16 research outputs found

    The use of an e-learning constructivist solution in workplace learning

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    We wished to investigate whether an e-learning approach which uses constructivist principles can be successfully applied to train employees in a highly specialised skill thought to require expert individuals and extensive prolonged training. The approach involved the development of an e-learning package which included simulations and interactivity, then experimental testing in a case study workplace environment with the collection of both quantitative and qualitative data to assess the effectiveness of the package. Our study shows that this e-learning strategy improved the skills of the inexperienced operator significantly. We therefore propose that such programmes could be used as a work based training aid and used as a model system for the training of employees in complex skilled tasks in the workplace. This research demonstrates that the e-learning can be applied outside the traditional learning environment to train unskilled employees to undertake complex practical tasks which traditionally would involve prohibitively expensive instruction. This work also illustrates that simulations and interactivity are powerful tools in the design of successful e-learning packages in preparing learners for real world practical situations. Finally this study shows that workplace learners can be better served by elearning environments rather than conventional training as they allow asynchronous learning and private study which are valued by employees who have other demands on their time and are more comfortable receiving tuition privately Relevance to industry: E-learning using constructivist principles, and incorporating simulations and interactivity can be used successfully in the training of highly specialised and skilled tasks required in the modern workplace

    Measuring the impact of e-learning on increasing organization quality of services: Case study of medical university in Ilam

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    Information technology has made tremendous changes on ways people learn and communicate. People could go through internet to have an access to many knowledge based websites such as Wikipedia to learn or they may participate in e-learning programs offered by different well known universities in the world without bothering about the borders between countries. E-learning has proven as a cost efficient method especially for courses where there is no need to offer physical lab courses. It can literally eliminate different cost items involved with traditional learning such as transportation or the cost of leaving a job to learn more. The proposed study of this paper attempts to understand whether e-learning has any positive impact on quality improvement in an organization. The proposed study of this paper performs a survey on 525 people who work in medical school of Ilam. We have chosen a sample of 223 people and designed a questionnaire based on Likert scale. The results indicate that e-learning has positive relationship with quality improvement in an organization

    Е-учење апликација по предметот информатика за учениците од VII оделение

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    Последнава деценија расте бројот на институции кои го користат концептот на e-учење преку веб базирани системи за учење со цел да ја променат традиционалната средина за учење и да ги следат образовните потреби на учениците. Во основното образование во Македонија сеуште нема понудени електронски материјали за изучување на предметот информатика со што наставниците треба активно да се вклучат во процесот на креирање и развивање авторски едукативни апликации. Преку овој труд ќе покажеме дека со користење на моќни алатки за креирање на интерактивни апликации, во нашиот случај Adobe Captivate, можат да се креираат успешни е-учење апликации. Е-учење апликацијата која е базирана на SCORM беше тестирана на учениците од VII оделение, помогната од повеќе наставници и родители. Е-учење апликацијата беше одлично прифатена од учениците, наставниците и родителите и претставува пример кој може да се примени во сите училишта во Република Македонија

    Critical Success Factors on Gamification to Support the Learning Process in University

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    Gamification is the process of implementing a game strategy in the learning process. Gamification in the lecture environment increases creativity and interactivity and provides students with a sensation of accomplishment (Sense of accomplishment). The development of communication technology increased rapidly, which impacted the development of the games industry, which attracted Indonesian people in this case. Therefore, gamification can be an alternative to represent innovative and exciting learning for students in Indonesia. In this Research, the authors tried to analyze the determinants of the effectiveness of learning using gamification Keywords: Gamification; Learning; Critical Success Factors; University Students; Learning Process eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2022. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by E-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open-access article under the CC  BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer-review under the responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behavior Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioral Researchers on Asians), and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behavior Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia


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    The paper analyses how people learn and illustrates the definition and meaning of learning and workplace learning, in which the theory of Lave and Wenger (1991) is analysed, including the strengths and limitations of the concepts of ‘communities of practice’ and ‘legitimate peripheral participation’. The paper contains the analysis and discussion of the inductively surfaced categories relating to workplace learning, which surfaced from the observations and interviews, as part of a study carried out at the University of Malta. The Analysis Section is mainly designed around four main categories which surfaced from the reading, coding and analysis of the data. These categories deal with the types of workplace learning, the most important part/s of the participants’ job, the ease of learning the relevant task/s and the feedback that the employees receive. Each category is supported by representative quotations from the fieldwork and the participants, and a few prominent issues regarding the categories are analysed and discussed in detail. The importance of learning by experience and informal learning is highlighted and issues of power and politics emerge throughout the discussion presented in the paper

    Full packaged learning solutions for studying mathematics at school

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    © 2018 by the authors. The speed of modern changes in the system of teaching reflects an unprecedented accelerated renewal of means, forms and methods of teaching. Today, it is very important to test new learning solutions that reduce teachers' time on organization of students' educational activities. The idea of solving this problem is to combine the theory and practice of taking managerial actions and pedagogy in order to identify the type of learning solutions that reduce teachers' time, in particular teachers of mathematics, to prepare for classes. Thus, the purpose of the article is to justify full packaged learning solutions as an effective means of reducing the time spent on organizing the educational activities of schoolchildren. The authors of the article have determined the full packaged product as a package of program-methodical and subject-developing support that can be used by consumers of educational services (children, parents, teachers, administrators, employers) for independent use (a turn-key project). The leading methods of research are monitoring the organizational activities of teachers during math lessons, talking to teachers, analyzing methodical work and teachers' profiles, modeling and statistical processing of research results. As a result of the 2016-2017 experiment, where 21 teachers of mathematics took part, the authors of the article have defined types of learning solutions for mathematics teachers (adjustable, integrated and packaged); have described the stages of development and phases of creating a full packaged learning solution. Evaluation of the effectiveness of using full packaged product allowed to make a conclusion about an average decrease of time costs by 22% while preparing for classes. The theoretical significance of the article is due to the contribution to the development of scientific ideas about the means of methodical support for teachers of mathematics. The practical use of the proposed methods allows to organize a step-by-step transition from the development of adjustable solutions to full packaged learning solutions for studying school mathematics that contribute to reducing teachers' time spent on the organization of educational activities of students. The value of the full packaged product is justified with the help of a "project triangle", which connects key parameters for assessing the effectiveness of providing methodical support to mathematics teachers: the amount of work, time and costs. Changing the value of one parameter leads to changes of the values of others. Full packaged product allows to balance these parameters and achieve the planned educational result

    Vigle: A Visual Graphical Learning Module on Optical Character Recognition

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    Students of the Arts and Humanities use OCR to convert scanned images of old text (pre-1800 AD). They need to know how digital text is extracted from the scanned image. Thanks to cell phones and images captured with them, understanding this is useful for everybody. The processing steps employed by a typical OCR software are, in order, Binarization, Deskew, Segmentation, Character Segmentation and Character Recognition. In this research project, a standalone asynchronous visual graphical learning environment (VIGLE) on Optical Character Recognition (OCR) was developed. Constructivist learning strategy was employed. The learning module was integrated into a website that works on mobile. The project attempts to generalize the instruction so that it is useful for everybody. Latest web technology was used for the implementation to achieve one stop interface, browser compatibility, responsive window sizing and interactive visual content. Binarization, Deskew and Segmentation modules were implemented in the time available. The VIGLE consists of a graphical representation and a visual interface to the lessons. Results show that the participants found both the graphical representation and the visual interface helpful. They found the incomplete learning module on OCR at best moderately useful in helping them digitize text

    Yapılandırmacı Yaklaşım Uygulamalarının Karma-Meta Yöntemiyle İncelenmesi

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    In this study, the aim is to examine the effectiveness of the constructivist approach involving the use of the mixed-meta method. Quantitative (meta-analysis) and qualitative (meta-thematic analysis) study findings were obtained by conducting a literature review in the context of the mixed-meta method. This consisted of examining the research topic in two dimensions by executing meta-analysis and meta-thematic analysis and producing comprehensive results. Quantitative studies browsed in accordance with certain criteria and searched in certain databases were analysed with the use of the MetaWin and CMA 2.0 programs, and moderator analyses involving such aspects as course areas, teaching levels, application duration and sample size were also carried out. As a result of the analyses, it was understood that the effect sizes of the studies were at a large level in terms of academic achievement and relevant moderators. Qualitative studies, on the other hand, were analysed with the use of the Maxqda program. It was seen that the themes relating to the relationship of the constructivist approach with technology, cooperation and 21st century skills, problems in related applications, and solution suggestions, were generated. The qualitative findings also showed that the the constructivist approach had huge effect. These results indicated that constructivist practices had a positive effect in terms of different levels, course areas, application duration and samples within the frame of a general context, and had a favourable effect on learning outcomes.Bu araştırmada, yapılandırmacı yaklaşımın etkililiğinin karma-meta yöntemi ile incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Meta-analiz ve meta-tematik analizler yaparak araştırma konusunu iki boyutta irdelemeyi ve kapsamlı sonuçlar ortaya çıkarmayı içeren karma-meta yöntemi bağlamında, alanyazın taramaları sonucunda nicel (meta-analiz) ve nitel (meta-tematik analiz) çalışma bulguları elde edilmiştir. Belirli kriterler doğrultusunda ve belli veri tabanlarından taranan nicel çalışmalar MetaWin ve CMA 2.0 programıyla analiz edilmiş ve ders alanı, öğretim kademesi, uygulama süresi ve örneklem büyüklüğü şeklinde moderatör analizleri de gerçekleştirilmiştir. Analizler sonucunda, çalışmaların etki büyüklüklerinin akademik başarı ve ilgili moderatörler açısından geniş düzeyde olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Nitel çalışmalar ise Maxqda programıyla analiz edilerek yapılandırmacı yaklaşımın teknoloji, iş birliği ve 21. yüzyıl becerileriyle ilişkisine ve ilgili uygulamalardaki problemler ve çözüm önerilerine yönelik temaların oluştuğu görülmüştür. Nitel bulgular da yapılandırmacı yaklaşımın pozitif yönde etkisinin ağırlıklı olduğunu göstermiştir. Bu sonuçlar, yapılandırmacı uygulamaların farklı kademe, ders alanı, uygulama süresi ve örneklemlerde genel bağlamda pozitif yönde etki ettiğini ve öğrenme sonuçlarını iyi düzeyde etkilediğini yansıtmıştır

    Supporting Education for Students with Children through Mobile Technology

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    The original goal of this project was to build a peer e-mentoring program for parents and measure the effect of the program on persistence. In spite of strong mentor participation, two terms of focused recruiting did not attract mentees. This sparked the question of why those who had successfully navigated the higher education system thought a peer e-mentoring program was needed but those in the process did not. A focused ethnography was designed to try to understand why students with children were resistant to peer e-mentoring. Students with children used technology to integrate the various roles of life. They used smart phones to organize, schedule, and research. They used them to schedule rides or childcare for children, communicated with professors and classmates, reviewed course resources, and whatever else they needed to communicate about. They solved problems by taking them one at time and planning for emergencies with contingencies. These students considered planning their best defense against failing to reach to graduation. They realized establishing and keeping communication lines open was critical. The turned most often to family for help but would reach out to professors and even staff if needed. They looked for professors who were known to go above and beyond for their students just in case they needed to reschedule exams or assignments. The overwhelming consensus about participation was that they just can’t see how it is possible make another commitment. Two mentor participants agreed to be interviewed and shared thoughts about privacy concerns but were willing to take the chance to help ease the way for another student parent. The students with children interviewed expressed the need to find solutions to constantly changing requirements but were not comfortable sharing their problems in a one to one mentoring program. Previous studies have suggested that implementing solutions for non-traditional students required a focused needs assessment. Many programs designed to increase retention for non-traditional students have resulted in exactly the results this one originally faced, a lack of participants or low results. Ultimately these students need just in time solutions for a changing myriad of road blocks to graduation

    E-Learning in the workplace: an annotated bibliography

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    Provides an overview of the literature relating to e-learning in workplaces in New Zealand, Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Summary The key findings of this annotated bibliography are: E-learning can provide flexible learning options for employees and allow them to upskill more rapidly. E-learning in the workplace can decrease the costs of upskilling a workforce through reducing travel and employee time away from work. E-learning is particularly useful for a geographically-dispersed workforce because it can deliver a consistent training experience. The uptake of e-learning in the workplace is increasing. Many New Zealand firms have the systems and infrastructure to support e-learning, but often lack the capability to implement it successfully. To overcome design inadequacies in e-learning courses, new skills and personnel are required in the teams charged with developing and delivering it. Firms need to have strategies and plans in place to support their e-learning which integrate or align with their overall plans and strategies. Support by managers for  e-learning in the workplace (including allocating sufficient time for it) is critical to success. Large organisations are more likely to adopt e-learning than small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) because they have better infrastructure and systems and can more readily achieve economies of scale and return on investment. SMEs can form collaborative networks to share knowledge, resources, and expertise to overcome the cost and relevance barriers they face when implementing e-learning. E-learning is most often used in workplaces to supplement traditional delivery (blended learning). Blended learning can contribute to significant gains in learner achievement. The focus in workplace e-learning has moved from ‘courses’ to learning content that is available to employees as and when needed. E-learning is more effective when people can access it in small ‘chunks’, reflect on it, and then apply it immediately. E-learning supports informal learning in the workplace because it makes it easier to codify information and knowledge and make this available to the organisation and its external stakeholders. The most common technologies and systems used to support workplace e-learning are learning management systems, video, mobile devices, social networking tools, wikis, weblogs, simulations/virtual reality, CD-ROMs, and DVDs. Some of the main barriers to implementing e-learning in the workplace are: high up-front costs that include new and/or upgraded systems, training the trainers, and developing interactive and/or personalised content employee resistance to e-learning organisations not having an appropriate learning culture in place lack of management support adopting technologies and systems that are difficult to use and access, are unreliable, and/or lack technical support employees and trainers lacking the skills and capabilities to teach and learn in e-learning environments irrelevance to real-time work tasks and not integrated with business processes