they benefit the creation of high-quality software. However, for the efficient use of methods, first, they need to be based on state of the practice method content, second, they need to be tailored to the project context, and third, they need to be enacted as prescribed. Otherwise, outdated, unsuitable, or wrongly enacted methods can impede the creation of the software system. While other approaches focus on supporting some of these aspects, our approach is a holistic tool-supported approach that covers all of them. It allows creating formally defined composition-based method models. First, method models are composed from formal building blocks that represent method content and are stored in an extensible, updatable repository. Second, they are composed specifically for a project and tailored to its characteristics. Here the novel notion of method patterns is used to guide the composition process. Third, their correct enactment is supported with a process engine. Our proof-of-concept implementation demonstrates the feasibility of the approach. It provides tooling to define building blocks, to compose them to method models consistently, and to execute them with standard process engines.Masud Fazal-BaqaieTag der Verteidigung: 15.09.2016Universität Paderborn, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik, Informatik und Mathematik, Univ., Dissertation, 201