12 research outputs found

    E-Assessment and mathematical learning: A Spanish overview

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    Assessment can be used to enhance student learning (formative assessment) or to control the apprenticeship (summative assessment). The two ways can be used according to the requirements or needs. Nowadays, the student must be the protagonist of his learning, and it is important that he receives immediate feedback of the learning process. The normal work or the real life for the current students includes the quick answers provided by technology. Therefore technology allows the development of new models of assessment easy to implement. Technology-supported assessments are already being used as a formative assessment and some influence in the summative sense of grading student achievement in some Spanish universities. After some general ideas concerning the learning process, this paper analyses the various ways in which technology is used in assessment activities of basic mathematical subjects in Spanish engineering degrees. The results are supported by the construction of a data base of Learning Guides (information provided by the universities to the students)

    Uso de tecnología en un modelo de evaluación formativa

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    En este trabajo se describe un modelo de evaluación adaptado a las directrices del Espacio Europeo de Educación (EEES) para una asignatura de Análisis Matemático, cursada por estudiantes de Ingeniería, que incluye: cuestionarios online con retroalimentación, portafolio con entregas semanales, exámenes con uso de software matemático y un proyecto realizado en grupos de dos o tres estudiantes. El modelo se viene depurando desde 2009 y en el curso 2014-15 se ha añadido como experiencia piloto la creación de una comunidad virtual de aprendizaje, basada en Google+, que entre otras cosas se ha utilizado para un experimento de evaluación por pares de proyectos realizados por los alumnos

    Uso de tecnología en un modelo de evaluación formativa

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    En este trabajo se describe un modelo de evaluación adaptado a las directrices del Espacio Europeo de Educación (EEES) para una asignatura de Análisis Matemático, cursada por estudiantes de Ingeniería, que incluye: cuestionarios online con retroalimentación, portafolio con entregas semanales, exámenes con uso de software matemático y un proyecto realizado en grupos de dos o tres estudiantes. El modelo se viene depurando desde 2009 y en el curso 2014-15 se ha añadido como experiencia piloto la creación de una comunidad virtual de aprendizaje, basada en Google+, que entre otras cosas se ha utilizado para un experimento de evaluación por pares de proyectos realizados por los alumnos

    The use of technology in a model of formative assessment

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    This work describes a formative assessment model for the Mathematical Analysis course taken by engineering students. It includes online questionnaires with feedback, a portfolio with weekly assignments, exams involving the use of mathematical software and a project to be completed in small groups of two or three students. The model has been perfected since 2009, and during the 2014-15 academic year the creation of a pilot online learning community was added. Based on Google+, it has been used for a peer assessment experiment involving student projects, among other usesPeer Reviewe

    Deliverable 4.4 - Review effective feedback and formative assessment in e-learning

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    This systematic review is written in the frame of a European Union funded project called Supporting Lifelong learning with ICT Inquiry-Based Education (LIBE). Through this project, an e-learning environment will be developed for young low educational achievers (aged 16-24). A crucial part in every educational intervention is assessment and feedback. Hence, to contribute to this project, this study aims to review literature regarding computer based feedback and formative assessment in e-learning. Three different approaches are considered as formative assessment, namely: ‘diagnostic testing’ (DT), ‘data based decision making’ (DBDM) and ‘assessment for learning’ (AFL). The search and selection procedure for this review resulted in 19 studies about the effects of feedback and formative assessment in elearning. Four interrelated themes emerged within this body of literature: (1) the effect on achievement, (2) the effect on motivation, (3) self-regulated learning and (4) the effect of learner characteristics. Results are elaborated around those themes and implications for the LIBE project are drawn

    Differences in Statistical Reasoning Abilities through Behavioral-Cognitive Combinations of Videos and Formative Assessments in Undergraduate Statistics Courses

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    This study evaluated whether significant differences in statistical reasoning abilities exist for completers of short online instructional videos and formative quizzes for students in undergraduate introductory statistics courses. Data for the study were gathered during the Fall 2013 semester at a community college in Northeast Tennessee. Computer-based pedagogical tools can promote improved conceptual reasoning ability (Trumpower & Sarwar, 2010; Van der Merwe, 2012). Additionally, prior research demonstrated a significant relationship between formative quiz access and student achievement (Stull, Majerich, Bernacki, Varnum, & Ducette, 2011; Wilson, Boyd, Chen, & Jamal, 2011), as well as multimedia object access and student achievement (Bliwise, 2005; Miller, 2013). Four research questions were used to guide the study. A series of analysis of variance (ANOVA) statistical procedures was used to analyze the data. Findings indicated no significant differences in statistical reasoning abilities between students who were provided access to supplemental online instructional videos and formative quizzes and students who were not provided access. Moreover, statistical reasoning abilities did not differ significantly based upon number of quizzes successfully completed, average number of quiz attempts, or number of videos accessed

    Changing assessment methods: New rules, new roles

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    Over the past 20 years,theuse of Computer Algebra Systems(CAS) has helped with the teaching of mathematics inengineer-ingschools. However the traditional use of CAS only in math labs has led to a narrow view by the student: the CAS is an additional work, not included in the learning process. The didactic guidelines of the European Higher Education Area(EHEA) propose a new teaching–learning model based on competencies. We suggest the use of the CAS be adapted to the new rules. In this paper,we present a model for the integrated use of the CAS,and we describe and analyze two experiments carried out in the academic year2011–2012. Our analysis suggests that the use of CAS in all learning and assessment activities has the potential to positively influence the development of competencies

    A reflective view of pedagogical teaching framework focused on experiential learning:achieving university teaching and learning enhancement strategy and graduate attributes

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    Within teacher education reflection has been shown to be of beneficial use for improving practice across all stages of education. This article is reflective of individual teaching practice within Higher Education at Abertay University, specifically to the field of Sport and Exercise Science. Efforts to reflect on current practice in comparison to experiential learning are made. These are then compared to the ‘Abertay Attributes’ in order to determine the validity of including experiential learning within this field at the University. There are also comparisons made between classes where experiential learning is encouraged and the ‘traditional’ academic style of delivery, the lecture. It is strongly suggested that experiential learning enhances the learning experience of the student. There are also direct links with the aims of the teaching and learning enhancement strategy as well as the ‘Abertay Attributes’, most significantly the ‘Intellectual’, ‘Professional’ and ‘Active Citizen’ attributes.Keywords: Experiential Learning, Teaching, University, Sport, Reflection. <br/

    Pupils' knowledge testing using the PC in the selected curriculum content of subject Technology

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    Dizertačná práca je rozdelená do dvoch hlavných častí - teoretickej a empirickej. Zaoberá sa problematikou preverovania vedomostí žiakov vo vyučovacom procese v učebnom predmete technika v nižšom strednom vzdelávaní, pričom je kladený dôraz na formatívne hodnotenie žiakov, pri ktorom je používaný nami vytvorený súbor elektronických úloh. Pomocou empirického výskumu sme zisťovali vplyv používania tohto súboru vo výučbe na učebné výsledky žiakov v kognitívnej oblasti a na postoje žiakov k učeniu sa s jeho využitím. Súbor elektronických úloh obsahuje úlohy zamerané na porozumenie poznatkom, na aplikáciu poznatkov v typických a v problémových situáciách a žiak s ním pracuje pri opakovaní, precvičovaní a upevňovaní nadobudnutých vedomostí a zručností z expozičnej fázy vyučovacieho procesu. Súbor elektronických úloh z pohľadu technologického integruje softvérovú aplikáciu na testovanie žiakov a grafické prvky alebo simulácie a z pohľadu didaktického skúšanie a hodnotenie žiakov s ich učením sa. Tým vzniká komplexný didaktický nástroj pre účely formatívneho elektronického hodnotenia žiakov vo vyučovacom procese. Empirický výskum sme realizovali vo vybraných plnoorganizovaných základných školách v Banskobystrickom samosprávnom kraji s výberovým súborom n = 190 žiakov. Technikou paralelných skupín sme podľa...The Doctoral Thesis is divided into two main parts - theoretical and empirical. It deals with the issues of assessing the learners' attainments during the teaching process of the subject technology, in the lower secondary education segment, with an emphasis on the learners' formative assessment, in which a set of electronic tasks, created by us, is used. Using empirical research, we investigated the impact of using this set of tasks during the teaching process on the learning performance of students in the cognitive area as well as the students' attitude towards using this set of tasks when learning. The set of electronic tasks includes tasks focused on understanding new concepts and the application of gained insights in both typical and problematic situations. The student uses the set of tasks while repeating, practising and consolidating acquired knowledge and skills from the exposition phase of the learning process. From a technological point of view, the set of electronical tasks integrates a software application to test learners as well as graphical elements or simulations, and from a didactic point of view, it integrates testing as well as assessment of learners and their learning skills. This way a complex didactic tool is created for the purposes of formative electronical assessment of...Katedra informačních technologií a technické výchovyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult