8 research outputs found

    Grand Valley Forum, volume 023, number 04, August 17, 1998

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    Grand Valley Forum is Grand Valley State\u27s faculty and staff newsletter, published from 1976 to the present

    Communication Strategy Concept for Private Health Care Facility of Optometry

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    Předmětem diplomové práce je analýza obsahu stávající komunikační strategie v nestátním zdravotnickém zařízení optometrie, vyhodnocení jejího vnímání zákazníkem a návrh opatření, vedoucích k podpoře výkonnosti podniku. První část se věnuje popisu teorií, jejichž znalost je k sestavení komunikačního plánu nezbytná. Ve druhé části je proveden rozbor současné externí komunikace v konkrétní společnosti a vyhodnocení její efektivity na základě dotazníkového šetření. V závěrečné části jsou navrženy změny a vhodná komunikační opatření, která zvýší výkonnost podniku.The subject of the thesis is an analysis of the effectiveness of marketing communication strategy in private health care facility of optometry, evaluation of customer perception and design measures to encourage business performance. The first part describes the theories, which knowledge of is necessary to build a communication plan. The second part is an analysis of the current external communication within the organization and evaluation of its effectiveness based on a questionnaire survey. The final part includes suggestions for changes and appropriate communication measures to increase business performance.

    Da neurociência ao marketing sensorial : um estudo de caso de marketing olfativo

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    Orientador: Hertez WendelArtigo apresentado como Trabalho de Conclusão de CursoArtigo (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Artes, Comunicação e Design, Curso de Graduação em Publicidade e PropagandabInclui referênciasResumo : Este artigo busca trazer uma introdução à neurociência para então relacioná-la ao campo da comunicação, mais especificamente ao uso da neurociência como ferramenta de marketing. Para tanto, fez-se uma revisão do referencial teórico que permeia o estudo da neurociência, do neuromarketing e do marketing sensorial. Por fim, foi realizado um estudo de caso através da aplicação de uma pesquisa qualiquantitativa, para analisar a percepção do consumidor quanto a estratégia de marketing olfativo adotada, em especial ao uso de aroma em embalagens e os possíveis benefícios trazidos à marc

    The Effects Of Multimodal Feedback And Age On A Mouse Pointing Task

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    As the beneficial aspects of computers become more apparent to the elderly population and the baby boom generation moves into later adulthood there is opportunity to increase performance for older computer users. Performance decrements that occur naturally to the motor skills of older adults have shown to have a negative effect on interactions with indirect-manipulation devices, such as computer mice (Murata & Iwase, 2005). Although, a mouse will always have the traits of an indirect-manipulation interaction, the inclusion of additional sensory feedback likely increases the saliency of the task to the real world resulting in increases in performance (Biocca et al., 2002). There is strong evidence for a bimodal advantage that is present in people of all ages; additionally there is also very strong evidence that older adults are a group that uses extra sensory information to increase their everyday interactions with the environment (Cienkowski & Carney, 2002; Thompson & Malloy, 2004). This study examined the effects of having multimodal feedback (i.e., visual cues, auditory cues, and tactile cues) present during a target acquisition mouse task for young, middle-aged, and older experienced computer users. This research examined the performance and subjective attitudes when performing a mouse based pointing task when different combinations of the modalities were present. The inclusion of audio or tactile cues during the task had the largest positive effect on performance, resulting in significantly quicker task completion for all of the computer users. The presence of audio or tactile cues increased performance for all of the age groups; however the performance of the older adults tended to be positively influenced more than the other age groups due the inclusion of these modalities. Additionally, the presence of visual cues did not have as strong of an effect on overall performance in comparison to the other modalities. Although the presence of audio and tactile feedback both increased performance there was evidence of a speed accuracy trade-off. Both the audio and tactile conditions resulted in a significantly higher number of misses in comparison to having no additional cues or visual cues present. So, while the presence of audio and tactile feedback improved the speed at which the task could be completed this occurred due to a sacrifice in accuracy. Additionally, this study shows strong evidence that audio and tactile cues are undesirable to computer users. The findings of this research are important to consider prior to adding extra sensory modalities to any type of user interface. The idea that additional feedback is always better may not always hold true if the feedback is found to be distracting, annoying, or negatively affects accuracy, as was found in this study with audio and tactile cues

    Emoções interactivas, do cinema para os videojogos

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    Coleção : Comunicação e Sociedade n.º 1

    Convergência entre o cinema e a realidade virtual

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    Doutoramento em Ciências e Tecnologias da ComunicaçãoEsta tese tem como objectivos centrais apontar hipóteses sobre a origem dos problemas de criação e desenvolvimento emocional em plataformas de entretenimento interactivo e na sequência da comprovação dessas hipóteses apontar possíveis soluções. Nesse sentido este projecto assume relevância na discussão centrada sobre o desenvolvimento de elementos emocionais para narrativas interactivas estruturadas em ambientes virtuais. A forma de enquadrar o conhecimento a trabalhar foi concretizado no estudo sobre aspectos da resposta emocional na convergência entre o Cinema e a Realidade Virtual (RV). Procurou-se definir similaridades e diferenças não apenas nos artefactos criativos mas também nos aspectos comunicacionais entre o artefacto e os receptores. Foi a partir desta primeira abordagem que desenvolvemos a nossa hipótese principal: que a RV sofre de um deficit de estimulação de diversidade emocional nos seus receptores quando comparada com o Cinema. Com esta hipótese foi necessário proceder a estudos empíricos no sentido de determinar a veracidade das nossas conjecturas teóricas. Assim testámos 14 artefactos de RV em termos emocionais e depois comparámos os resultados com testes prévios realizados sobre segmentos fílmicos. Deste estudo empírico retirámos a confirmação da nossa hipótese mas determinámos também a (provável) dificuldade que as nossas hipóteses teriam de enfrentar. A um nível emocional mais profundo, descobrimos que a provável causa da falta de diversidade deriva de um paradoxo, entre a interactividade necessária ao artefacto e a inactividade necessária ao receptor para que este possa sentir determinadas emoções. Estamos assim perante um paradoxo da emoção inter(activa). Partindo deste paradoxo, desenvolvemos um estudo de análise de conteúdos sobre um grupo de sequências fílmicas previamente testadas por nós e em outros testes psicológicos, em termos da especificidade das emoções despoletadas por cada sequência. A análise foi realizada com base em critérios da linguagem formal fílmica mas em vez de realizar um estudo subjectivo de cada sequência, desenvolvemos uma abordagem empírica tendo como grupo alvo, realizadores e argumentistas de cinema. A análise dos excertos produziu uma base de dados de técnicas estilísticas que serviriam ao desenvolvimento da nossa metodologia de design de emoção geral assim como para responder ao caso específico levantado pelo paradoxo anterior. Para este caso específico desenvolvemos uma nova técnica de interacção a que chamámos de toque físico-virtual. Com os estudos empíricos realizados e as metodologias de design de emoção geral e específica estabelecidas, avançámos para a primeira aproximação à prototipagem, ou seja para a conversão das semânticas fílmicas em semânticas RV e por fim procedeu-se à implementação do protótipo. O protótipo foi depois submetido a um conjunto de testes para determinar da sua suficiência, usabilidade e facilidade de uso. Os resultados obtidos indicam que foi atingindo um nível satisfatório na estimulação da diversidade emocional.This thesis has as its central objectives the identification of the source of problems in the elicitation of emotion within interactive platforms, followed by the advancing of possible solutions to the hypotheses thus arrived at. In this regard, the dissertation seeks to make a valid contribution to discussions related with the development of emotional elements in interactive narratives built into virtual environments. The conceptual framework has been grounded in research on aspects of emotional response in the convergence between Film and Virtual Reality, looking for similarities and differences not only in creative artefacts but also in the communication between those artefacts and their consumers. From this first approach, we have stated our main hypothesis: that VR suffers from a deficit in the emotional diversity elicited in receivers when compared with that of Film. With this hypothesis, it was necessary to proceed first with empirical studies in order to ascertain the veracity of our theoretical conjectures. So we have tested 14 VR pieces in emotional terms through self-reports and then we compared the results with previous studies carried out in the analysis of film. From this empirical study we find our hypothesis confirmed but we have also determined the (probable) main difficulty with the reliability of the hypotheses. At a deeper emotional level, we have discovered that the probable cause of lack of diversity derives from a paradox, between the interactivity needed by the artefact and the inactivity needed by the user to feel certain emotions. We are therefore faced with a paradox of emotion inter(activity). Taking our lead from this paradox, we developed a content-analysis study of a selected group of film sequences previously tested by us and in other psychological studies, in terms of the specificity of the emotions elicited by each film clip. The analysis was made following objective film stylistics criteria but instead of doing a subjective analysis of each sequence, we developed an empirical approach grounded in the ideas of a group of filmmakers and film writers, analysing our excerpts in order to produce a database of possible formal film techniques. The database would serve as our main design methodology for emotional diversity and for dealing with the specific problematic areas we had found previously in our interactive artefacts study. For this specific problem, we developed a new interactive technique that we named virtual body touch. With the empirical studies carried out and the methodologies for the general and specific design of emotional diversity established, we moved on to the first stages in prototyping, mainly the conversion of film semantics methodologies into VR semantics. The prototyping then used these converted interactive categories and parameters to produce results in respect of scenery and characterization. Finally, we have submitted the prototype to a series of validation tests to determine the sufficiency, usability and easiness of the tool. This validation process obtained results which indicate a satisfactory level of appraisal by the experimenters. Finally, we present possible suggestions to be taken up and explored in further research work

    Touchware: A Software based Implementation for High Resolution Multi-touch Applications

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