28 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis of eXogenous Kalman Filter for INS/GNSS Navigation Solutions

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    There are several methods of fusing data for navigation solutions using Inertial Navigation System (INS) aided by Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). The most used solutions are nonlinear observer (NLO) and extended Kalman filter (EKF) of various architectures. EKF based estimation methods guarantees sub-optimal solutions but not stability, on the contrary NLO based estimation guarantees stability but not optimality. These complimentary features of EKF and NLO has been combined to design an eXogenous Kalman filter (XKF) where the estimate from the NLO is used as an exogenous signal to calculate the linearized model of the EKF. The performance of the designed XKF is tested on real flight test data collected using a Slingsby T67C ultra-light aircraft. The results show that during the outage of GNSS, in some cases the divergence of position estimates using XKF is lower compared to EKF and NLO, however no clear benefit is achieved

    UAV Command and Control, Navigation and Surveillance: A Review of Potential 5G and Satellite Systems

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    Drones, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or unmanned aerial systems (UAS) are expected to be an important component of 5G/beyond 5G (B5G) communications. This includes their use within cellular architectures (5G UAVs), in which they can facilitate both wireless broadcast and point-to-point transmissions, usually using small UAS (sUAS). Allowing UAS to operate within airspace along with commercial, cargo, and other piloted aircraft will likely require dedicated and protected aviation spectrum at least in the near term, while regulatory authorities adapt to their use. The command and control (C2), or control and non-payload communications (CNPC) link provides safety critical information for the control of the UAV both in terrestrial-based line of sight (LOS) conditions and in satellite communication links for so-called beyond LOS (BLOS) conditions. In this paper, we provide an overview of these CNPC links as they may be used in 5G and satellite systems by describing basic concepts and challenges. We review new entrant technologies that might be used for UAV C2 as well as for payload communication, such as millimeter wave (mmWave) systems, and also review navigation and surveillance challenges. A brief discussion of UAV-to-UAV communication and hardware issues are also provided.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, IEEE aerospace conferenc

    A literature survey on sideslip angle estimation using vehicle dynamics based methods

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    The vehicle sideslip angle or lateral velocity is a measure both for driving stability and for occupant’s subjective perception of safety. With the introduction of vehicle dynamics control systems and automated driving functions, knowledge of this vehicle motion state is required for many control strategies. This article gives an overview on the state of the art on sideslip angle estimation. In contrast to other literature studies on this topic, it focuses on vehicle dynamics based algorithms. The following types of observers are discussed: Kalman Filter-type, recursive least squares (RLS), sliding mode observers (SMO) or nonlinear observers (NLO). Eventually, cascaded observers are used that first estimate some states, which then act as input to the sideslip angle estimator. Since the choice of an observer strategy always depends on the application, this article provides a brief insight into the work of selected research groups that have studied the topic. These examples will help to clarify the presence of many different approaches in the literature. A detailed discussion on vehicle and tire models is not included but referenced to other sources. Finally, this article provides recommendations for two main target groups: First, researchers and engineers that plan to design an algorithm for sideslip angle estimation using deterministic vehicle dynamics based approaches. Second, researchers and engineers planning to include an existing algorithm in an automated driving function that want to learn about advantages and limitations of these types of algorithms. Author

    DIMETER: a haptic master device for tremor diagnosis in neurodegenerative diseases

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    In this study, a device based on patient motion capture is developed for the reliable and non-invasive diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases. The primary objective of this study is the classification of differential diagnosis between Parkinson's disease (PD) and essential tremor (ET). The DIMETER system has been used in the diagnoses of a significant number of patients at two medical centers in Spain. Research studies on classification have primarily focused on the use of well-known and reliable diagnosis criteria developed by qualified personnel. Here, we first present a literature review of the methods used to detect and evaluate tremor; then, we describe the DIMETER device in terms of the software and hardware used and the battery of tests developed to obtain the best diagnoses. All of the tests are classified and described in terms of the characteristics of the data obtained. A list of parameters obtained from the tests is provided, and the results obtained using multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural networks are presented and analyzed

    Sequential estimation of neural models by Bayesian filtering

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    Un dels reptes més difícils de la neurociència és el d'entendre la connectivitat del cervell. Aquest problema es pot tractar des de diverses perspectives, aquí ens centrem en els fenòmens locals que ocorren en una sola neurona. L'objectiu final és, doncs, entendre la dinàmica de les neurones i com la interconnexió amb altres neurones afecta al seu estat. Les observacions de traces del potencial de membrana constitueixen la principal font d'informació per a derivar models matemàtics d'una neurona, amb cert sentit biofísic. En particular, la dinàmica de les variables auxiliars i els paràmetres del model són estimats a partir d'aquestes traces de voltatge. El procés és en general costós i típicament implica una gran varietat de blocatges químics de canals iònics, així com una certa incertesa en els valors dels paràmetres a causa del soroll de mesura. D'altra banda, les traces de potencial de membrana també són útils per obtenir informació valuosa sobre l'entrada sinàptica, un problema invers sense solució satisfactòria a hores d'ara. En aquesta Tesi, estem interessats en mètodes d'estimació seqüencial, que permetin evitar la necessitat de repeticions que podrien ser contaminades per la variabilitat neuronal. En particular, ens concentrem en mètodes per extreure l'activitat intrínseca dels canals iònics, és a dir, les probabilitats d'obertura i tancament de canals iònics, i la contribució de les conductàncies sinàptiques. Hem dissenyat un mètode basat en la teoria Bayesiana de filtrat per inferir seqüencialment aquestes quantitats a partir d'una única traça de voltatge, potencialment sorollosa. El mètode d'estimació proposat està basat en la suposició d'un model de neurona conegut. Això és cert fins a cert punt, però la majoria dels paràmetres en el model han de ser estimats per endavant (això és valid per a qualsevol model). Per tant, el mètode s'ha millorat pel cas de models amb paràmetres desconeguts, incloent-hi un procediment per estimar conjuntament els paràmetres i les variables dinàmiques. Hem validat els mètodes d'inferència proposats mitjançant simulacions realistes. Les prestacions en termes d'error d'estimació s'han comparat amb el límit teòric, que s'ha derivat també en el marc d'aquesta Tesi

    Economic Model Predictive Control for Spray Drying Plants

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    Moving Horizon Estimation and Control

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