1,107 research outputs found

    El impacto de las publicaciones seriadas y su efecto sobre la producción científica cubana sobre Bibliotecología y Ciencias +de la Información

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    Objective.The aim of this study was to identify, from a quantitative perspective, differences between Cuban scientific research published in high visible journals and the rest of the national scientific production, using as analytical tools the quartiles of visibility established by the Scimago Journal & Country Rank,compiled from Scopus database. Method.As a case study, Cuban scientific output on Library and Information Sciences indexed by this database was selected. A battery of scientometric indicators was used to analyze levels of citation, collaboration and leadership involved in articles published by journals belonging to each of the visibility quartiles. Correlation between the studied indicators was analyzed. Results/Discussion.High dependence of the indicators based on citation analysis was confirmed, as well as correlation between international collaboration and journal quartiles of visibility. Conclusions.It is concluded that the national scientific output with the greatest influence on the international scientific community in this domain is mainly published by journals belonging to the first quartile of visibility. Likewise, it was identified that national scientific output on Library and Information Sciences depends on international collaboration to reach high levels of visibility, and still is not capable of systematically generate research with a significant impact on the international scientific community. Originality/Value.First bibliometric study of Cuban Library and Information Sciences using the impact of journals where research where published as main analytical category

    A bibliometric classificatory approach for the study and assessment of research performance at the individual level: the effects of age on productivity and impact

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    This paper sets forth a general methodology for conducting bibliometric analyses at the micro level. It combines several indicators grouped into three factors or dimensions which characterize different aspects of scientific performance. Different profiles or “classes” of scientists are described according to their research performance in each dimension. A series of results based on the findings from the application of this methodology to the study of CSIC scientists in Spain in three thematic areas are presented. Special emphasis is made on the identification and description of top scientists from structural and bibliometric perspectives. The effects of age on the productivity and impact of the different classes of scientists are analyzed. The classificatory approach proposed herein may prove a useful tool in support of research assessment at the individual level and for exploring potential determinants of research success.Peer reviewe

    La investigación sobre Ciencias de la Información en Cuba: flujos del conocimiento durante el período 2005-2019

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    Objective. To characterize the Cuban research on Information Sciences, and to analyze the flows of knowledge between its intellectual base and the research fronts influenced by Cuban researchers. Design/Methodology/Approach. The subject category “Information Science and Library Science” from Web of Science, during the period 2005-2019, was studied. The intellectual base was determined by author co-citation analysis. Citing articles of Cuban authors were analyzed by bibliographic coupling and term co-occurrence techniques. A documental analysis of bibliometric studies on the discipline in Cuba was developed. Results/Discussion. The diversification of the topics discussed overtime was verified, which have been in correspondence with social needs. A sustained increase in scientific production was observed, based on collaboration and intense postgraduate training. A greater number of journals were used to disseminate the results, which were cited from multiple knowledge areas. Conclusions. The communicating vessels between the intellectual base and influenced research fronts evidenced the appropriation of foreign and Cuban referents in the disciplinary constructive process, their growing influence on the global scientific community, and the configuration of a cognitive space of disciplinary confluence between Library Science, Information Science, Archival Science, and Social Communication, closely connected with the thematic axes that lead global research. Originality/Value. An exhaustive documentary review, combined with bibliometric techniques, allowed the thematic characterization and analysis of the evolution of Cuban informational thinking during the last 15 years (2005-2019), in relation to its regional and global context.Objetivo: Se analiza el pensamiento informacional generado en Cuba, para caracterizar los flujos del conocimiento que se manifiestan entre su base intelectual y los frentes de investigación donde ha logrado influir. Diseño/Metodología/Enfoque: Se estudió la categoría “Information Science and Library Science” del Web of Science, durante el período 2005-2019. Scopus, Library & Information Science Source, Library & Information Science Abstract y SciELO Citation Index fueron utilizadas con fines comparativos. La base intelectual y los frentes de investigación se determinaron mediante co-citación de autores y co-ocurrencia de términos. Los artículos que citan autores cubanos se analizaron también mediante acoplamiento bibliográfico. Se realizó un análisis documental de los estudios métricos sobre la disciplina en Cuba. Resultados/Discusión: Se observó el incremento sostenido de la producción científica, basada en la colaboración y la intensa formación postgradual. Las temáticas se diversificaron, en correspondencia con las necesidades sociales. Se utilizó un mayor número de revistas para difundir los resultados, los cuales fueron citados desde múltiples áreas del conocimiento. Conclusiones: Los vasos comunicantes entre base intelectual y frentes de investigación, evidenciaron la apropiación de referentes foráneos y cubanos en el proceso constructivo disciplinario, su creciente influencia sobre la comunidad científica global, y la configuración de un espacio cognoscitivo de confluencia disciplinaria entre Bibliotecología, Ciencia de la información, Archivología y Comunicación Social. Originalidad/Valor: Una exhaustiva revisión documental, combinada con técnicas bibliométricas, permitió la caracterización temática y el análisis de la evolución del pensamiento informacional cubano durante los últimos 15 años, en relación con su contexto regional y mundial

    Assessing scientific research performance and impact with single indices

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    We provide a comprehensive and critical review of the h-index and its most important modifications proposed in the literature, as well as of other similar indicators measuring research output and impact. Extensions of some of these indices are presented and illustrated.Citation metrics, Research output, h-index, Hirsch index, h-type indices

    A model for assessing the effectiveness of professional development for improving student learning

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    For most of the last 50 years, teachers and administrators have perceived professional development and the instructional role primarily in terms of what one individual does with classes of others. Teachers, like their students, were considered to be rather passive acceptors of the instruction, rather than active modifiers. Thus, there was very little effort to gather empirical evidence that professional development worked especially when it came to its impact on student achievement. This project proposes a research design to gather empirical data on the Iowa Professional Development Model supported by technology. In this study educators were provided with an opportunity to integrate or vertically transfer much of what they learn through their professional development activities. The primary means of achieving this was through the building of a mature professional learning community connected by technology providing the key components of coaching and feedback reducing teacher isolation. These communities led to increased teacher understanding of the strategies, stimulated change, and resulted in increased student achievement

    On the Effects of Institutional Arrangements for Innovation in Clusters - A comparative case study of sugar clusters in São Paulo, the North East of Brazil and Cuba.

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    This thesis explores the effects of institutional arrangements for innovation in clusters. Clusters have become one of the most popular concepts in innovation policy studies in recent years. They have been ascribed as places with structures that reduce transaction costs, and enable innovation processes due to the prevalence of different types of externalities. The focus of this dissertation is on dynamic externalities that support innovation. Five types of externalities that were most frequently prevalent in the literature have been explored, intense competition, knowledge spill-over, specialisation, user-producer learning and joint action. Innovation takes place through interaction and this thesis has explored how cluster externalities can influence innovation depending upon the types of institutional arrangements that govern transactions. Four arrangements have been explored, market, network, quasi hierarchy and state arrangements. A comparative case study of the sugar and ethanol clusters in São Paulo, the North East of Brazil and Cuba has been carried out with the purpose to identify how the conceptual pieces relate to each other and whether cluster externalities have been behind the innovation that has taken place in the clusters. The dissertation has found that externalities influence innovation in various ways, which is enabled and influenced by the institutional arrangements and these influence the externalities differently. Arrangements have stronger connection to some externalities than others, e.g. intense competition is enabled by market arrangements and network arrangements are strongly connected to joint action. At the same time some arrangements can prevent externalities or reduce their impact. Of the explored clusters, São Paulo is the case where most innovation is taking place. It is the most diversified cluster with regard to specialisation, actors and arrangements and the case where the cluster externalities have been the most widespread, diversified and influential. In the North East of Brazil less innovation has taken place, the cluster is thinner with regard to actors, specialisation and scientific capacity. Innovation in the North East is to a lesser extent the outcome of cluster externalities. There are fewer local networks in place than in São Paulo and the ones that exist are less oriented towards enabling innovation. The Cuban cluster is dense with actors, strong competencies in science and technology and knowledge of derivate production. There is equipment and machinery in place, of which some is becoming dated though. The Cuban cluster is more the outcome of national state arrangements and international linkages than cluster externalities. The development of the cluster and innovation is hampered, by the lack of markets and network arrangements

    El impacto de las publicaciones seriadas y su efecto sobre la producción científica cubana sobre Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Información

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    Objective. The aim of this study was to identify, from a quantitative perspective, differences between Cuban scientific research published in high visible journals and the rest of the national scientific production, using as analytical tools the quartiles of visibility established by the Scimago Journal & Country Rank, compiled from Scopus database. Method. As a case study, Cuban scientific output on Library and Information Sciences indexed by this database was selected. A battery of scientometric indicators was used to analyze levels of citation, collaboration and leadership involved in articles published by journals belonging to each of the visibility quartiles. Correlation between the studied indicators was analyzed.Results/Discussion. High dependence of the indicators based on citation analysis was confirmed, as well as correlation between international collaboration and journal quartiles of visibility.Conclusions. It is concluded that the national scientific output with the greatest influence on the international scientific community in this domain is mainly published by journals belonging to the first quartile of visibility. Likewise, it was identified that national scientific output on Library and Information Sciences depends on international collaboration to reach high levels of visibility, and still is not capable of systematically generate research with a significant impact on the international scientific community.Originality/Value. First bibliometric study of Cuban Library and Information Sciences using the impact of journals where research where published as main analytical category.Objetivo. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar, desde una perspectiva cuantitativa, las diferencias existentes entre la investigación científica cubana publicada en revistas de máxima visibilidad y el resto de la producción científica nacional, utilizando como herramienta de análisis los cuartiles de visibilidad establecidos por el portal Scimago Journal & Country Rank, elaborados a partir de la base de datos Scopus.Diseño/Metodología/Enfoque. Se seleccionó como caso de estudio la producción científica cubana sobre Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Información indizada en esta base de datos. Se empleó una batería de indicadores cienciométricos para analizar los niveles de citación, colaboración y liderazgo presentes en el conjunto de artículos perteneciente a cada uno de los cuartiles de visibilidad. Se analizó la correlación entre los indicadores estudiados.Resultados/Discusión. Se confirmó la alta dependencia de los indicadores basados en análisis de citas, así como de la colaboración internacional, en relación con el cuartil de visibilidad de las revistas. Conclusiones. Se concluye que la producción científica nacional con mayor influencia sobre la comunidad científica internacional en este dominio es aquella que se da a conocer en las revistas pertenecientes al primer cuartil. De igual forma, se identifica que la producción científica nacional sobre Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Información depende de la colaboración internacional para alcanzar altos niveles de visibilidad, y aún no es capaz de generar sistemáticamente por sí misma investigaciones que impacten de manera significativa sobre la comunidad científica internacional. Originalidad/Valor. Primer estudio bibliométrico de la Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Información cubana utilizando el impacto de las revistas donde fueron publicadas las investigaciones como principal categoría analítica

    A bibliometric classificatory approach for the study and assessment of research performance at the individual level: The effects of age on productivity and impact

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    This paper sets forth a general methodology for conducting bibliometric analyses at the micro level. It combines several indicators grouped into three factors or dimensions which characterize different aspects of scientific performance. Different profiles or “classes” of scientists are described according to their research performance in each dimension. A series of results based on the findings from the application of this methodology to the study of CSIC scientists in Spain in three thematic areas are presented. Special emphasis is made on the identification and description of top scientists from structural and bibliometric perspectives. The effects of age on the productivity and impact of the different classes of scientists are analyzed. The classificatory approach proposed herein may prove a useful tool in support of research assessment at the individual level and for exploring potential determinants of research success.Peer reviewe

    Co-constructing a new framework for evaluating social innovation in marginalized rural areas

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    The EU funded H2020 project \u2018Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas\u2019 (SIMRA; www.simra-h2020.eu) has the overall objective of advancing the state-of-the-art in social innovation. This paper outlines the process for co- developing an evaluation framework with stakeholders, drawn from across Europe and the Mediterranean area, in the fields of agriculture, forestry and rural development. Preliminary results show the importance of integrating process and outcome-oriented evaluations, and implementing participatory approaches in evaluation practice. They also raise critical issues related to the comparability of primary data in diverse regional contexts and highlight the need for mixed methods approaches in evaluation