3,792 research outputs found

    Time-Optimal Tree Computations on Sparse Meshes

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    The main goal of this work is to fathom the suitability of the mesh with multiple broadcasting architecture (MMB) for some tree-related computations. We view our contribution at two levels: on the one hand, we exhibit time lower bounds for a number of tree-related problems on the MMB. On the other hand, we show that these lower bounds are tight by exhibiting time-optimal tree algorithms on the MMB. Specifically, we show that the task of encoding and/or decoding n-node binary and ordered trees cannot be solved faster than Ω(log n) time even if the MMB has an infinite number of processors. We then go on to show that this lower bound is tight. We also show that the task of reconstructing n-node binary trees and ordered trees from their traversais can be performed in O(1) time on the same architecture. Our algorithms rely on novel time-optimal algorithms on sequences of parentheses that we also develop

    Computing the eigenvalues of symmetric H2-matrices by slicing the spectrum

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    The computation of eigenvalues of large-scale matrices arising from finite element discretizations has gained significant interest in the last decade. Here we present a new algorithm based on slicing the spectrum that takes advantage of the rank structure of resolvent matrices in order to compute m eigenvalues of the generalized symmetric eigenvalue problem in O(nmlogαn)\mathcal{O}(n m \log^\alpha n) operations, where α>0\alpha>0 is a small constant

    Optimal, scalable forward models for computing gravity anomalies

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    We describe three approaches for computing a gravity signal from a density anomaly. The first approach consists of the classical "summation" technique, whilst the remaining two methods solve the Poisson problem for the gravitational potential using either a Finite Element (FE) discretization employing a multilevel preconditioner, or a Green's function evaluated with the Fast Multipole Method (FMM). The methods utilizing the PDE formulation described here differ from previously published approaches used in gravity modeling in that they are optimal, implying that both the memory and computational time required scale linearly with respect to the number of unknowns in the potential field. Additionally, all of the implementations presented here are developed such that the computations can be performed in a massively parallel, distributed memory computing environment. Through numerical experiments, we compare the methods on the basis of their discretization error, CPU time and parallel scalability. We demonstrate the parallel scalability of all these techniques by running forward models with up to 10810^8 voxels on 1000's of cores.Comment: 38 pages, 13 figures; accepted by Geophysical Journal Internationa

    Adaptive multiresolution computations applied to detonations

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    A space-time adaptive method is presented for the reactive Euler equations describing chemically reacting gas flow where a two species model is used for the chemistry. The governing equations are discretized with a finite volume method and dynamic space adaptivity is introduced using multiresolution analysis. A time splitting method of Strang is applied to be able to consider stiff problems while keeping the method explicit. For time adaptivity an improved Runge--Kutta--Fehlberg scheme is used. Applications deal with detonation problems in one and two space dimensions. A comparison of the adaptive scheme with reference computations on a regular grid allow to assess the accuracy and the computational efficiency, in terms of CPU time and memory requirements.Comment: Zeitschrift f\"ur Physicalische Chemie, accepte

    PT-Scotch: A tool for efficient parallel graph ordering

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    The parallel ordering of large graphs is a difficult problem, because on the one hand minimum degree algorithms do not parallelize well, and on the other hand the obtainment of high quality orderings with the nested dissection algorithm requires efficient graph bipartitioning heuristics, the best sequential implementations of which are also hard to parallelize. This paper presents a set of algorithms, implemented in the PT-Scotch software package, which allows one to order large graphs in parallel, yielding orderings the quality of which is only slightly worse than the one of state-of-the-art sequential algorithms. Our implementation uses the classical nested dissection approach but relies on several novel features to solve the parallel graph bipartitioning problem. Thanks to these improvements, PT-Scotch produces consistently better orderings than ParMeTiS on large numbers of processors

    Time-Optimal Algorithms on Meshes With Multiple Broadcasting

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    The mesh-connected computer architecture has emerged as a natural choice for solving a large number of computational tasks in image processing, computational geometry, and computer vision. However, due to its large communication diameter, the mesh tends to be slow when it comes to handling data transfer operations over long distances. In an attempt to overcome this problem, mesh-connected computers have recently been augmented by the addition of various types of bus systems. One such system known as the mesh with multiple broadcasting involves enhancing the mesh architecture by the addition of row and column buses. The mesh with multiple broadcasting has proven to be feasible to implement in VLSI, and is used in the DAP family of computers. In recent years, efficient algorithms to solve a number of computational problems on meshes with multiple broadcasting have been proposed in the literature. The problems considered in this thesis are semigroup computations, sorting, multiple search, various convexity-related problems, and some tree problems. Based on the size of the input data for the problem under consideration, existing results can be broadly classified into sparse and dense. Specifically, for a given √n x √n mesh with multiple broadcasting, we refer to problems involving mO(nm \in O(\sqrt{n}) items as sparse, while the case £ O(n) will be referred to as dense. Finally, the case corresponding to 2 ≤ m ≤ n is be termed general. The motivation behind the current work is twofold. First, time-optimal solutions are proposed for the problems listed above. Secondly, an attempt is made to remove the artificial limitation of problems studied to sparse and dense cases. To establish the time-optimality of the algorithms presented in this work, we use some existing lower bound techniques along with new ones that we develop. We solve the semigroup computation problem for the general case and present a novel lower bound argument. We solve the multiple search problem in the general case and present some surprising applications to computational geometry. In the case of sorting, the general case is defined to be slightly different. For the specified range of the size of input, we present a time and VLSI-optimal algorithm. We also present time lower bound results and matching algorithms for a number of convexity related and tree problems in the sparse case