343 research outputs found

    On the intrinsic control properties of muscle and relexes: exploring the interaction between neural and musculoskeletal dynamics in the framework of the equilbrium-point hypothesis

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    The aim of this thesis is to examine the relationship between the intrinsic dynamics of the body and its neural control. Specifically, it investigates the influence of musculoskeletal properties on the control signals needed for simple goal-directed movements in the framework of the equilibriumpoint (EP) hypothesis. To this end, muscle models of varying complexity are studied in isolation and when coupled to feedback laws derived from the EP hypothesis. It is demonstrated that the dynamical landscape formed by non-linear musculoskeletal models features a stable attractor in joint space whose properties, such as position, stiffness and viscosity, can be controlled through differential- and co-activation of antagonistic muscles. The emergence of this attractor creates a new level of control that reduces the system’s degrees of freedom and thus constitutes a low-level motor synergy. It is described how the properties of this stable equilibrium, as well as transient movement dynamics, depend on the various modelling assumptions underlying the muscle model. The EP hypothesis is then tested on a chosen musculoskeletal model by using an optimal feedback control approach: genetic algorithm optimisation is used to identify feedback gains that produce smooth single- and multijoint movements of varying amplitude and duration. The importance of different feedback components is studied for reproducing invariants observed in natural movement kinematics. The resulting controllers are demonstrated to cope with a plausible range of reflex delays, predict the use of velocity-error feedback for the fastest movements, and suggest that experimentally observed triphasic muscle bursts are an emergent feature rather than centrally planned. Also, control schemes which allow for simultaneous control of movement duration and distance are identified. Lastly, it is shown that the generic formulation of the EP hypothesis fails to account for the interaction torques arising in multijoint movements. Extensions are proposed which address this shortcoming while maintaining its two basic assumptions: control signals in positional rather than force-based frames of reference; and the primacy of control properties intrinsic to the body over internal models. It is concluded that the EP hypothesis cannot be rejected for single- or multijoint reaching movements based on claims that predicted movement kinematics are unrealistic

    Neuromuscular Reflex Control for Prostheses and Exoskeletons

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    Recent powered lower-limb prosthetic and orthotic (P/O) devices aim to restore legged mobility for persons with an amputation or spinal cord injury. Though various control strategies have been proposed for these devices, specifically finite-state impedance controllers, natural gait mechanics are not usually achieved. The goal of this project was to invent a biologically-inspired controller for powered P/O devices. We hypothesize that a more muscle-like actuation system, including spinal reflexes and vestibular feedback, can achieve able-bodied walking and also respond to outside perturbations. The outputs of the Virtual Muscle Reflex (VMR) controller are joint torque commands, sent to the electric motors of a P/O device. We identified the controller parameters through optimizations using human experimental data of perturbed walking, in which we minimized the error between the torque produced by our controller and the standard torque trajectories observed in the able-bodied experiments. In simulations, we then compare the VMR controller to a four-phase impedance controller. For both controllers the coefficient of determination R^2 and root-mean-square (RMS) error were calculated as a function of the gait cycle. When simulating the hip, knee, and ankle joints, the RMS error and R^2 across all joints and all trials is 15.65 Nm and 0.28 for the impedance controller, respectively, and for the VMR controller, these values are 15.15 Nm and 0.29, respectively. With similar performance, it was concluded that the VMR controller can reproduce characteristics of human walking in response to perturbations as effectively as an impedance controller. We then implemented the VMR controller on the Parker Hannifin powered exoskeleton and performed standard isokinetic and isometric knee rehabilitation exercises to observe the behavior of the virtual muscle model. In the isometric results, RMS error between the measured and commanded extension and flexion torques are 3.28 Nm and 1.25 Nm, respectively. In the isokinetic trials, we receive RMS error between the measured and commanded extension and flexion torques of 0.73 Nm and 0.24 Nm. Since the onboard virtual muscles demonstrate similar muscle force-length and force-velocity relationships observed in humans, we conclude the model is capable of the same stabilizing capabilities as observed in an impedance controller

    Neuromuscular Reflex Control for Prostheses and Exoskeletons

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    Recent powered lower-limb prosthetic and orthotic (P/O) devices aim to restore legged mobility for persons with an amputation or spinal cord injury. Though various control strategies have been proposed for these devices, specifically finite-state impedance controllers, natural gait mechanics are not usually achieved. The goal of this project was to invent a biologically-inspired controller for powered P/O devices. We hypothesize that a more muscle-like actuation system, including spinal reflexes and vestibular feedback, can achieve able-bodied walking and also respond to outside perturbations. The outputs of the Virtual Muscle Reflex (VMR) controller are joint torque commands, sent to the electric motors of a P/O device. We identified the controller parameters through optimizations using human experimental data of perturbed walking, in which we minimized the error between the torque produced by our controller and the standard torque trajectories observed in the able-bodied experiments. In simulations, we then compare the VMR controller to a four-phase impedance controller. For both controllers the coefficient of determination R^2 and root-mean-square (RMS) error were calculated as a function of the gait cycle. When simulating the hip, knee, and ankle joints, the RMS error and R^2 across all joints and all trials is 15.65 Nm and 0.28 for the impedance controller, respectively, and for the VMR controller, these values are 15.15 Nm and 0.29, respectively. With similar performance, it was concluded that the VMR controller can reproduce characteristics of human walking in response to perturbations as effectively as an impedance controller. We then implemented the VMR controller on the Parker Hannifin powered exoskeleton and performed standard isokinetic and isometric knee rehabilitation exercises to observe the behavior of the virtual muscle model. In the isometric results, RMS error between the measured and commanded extension and flexion torques are 3.28 Nm and 1.25 Nm, respectively. In the isokinetic trials, we receive RMS error between the measured and commanded extension and flexion torques of 0.73 Nm and 0.24 Nm. Since the onboard virtual muscles demonstrate similar muscle force-length and force-velocity relationships observed in humans, we conclude the model is capable of the same stabilizing capabilities as observed in an impedance controller

    Neuromuscular Reflex Control for Prostheses and Exoskeletons

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    Recent powered lower-limb prosthetic and orthotic (P/O) devices aim to restore legged mobility for persons with an amputation or spinal cord injury. Though various control strategies have been proposed for these devices, specifically finite-state impedance controllers, natural gait mechanics are not usually achieved. The goal of this project was to invent a biologically-inspired controller for powered P/O devices. We hypothesize that a more muscle-like actuation system, including spinal reflexes and vestibular feedback, can achieve able-bodied walking and also respond to outside perturbations. The outputs of the Virtual Muscle Reflex (VMR) controller are joint torque commands, sent to the electric motors of a P/O device. We identified the controller parameters through optimizations using human experimental data of perturbed walking, in which we minimized the error between the torque produced by our controller and the standard torque trajectories observed in the able-bodied experiments. In simulations, we then compare the VMR controller to a four-phase impedance controller. For both controllers the coefficient of determination R^2 and root-mean-square (RMS) error were calculated as a function of the gait cycle. When simulating the hip, knee, and ankle joints, the RMS error and R^2 across all joints and all trials is 15.65 Nm and 0.28 for the impedance controller, respectively, and for the VMR controller, these values are 15.15 Nm and 0.29, respectively. With similar performance, it was concluded that the VMR controller can reproduce characteristics of human walking in response to perturbations as effectively as an impedance controller. We then implemented the VMR controller on the Parker Hannifin powered exoskeleton and performed standard isokinetic and isometric knee rehabilitation exercises to observe the behavior of the virtual muscle model. In the isometric results, RMS error between the measured and commanded extension and flexion torques are 3.28 Nm and 1.25 Nm, respectively. In the isokinetic trials, we receive RMS error between the measured and commanded extension and flexion torques of 0.73 Nm and 0.24 Nm. Since the onboard virtual muscles demonstrate similar muscle force-length and force-velocity relationships observed in humans, we conclude the model is capable of the same stabilizing capabilities as observed in an impedance controller

    Computational Intelligence in Electromyography Analysis

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    Electromyography (EMG) is a technique for evaluating and recording the electrical activity produced by skeletal muscles. EMG may be used clinically for the diagnosis of neuromuscular problems and for assessing biomechanical and motor control deficits and other functional disorders. Furthermore, it can be used as a control signal for interfacing with orthotic and/or prosthetic devices or other rehabilitation assists. This book presents an updated overview of signal processing applications and recent developments in EMG from a number of diverse aspects and various applications in clinical and experimental research. It will provide readers with a detailed introduction to EMG signal processing techniques and applications, while presenting several new results and explanation of existing algorithms. This book is organized into 18 chapters, covering the current theoretical and practical approaches of EMG research

    Development of a Wearable Mechatronic Elbow Brace for Postoperative Motion Rehabilitation

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    This thesis describes the development of a wearable mechatronic brace for upper limb rehabilitation that can be used at any stage of motion training after surgical reconstruction of brachial plexus nerves. The results of the mechanical design and the work completed towards finding the best torque transmission system are presented herein. As part of this mechatronic system, a customized control system was designed, tested and modified. The control strategy was improved by replacing a PID controller with a cascade controller. Although the experiments have shown that the proposed device can be successfully used for muscle training, further assessment of the device, with the help of data from the patients with brachial plexus injury (BPI), is required to improve the control strategy. Unique features of this device include the combination of adjustability and modularity, as well as the passive adjustment required to compensate for the carrying angle

    MODEM: a multi-agent hierarchical structure to model the human motor control system

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    In this study, based on behavioral and neurophysiological facts, a new hierarchical multi-agent architecture is proposed to model the human motor control system. Performance of the proposed structure is investigated by simulating the control of sit to stand movement. To develop the model, concepts of mixture of experts, modular structure, and some aspects of equilibrium point hypothesis were brought together. We have called this architecture MODularized Experts Model (MODEM). Human motor system is modeled at the joint torque level and the role of the muscles has been embedded in the function of the joint compliance characteristics. The input to the motor system, i.e., the central command, is the reciprocal command. At the lower level, there are several experts to generate the central command to control the task according to the details of the movement. The number of experts depends on the task to be performed. At the higher level, a "gate selector” block selects the suitable subordinate expert considering the context of the task. Each expert consists of a main controller and a predictor as well as several auxiliary modules. The main controller of an expert learns to control the performance of a given task by generating appropriate central commands under given conditions and/or constraints. The auxiliary modules of this expert learn to scrutinize the generated central command by the main controller. Auxiliary modules increase their intervention to correct the central command if the movement error is increased due to an external disturbance. Each auxiliary module acts autonomously and can be interpreted as an agent. Each agent is responsible for one joint and, therefore, the number of the agents of each expert is equal to the number of joints. Our results indicate that this architecture is robust against external disturbances, signal-dependent noise in sensory information, and changes in the environment. We also discuss the neurophysiological and behavioral basis of the proposed model (MODEM

    A Biomimetic Approach to Controlling Restorative Robotics

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    Movement is the only way a person can interact with the world around them. When trauma to the neuromuscular systems disrupts the control of movement, quality of life suffers. To restore limb functionality, active robotic interventions and/or rehabilitation are required. Unfortunately, the primary obstacle in a person’s recovery is the limited robustness of the human-machine interfaces. Current systems rely on control approaches that rely on the person to learn how the system works instead of the system being more intuitive and working with the person naturally. My research goal is to design intuitive control mechanisms based on biological processes termed the biomimetic approach. I have applied this control scheme to problems with restorative robotics focused on the upper and lower limb control. Operating an advanced active prosthetic hand is a two-pronged problem of actuating a high-dimensional mechanism and controlling it with an intuitive interface. Our approach attempts to solve these problems by going from muscle activity, electromyography (EMG), to limb kinematics calculated through dynamic simulation of a musculoskeletal model. This control is more intuitive to the user because they attempt to move their hand naturally, and the prosthetic hand performs that movement. The key to this approach was validating simulated muscle paths using both experimental measurements and anatomical constraints where data is missing. After the validation, simulated muscle paths and forces are used to decipher the intended movement. After we have calculated the intended movement, we can move a prosthetic hand to match. This approach required minimal training to give an amputee the ability to control prosthetic hand movements, such as grasping. A more intuitive controller has the potential to improve how people interact and use their prosthetic hands. Similarly, the rehabilitation of the locomotor system in people with damaged motor pathways or missing limbs require appropriate interventions. The problem of decoding human motor intent in a treadmill walking task can be solved with a biomimetic approach. Estimated limb speed is essential for this approach according to the theoretical input-output computation performed by spinal central pattern generators (CPGs), which represents neural circuitry responsible for autonomous control of stepping. The system used the locomotor phases, swing and stance, to estimate leg speeds and enable self-paced walking as well as steering in virtual reality with congruent visual flow. The unique advantage of this system over the previous state-of-art is the independent leg speed control, which is required for multidirectional movement in VR. This system has the potential to contribute to VR gait rehab techniques. Creating biologically-inspired controllers has the potential to improve restorative robotics and allow people a better opportunity to recover lost functionality post-injury. Movement is the only way a person can interact with the world around them. When trauma to the neuromuscular systems disrupts the control of movement, quality of life suffers. To restore limb functionality, active robotic interventions and/or rehabilitation are required. Unfortunately, the primary obstacle in a person’s recovery is the limited robustness of the human-machine interfaces. Current systems rely on control approaches that rely on the person to learn how the system works instead of the system being more intuitive and working with the person naturally. My research goal is to design intuitive control mechanisms based on biological processes termed the biomimetic approach. I have applied this control scheme to problems with restorative robotics focused on the upper and lower limb control.Operating an advanced active prosthetic hand is a two-pronged problem of actuating a high-dimensional mechanism and controlling it with an intuitive interface. Our approach attempts to solve these problems by going from muscle activity, electromyography (EMG), to limb kinematics calculated through dynamic simulation of a musculoskeletal model. This control is more intuitive to the user because they attempt to move their hand naturally, and the prosthetic hand performs that movement. The key to this approach was validating simulated muscle paths using both experimental measurements and anatomical constraints where data is missing. After the validation, simulated muscle paths and forces are used to decipher the intended movement. After we have calculated the intended movement, we can move a prosthetic hand to match. This approach required minimal training to give an amputee the ability to control prosthetic hand movements, such as grasping. A more intuitive controller has the potential to improve how people interact and use their prosthetic hands.Similarly, the rehabilitation of the locomotor system in people with damaged motor pathways or missing limbs require appropriate interventions. The problem of decoding human motor intent in a treadmill walking task can be solved with a biomimetic approach. Estimated limb speed is essential for this approach according to the theoretical input-output computation performed by spinal central pattern generators (CPGs), which represents neural circuitry responsible for autonomous control of stepping. The system used the locomotor phases, swing and stance, to estimate leg speeds and enable self-paced walking as well as steering in virtual reality with congruent visual flow. The unique advantage of this system over the previous state-of-art is the independent leg speed control, which is required for multidirectional movement in VR. This system has the potential to contribute to VR gait rehab techniques.Creating biologically-inspired controllers has the potential to improve restorative robotics and allow people a better opportunity to recover lost functionality post-injury