6,734 research outputs found

    Natural Language Generation and Fuzzy Sets : An Exploratory Study on Geographical Referring Expression Generation

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    This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness (grant TIN2014-56633-C3-1-R) and by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF/FEDER) and the Galician Ministry of Education (grants GRC2014/030 and CN2012/151). Alejandro Ramos-Soto is supported by the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness (FPI Fellowship Program) under grant BES-2012-051878.Postprin

    Multi-objective genetic optimisation for self-organising fuzzy logic control

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    This is the post-print version of the article. The official published version can be accessed from the link below.A multi-objective genetic algorithm is developed for the purpose of optimizing the rule-base of a Self-Organising Fuzzy Logic Control algorithm (SOFLC). The tuning of the SOFLC optimization is based on selection of the best shaped performance index for modifying the rule-base on-line. A comparative study is conducted between various methods of multi-objective genetic optimisation using the SOFLC algorithm on the muscle relaxant anaesthesia system, which includes a severe non-linearity, varying dynamics and time-delay

    Fuzzy logic methodology to study the behavior of energy transformation processes based on statistics t2 and q

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    In the processes of energy transformation, to carry out an adequate follow-up of the process parameters represent an opportunity to propose strategies to improve the processes' performance. For this reason, it is essential to analyze the behavior of process variables under the quantitative and qualitative optics supported by the experts. Thus, this work proposes a methodology of fuzzy Mandani type logic that allows the analysis of energy transformation processes (such as internal combustion engines) based on T2 and Q statistics, as a way to identify whether the operation limits are kept within the normal or exceed the limits, achieving to identify the anomaly in the process. In the initial stage, MATLAB implements two diffuse systems; the first system aims to determine the impact variables have on the generation of an anomaly, without identifying the type of defect. In the second stage, it's defined as a function of the number guests, the kind of monster that occurs in the observations made from the transition range in the operation of the system analyzed, until the last measurement obtained. In the third stage, the statistics T2, Q, and its limits are determined from the operating variables of the selected system. Finally, the previously calculated statistics are graphically processed in the diffuse systems. The results obtained in this work show that the analysis of processes or phenomena based on qualitative observations, the methodology implemented, is a useful tool for decision making in the industrial sector

    Application of decision trees and multivariate regression trees in design and optimization

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    Induction of decision trees and regression trees is a powerful technique not only for performing ordinary classification and regression analysis but also for discovering the often complex knowledge which describes the input-output behavior of a learning system in qualitative forms;In the area of classification (discrimination analysis), a new technique called IDea is presented for performing incremental learning with decision trees. It is demonstrated that IDea\u27s incremental learning can greatly reduce the spatial complexity of a given set of training examples. Furthermore, it is shown that this reduction in complexity can also be used as an effective tool for improving the learning efficiency of other types of inductive learners such as standard backpropagation neural networks;In the area of regression analysis, a new methodology for performing multiobjective optimization has been developed. Specifically, we demonstrate that muitiple-objective optimization through induction of multivariate regression trees is a powerful alternative to the conventional vector optimization techniques. Furthermore, in an attempt to investigate the effect of various types of splitting rules on the overall performance of the optimizing system, we present a tree partitioning algorithm which utilizes a number of techniques derived from diverse fields of statistics and fuzzy logic. These include: two multivariate statistical approaches based on dispersion matrices, an information-theoretic measure of covariance complexity which is typically used for obtaining multivariate linear models, two newly-formulated fuzzy splitting rules based on Pearson\u27s parametric and Kendall\u27s nonparametric measures of association, Bellman and Zadeh\u27s fuzzy decision-maximizing approach within an inductive framework, and finally, the multidimensional extension of a widely-used fuzzy entropy measure. The advantages of this new approach to optimization are highlighted by presenting three examples which respectively deal with design of a three-bar truss, a beam, and an electric discharge machining (EDM) process

    The 1990 progress report and future plans

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    This document describes the progress and plans of the Artificial Intelligence Research Branch (RIA) at ARC in 1990. Activities span a range from basic scientific research to engineering development and to fielded NASA applications, particularly those applications that are enabled by basic research carried out at RIA. Work is conducted in-house and through collaborative partners in academia and industry. Our major focus is on a limited number of research themes with a dual commitment to technical excellence and proven applicability to NASA short, medium, and long-term problems. RIA acts as the Agency's lead organization for research aspects of artificial intelligence, working closely with a second research laboratory at JPL and AI applications groups at all NASA centers

    An entrepreneurship model for assessing the investment attractiveness of regions

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    Аналіз результатів моделювання показав, що занадто багато показників усувають розбіжності в рівнях підприємницької моделі інвестиційної привабливості регіонів, тому при проведенні аналітичної роботи доцільно деталізувати напрям інвестицій. Отже, якщо врахувати рівень інвестиційної привабливості регіонів за факторами, ми можемо визначити чітких лідерів. Доведено, що при оцінці інвестиційної привабливості територіальних одиниць необхідно враховувати фактор "Захищеність інвестиційної діяльності" (криміногенний, екологічний, політичний). До останніх двох факторів слід віднести такі показники, як туристичний потенціал та національна самосвідомість населення регіону, які можна виразити в лінгвістичній формі та дослідити за допомогою нечіткої логічної апаратури.Analysis of the simulation results showed that too many indicators eliminate differences in an levels of entrepreneurship model the investment attractiveness of the regions, therefore, when conducting analytical work, it is advisable to detail the direction of investment. So, if we consider the level of investment attractiveness of the regions by factors, we can identify clear leaders. It is proved that in assessment the investment attractiveness of territorial units, it is necessary to take into account the factor "Security of investment activity" (criminogenic, environmental, political). The last two factors should be attributed to such indicators as tourism potential and national self-awareness of the population of the region, which can be expressed in linguistic form and investigated using fuzzy logic apparatus

    Event Discovery and Classification in Space-Time Series: A Case Study for Storms

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    Recent advancement in sensor technology has enabled the deployment of wireless sensors for surveillance and monitoring of phenomenon in diverse domains such as environment and health. Data generated by these sensors are typically high-dimensional and therefore difficult to analyze and comprehend. Additionally, high level phenomenon that humans commonly recognize, such as storms, fire, traffic jams are often complex and multivariate which individual univariate sensors are incapable of detecting. This thesis describes the Event Oriented approach, which addresses these challenges by providing a way to reduce dimensionality of space-time series and a way to integrate multivariate data over space and/or time for the purpose of detecting and exploring high level events. The proposed Event Oriented approach is implemented using space-time series data from the Gulf of Maine Ocean Observation System (GOMOOS). GOMOOS is a long standing network of wireless sensors in the Gulf of Maine monitoring the high energy ocean environment. As a case study, high level storm events are detected and classified using the Event Oriented approach. A domain-independent ontology for detecting high level xvi composite events called a General Composite Event Ontology is presented and used as a basis of the Storm Event Ontology. Primitive events are detected from univariate sensors and assembled into Composite Storm Events using the Storm Event Ontology. To evaluate the effectiveness of the Event Oriented approach, the resulting candidate storm events are compared with an independent historic Storm Events Database from the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) indicating that the Event Oriented approach detected about 92% of the storms recorded by the NCDC. The Event Oriented approach facilitates classification of high level composite event. In the case study, candidate storms were classified based on their spatial progression and profile. Since ontological knowledge is used for constructing high level event ontology, detection of candidate high level events could help refine existing ontological knowledge about them. In summary, this thesis demonstrates the Event Oriented approach to reduce dimensionality in complex space-time series sensor data and the facility to integrate ime series data over space for detecting high level phenomenon

    08091 Abstracts Collection -- Logic and Probability for Scene Interpretation

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    From 25.2.2008 to Friday 29.2.2008, the Dagstuhl Seminar 08091 ``Logic and Probability for Scene Interpretation\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper

    Fuzzy-Based Language Grounding of Geographical References : From Writers to Readers

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    Jose M. Alonso is Ramon y Cajal Researcher (RYC-2016-19802). This research was also funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (grants RTI2018-099646-BI00, TIN2017-84796-C2-1-R and TIN2017-90773-REDT) and the Galician Ministry of Education, University and Professional Training (grants ED431F2018/02, ED431C 2018/29 and “accreditation 2016-2019, ED431G/08”). All grants were co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF/FEDER program).Peer reviewedPublisher PD