806,204 research outputs found

    Study protocol on intentional distortion in personality assessment: relationship with test format, culture, and cognitive ability

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    Self-report personality questionnaires, traditionally offered in a graded-scale format, are widely used in high-stakes contexts such as job selection. However, job applicants may intentionally distort their answers when filling in these questionnaires, undermining the validity of the test results. Forced-choice questionnaires are allegedly more resistant to intentional distortion compared to graded-scale questionnaires, but they generate ipsative data. Ipsativity violates the assumptions of classical test theory, distorting the reliability and construct validity of the scales, and producing interdependencies among the scores. This limitation is overcome in the current study by using the recently developed Thurstonian item response theory model. As online testing in job selection contexts is increasing, the focus will be on the impact of intentional distortion on personality questionnaire data collected online. The present study intends to examine the effect of three different variables on intentional distortion: (a) test format (graded-scale versus forced-choice); (b) culture, as data will be collected in three countries differing in their attitudes toward intentional distortion (the United Kingdom, Serbia, and Turkey); and (c) cognitive ability, as a possible predictor of the ability to choose the more desirable responses. Furthermore, we aim to integrate the findings using a comprehensive model of intentional distortion. In the Anticipated Results section, three main aspects are considered: (a) the limitations of the manipulation, theoretical approach, and analyses employed; (b) practical implications for job selection and for personality assessment in a broader sense; and (c) suggestions for further researc

    Pengaruh Iklan Televisi Samsung Galaxy S4 terhadap Keputusan Membeli Masyarakat Ekonomi Menengah Keatas di Kecamatan Ujung Batu

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    This research purpose is to know the size of effect of Samsung Galaxy SIV advertising on toward the decision of middle upto high economy class in Ujungbatu Subdistrict. Populations in this research are the society of Ujungbatu Subdistrict as the respondent. Respondent selection process as an object of the research is based on society appraisal in their decision to buy Samsung Galaxy SIV which effected by the advertising. By using Purposive Sampling Technique, from the Slovin Equation, thus this research gains 81 people as respondents. Collecting Data Method is by field research using questioner, inquiry and library research. Data Analysis that used is data analysis using software program SPSS version 16 (validation test and reliability test) and apply likert scaling on the questioner. The result of the research shows that from simple regression analysis (r) the relation between TV advertise (r) is 0.830 and r2(r-square) is 0.690 (69%). These values describe that the effect of advertise on television has a strong effect toward buying decision as much as 69%. The effect of advertise on television trough music or jingle, story board, copy or script, endorsement, slogan, logo has affection for consumer. They get a feeling that the Samsung Galaxy SIV advertise is about a good product, competent. Among respondent above, better response comes after the advertise of Samsung Galaxy SIV in Ujungbatu Subdistrict. Whereas buying decision based on AIDDA theory toward Samsung Galaxy Product is affected after watching advertise on television, valuing and learning the information from that quality product and so it produce a high confidence to buy Handphone Samsung Galaxy SIV

    The impact of explanations in rejection letters on perceptions of fairness and accountability

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    The present study was designed to test Folger and Cropanzano’s (1998) Fairness Theory as it pertains to perceptions of fairness and accountability in rejection letters. This study was a partial replication of Gilliland, Groth, Baker, Dew, Polly and Langdon (2001), which examined the impact of Fairness Theory variations in rejection letters on perceptions of fairness, recommendation intentions, and reapplication behavior. Participants in this study were applicants rejected in the first stage of the selection process with a large, Midwest corporation. Perceptions of fairness and accountability were collected after receiving one of four versions of a rejection letter: the company’s standard letter; a Should-reducing letter focusing on the company’s reliable and valid selection processes; a Could-reducing letter detailing the conditions precluding the company from hiring; and a Should-reducing and Could-reducing letter containing both explanations. Thus, a 2.x 2 Should-reducing (explanation versus no explanation) x Could-reducing (explanation versus no explanation) factorial design was used. Participants were e-mailed one of the four rejection letters. One week later, participants were mailed a survey with attitudinal measures of outcome fairness, procedural fairness, interpersonal treatment, and recommendation intentions. The results of this study were expected to support Fairness Theory. The hypotheses suggested that a rejection letter with more information, either detailing a reliable and valid selection process and/or an explanation for the decision, would lead to participants’ higher perceptions of fairness and lower attributions of accountability toward the corporation. However, results revealed no effects of content manipulations, so direct support for Fairness Theory was not obtained. Yet, the significant and negative correlations between accountability and perceptions of fairness, recommendation intentions and overall satisfaction suggest that accountability and fairness are connected. Practical implications from the results are inconclusive, but it would appear based on these data that the specific content of the rejection letter is not a strong factor in the effect of the rejection on the applicant. However, several other factors may be at work, which are discussed

    Is humn mating adventitious or the result of lawful choice? A twin study of mate selection.

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    Inventory data on a large sample of middle-aged twins and their spouses confirmed that spousal pairs are consistently but weakly similar on traits of personality, interests, talents, and attitudes. We argue, however, that neither the Similarity model of mate selection, nor one of its facets, the Equity model, can account for specific mate choice. We therefore tested the hypothesis that people select their mates using idiosyncratic criteria and that the spouses of monozygotic (MZ) twins should therefore be very similar. When compared to spouses of dizygotic (DZ) twins or even to random pairs of spouses, the spouses of MZ twins failed to show the predicted excess of small intra-spouse differences. We asked 547 of these twins to rate their attitudes toward their cotwin's choices of wardrobe, furnishings, vacations, jobs - and spouses; a similar questionnaire was completed by the spouses of these twins. Both data sets confirm that MZ twins are very similar in most of their choices, more so than DZ twins, but nearly 40% of both MZs and DZs recall that they actually disliked their cotwin's choice of mate at the time that choice was made. Similarly, 30% of the spouses of MZ twins report actually disliking the identical twin of the mate they had recently selected. Our findings suggest that characteristics both of the chooser and the chosen constrain mate selection only weakly. We propose that it is romantic infatuation that commonly determines the final choice from a broad field of potential eligibles and that this phenomenon is inherently random, in the same sense as is imprinting in precocial birds


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki pencapaian dan peningkatan kemampuan penalaran matematis, kemampuan komunikasi matematis, dan kemandirian belajar mahasiswa melalui blended learning dengan strategi probing-prompting (BLPP). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah mixed methods dengan model concurrent embedded (KUANTITATIF dan kualitatif). Penelitian dilaksanakan di salah satu perguruan tinggi negeri di Sumatera pada mahasiswa jalur masuk SBMPTN dan USM. Masing-masing jalur masuk dibagi menjadi dua kelas yaitu eksperimen dan kontrol. Pada kelas eksperimen diterapkan pembelajaran blended learning dengan strategi probing-prompting (BLPP) dan pada kelas kontrol diterapkan pembelajaran dengan strategi probing-prompting (PP). Instrumen penelitian terdiri dari tes kemampuan awal mahasiswa (KAM), tes kemampuan penalaran matematis (KPM), tes kemampuan komunikasi matematis (KKM), skala kemandirian belajar (KBM), dan lembar observasi. Analisis data menggunakan uji-t, uji-t’, uji U Mann-Whitney, Uji Kruskal-Wallis, dan ANOVA Satu Jalur. Penelitian kualitatif menggunakan grounded theory melalui tiga langkah yaitu open coding, selective coding, dan theoretical coding. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) pencapaian dan peningkatan KPM, KKM, dan KBM yang melalui pembelajaran BLPP lebih baik daripada mahasiswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran PP; (2) tidak terdapat pengaruh interaksi antara pembelajaran dan KAM terhadap pencapaian dan peningkatan KPM, KKM, dan KBM; (3) tidak terdapat pengaruh interaksi antara pembelajaran dan jalur masuk PT terhadap pencapaian dan peningkatan KPM, KKM, dan KBM; (4) KKM KAM tinggi adalah baik, KKM KAM sedang adalah cukup baik, dan KKM KAM rendah adalah cukup baik; (5) Keunggulan implementasi BLPP adalah peran dosen hanya sebagai fasilitator, perkuliahan menjadi lebih menarik sehingga KPM, KKM, dan KBM menjadi lebih baik, menyebabkan mahasiswa aktif mencari sumber-sumber belajar. Kelemahan implementasi BLPP pada umumnya tidak ada. ---------- The goal of this research is to investigate the achievement or enhancement of mathematical reasoning ability, mathematical communication ability, and independent learning of mathematics prospective teachers as the applying result of blended learning and probing-prompting strategy. The method of this research is the mixed methods, with concurrent embedded models (QUANTITATIVE and qualitative). This research was running at a state university in Sumatera, and the compositions of students were from national selection system (SBMPTN) and local selection system (USM). The experiment class was learning through blended learning and probing-prompting strategy, meanwhile the control class was learning through probing-prompting strategy only without blended learning. The instruments of this research were the mathematical prior knowledge test, the mathematical reasoning ability test, the mathematical communication ability test, the independent learning scale, and the observation sheets. Data analyzing-methods of this research were t-test, t’-test, U Mann-Whitney test, Kruskal-Wallis test, and one-way ANOVA. The qualitative research used grounded theory through three steps: open, selective, and theoretical coding. The results of this research show four interesting points. The first one is that the achievement or enhancement of mathematical reasoning ability, mathematical communication ability, and independent learning of mathematics prospective teachers whom learnt through combinations of blended learning and probing-prompting strategies much better than probing-prompting strategy only. The second one is that there is no an interaction between learning and prior mathematical knowledge toward the achievement or enhancement of reasoning ability, communication ability, and independent learning of mathematics prospective teachers. The third one is that there is no an interaction between learning and university entryways toward achievement or enhancement of mathematics prospective teachers’ in reasoning ability, mathematical communication ability, and independent learning. The last one but not the least is that the advantages of implementation of combination between blended-learning and probing-prompting strategy are that the lecturer is only facilitator appropriate to student-centered learning, that face-to-face and online learning activities were dominated by students, and that learning activities became more interesting and made students more active finding learning materials from internet. In general, there are no weaknesses of implementation of blended learning with probing prompting strategy

    Theorizing and Generalizing About Risk Assessment and Regulation Through Comparative Nested Analysis of Representative Cases

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    This article provides a framework and offers strategies for theorizing and generalizing about risk assessment and regulation developed in the context of an on-going comparative study of regulatory behavior. Construction of a universe of nearly 3,000 risks and study of a random sample of 100 of these risks allowed us to estimate relative U.S. and European regulatory precaution over a thirty-five-year period. Comparative nested analysis of cases selected from this universe of ecological, health, safety, and other risks or its eighteen categories or ninety-two subcategories of risk sources or causes will allow theory-testing and -building and many further descriptive and causal comparative generalizations

    Social media recruitment : communication characteristics and sought gratifications

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    This study examines how social media pages can be used to influence potential applicants' attraction. Based on the uses and gratifications theory, this study examines whether organizations can manipulate the communication characteristics informativeness and social presence on their social media page to positively affect organizational attractiveness. Moreover, we examine whether job applicants' sought gratifications on social media influence these effects. A 2 x 2 between-subjects experimental design is used. The findings show that organizations can manipulate informativeness and social presence on their social media. The effect of manipulated informativeness on organizational attractiveness depends on the level of manipulated social presence. When social presence was high, informativeness positively affected organizational attractiveness. This positive effect was found regardless of participants' sought utilitarian gratification. Social presence had no significant main effect on organizational attractiveness. There was some evidence that the effect of social presence differed for different levels of social gratification


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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the factors that influence personal accounting student interests toward career choice as accounting profession. Factors affecting the selection of career is measured by the academic performance variables, personality type, student’s perception towards the accountant profession, emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence. The sample in this research uses purposive sampling method. The sample in this research is 106 last-year students of accounting undergraduate students of Diponegoro University. This study used logistic regression analysis and chisquare analysis. The results of the analysis showed variable performance of academic, student perception towards the Organization of the profession of accountant and emotional intelligence has significant effects against the selection of a career as an accountant or non-accountant, but variable intelligence spiritual shows these variables do not have significant influence towards the election of accountant career or non-accountant. While the personality type variable has a significant relationship towards the election of a career as an accountant or non-accountant
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