11 research outputs found

    Network coding for transport protocols

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    With the proliferation of smart devices that require Internet connectivity anytime, anywhere, and the recent technological advances that make it possible, current networked systems will have to provide a various range of services, such as content distribution, in a wide range of settings, including wireless environments. Wireless links may experience temporary losses, however, TCP, the de facto protocol for robust unicast communications, reacts by reducing the congestion window drastically and injecting less traffic in the network. Consequently the wireless links are underutilized and the overall performance of the TCP protocol in wireless environments is poor. As content delivery (i.e. multicasting) services, such as BBC iPlayer, become popular, the network needs to support the reliable transport of the data at high rates, and with specific delay constraints. A typical approach to deliver content in a scalable way is to rely on peer-to-peer technology (used by BitTorrent, Spotify and PPLive), where users share their resources, including bandwidth, storage space, and processing power. Still, these systems suffer from the lack of incentives for resource sharing and cooperation, and this problem is exacerbated in the presence of heterogenous users, where a tit-for-tat scheme is difficult to implement. Due to the issues highlighted above, current network architectures need to be changed in order to accommodate the users¿ demands for reliable and quality communications. In other words, the emergent need for advanced modes of information transport requires revisiting and improving network components at various levels of the network stack. The innovative paradigm of network coding has been shown as a promising technique to change the design of networked systems, by providing a shift from how data flows traditionally move through the network. This shift implies that data flows are no longer kept separate, according to the ¿store-and-forward¿ model, but they are also processed and mixed in the network. By appropriately combining data by means of network coding, it is expected to obtain significant benefits in several areas of network design and architecture. In this thesis, we set out to show the benefits of including network coding into three communication paradigms, namely point-topoint communications (e.g. unicast), point-to-multipoint communications (e.g. multicast), and multipoint-to-multipoint communications (e.g. peer-to-peer networks). For the first direction, we propose a network coding-based multipath scheme and show that TCP unicast sessions are feasible in highly volatile wireless environments. For point-to-multipoint communications, we give an algorithm to optimally achieve all the rate pairs from the rate region in the case of degraded multicast over the combination network. We also propose a system for live streaming that ensures reliability and quality of service to heterogenous users, even if data transmissions occur over lossy wireless links. Finally, for multipoint-to-multipoint communications, we design a system to provide incentives for live streaming in a peer-to-peer setting, where users have subscribed to different levels of quality. Our work shows that network coding enables a reliable transport of data, even in highly volatile environments, or in delay sensitive scenarios such as live streaming, and facilitates the implementation of an efficient incentive system, even in the presence of heterogenous users. Thus, network coding can solve the challenges faced by next generation networks in order to support advanced information transport.Postprint (published version

    On the role of feedback in network coding

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2009.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Cataloged from student submitted PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 143-149).Network coding has emerged as a new approach to operating communication networks, with a promise of improved efficiency in the form of higher throughput, especially in lossy conditions. In order to realize this promise in practice, the interfacing of network coding with existing network protocols must be understood well. Most current protocols make use of feedback in the form of acknowledgments (ACKs) for reliability, rate control and/or delay control. In this work, we propose a way to incorporate network coding within such a feedback-based framework, and study the various benefits of using feedback in a network coded system. More specifically, we propose a mechanism that provides a clean interface between network coding and TCP with only minor changes to the protocol stack, thereby allowing incremental deployment. In our scheme, the source transmits random linear combinations of packets currently in the TCP congestion window. At the heart of our scheme is a new interpretation of ACKs - the receiver acknowledges every degree of freedom (i.e., a linear combination that reveals one unit of new information) even if it does not reveal an original packet immediately. Such ACKs enable a TCP-compatible sliding-window implementation of network coding. Thus, with feedback, network coding can be performed in a completely online manner, without the need for batches or generations. Our scheme has the nice feature that packet losses on the link can be essentially masked from the congestion control algorithm by adding enough redundancy in the encoding process.(cont.) This results in a novel and effective approach for congestion control over networks involving lossy links such as wireless links. Our scheme also allows intermediate nodes to perform re-encoding of the data packets. This in turn leads to a natural way of running TCP flows over networks that use multipath opportunistic routing along with network coding. We use the new type of ACKs to develop queue management algorithms for coded networks, which allow the queue size at nodes to track the true backlog in information with respect to the destination. We also propose feedback-based adaptive coding techniques that are aimed at reducing the decoding delay at the receivers. Different notions of decoding delay are considered, including an order-sensitive notion which assumes that packets are useful only when delivered in order. We study the asymptotic behavior of the expected queue size and delay, in the limit of heavy traffic.by Jay Kumar Sundararajan.Ph.D

    Cross-layer latency-aware and -predictable data communication

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    Cyber-physical systems are making their way into more aspects of everyday life. These systems are increasingly distributed and hence require networked communication to coordinatively fulfil control tasks. Providing this in a robust and resilient manner demands for latency-awareness and -predictability at all layers of the communication and computation stack. This thesis addresses how these two latency-related properties can be implemented at the transport layer to serve control applications in ways that traditional approaches such as TCP or RTP cannot. Thereto, the Predictably Reliable Real-time Transport (PRRT) protocol is presented, including its unique features (e.g. partially reliable, ordered, in-time delivery, and latency-avoiding congestion control) and unconventional APIs. This protocol has been intensively evaluated using the X-Lap toolkit that has been specifically developed to support protocol designers in improving latency, timing, and energy characteristics of protocols in a cross-layer, intra-host fashion. PRRT effectively circumvents latency-inducing bufferbloat using X-Pace, an implementation of the cross-layer pacing approach presented in this thesis. This is shown using experimental evaluations on real Internet paths. Apart from PRRT, this thesis presents means to make TCP-based transport aware of individual link latencies and increases the predictability of the end-to-end delays using Transparent Transmission Segmentation.Cyber-physikalische Systeme werden immer relevanter für viele Aspekte des Alltages. Sie sind zunehmend verteilt und benötigen daher Netzwerktechnik zur koordinierten Erfüllung von Regelungsaufgaben. Um dies auf eine robuste und zuverlässige Art zu tun, ist Latenz-Bewusstsein und -Prädizierbarkeit auf allen Ebenen der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik nötig. Diese Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der Implementierung dieser zwei Latenz-Eigenschaften auf der Transport-Schicht, sodass Regelungsanwendungen deutlich besser unterstützt werden als es traditionelle Ansätze, wie TCP oder RTP, können. Hierzu wird das PRRT-Protokoll vorgestellt, inklusive seiner besonderen Eigenschaften (z.B. partiell zuverlässige, geordnete, rechtzeitige Auslieferung sowie Latenz-vermeidende Staukontrolle) und unkonventioneller API. Das Protokoll wird mit Hilfe von X-Lap evaluiert, welches speziell dafür entwickelt wurde Protokoll-Designer dabei zu unterstützen die Latenz-, Timing- und Energie-Eigenschaften von Protokollen zu verbessern. PRRT vermeidet Latenz-verursachenden Bufferbloat mit Hilfe von X-Pace, einer Cross-Layer Pacing Implementierung, die in dieser Arbeit präsentiert und mit Experimenten auf realen Internet-Pfaden evaluiert wird. Neben PRRT behandelt diese Arbeit transparente Übertragungssegmentierung, welche dazu dient dem TCP-basierten Transport individuelle Link-Latenzen bewusst zu machen und so die Vorhersagbarkeit der Ende-zu-Ende Latenz zu erhöhen

    On feedback-based rateless codes for data collection in vehicular networks

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    The ability to transfer data reliably and with low delay over an unreliable service is intrinsic to a number of emerging technologies, including digital video broadcasting, over-the-air software updates, public/private cloud storage, and, recently, wireless vehicular networks. In particular, modern vehicles incorporate tens of sensors to provide vital sensor information to electronic control units (ECUs). In the current architecture, vehicle sensors are connected to ECUs via physical wires, which increase the cost, weight and maintenance effort of the car, especially as the number of electronic components keeps increasing. To mitigate the issues with physical wires, wireless sensor networks (WSN) have been contemplated for replacing the current wires with wireless links, making modern cars cheaper, lighter, and more efficient. However, the ability to reliably communicate with the ECUs is complicated by the dynamic channel properties that the car experiences as it travels through areas with different radio interference patterns, such as urban versus highway driving, or even different road quality, which may physically perturb the wireless sensors. This thesis develops a suite of reliable and efficient communication schemes built upon feedback-based rateless codes, and with a target application of vehicular networks. In particular, we first investigate the feasibility of multi-hop networking for intra-car WSN, and illustrate the potential gains of using the Collection Tree Protocol (CTP), the current state of the art in multi-hop data aggregation. Our results demonstrate, for example, that the packet delivery rate of a node using a single-hop topology protocol can be below 80% in practical scenarios, whereas CTP improves reliability performance beyond 95% across all nodes while simultaneously reducing radio energy consumption. Next, in order to migrate from a wired intra-car network to a wireless system, we consider an intermediate step to deploy a hybrid communication structure, wherein wired and wireless networks coexist. Towards this goal, we design a hybrid link scheduling algorithm that guarantees reliability and robustness under harsh vehicular environments. We further enhance the hybrid link scheduler with the rateless codes such that information leakage to an eavesdropper is almost zero for finite block lengths. In addition to reliability, one key requirement for coded communication schemes is to achieve a fast decoding rate. This feature is vital in a wide spectrum of communication systems, including multimedia and streaming applications (possibly inside vehicles) with real-time playback requirements, and delay-sensitive services, where the receiver needs to recover some data symbols before the recovery of entire frame. To address this issue, we develop feedback-based rateless codes with dynamically-adjusted nonuniform symbol selection distributions. Our simulation results, backed by analysis, show that feedback information paired with a nonuniform distribution significantly improves the decoding rate compared with the state of the art algorithms. We further demonstrate that amount of feedback sent can be tuned to the specific transmission properties of a given feedback channel

    Network coded wireless architecture

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2008.Includes bibliographical references (p. 183-197).Wireless mesh networks promise cheap Internet access, easy deployment, and extended range. In their current form, however, these networks suffer from both limited throughput and low reliability; hence they cannot meet the demands of applications such as file sharing, high definition video, and gaming. Motivated by these problems, we explore an alternative design that addresses these challenges. This dissertation presents a network coded architecture that significantly improves throughput and reliability. It makes a simple yet fundamental switch in network design: instead of routers just storing and forwarding received packets, they mix (or code) packets' content before forwarding. We show through practical systems how routers can exploit this new functionality to harness the intrinsic characteristics of the wireless medium to improve performance. We develop three systems; each reveals a different benefit of our network coded design. COPE observes that wireless broadcast naturally creates an overlap in packets received across routers, and develops a new network coding algorithm to exploit this overlap to deliver the same data in fewer transmissions, thereby improving throughput. ANC pushes network coding to the signal level, showing how to exploit strategic interference to correctly deliver data from concurrent senders, further increasing throughput. Finally, MIXIT presents a symbol-level network code that exploits wireless spatial diversity, forwarding correct symbols even if they are contained in corrupted packets to provide high throughput reliable transfers. The contributions of this dissertation are multifold. First, it builds a strong connection between the theory of network coding and wireless system design. Specifically, the systems presented in this dissertation were the first to show that network coding can be cleanly integrated into the wireless network stack to deliver practical and measurable gains. The work also presents novel algorithms that enrich the theory of network coding, extending it to operate over multiple unicast flows, analog signals, and soft-information.(cont.) Second, we present prototype implementations and testbed evaluations of our systems. Our results show that network coding delivers large performance gains ranging from a few percent to several-fold depending on the traffic mix and the topology. Finally, this work makes a clear departure from conventional network design. Research in wireless networks has largely proceeded in isolation, with the electrical engineers focusing on the physical and lower layers, while the computer scientists worked up from the network layer, with the packet being the only interface. This dissertation pokes a hole in this contract, disposing of artificial abstractions such as indivisible packets and point-to-point links in favor of a more natural abstraction that allows the network and the lower layers to collaborate on the common objectives of improving throughput and reliability using network coding as the building block. At the same time, the design maintains desirable properties such as being distributed, low-complexity, implementable, and integrable with the rest of the network stack.by Sachin Rajsekhar Katti.Ph.D

    A protocol design paradigm for rateless fulcrum code

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    Establecer servicios Multicast eficientes en una red con dispositivos heterogéneos y bajo los efectos de un canal con efecto de borradura es una de las prioridades actuales en la teoría de la codificación, en particular en Network Coding (NC). Además, el creciente número de clientes con dispositivos móviles de gran capacidad de procesamiento y la prevalencia de tráfico no tolerante al retardo han provocado una demanda de esquemas Multicast sin realimentación en lo que respecta a la gestión de recursos distribuidos. Las plataformas de comunicación actuales carecen de un control de codificación gradual y dinámico basado en el tipo de datos que se transmiten a nivel de la capa de aplicación. Este trabajo propone un esquema de transmisión fiable y eficiente basado en una codificación hibrida compuesta por una codificación sistemática y codificación de red lineal aleatoria (RLNC) denominada codificación Fulcrum. Este esquema híbrido de codificación distribuida tipo Rateless permite implementar un sistema adaptativo de gestión de recursos para aumentar la probabilidad de descodificación durante la recepción de datos en cada nodo receptor de la información. En última instancia, el esquema propuesto se traduce en un mayor rendimiento de la red y en tiempos de transmisión (RTT) mucho más cortos mediante la implementación eficiente de una corrección de errores hacia delante (FEC).DoctoradoDoctor en Ingeniería de Sistemas y Computació

    Achieving Quality of Service Guarantees for Delay Sensitive Applications in Wireless Networks

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    In the past few years, we have witnessed the continuous growth in popularity of delay-sensitive applications. Applications like live video streaming, multimedia conferencing, VoIP and online gaming account for a major part of Internet traffic these days. It is also predicted that this trend will continue in the coming years. This emphasizes the significance of developing efficient scheduling algorithms in communication networks with guaranteed low delay performance. In our work, we try to address the delay issue in some major instances of wireless communication networks. First, we study a wireless content distribution network (CDN), in which the requests for the content may have service deadlines. Our wireless CDN consists of a media vault that hosts all the content in the system and a number of local servers (base stations), each having a cache for temporarily storing a subset of the content. There are two major questions associated with this framework: (i) content caching: which content should be loaded in each cache? and (ii) wireless network scheduling: how to appropriately schedule the transmissions from wireless servers? Using ideas from queuing theory, we develop provably optimal algorithms to jointly solve the caching and scheduling problems. Next, we focus on wireless relay networks. It is well accepted that network coding can enhance the performance of these networks by exploiting the broadcast nature of the wireless medium. This improvement is usually evaluated in terms of the number of required transmissions for delivering flow packets to their destinations. In this work, we study the effect of delay on the performance of network coding by characterizing a trade-off between latency and the performance gain achieved by employing network coding. More specifically, we associate a holding cost for delaying packets before delivery and a transmission cost for each broadcast transmission made by the relay node. Using a Markov decision process (MDP) argument, we prove a simple threshold-based policy is optimal in the sense of minimum long-run average cost. Finally, we analyze delay-sensitive applications in wireless peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. We consider a hybrid network which consists of (i) an expensive base station-to-peer (B2P) network with unicast transmissions, and (ii) a free broadcast P2P network. In such a framework, we study two popular applications: (a) a content distribution application with service deadlines, and (b) a multimedia live streaming application. In both problems, we utilize random linear network coding over finite fields to simplify the coordination of the transmissions. For these applications, we provide efficient algorithms to schedule the transmissions such that some quality of service (QoS) requirements are satisfied with the minimum cost of B2P usage. The algorithms are proven to be throughput optimal for sufficiently large field sizes and perform reasonably well for finite fields

    Satellite Communications

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    This study is motivated by the need to give the reader a broad view of the developments, key concepts, and technologies related to information society evolution, with a focus on the wireless communications and geoinformation technologies and their role in the environment. Giving perspective, it aims at assisting people active in the industry, the public sector, and Earth science fields as well, by providing a base for their continued work and thinking

    Throughput and latency of finite-buffer wireless erasure networks with backpressure routing

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