216,001 research outputs found

    Dynamic capabilities assisting business model innovation in the digital transformation process of small brazilian enterprises

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. José Roberto FregaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração. Defesa : Curitiba, 27/02/2019Inclui referências: p. 147-157Resumo: O termo Industria 4.0, conceito introduzido primeiramente pelo Governo Alemão no ano de 2011, passou a ganhar espaço no decorrer dos últimos anos tanto na esfera acadêmica quanto na esfera da prática organizacional. Diante disso, estudos relacionados a modelos de negócio e a capacidades dinâmicas passaram a ser desenvolvidos com o objetivo de melhor compreender a relação desses construtos com a indústria 4.0 e com a transformação digital. Apesar disso, a maioria desses estudos explora tais construtos de forma isolada, trabalhando assim apenas com a relações entre modelos de negócio e a Indústria 4.0, ou com a relação entre capacidades dinâmicas e indústria 4.0. Além disso, a maior parte dos estudos explora esses construtos no âmbito das grandes empresas, em geral multinacionais. Diante disso, o presente estudo busca analisar como as capacidades dinâmicas se relacionam com os modelos de negócio em pequenas empresas relacionadas à transformação digital. Assim expandindo a literatura que aborda tal cenário em pequenas organizações. A partir da revisão teórica realizada, foi construído um framework que serviu de base para a análise de quatro organizações (três provedoras de tecnologia para a indústria 4.0, e uma usuária dessas tecnologias). Os resultados demonstram que o framework construído com base na literatura encontra-se alinhado com o cenário identificado nas empresas, onde foi constatado que as empresas classificadas como 'provedoras' desenvolveram capacidades dinâmicas que se relacionam com o modelo de negócio dessa, facilitando a ocorrência de inovações no mesmo. Além disso, também foi identificado que a 'rede de relacionamentos' e o ecossistema onde essas se encontram inseridas tiveram um papel fundamental para o processo de transformação digital e para as mudanças no modelo de negócio, enquanto a cultura organizacional foi apontada como uma das maiores barreiras para o desenvolvimento da Indústria 4.0 no cenário Brasileiro, sendo essa considerada uma barreira maior do que a própria limitação tecnológica. Palavras-chave: Transformação Digital. Industria 4.0. Capacidades Dinâmicas. Modelos de Negócio. Pequenas Empresas.Abstract: The term Industry 4.0, officially introduced by the German government in 2011, started to gain space during the last years both at the academic and the practitioners field. Upon that, studies related to business models and dynamic capabilities started to be developed with the objective of better comprehend the relationship between these constructs while at the Industry 4.0 and with the digital transformation. However, most studies explore those constructs in isolation from one another, thus addressing either the relationship between business model and the Industry 4.0, or the relationship between dynamic capabilities and the Industry 4.0. Besides that, most studies explore these constructs considering large organizations, usually multinational ones. Upon that, the present study aims to analyze how the dynamic capabilities relate to business models on small enterprises related to the digital transformation, thus expanding the literature that address this scenario at small organizations. Upon the literature review, a framework was constructed to serve as the base for the analysis of four different organizations (three providers of and one user of technologies related to the industry 4.0). The results demonstrate that our framework is aligned with the scenario identified at the organizations, where we identified that the organizations classified as 'providers' of the Industry 4.0 managed to develop capabilities that relate to their business model, assisting the organization to innovate it. Besides that, it was also identified that the network contacts and the ecosystem where those organizations were inserted presented a fundamental role for both the digital transformation and also for the business model changes. At the same time, organizational culture was pointed as one of the greatest barriers for the development of Industry 4.0 at the Brazilian scenario, being considered a barrier even greater than the technology limitations. Key-words: Digital Transformation. Industry 4.0. Dynamic Capabilities. Business Model. Small organizations

    Development of a real-time business intelligence (BI) framework based on hex-elementization of data points for accurate business decision-making

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    The desire to use business intelligence (BI) to enhance efficiency and effectiveness of business decisions is neither new nor revolutionary. The promise of BI is to provide the ability to capture interrelationship from data and information to guide action towards a business goal. Although BI has been around since the 1960s, businesses still cannot get competitive information in the form they want, when they want and how they want. Business decisions are already full of challenges. The challenges in business decision-making include the use of a vast amount of data, adopting new technologies, and making decisions on a real-time basis. To address these challenges, businesses spend valuable time and resources on data, technologies and business processes. Integration of data in decision-making is crucial for modern businesses. This research aims to propose and validate a framework for organic integration of data into business decision-making. This proposed framework enables efficient business decisions in real-time. The core of this research is to understand and modularise the pre-established set of data points into intelligent and granular “hex-elements” (stated simply, hex-element is a data point with six properties). These intelligent hex-elements build semi-automatic relationships using their six properties between the large volume and high-velocity data points in a dynamic, automated and integrated manner. The proposed business intelligence framework is called “Hex-Elementization” (or “Hex-E” for short). Evolution of technology presents ongoing challenges to BI. These challenges emanate from the challenging nature of the underlying new-age data characterised by large volume, high velocity and wide variety. Efficient and effective analysis of such data depends on the business context and the corresponding technical capabilities of the organisation. Technologies like Big Data, Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), play a key role in capitalising on the variety, volume and veracity of data. Extricating the “value” from data in its various forms, depth and scale require synchronizing technologies with analytics and business processes. Transforming data into useful and actionable intelligence is the discipline of data scientists. Data scientists and data analysts use sophisticated tools to crunch data into information which, in turn, are converted into intelligence. The transformation of data into information and its final consumption as actionable business intelligence is an end-to-end journey. This end-to-end transformation of data to intelligence is complex, time-consuming and resource-intensive. This research explores approaches to ease the challenges the of end-to-end transformation of data into intelligence. This research presents Hex-E as a simplified and semi-automated framework to integrate, unify, correlate and coalesce data (from diverse sources and disparate formats) into intelligence. Furthermore, this framework aims to unify data from diverse sources and disparate formats to help businesses make accurate and timely decisions

    Role of Cognitive Style of a Manager in the Development of Tourism Companies’ Dynamic Capabilities

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between cognitive styles of managers working in tourism companies and dynamic capabilities of these companies. Design – The research relies on a quantitative questionnaire. Methodology – To answer the research question, the bivariate (Pearson) correlation was applied. A number of 268 answers from people working in tourism were received. Findings – We found a positive correlation between different dimensions of dynamic capabilities of tourism companies. These capabilities are influenced by managers’ cognitive characteristics. The organizational culture plays a mediating role in the latter relationship. Implications for theory – The paper offers an alternative understanding of dynamic capabilities in tourism and hospitality; the paper also opens new paths for academic research on the impact of cognitive characteristics of managers on the dynamic capabilities of tourism companies. Implications for practitioners – Making accurate psychological portrait of the candidate can predict his/her behavior in certain situation, such as response towards environmental change using dynamic capabilities and when making the necessary changes to the organizational culture. Originality – This study proposes model of influence of a manager’s cognitive style on dynamic capabilities, whereby organizational culture moderates this relationship

    Innovation in tourism: Re-conceptualising and measuring the absorptive capacity of the hotel sector

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    Recent reviews of research on innovation in tourism have highlighted a number of weaknesses in the literature. Among these is the limited theorising and empirical investigation of innovative practices by tourism organisations. This paper responds to these concerns by examining one important dimension of innovation within commercial tourism organisations, namely their ability to acquire, assimilate and utilise external knowledge (absorptive capacity) for competitive advantage. The topic is pertinent because there is evidence to suggest that tourism organisations are particularly dependent on external sources of knowledge when compared with businesses in other sectors. Following a discussion of the conceptual antecedents of absorptive capacity and its dimensions, a validated instrument for its measurement is developed and used to measure the absorptive capacity of the British hotel sector. The results suggest that current conceptions of absorptive capacity have limitations when applied to tourism enterprises. Absorptive capacity is re-conceptualised to overcome these deficiencies. The research and policy implications of the findings are discussed. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd

    Innovation Capacity of Enterprises – Selected Issues

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    Artykuł poświęcony jest przeglądowi literatury naukowej dotyczącej pojęć i obszarów oraz specyfiki zdolności innowacyjnej przedsiębiorstw. W drugim punkcie artykułu omówiono pojęcie oraz rodzaje zdolności innowacyjnej przedsiębiorstw. Zdolność innowacyjna przedstawiana jest w literaturze naukowej jako koncepcja złożona, wieloczynnikowa i wieloobszarowa, obejmująca wiele przyczyn o charakterze wewnętrznych i zewnętrznym organizacji, ze szczególną rolą dynamicznych zdolności, które umożliwiają zarówno podejmowanie innowacji o danym charakterze i skali, jak i ich efektywną realizację. W trzecim skoncentrowano się na wybranych zagadnieniach związanych ze specyfiką kształtowania zdolności innowacyjnej, a w szczególności: motywach, modelach i strategiach kształtowania zdolności innowacyjnej w zależności od cyklu życia produktu, charakteru innowacji, roli przedsiębiorczości w kształtowaniu zdolności innowacyjnej przedsiębiorstw. Czynniki te mogą mieć różny wpływ na wynik innowacji, zwłaszcza gdy są rozpatrywane w izolacji lub w różnych częściach organizacji bez uwzględnienia synergicznych relacji między nimi

    The Dynamics of Transformation in the Development of Digital Services

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    Service providers are increasingly depending and using digital infrastructure and tools provided by digital platforms to transform their services and develop digital ones that meet the needs of heterogeneous end users. However, while there is an emerging literature of developing digital services, little is known about the dynamics of transformation. Using multiple cases of firms that develop digital services, the digital service taxonomy was synthesized to understand the dynamics of transformation in developing digital services. This study identifies five main dynamics: the services experience, the service process, the service capabilities, the service environment and the service delivery.  Each of those dynamics and their associated factors is explored under the objectives of business, interaction and technology. This enables us to extend the existing literature on digital service development in particular and contributes to the research of digital innovation in general

    Be vicarious: the challenge for project management in the service economy

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    Purpose. The paper aims to answer to the following questions: which are the critical dynamic capabilities to survive in the rubber landscape of service economy? Does it exist in service economy a dynamic capabilities provider? Methodology. The paper combines the literature review on dynamic capability perspective and that on vicariance to the Project Management professional services. Findings. Firstly, the paper identifies vicariance as an intriguing dynamic capability, crucial to survive in the rubber landscape of service economy. Secondly, the paper sheds light on Project Management (PM) as a vicarious that provides vicariance. Practical implications. For each critical organizational dimension, the paper identifies the links among the service economy challenges and the vicariance typology required to the project manager to face those challenge. Originality/value.The approach to conceive the PM as a vicarious that provides vicariance is original and leads to new insights on the professional services management. In fact, on one hand, dynamic capabilities cannot easily be bought through a market transaction; on the other hand, they must be built. This building can be achieved internally, by the organization itself (i.e. hierarchy), or through a partnership (i.e. hybrid form among hierarchy and market). PM professional services enrich organizations with additional information variety according to a hybrid (i.e. non- market) coordination model

    Transformation of entrepreneurial leadership in the 21st century: prospects for the future

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    The 21st century imposed many challenges on mankind, among them there is a very important problem of entrepreneurial leadership transformation. Entrepreneurship gradual modification under the pressure of factors of innovation, informatization of the environment and the need for socialization of the relations between businessmen and society has led to the need of new understanding of leadership positions. The purpose of this scientific research is to substantiate the style of entrepreneurial leadership, which will become dominant in the 21st century. Analyzing and systematizing the scientific works of many modern scholars by the methods of theoretical synthesis, analysis and synthesis, we have solved the problems of entrepreneurial leadership transformation. The use of the historical and logical method has revealed the relationship between the entrepreneurial leadership development and entrepreneurial types. The study found that the global business environment requires new leaders, whose key competences will meet the needs of society, educational space, ethical requirements, etc. Studying the similarities and differences of various leadership styles has become the basis for the allocation of a new style – the leadership of conscious influence, the main characteristics of which are given in this research. In order to achieve the goals, set by the leader-entrepreneur, it is proposed to systematize the leadership opportunities on tactical and strategic, the factors of influence on their realization in the future are generalized. By the method of scientific and theoretical prediction the portrait of an entrepreneur in a global perspective has been formed. Prospects for further research in this area are the development of a methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of business leaders' actions and systematization of ways to increase their effectiveness in the future

    Owner challenges on major projects: The case of UK government

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    Many studies agree that owner organisations are important for successful project organising, but they tend to focus on particular aspects of project organising rather than providing a holistic analysis of owners as organisations. Our objective is to collect evidence of the full range of challenges public sector owners face in managing their major projects. After reviewing the literature on owner organisations, we carry out a case survey of 26 major projects to identify the principal challenges using a content analysis of UK National Audit Office Value for Money reports. Our original contribution is that the findings provide the first comprehensive picture of the full range of challenges of project organising faced by owner organisations. These findings push us theoretically to extend the scope of research in project organising to identify an extended core set of dynamic capabilities for project owner organisations to address these challenges