333 research outputs found


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    Indonesia Healthacare Corporation (IHC) yang merupakan Holding Company dari berbagai rumah sakit yang berada di bawahnya. Dalam proses konstruksi, kemandirian anak perusahan cenderung dibatasi dengan kepentingan group, yang mana kekuasaan penuh di pegang oleh Holding Company. Tujuan penelitian untuk mendapatkan strategi yang sesuai kebutuhan rumah sakit corporate untuk meningkatkan hospital image. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian analytic observational dengan pendekatan cross-sectional yang melibatkan 260 pasien yang tersebar dilima rumah sakit perkebunan yang tergabung dalam Indonesia Healthcare Corporation di Wilayah Tapal Kuda, Provinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu tersusunnya tiga strategi dalam meningkatkan hospital image antara lain: Meningkatkan kompetensi komunikasi interpersonal perawat dalam memberikan pelayanan kesehatan kepada pasien, Meningkatkan perilaku toleransi perawat (sportsmanship) dalam memberikan pelayanan kesehatan kepada pasien, Mengembangkan pelayanan kesehatan yang dinamis sesuai dengan tuntutan pasien sebagai customer rumah sakit. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa Indonesia Healthcare Corporation dalam meningkatkan hospital image dipengaruhi oleh faktor employee melalui komunikasi interpersonal perawat yang baik untuk meningkatkan perilaku sukarela perawat melalui perilaku toleransi (sportmanship) sehingga dapat menciptakan citra rumah sakit yang positif

    Individual, organizational and environmental factors affecting work-life balance

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    Finding a balance between work life and personal life has become a worldwide trend. Understanding factor that could affect work-life balance is important in rectifying this problem. Based on Conservation of Resources (COR) Theory, this study aims to examine direct relationship between emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, job engagement, work overload, technology advancement, and work-life balance. It also investigates moderating effect of organizational support on the relationship between emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, job engagement, work overload, technology advancement, and work-life balance. A total of 1,899 questionnaires were personally distributed to police officers at police headquarters in Peninsular Malaysia. Of 1,899 sets distributed, only 1,566 sets were returned and usable for further analysis, representing a response rate of 85%. Partial least squares (PLS) was used to evaluate the measurement model and structural model. The results support the hypotheses that emotional intelligence and job engagement are positively related to work-life balance. On the contrary, work overload and technology advancement are found to be negatively related to work-life balance. Additionally, spiritual intelligence is not found to be significantly and positively related to work-life balance. Finally, organizational support only moderates the relationship between job engagement and work-life balance. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings, as well as limitations and directions for future research, are discussed. The findings of this study provide evidence on the applicability of conservation of resources (COR) theory in explaining the factors affect work-life balance. Based on these findings, organizations must focus the variables of emotional intelligence, job engagement, technology advancement and work overloa


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    ABSTRACT This study aims to analyze the effect of emotional intelligence and locus of control on organizational citizenship behavior and organizational commitment as intervening variable on BNI Collection credit card employees. The method of data analysis in this study uses IBM SPSS AMOS 22.0 software. The sample of this study is the entire population of BNI Collection Semarang credit cards that are permanent employees with a total of 102 respondents. Data collected through questionnaires, surveys, interviews and literature. The results of this study indicate that: 1) Emotional intelligence has a significant and positive effect on organizational commitment, 2) Emotional intelligence has no significant and negative effect on organizational citizenship behavior, 3) Locus of control has a significant and positive effect on organizational commitment, 4) Locus of control has a negative and significant effect to organizational citizenship behavior, 5) Organizational commitment has a significant and positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior. Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Locus of Control, Organizational Citizenship Behavior andOrganizational Commitment


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    ABSTRAK Rizqi Muhammad Fauzi (1506677), “Analisis Pengaruh Pelaksanaan Pelatihan Emotional Spiritual Quotient (ESQ) Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Divisi Senjata PT PINDAD (Persero) Bandung” Dibawah bimbingan Dr. H. Syamsul Hadi Senen, M.M dan Dr. Ridwan Purnama, SH., M.Si. Rendahnya produktivitas kerja karyawan menjadi masalah utama pada bidang manajemen sumber daya manusia. Rendahnya produktivitas kerja karyawan terjadi pula pada Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) di Indonesia. Salah satunya yaitu perusahaan PT PINDAD (Persero) Bandung. Hal tersebut membuat PT PINDAD (Persero) Bandung menciptakan strategi untuk meningkatkan produktivitas kerja karyawan dengan meningkatkan pelatihan emotional spiritual quotient (ESQ). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) Mengetahui pelaksanaan pelatihan emotional spiritual quotient (ESQ) (2) Mengetahui tingkat produktivitas kerja karyawan (3) Seberapa besar pengaruh pelatihan emotional spiritual quotient (ESQ) terhadap produktivitas kerja karyawan. Objek yang menjadi unit analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan Divisi Senjata PT PINDAD (Persero) Bandung. Variabel bebas (X) dalam penelitian ini adalah pelatihan emotional spiritual quotient (ESQ), dan variabel terikat (Y) dari penelitian ini adalah produktivitas kerja karyawan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adala deskriptif, verifikatif, dan metode yang digunakan yaitu quantitative dengan teknik penarikan sampel yaitu probability sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 87 karyawan. Teknik analisa data yang digunakan adalah regresi linear sederhana dengan alat bantu software komputer SPSS 25.0. Hasil temuan dalam penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pelatihan emotional spiritual quotient dalam kondisi baik dan produktivitas kerja karyawan dalam kondisi tinggi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diharapkan pelatihan emotional spiritual quotient dapat ditingkatkan pada aspek fisik dengan cara memperbaiki fisik tubuh yang kuat, daya tahan tubuh yang kuat, kecepatan menyelesaikan pekerjaan, fleksibilitas kerja, dan koordinasi kerja yang lebih baik demi tercapainya tujuan perusahaan. Produktivitas kerja karyawan dapat ditingkatkan pada aspek efisiensi dengan cara memperbaiki serta mengkaji kembali penggunaan sumber daya dan penggunaan anggaran perusahaan yang lebih baik dalam produktivitas kerja karyawan demi tercapainya tujuan perusahaan. Kata Kunci: Pelatihan Emotional Spiritual Quotient (ESQ), Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan   ABSTRACT Rizqi Muhammad Fauzi (1506677), "Effect Analysis of the Implementation of Emotional Spiritual Quotient (ESQ) Training on Employee Productivity of weapons division PT PINDAD (Persero) Bandung" Under the guidance of Dr. H. Syamsul Hadi Senen, M.M and Dr. Ridwan Purnama, SH., M.Si. Low employee productivity Becomes a major problem in the field of human resource management. The low employee productivity occurs in State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in Indonesia. One of them is the company PT PINDAD (Persero) Bandung. This made PT PINDAD (Persero) Bandung create a strategy to increase employee productivity by increasing spiritual emotional intelligence (ESQ). This study aims to (1) Know the implementation of emotional spiritual quotient (ESQ) training (2) Know the level of employee productivity (3) The object of the unit of analysis in this study is the Weapon Division of PT PINDAD (Persero) Bandung . The independent variable (X) in this study is emotional spiritual quotient training (ESQ), and the dependent variable (Y) of this study is employee work productivity. The type of research used is descriptive, verification and the method used is quantitative with a sampling technique that is probability sampling with a total sample of 87 employees. The data analysis technique used is a simple linear regression with SPSS 25.0 computer software. The findings in this study indicate that spiritual intelligence training for good conditions and work productivity in high conditions. Based on the expected results of research, spiritual intelligence training can be improved in physical aspects by improving strong physical strength, strength endurance, speed of completing work, improving work, and better coordination of work for the achievement of company goals. Employee work productivity can be improved in the aspect of efficiency by improving and reviewing the use of resources and better use of company budgets in improving employee performance following company goals. Keywords: Emotional Spiritual Quotient (ESQ) Training, Employee Productivit

    Respective Contribution of Entrepreneurial Leadership Through organizational Citizenship Behaviour In Creating Employees Performance

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    Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is a behaviour that has an effect on organizational effectiveness. It has important consequences in workplace. OCB can contribute to organizational effectiveness through improved performance, enabling organizations to adapt to environmental change, and strengthening coordination within working groups. Therefore, it is important to investigate the variables that can improve the OCB. This study aims to determine the direct effect of entrepreneurial leadership on employee’s performance, identifying the role of OCB tomediate the effect of entrepreneurial leadership on employee’s performance, identifying the role of spiritual quotient to moderates the effect of OCB on employee’s performance. The population is all 436 employees of Sharia banking with state-owned status in Malang Raya, consist of Bank Sharia Mandiri, BRI Sharia, BTN Sharia and BNI Sharia. Total 140 samples selected are all permanent employees calculated by using Slovin formula. Data is collected directly from respondents by questionnaires and analyzed by PLS. The research results show that Entrepreneur leadership has an effect on performance. OCB mediates the effect of Entrepreneur leadership on performance. Spiritual quotient does not become a moderator the effect of OCB on performance

    Revitalizing the Organizational Behavior of School Division of Secondary School Teachers of Department of Education in the Philippines

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    This study described the extent of organizational behavior of public secondary school teachers in the Division of Nueva Vizcaya. Specifically, it sought to determine the personal and organizational profile of teachers and the extent of organizational justice and organizational behavior. It used both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Descriptive statistics was used to describe the extent of organizational justice and organizational behavior where means and standard deviations were computed then appropriate qualitative descriptions were incorporated. Non–parametric tests (Mann Whitney and Kruskal Wallis tests) were utilized to assess the significant difference of the respondents’ organizational justice and organizational behavior along certain profile variables. Spearman rho test was employed to determine relationship between and among emotional intelligence, organizational justice, and organizational behavior. Three hundred and five (305) secondary public-school teachers served as respondents. From this, there were 61 teachers from the small schools, 120 teachers from the exceptional schools, and 124 teachers from the big schools. Results shows that the respondents were 41 years old and above ( 35.4% of the 305 respondents), female (238 out of 305), married (203 out of 305) secondary public school teachers , earning Php 18,500 – 19,999 a month (45.6% of the 304 respondents) since mostly have a baccalaureate degree (211 out of 305) and have been teaching for one to six years (36.4 % of the 305 respondents) but with high level of emotional intelligence (mean = 3.35). In terms of organizational rank, Teacher I – II accounts for 45.6 % (139 out of 304) while Head Teacher I – Master Teacher II is 10.5 % (32 out of 304) of the total respondents. The greatest number of respondents came from the big schools (124 out 305) who were assigned to teach under the Makabayan component (38.4 % of the 305 respondents). In addition, there is an equal number of teachers who are from the Mathematics and Science Departments (17.7 % of the 305 respondents). The overall organizational justice displayed by school heads as perceived by the secondary school teachers was seen to be at a great extent (mean = 3.35). The lowest although still described as great is distributive justice (mean =3.32) while the procedural, and interactional dimensions were rated similarly by the teachers with a mean of 3.36, respectively. Based on the findings of the result, it is recommended to come up with a plan to be relevant in practice of organizational justice by school heads that promotes organizational behavior among public secondary school teachers. Also, future study may be considered to determine the factors on how to strengthen the program based on the available data

    Team-Driven, Real World Simulation for Professional Instruction: The Transcendtal Leader Trains Using Games

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    This article presents a seven-step model, based on the transcendental leadership paradigm, for organizational practitioners and researchers to use when exploring simulations/games. Instructors of applied leadership who wish to accelerate learning among their adult learners can implement the problem-based, teaming, value-adding instructional activity model. The actions described in the model are consistent with the transcendental leadership paradigm. This approach means greater impact and reinforcement for the paradigm