300 research outputs found

    The invisible body:the neural mechanisms of non-conscious and conscious processing of emotional bodies

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    How do we process emotions expressed by bodies when we don’t realize we are looking at them? This research made body postures invisible for participants by using the “continuous flash suppression” method. It turned out that processing bodily emotions is very different from processing faces, and is different across emotions (e.g. neutral, fearful, angry), both when participants consciously see them and when they see them outside their awareness. The research also looked in detail at the brain activity with the 7T MRI scanner, and found that understanding bodily actions involves a large network across the brain. This research provides insights in the way we understand actions and emotions

    Facial motion perception in autism spectrum disorder and neurotypical controls

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and was awarded by Brunel University LondonFacial motion provides an abundance of information necessary for mediating social communication. Emotional expressions, head rotations and eye-gaze patterns allow us to extract categorical and qualitative information from others (Blake & Shiffrar, 2007). Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition characterised by a severe impairment in social cognition. One of the causes may be related to a fundamental deficit in perceiving human movement (Herrington et al., (2007). This hypothesis was investigated more closely within the current thesis. In neurotypical controls, the visual processing of facial motion was analysed via EEG alpha waves. Participants were tested on their ability to discriminate between successive animations (exhibiting rigid and nonrigid motion). The appearance of the stimuli remained constant over trials, meaning decisions were based solely on differential movement patterns. The parieto-occipital region was specifically selective to upright facial motion while the occipital cortex responded similarly to natural and manipulated faces. Over both regions, a distinct pattern of activity in response to upright faces was characterised by a transient decrease and subsequent increase in neural processing (Girges et al., 2014). These results were further supported by an fMRI study which showed sensitivity of the superior temporal sulcus (STS) to perceived facial movements relative to inanimate and animate stimuli. The ability to process information from dynamic faces was assessed in ASD. Participants were asked to recognise different sequences, unfamiliar identities and genders from facial motion captures. Stimuli were presented upright and inverted in order to assess configural processing. Relative to the controls, participants with ASD were significantly impaired on all three tasks and failed to show an inversion effect (O'Brien et al., 2014). Functional neuroimaging revealed atypical activities in the visual cortex, STS and fronto-parietal regions thought to contain mirror neurons in participants with ASD. These results point to a deficit in the visual processing of facial motion, which in turn may partly cause social communicative impairments in ASD

    A Model of the Network Architecture of the Brain that Supports Natural Language Processing

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    For centuries, neuroscience has proposed models of the neurobiology of language processing that are static and localised to few temporal and inferior frontal regions. Although existing models have offered some insight into the processes underlying lower-level language features, they have largely overlooked how language operates in the real world. Here, we aimed at investigating the network organisation of the brain and how it supports language processing in a naturalistic setting. We hypothesised that the brain is organised in a multiple core-periphery and dynamic modular architecture, with canonical language regions forming high-connectivity hubs. Moreover, we predicted that language processing would be distributed to much of the rest of the brain, allowing it to perform more complex tasks and to share information with other cognitive domains. To test these hypotheses, we collected the Naturalistic Neuroimaging Database of people watching full length movies during functional magnetic resonance imaging. We computed network algorithms to capture the voxel-wise architecture of the brain in individual participants and inspected variations in activity distribution over different stimuli and over more complex language features. Our results confirmed the hypothesis that the brain is organised in a flexible multiple core-periphery architecture with large dynamic communities. Here, language processing was distributed to much of the rest of the brain, together forming multiple communities. Canonical language regions constituted hubs, explaining why they consistently appear in various other neurobiology of language models. Moreover, language processing was supported by other regions such as visual cortex and episodic memory regions, when processing more complex context-specific language features. Overall, our flexible and distributed model of language comprehension and the brain points to additional brain regions and pathways that could be exploited for novel and more individualised therapies for patients suffering from speech impairments

    The Origins and Development of Visual Categorization

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    Forming categories is a core part of human cognition, allowing us to make quickly make inferences about our environment. This thesis investigated some of the major theoretical interpretations surrounding the neural basis of visual category development. In adults, there are category-selective regions (e.g. in ventral temporal cortex) and networks (which include regions outside traditional visual regions—e.g. the amygdala) that support visual categorization. While there has been extensive behavioural work investigating visual categorization in infants, the neural sequence of development remains poorly understood. Based on behavioral experiments, one view holds that infants are initially using subcortical structures to recognize faces. Indeed, it has been proposed that the subcortical pathway remains active for rapid face detection in adults. In order to test this in adults, I exploited the nasal-temporal asymmetry of the proposed retinocollicular pathway to see if preferentially presenting stimuli to the nasal hemiretina resulted in a fast face detection advantage when contrasted with presentations to the temporal hemiretina. Across four experiments, I failed to find any evidence of a subcortical advantage but still found that a rapid, coarse pathway exists. Therefore, I moved to investigate the development of the cortical visual categorization regions in the ventral temporal cortex (VTC). I characterised the maturity of the face, place and tool regions found in the VTC, looking at the long-range connectivity in 1-9 month-old infants using MRI tractography and a linear discriminant classifier. The face and place regions showed adult-like connectivity throughout infancy, but the tool-network underwent significant maturation until 9 months. Finally, given this maturity of face and place regions in early infancy, I decided to test whether the organization of the VTC was related to the sequence of categories infants acquire. I used language age of acquisition measurements, determining that infants produce significantly more animate than inanimate words up until 29-months, in line with the animacy distinction in the VTC. My work demonstrates the surprising role and maturity of the cortical regions and networks involved in visual categorization. My thesis develops new methods for studying the infant brain and underscores the utility of publicly available data when studying development

    The two-process theory of face processing: modifications based on two decades of data from infants and adults

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    Johnson and Morton (1991) used Gabriel Horn’s work on the filial imprinting model to inspire a two-process theory of the development of face processing in humans. In this paper we review evidence accrued over the past two decades from infants and adults, and from other primates, that informs this two-process model. While work with newborns and infants has been broadly consistent with predictions from the model, further refinements and questions have been raised. With regard to adults, we discuss more recent evidence on the extension of the model to eye contact detection, and to subcortical face processing, reviewing functional imaging and patient studies. We conclude with discussion of outstanding caveats and future directions of research in this field

    Effects of Temporal and Spatial Context Within the Macaque Face-Processing System

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    Temporal and spatial context play a key role in vision as a whole, and in face perception specifically. However, little is known about the neurophysiological mechanisms by which contextual cues exert their effects. Anatomically distinct face patches in the macaque brain analyze facial form, and studies of the activity within these patches have begun to clarify the neural machinery that underlies facial perception. This system provides a uniquely valuable opportunity to study how context affects the perception of form. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate the brain activity of macaque monkeys while they viewed faces placed in either temporal or spatial context. Facial motion transmits rich and ethologically vital information, but the way that the brain interprets such natural temporal context is poorly understood. Facial motion activates the face patches and surrounding areas, yet it is not known whether this motion is processed by its own specialized neural machinery, and if so, what that machinery’s organization might be. To address these questions, we monitored the brain activity of macaque monkeys while they viewed low- and high-level motion and form stimuli. We found that, beyond classical motion areas and the known face patch system, moving faces recruited a heretofore-unrecognized face patch. Although all face patches displayed distinctive selectivity for face motion over object motion, only two face patches preferred naturally moving faces, while three others preferred randomized, rapidly varying sequences of facial form. This functional divide was anatomically specific, segregating dorsal from ventral face patches, thereby revealing a new organizational principle of the macaque face-processing system. Like facial motion, bodies can provide valuable social context, revealing emotion and identity. Little is known about the joint processing of faces and bodies, even though there is reason to believe that their neural representations are intertwined. To identify interaction between the neural representations of face and body, we monitored the brain activity of the same monkeys while they viewed pictures of whole monkeys, isolated monkey heads, and isolated monkey bodies. We found that certain areas, including anterior face patches, responded more to whole monkeys than would be predicted by summing the separate responses to isolated heads and isolated bodies. The supralinear response was specific to viewing the conjunction of head and body; heads placed atop nonbody objects did not evoke this activity signature. However, a supralinear context response was elicited by pixelated, ambiguous faces presented on bodies. The size of this response suggests that the supralinear signal in this case did not result from the disambiguation of the ambiguous faces. These studies of contextually evoked activity within the macaque face processing system deepen our understanding of the cortical organization of both visual context and face processing, and identify promising sites for future research into the mechanisms underlying these critical aspects of perception

    Mindfulness in the focus of the neurosciences - The contribution of neuroimaging to the understanding of mindfulness.

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    Background Mindfulness affects human levels of experience by facilitating the immediate and impartial perception of phenomena, including sensory stimulation, emotions, and thoughts. Mindfulness is now a focus of neuroimaging, since technical and methodological developments in magnetic resonance imaging have made it possible to observe subjects performing mindfulness tasks. Objective We set out to describe the association between mental processes and characteristics of mindfulness, including their specific cerebral patterns, as shown in structural and functional neuroimaging studies. Methods We searched the MEDLINE databank of references and abstracts on life sciences and biomedical topics via PubMed using the keywords: "mindfulness," "focused attention (FA)," "open monitoring (OM)," "mind wandering," "emotional regulation," "magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)" and "default mode network (DMN)." This review extracted phenomenological experiences across populations with varying degrees of mindfulness training and correlated these experiences with structural and functional neuroimaging patterns. Our goal was to describe how mindful behavior was processed by the constituents of the default mode network during specific tasks. Results and conclusions Depending on the research paradigm employed to explore mindfulness, investigations of function that used fMRI exhibited distinct activation patterns and functional connectivities. Basic to mindfulness is a long-term process of learning to use meditation techniques. Meditators progress from voluntary control of emotions and subjective preferences to emotional regulation and impartial awareness of phenomena. As their ability to monitor perception and behavior, a metacognitive skill, improves, mindfulness increases self-specifying thoughts governed by the experiential phenomenological self and reduces self-relational thoughts of the narrative self. The degree of mindfulness (ratio of self-specifying to self-relational thoughts) may affect other mental processes, e.g., awareness, working memory, mind wandering and belief formation. Mindfulness prevents habituation and the constant assumptions associated with mindlessness. Self-specifying thinking during mindfulness and self-relational thinking in the narrative self relies on the default mode network. The main constituents of this network are the dorsal and medial prefrontal cortex, and posterior cingulate cortex. These midline structures are antagonistic to self-specifying and self-relational processes, since the predominant process determines their differential involvement. Functional and brain volume changes indicate brain plasticity, mediated by mental training over the long-term

    Biological motion processing in autism spectrum disorders: a behavioural and fMRI investigation

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    There has been much controversy as to whether people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) have a specific impairment in processing biological motion, with some studies suggesting there is an impairment (Blake, et. al. 2003; Klin et. al. 2003, Klin & Jones, 2008, Klin et. al. 2009) and others finding that people with ASDs show intact abilities to detect biological motion and categorise actions, but are impaired in emotion categorisation (Moore et. al. 1997; Hubert et. al. 2007, Parron et. al. 2008). Recent studies have found that although behavioural measures of biological motion processing show no differences, adults with ASDs show different patterns of brain activation to controls in response to intact point-light displays (PLDs), with the STS, MT+ and ITG regions showing reduced activity in this population (Herrington et. al. 2007; Parron et. al. 2009). The current thesis aimed to clarify the nature of these difficulties and to try to elucidate the brain regions used to process configural information from PLDs using novel techniques and stimuli. The first set of experiments were designed to behaviourally test people with ASDs ability to detect biological motion in noise, to categorise actions and to categorise affect from PLDs. Despite finding differences in the two groups in detection of biological motion and affect categorisation in pilot experiments, there were no significant differences between the groups in the main experiments. However, the ASD group showed slightly poorer performance at detecting biological motion and significantly more variability in the action categorisation tasks, suggesting that there may have been an underlying difference between the two groups. Furthermore, an analysis of the pattern of errors tentatively suggested that the ASD group may be using different strategies to categorise affect than controls, particularly for negative affects. We then devised a novel technique for manipulating the amount of configural information available in a PLD without the need to add different degrees of background noise and used this technique to assess the contribution of configural cues in a direction discrimination task behaviourally and neurally. The results confirmed that in typically developed individuals configural cues significantly improved the participants’ ability to correctly determine the direction of locomotion of a point light walker. Furthermore, the fMRI task found that regions of the inferotemporal, parietal and frontal regions were sensitive to the amount of configural information present in the displays that corresponded to increases in individual participants’ behavioural performance. Lastly, we used the same technique, though with a more powerful fMRI design, to assess the behavioural and neural differences between people with ASDs and controls in response to displays containing different degrees of configural information. We found that both groups were comparable in their ability to discriminate the direction of locomotion from PLDs. However, the brain regions used to process this information were found to be substantially different. In displays in which the configural information enabled participants to accurately judge the direction of locomotion, the control group utilised a similar group of regions as found in the previous experiment. The ASD group showed a pattern of activation suggesting that they predominantly used regions in the temporal and occipital cortex, and more specifically a region in the fusiform gyrus. The results of Granger Causality Mapping analysis, which allows for the mapping of directional to and from seeded regions, confirmed that whereas the control group utilised a network of regions starting from the ITG and connecting to parietal and occipital regions, the ASD group seemed to utilise two separate networks, processing form information in the fusiform gyrus and motion information separately in middle-temporal regions. The results are discussed in terms of a potential dysfunction of the ITG region in early childhood and two different models of biological motion processing that have been proposed in the recent literature. In TD individuals the model of Giese & Poggio (2003) may be more applicable, in that it proposes the integration of static form cues with motion signals in areas such as the STS. However, a dysfunctional ITG or dysfunctional connections from the ITG to more dorsal regions would disrupt the integration of form and motion processing and force the brain to place additional processing demands on form processing regions in the fusiform gyrus. This would be more in line with the model proposed by Lange and Lappe (2006) in which information can be derived from biological motion in noise without recourse to the actual motion information, through a process of temporal analysis of static postures. Both systems though, may be intact in TD individuals and may share processing requirements depending on the task. Furthermore, it is hypothesised that a dysfunctional ITG may force the brain to place additional demands on regions in the fusiform gyrus and this neural rewiring may be the cause of the developmental delay seen in processing biological motion in people with ASDs (Annaz et. al. 2009). Future studies should examine the roles of the ITG and fusiform area in more detail, both in TD people and in people with ASDs, and determine the specific nature of these neural differences and there behavioural implications for both groups

    Semantic radical consistency and character transparency effects in Chinese: an ERP study

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    BACKGROUND: This event-related potential (ERP) study aims to investigate the representation and temporal dynamics of Chinese orthography-to-semantics mappings by simultaneously manipulating character transparency and semantic radical consistency. Character components, referred to as radicals, make up the building blocks used dur...postprin