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    The article presents the results of the experiment in the development of self- management skills among college students. The development of self-management skills in this case is seen to be the factor of the improvement of the readiness for professional flexibility among college students. The moderation technique was suggested as the condition of the effective development of self-management. This technique hasn’t become popular in the process of education in secondary technical schools yet. However, the moderation methods contain potential capacity which promotes the development of student’s individuality. It can be proved by the results introduced in this article.The article presents the results of the experiment in the development of self- management skills among college students. The development of self-management skills in this case is seen to be the factor of the improvement of the readiness for professional flexibility among college students. The moderation technique was suggested as the condition of the effective development of self-management. This technique hasn’t become popular in the process of education in secondary technical schools yet. However, the moderation methods contain potential capacity which promotes the development of student’s individuality. It can be proved by the results introduced in this article

    See the self through others' eyes:The development of moral emotions in young children with autism spectrum disorder

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    Despite the important social functions of moral emotions, they are understudied in the autism spectrum disorder (ASD) population. This three-wave longitudinal study is among the first to examine the development of moral emotions and their associations with theory of mind in 3- to 7-year-old children with ASD, using observational tasks. One hundred and forty-two children (52 with ASD) were followed over a period of 2 years. We found that while the expressions of shame and guilt remained stable in non-ASD children, they decreased with age in children with ASD. No group differences were found in the levels or the developmental trajectories of pride. Besides, better false-belief understanding was uniquely related to the expressions of pride in children with ASD. Our findings highlight the importance of enhancing understanding of moral emotion development and related factors in children with ASD.</p


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    Abstrak: Proses menua lansia adalah melambatnya proses informasi, menurunnya daya ingat, berkurangnya kemampuan otak untuk membedakan stimulus atau rasangan yang dating selanjutnya adalah perubahan terhadap fungsi fisik dan psikososial. Upaya yang dilakukan pada lansia yang mengalami berbagai perubahan yaitu dengan memberikan informasi berkaitan dengan kesehatan lansia. Salah upayanya yaitu memberikan Terapi Kelompok Terapeutik (TKT). Tujuan utama pemberian terapi keompok teraputik  adalah untuk untuk meningkatkan kemampuan lansia dalam aspek perubahan proses perkembangan lansia serta mempertahankan perkembangan integritas diri lansia di UPT Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Khusnul Khotimah Pekanbaru Riau. pelaksanaan Terapi menggunakan metode diskusi / sharing dengan kelompok lansia yang dilakukan dalam 6 kali sesi / pertemuan. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dalam waktu 2 minggu. Lama optimum persesi adalah 40-60 menit. Kegiatan ini dilakukan kepada 15 orang lansia yang berada di UPT Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Khusnul Khotimah Pekanbaru Riau. Hasil kegiatan in menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan skor adapatasi lansia dalam meningkatkan integritas dirinya sebesar 17,17 poin.  Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa TKT ini secara efektif dapat meningkatkan integritas diri lansia.Abstract: The aging process that occurs in the elderly will cause biological changes in the elderly. Other conditions that change in the elderly are slowing down of information processing, decreased memory, reduced ability of the brain to distinguish stimuli or feelings that come. Efforts are made to the elderly who experience various changes, namely by providing information related to the health of the elderly. One of his efforts is to provide Therapeutic Group Therapy (TKT). The main purpose of providing therapeutic group therapy is to improve the ability of the elderly to adapt to aspects of changes in the elderly development process and to maintain and maintain the development of the self-integrity of the elderly at the Tresna Werdha Khusnul Khotimah Pekanbaru Riau Panti Social Unit. The implementation of therapy uses the method of discussion / sharing with the elderly group which is carried out in 6 sessions / meetings. This activity is carried out within 2 weeks. The optimum duration of the session is 40-60 minutes. This activity was carried out for 15 elderly people who were at the Tresna Werdha Khusnul Khotimah UPT Social Institution, Pekanbaru Riau. The results of this activity showed that there was an increase in the adaptation score of the elderly in improving their integrity by 17.7 points. This shows that this TKT can effectively improve the self-integrity of the elderly

    How do first-year engineering students experience ambiguity in engineering design problems: The development of a self-report instrument

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    Citation: Dringenberg, E., & Wertz, R. E. H. (2016). How do first-year engineering students experience ambiguity in engineering design problems: The development of a self-report instrument.Design is widely recognized as a keystone of engineering practice. Within the context of engineering education, design has been categorized as a type of ill-structured problem solving that is crucial for engineering students to engage with. Improving undergraduate engineering education requires a better understanding of the ways in which students experience ill-structured problems in the form of engineering design. With special attention to the experiences of first-year engineering students, prior exploratory work identified two critical thresholds that distinguished students' ways of experiencing design as less or more comprehensive: accepting ambiguity and recognizing the value of multiple perspectives. The goal of current (work-in-progress) research is to develop and pilot a self-report instrument to assess students' relation to these two thresholds at the completion of an ill-structured design project within the context of undergraduate engineering education. The specific research questions addressed in this study are 1) if the piloted self-report instrument can be used to identify discrete constructs, and 2) how these constructs align with prior qualitative research findings. The objective of this study was addressed using a quantitative exploratory research design. Items for the self-report Likert-scaled instrument were designed to distinguish student experience that either accept or reject the presence of ambiguity and the value of multiple perspectives. The instrument was disseminated to a total of 214 first-year engineering students. Exploratory factor analysis was used to identify the constructs that emerge from the self-report data, and these constructs were checked for alignment with the previously identified thresholds. The results of this investigation will be used to help advance progress towards an easily administered instrument able to assist engineering educators with the identification of students in need of intervention or explicit instruction related to critical aspects of learning engineering design. The instrument could also be used to track student growth over time, and, with further development, to provide evidence for ABET student outcomes. © American Society for Engineering Education, 2016


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    This study was conducted with the purposes to identify the self-esteem of Lillie in the PokĂ©mon Sun and Moon video games as presented in the plot and the motives behind her self-esteem development. This study was based on qualitative research and used psychological approach. Therefore, this study focused on the psychological phenomenon of self-esteem. The data are the dialogues that convey Lillie’s self-esteem and the motives behind her self-esteem development. The data sources are PokĂ©mon Sun and Moon video games and two other sources as data triangulation. The theories of self-esteem by Maslow and Branden were used to analyze the self-esteem of Lillie. The results of this study have shown that Lillie has low self-esteem in the exposition up to the rising action. Shortly after rising action starts, she has developed the high self-esteem. The Lillie’s high self-esteem remains up to the falling action and resolution. The first motive behind her low self-esteem development are the problems between she and her family. Lillie lost her family in the past. Secondly, it relates with her own self alone. She lacks of strength and has an unfavorable idea about PokĂ©mon Trainer and PokĂ©mon battle. These problems thwart her esteem desires and develop her low self-esteem. The motives behind her high self-esteem are related with her problems but resolved. She finds the supports from various characters along her journey. She gains independency and confidence. She fulfills her wish to save Nebby. Her thwarted desires are satisfied and her high self-esteem is developed then

    Self-identity, embodiment and the development of emotional resilience

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    This article is made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund. Copyright @ The Author 2013. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The British Association of Social Workers. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Recent social work reforms in the UK have highlighted the need for social work practitioners to be empathetic, reflexive and resilient. Current literature defines resilience as the individual's adaptive response to adversity, stress-resistant personality traits and the ability to ‘bounce back’, yet the processes by which resilience is developed remain underexplored. The stressors associated with training to be a social worker particularly necessitate such an investigation. This study adopts a phenomenological approach to explore social work students' lived experiences of managing emotion and developing resilience. Emotion is constructed as a relational concept, developed within intersubjective space and as an embodied experience. Findings indicate tensions in student narratives around the expression of emotion and ‘being professional’. Critical incident narratives reveal often overwhelming difficulties experienced by students, prior to and during the social work programme. A variety of coping strategies were adopted including active resistance, spirituality, critical reflection and social support. Narratives as ‘discourses-in-the-making’ highlight embodiment as a valuable analytical lens by which emotional conflicts are experienced, deconstructed and resolved through the process of integrating the personal and professional self. Spaces to develop emotional resilience within the social work curriculum are discussed

    Development of the Web Users Self-Efficacy scale (WUSE)

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    The aim of this research was to develop a scale that could evaluate an individuals confidence in using the Internet. Web-based resources are becoming increasingly important within higher education and it is therefore vital that students and staff feel confident and competent in the access, provision, and utilisation of these resources. The scale developed here represents an extension of previous research (Cassidy & Eachus, 2002) that developed a measure of self-efficacy in the context of computer use. An iterative approach was used in the development of the Web User Self-Efficacy scale (WUSE) and the participants were recruited from the student body of a large University in the North West of the United Kingdom, and globally via a web site set up for this purpose. Initial findings suggest that the scale has acceptable standards of reliability and validity though work is continuing to refine the scale and improve the psychometric properties of the tool

    The Role of Education in Self-Sustaining Community Development

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    Self-sustaining community development strategies, focused on education as a means for change, have great potential to make an impact on worldwide poverty. Instead of a one-time intervention with results that fade over time, the cyclical structure of participatory development will yield increasing results as time goes on. Teaching the community how to improve itself will increase its ability to deal with future problems, and positively impact women, children, and the environment in developing countries. This philosophy and practical strategy could be effective in any geographic location or culture, focusing on education and the ability of the local people to transform their own communities

    The Application of Transformational Leadership Theory to Parenting: Questionnaire Development and Implications for Adolescent Self-Regulatory Efficacy and Life Satisfaction

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    We draw upon transformational leadership theory to develop an instrument to measure transformational parenting for use with adolescents. First, potential items were generated that were developmentally appropriate and evidence for content validity was provided through the use of focus groups with parents and adolescents. We subsequently provide evidence for several aspects of construct validity of measures derived from the Transformational Parenting Questionnaire (TPQ). Data were collected from 857 adolescents (Mage = 14.70 years), who rated the behaviors of their mothers and fathers. The results provided support for a second-order measurement model of transformational parenting. In addition, positive relationships between mothers’ and fathers’ transformational parenting behaviors, adolescents’ self-regulatory efficacy for physical activity and healthy eating, and life satisfaction were found. The results of this research support the application of transformational leadership theory to parenting behaviors, as well as the construct validity of measures derived from the TPQ. (AUTHORS' ABSTRACT
