127 research outputs found

    Generátor testovacích XML dat

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    Cieľom práce je implementácia nástroja, ktorý generuje testovacie XML dáta na základe užívateľom definovaných parametrov. Tie bude môcť užívateľ použiť pre otestovanie aplikácie, ktorá pracuje s XML dátami. Aplikácia poskytuje užívateľovi GUI rozhranie pre editáciu parametrov vygenerovaných dokumentov, ktorých veľkosť môže presahovať veľkosť operačnej pamäte. Medzi hlavné parametre vygenerovaného dokumentu patria: počet vygenerovaných dokumentov, definovanie atribútov, počet elementov, vetvenie (fanout), frekvencia zastúpenia elementov/textu, generovanie zmiešaného dokumentu. Aplikácia ďalej umožňuje vygenerovať DTD alebo XSD schému pre vygenerovaný dokument, spustiť testovanú aplikáciu nad vygenerovaným dokumentom/dokumentami alebo odoslať dokument službe, ktorú testovaná aplikácia poskytuje.The aim of the thesis is to implement a tool which generates testing XML data according to user defined attributes. The user can use this data for testing applications which work with XML data. The application provides the user with GUI for editing attributes of generated documents whose size can be greater than main storage. Main attributes of generated documents are number of generated documents, fanout, frequency of element/text, generating mixed content, etc. Application can also generate a DTD or XSD document for all generated documents, execute the tested application over generated documents or send generated data to service of tested application.Department of Software EngineeringKatedra softwarového inženýrstvíFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    Una aproximación dirigida por modelos para diseñar y construir esquemas xml: un caso de estudio

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    En este artículo se muestra la utilidad del marco metodológico dirigido por modelos MIDAS par a la transformación de esquemas conceptuales en UML (Modelos Independientes de Plataforma) a esquemas XML (Modelos Específicos de Plataforma) mediante su aplicación a un caso de estudio. Además, se analizan las limitaciones que presenta esta propuesta metodológica a la hora de recoger la semántica del esquema conceptual en el esquema XML y, con el fin de solventar estas deficiencias, se definen nuevas reglas de transformación con las que validar y refinar esta propuesta metodológica

    Client-Based Access Control Management for XML documents

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    An XML Query Engine for Network-Bound Data

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    XML has become the lingua franca for data exchange and integration across administrative and enterprise boundaries. Nearly all data providers are adding XML import or export capabilities, and standard XML Schemas and DTDs are being promoted for all types of data sharing. The ubiquity of XML has removed one of the major obstacles to integrating data from widely disparate sources –- namely, the heterogeneity of data formats. However, general-purpose integration of data across the wide area also requires a query processor that can query data sources on demand, receive streamed XML data from them, and combine and restructure the data into new XML output -- while providing good performance for both batch-oriented and ad-hoc, interactive queries. This is the goal of the Tukwila data integration system, the first system that focuses on network-bound, dynamic XML data sources. In contrast to previous approaches, which must read, parse, and often store entire XML objects before querying them, Tukwila can return query results even as the data is streaming into the system. Tukwila is built with a new system architecture that extends adaptive query processing and relational-engine techniques into the XML realm, as facilitated by a pair of operators that incrementally evaluate a query’s input path expressions as data is read. In this paper, we describe the Tukwila architecture and its novel aspects, and we experimentally demonstrate that Tukwila provides better overall query performance and faster initial answers than existing systems, and has excellent scalability

    XSLT Implementation in Relational Database Environment

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    XML is widely used format for storing all kinds of data and XSLT standard represents a standardized way, how to transform a XML document to a di erent structure. Many XSLT implementation has been introduced, but the most of them uses an in-memory representation of the transformed XML document. The implementation done in this thesis uses the relational database engine to store processed document and takes advantages of SQL to evaluate XPath expressions used by XSLT. First, importing source XML document into the generic relational mapping is described. For processing XPath expressions, the XPath to SQL convertor is introduced. Lastly, the processing of XSLT stylesheets by relational database engine is shown.XML je rozšiřitlný formát, který je využíván k ukládání všech druhů dat, a XSLT představuje standardizovaný jazyk pro transformaci XML dat a jejich struktury. Dnes existuje mnoho implementací XSLT, ale většina z nich udržuje zdrojové XML dokumenty ve strukturách přímo v paměti. Implementace představená v této práci používá pro udržování těchto dokumentů relační databázi a využívá jazyk SQL k vyhodnocování všech XPath dotazů, které se používají v XSLT. Nejdříve je představeno nahrávání zdrojových XML dokumentů do generického relačního mapování. Dále je představena transformace XPath dotazů přímo na SQL dotazy a nakonec je popsáno vyhodnocování XSLT transformací pomocí prostředků relační databáze.Department of Software EngineeringKatedra softwarového inženýrstvíFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    Seventh Biennial Report : June 2003 - March 2005

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    A framework of branched storytelling and matchmaking in multiplayer games

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    Computer video games are frequently known for either their single-player or multiplayer experiences. In single-player games the story is exceptionally well written. The interaction against other humans in multiplayer games is the strong point in online games. This dissertation introduces a generic framework aimed at the full game development pipeline, from designers to engineers, to aid the creation of multiplayer campaign stories by providing core components essential to any singleplayer game. With the framework, we propose a custom matchmaking system to intertwine individual stories and a tool for designers to create, manage and share their work. The framework was validated in a case study and tested in a controlled environment. The matchmaking system was subject to simulations and compared with existing systems. The framework and managing tool results are positive, and our proposed matchmaking system shows close efficiency results but distinguishes itself in terms of matching qualityOs jogos de computador são geralmente conhecidos pelas suas experiências de jogo individuais ou multijogador. Nos jogos de um jogador apenas, a história tende a ser excepcionalmente bem escrita. Em contrapartida, o ponto forte dos jogos online é a interacção entre humanos. A solução para a ligação destes dois tipos de jogos é inexistente. Esta dissertação introduz uma estrutura que pode ser usada em toda a fase de desenvolvimento do jogo, desde os desginers aos engenheiros, e que ajuda a criação de campanhas multijogador ao apresentar vários componentes indispensáveis à criação de um jogo com boa história. Com a nossa estrutura, propomos também um sistema de matchmaking capaz de cruzar as diferentes histórias individuais e uma ferramenta para os designers poderem criar, gerir e partilhar o seu trabalho. A estrutura foi validada com um caso de estudo e testada num ambiente controlado. O sistema de matchmaking foi sujeito a diversas simulações e comparado com sistemas usados atualmente. A estrutura e a ferramenta de gestão tiveram resultados positivos, e o sistema de matchmaking equiparou-se com as soluções atuais mas distingue-se pela qualidade do match

    A Labelling Technique Comparison for Indexing Large XML Database

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    The flexibility nature of XML documents has motivated researchers to use it for data transmission and storage in different domains. The hierarchical structure of XML documents is an attractive point to be researched for processing a user query based on labelling where each label describes the node structure in the tree. In this study, three categories of XML node labelling will be analysed to address the open problem of each category. A number of experiments are executed to compare performance of time execution and storage space required for labelling XML tree

    XSLT Benchmarking

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    Hlavním cílem této práce bylo vytvoření XSLT Benchmarku, tedy srovnání dostupných XSLT procesorů. Nejprve jsme si stanovili hlavní kritéria XSLT procesorů (cena, korektnost, rychlost, využití paměti, podpora, OS a UX), která budeme diskutovat. Poté jsme shrnuli existující XSLT procesory, popsali jednotlivé typy procesorů (program, knihovna a prohlížeč) a ohodnotili kritéria cena, podpora, OS a UX. Abychom mohli ohodnotit kritéria korektnost, rychlost a využití paměti, museli jsme si vytvořit vhodné testovací prostředí. Vytvořený program XSLT Benchmarking je jedním z hlavních přínosů této práce. Součástí programu jsou také připravené testy. Při jejich vytváření, jsme vycházeli z 5787 stažených XSLT souborů. Testy byly vytvořeny na základě analýzy těchto souborů. Zaprvé jsme zkoumali obecné vlastnosti XSLT souborů (použité elementy, použité XSLT verze, formát výstupu atd.). Zadruhé jsme zkoumali zaměření jejich použití. Dalším velkým přínosem této práce je shrnutí výsledků testů z různých pohledů. V tomto shrnutí jsme okomentovali další kritéria a vlastnosti testovaných procesorů. Na závěr jsme shrnuli možná rozšíření našeho programu i naší analýzy.The main goal of this work was to create an XSLT Benchmark, to compare available XSLT processors. At first, we determined main criteria of XSLT processors (price, correctness, speed, memory usage, support, OS and UX), which we discussed. Next, we summarized existing XSLT processors, described individual types of processors (program, library and browser) and measured criteria price, support, OS} and UX. We had to create appropriate test environment to measure criteria correctness, speed and memory usage. Created program XSLT Benchmarking is one of the main benefits of this work. The program also includes tests. We created tests based on 5787 downloaded XSLT files. Tests were created based on the analysis of these files. Firstly, we researched common features of XSLT files (used elements, used XSLT versions, output format etc.). Secondly, we researched focuses of their usages. Next big benefit of this work is a summary of results of tests from different views. We discussed other criteria and features of tested processors. Finally, we summarized possible extensions of our program and also of our analysis.Department of Software EngineeringKatedra softwarového inženýrstvíFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult