30 research outputs found

    Исследование качества программного обеспечения: сравнение оценок экспертов при определении приоритетов

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    Досліджуються розбіжності в сприйнятті якості програмного забезпечення різними групами людей, причетними до його розробки і використання. 315 респондентів оцінили у відповідності до своїх пріоритетів 13 широко поширених атрибутів якості програмного забезпечення. Оцінювання проводилося за шкалою від одного до семи у залежності від того, наскільки важливим респондент вважав даний атрибут. Розбіжності в оцінках пріоритетів цих атрибутів досліджувалися з використанням статистичних методів. Проведено порівняння отриманих емпіричних результатів із результатами кількох досліджень, виконаних за участю експертів в області розробки програмного забезпечення, що дозволяє порівняти спостережувані взаємозв’язки між отриманими в даній роботі бажаними атрибутами з оцінками експертів в області, спільній для всіх цих атрибутів.This work explores the differences in software quality perceptions between different groups of people involved with the software development process. Three hundred and fifteen respondents ranked each of thirteen generally accepted attributes of software quality on a scale of one to seven according to their perceived importance for the piece of software most vital to that individual’s work. Differences in the priorities assigned to these attributes were explored using a number of different statistical techniques. Results of this research were compared to the results of several existing studies conducted by experts in theory and practice of software engineering. Comparisons between the studies are valuable, because they allow a comparison of observed correlations between desires for different attributes derived in this study with expert opinion on the extent to which these attributes can be realized in conjunction.Исследуются отличия в восприятии качества программного обеспечения разными группами людей, занятыми его разработкой и использованием. 315 респондентов оценили в соответствии со своими приоритетами 13 широко используемых атрибутов качества программного обеспечения. Оценивание проводилось по шкале от одного до семи в зависимости от того, насколько важным респондент считал данный атрибут. Отличия в оценках приоритетов этих атрибутов исследовались с привлечением статистических методов. Проведено сравнение полученных эмпирических результатов с результатами нескольких исследований, выполненных при участии экспертов в области разработки программного обеспечения, что позволяет сравнить наблюдаемые взаимосвязи между полученными в данной работе желаемыми атрибутами с оценками экспертов в области, общей для всех этих атрибутов

    Repository-Based Software Engineering Program: Working Program Management Plan

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    Repository-Based Software Engineering Program (RBSE) is a National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) sponsored program dedicated to introducing and supporting common, effective approaches to software engineering practices. The process of conceiving, designing, building, and maintaining software systems by using existing software assets that are stored in a specialized operational reuse library or repository, accessible to system designers, is the foundation of the program. In addition to operating a software repository, RBSE promotes (1) software engineering technology transfer, (2) academic and instructional support of reuse programs, (3) the use of common software engineering standards and practices, (4) software reuse technology research, and (5) interoperability between reuse libraries. This Program Management Plan (PMP) is intended to communicate program goals and objectives, describe major work areas, and define a management report and control process. This process will assist the Program Manager, University of Houston at Clear Lake (UHCL) in tracking work progress and describing major program activities to NASA management. The goal of this PMP is to make managing the RBSE program a relatively easy process that improves the work of all team members. The PMP describes work areas addressed and work efforts being accomplished by the program; however, it is not intended as a complete description of the program. Its focus is on providing management tools and management processes for monitoring, evaluating, and administering the program; and it includes schedules for charting milestones and deliveries of program products. The PMP was developed by soliciting and obtaining guidance from appropriate program participants, analyzing program management guidance, and reviewing related program management documents

    G\'EANT Software Maturity Model

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    G\'EANT project is an example of a large organization with around 30 software projects and around 20 software development teams. Software development teams consist of many skilled associates coming from all members National Research and Education Networks. Three main issues that are common for all these software development teams and their members are: geographical distribution, scattered manpower percentage, and parallel involvement in other high priority projects in their native organizations. This paper presents a novel software maturity model that is designed specifically for G\'EANT software development teams and aims to address the described issues.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Submitted to TELFOR 2018 conferenc

    Research versus practice in software engineering: comparison of expert opinions to measured user priorities

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    This work explores the differences in software quality perceptions between different groups of people involved with the software development process. Three hundred and fifteen respondents ranked each of thirteen generally accepted attributes of software quality on a scale of one to seven according to their perceived importance for the piece of software most vital to that individual’s work. Differences in the priorities assigned to these attributes were explored using a number of different statistical techniques. Results of this research were compared to the results of several existing studies conducted by experts in theory and practice of software engineering. Comparisons between the studies are valuable, because they allow a comparison of observed correlations between desires for different attributes derived in this study with expert opinion on the extent to which these attributes can be realized in conjunction.Досліджуються розбіжності в сприйнятті якості програмного забезпечення різними групами людей, причетними до його розробки і використання. 315 респондентів оцінили у відповідності до своїх пріоритетів 13 широко поширених атрибутів якості програмного забезпечення. Оцінювання проводилося за шкалою від одного до семи у залежності від того, наскільки важливим респондент вважав даний атрибут. Розбіжності в оцінках пріоритетів цих атрибутів досліджувалися з використанням статистичних методів. Проведено порівняння отриманих емпіричних результатів із результатами кількох досліджень, виконаних за участю експертів в області розробки програмного забезпечення, що дозволяє порівняти спостережувані взаємозв’язки між отриманими в даній роботі бажаними атрибутами з оцінками експертів в області, спільній для всіх цих атрибутів.Исследуются отличия в восприятии качества программного обеспечения разными группами людей, занятыми его разработкой и использованием. 315 респондентов оценили в соответствии со своими приоритетами 13 широко используемых атрибутов качества програмного обеспечения. Оценивание проводилось по шкале от одного до семи в зависимости от того, насколько важным респондент ситал данный атрибут. Отличия в оценках приоритетов этих атрибутов исследовались с привлечением статистических методов. Проведено сравнение полученных эмпирических результатов с результатами нескольких исследований, выполненных при участии экспертов в области разработки программного обеспечения, что позволяет сравнить наблюдаемые взаимосвязи между полученными в данной работе желаемыми атрибутами с оценками экспертов в области, общей для всех этих атрибутов

    Simulación Educativa Mediante Meta-Modelado y Gramáticas de Grafos

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    En este artículo se propone el uso de meta-modelado y de gramáticas de grafos como un medio de especificar formalmente simulaciones discretas con un enfoque educativo. Por medio del meta-modelado, se pueden describir de forma gráfica formalismos de simulación y utilizar los meta-modelos para generar automaticamente herramientas de modelado para estos formalismos. Por medio de las gramáticas de grafos, se pueden describir de manera formal el tipo de manipulaciones permitidas sobre los modelos (optimizaciones, transformaciones, simulaciones, generación de código, etc.). En particular en este artículo, se presenta un ejemplo en el que se describe un lenguaje gráfico sencillo de simulación discreta al estilo de Interacción de Procesos. Se presenta además una gramática de grafos que permite la simulación de los modelos definidos mediante este formalismo, de tal forma que se puede observar paso a paso de forma gráfica la evolución de la simulación

    Design and Implementation of Vehicle Management System for a Court Based on Web

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    传统的法院车辆管理以粗放的人工管理为主,在城市空间大大拓展,经济和社会活动活跃的今天,容易造成车辆的调度和管理混乱等问题。通过基于Web的车辆管理系统,可以方便地在网页上查询、申请、审核和分配车辆,有效地提高了法院车辆管理效率和透明度。本文调研车辆管理系统现状,研究了LAMP架构、Python编程语言及其Web开发框架Django、Apache服务器和PostgreSQL数据库等网页开发技术。在前期调研的基础上,针对法院车辆管理的实际需求,提出了系统开发目标,掌握了系统的业务需求,梳理主要的业务流程,并描述主要的功能性和非功能性需求。结合软件工程理论与实践,设计了B/S结构、对系统的架构、功能...Manual management is the mainly style of traditional courts vehicle management. Until recently, as the greatly expand of the urban space and the activities of economic and social, such management way is likely to cause confusion of vehicle scheduling and management issues. Through web-based vehicle management system, people can easily check, application, review and distribution of vehicles on webs...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323050

    Seeding Contradiction: a fast method for generating full-coverage test suites

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    The regression test suite, a key resource for managing program evolution, needs to achieve 100% coverage, or very close, to be useful. Devising a test suite manually is unacceptably tedious, but existing automated methods are often inefficient. The method described in this article, ``Seeding Contradiction'', inserts incorrect instructions into every basic block of the program, enabling an SMT-based Hoare-style prover to generate a counterexample for every branch of the program and, from the collection of all such counterexamples, a test suite. The method is static, works fast, and achieves excellent coverage

    Everyday practices of agile software developers

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    University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.The theory and practice of software engineering is largely represented in the literature by discrete rational models, methodologies, tools and techniques for producing software and for describing work processes as they ought to be done. There has been little research that characterises software development as it is actually practised every day by professional software developers. This thesis addresses that gap. As the recognition of software development as embodied work is fundamental to this research, a situated approach underpins its exploration of software development as it is performed by real developers in their workplace at the time that it occurs. The initial, guiding research question, “So what do software developers do every day?” was addressed by undertaking a longitudinal ethnographic study, involving two years of fieldwork, of an Australian group of software developers who use an Agile development methodology. A local software development infrastructure, comprising software tools and formal software development policies and procedures, is available to the developers. As the research progressed, it became obvious that they spent an enormous amount of their time and effort dealing with this infrastructure in order to accomplish their daily work. Further, more directed questions about the developers’ daily practice thus became distilled into this one: What significance does their infrastructure have for the developers’ everyday work? The findings challenge two assumptions often implicit in software engineering research interests: firstly, that infrastructure, along with its constituent elements, is a given — a discrete, independent and stable entity — and, secondly, that software development practice can be authentically represented by, and understood in, formal, rational models of software process. The foregrounding of relations between the developers, their infrastructure and their work product forms the crux of this thesis. Its primary contributions are: It presents an ethnography of a little-studied group: professional software developers; It provides a detailed account of how the developers’ infrastructure and their work practice are intimately intertwined and mutually constitutive, continuously generating the context in which the design and development of complex software can be accomplished; It articulates the processes and practices that effect progressive blurring and co-dependency between the software product and the infrastructure; It identifies and describes essential dimensions of developers’ practice that are missing from accounts and representations such as formal models; It demonstrates how an explication of local infrastructure is more beneficial to understanding specific software development work practice than abstract definitions of infrastructure which are not constrained by the practicalities of everyday use

    Proceso de cambio : formalización y valorización con análisis costo-eficiencia en fase inicial para la mejora del proceso de software

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    The thesis is located in two (2) key areas of knowledge: The Software Process Improvement (SPI Software Process Improvement) and Process Change (PDC) at Process Software (PDS) r.Aethods of .Analysis and Cost-Efficiency (ACE), both in the light of the theory and practice of software engineering, project management, information systems and some social science disciplines such as Finance and Economy. The thesis focuses on an initial phase of PdC PdS Process Software, at mean, one in which the decision to proceed or not, bring changes in the way of producing software is taken. The stage work of this thesis are SMEs Software. To carry out this research an epistemological, ontological and pragmatic qualitative research approach was used. To perform a work methodology, we grounded theory with content analysis was used depth interviews was applied to different stakeholders with different levels of participation in PdC the PDS. The results were compared and validated with a Case Study of a real company. Finally, the thesis provides a methodological support that integrates organizational models, BO methods of financial analysis for the evaluation of the proposal, BD methods of economic analysis for the assessment of the proposal and guidelines for use. Additionally, and most importantly, ACE models to assess intangible added values, from the economic viewpoint. This thesis can be continuity if the study is expanded to other geographical areas and using mixed methods to extend the results to strengthen the methodological support.Esta tesis se ubica en dos (2) áreas claves del conocimiento: La Mejora al Proceso de Software (SPI, Software Process lmprovement) como Proceso de Cambio (PdC) al Proceso deSoftware (PdS) y los Métodos de Análisis Costo-Eficiencia (ACE), ambas a la luz de la teoría y práctica de la Ingeniería del Software, la Dirección de Proyectos, los Sistemas de Información y algunas disciplinas de las ciencias sociales como las Finanzas y la Economía. La tesis se enfoca en una fase inicial del PdC al Proceso de Software PdS, es decir, aquella en la que se toma la decisión de llevar a cabo o no, cambios en la forma de producir software. El escenario de trabajo de esta tesis son las PyME de Software. Para llevar adelante esta investigación se utilizó un enfoque epistemológico, ontológico y pragmático de la investigación cualitativa. Para llevar a cabo una metodología de trabajo se utilizó la Teoría Fundamentada con Análisis de Contenido. Se aplicó la entrevsta a profundidad a diferentes interesados con distintos niveles de participación en los PdC al PdS. Los resultados fueron contrastados y validados con un estudio de caso de una empresa real. Finalmente, la tesis aporta un Soporte Metodológico que integra modelos organizacionales, BD con métodos de análsis financiero para la evaluación de la propuesta, BD con métodos de análisis económico para la valoración de la propuesta, y las guías para el uso. Adicionalmente y lo más importante, los modelos de ACE para valorar intangibles-valores añadidos , desde el punto de \Asta económico. Esta tesis puede llevar una continuidad si se expande el estudio a otras áreas geográficas y utilizando métods mixtos que amplíen los resultados para fortalecer el Soporte Metodológico.Postprint (published version