6,411 research outputs found

    New technologies in making orienteering maps

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    Orienteering maps are special type of maps, which are mostly made by non-professionals. The technology of making these maps (fieldwork, drawing) has considerably changed in the last 20 years. Base maps can be made by digital photogrammetry or airborne laser scanning technology, but the methods of creating state topographic maps (which are used as base maps of orienteering maps) have also changed in the past few years. The accuracy of these maps has also increased to help the users. In the fieldworking, we can use GPS devices (sometimes with real-time differential corrections) for measuring points and lines. GPS devices are available for more than 20 years, but only in the last few years they became used in fieldworking as regular techniques. For faster, but not very accurate distance measurements, we can use ordinary laser distance finders. The orienteering maps are drawn by computer software. In some countries, these were the first types of maps which were created only by computer methods. Orienteering maps are good indicators of how the new cartographic techniques are easily applicable for non-professionals or how widely they are used as everyday techniques. This paper summarizes the milestones of the development of these techniques to understand how we can make these methods and devices more user-friendly and simpler

    Assessing handheld mobile laser scanners for forest surveys

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    Abstract: A handheld mobile laser scanning (HMLS) approach to forest inventory surveying allows virtual reconstructions of forest stands and extraction of key structural parameters from beneath the canopy, significantly reducing survey time when compared against static laser scan and fieldwork methods. A proof of concept test application demonstrated the ability of this technique to successfully extract diameter at breast height (DBH) and stem position compared against a concurrent terrestrial laser scan (TLS) survey. When stems with DBH > 10 cm are examined, an HMLS to TLS modelling success rate of 91% was achieved with the root mean square error (RMSE) of the DBH and stem position being 1.5 cm and 2.1 cm respectively. The HMLS approach gave a survey coverage time per surveyor of 50 m 2/min compared with 0.85 m2/min for the TLS instrument and 0.43 m2/min for the field study. This powerful tool has potential applications in forest surveying by providing much larger data sets at reduced operational costs to current survey methods. HMLS provides an efficient, cost effective, versatile forest surveying technique, which can be conducted as easily as walking through a plot, allowing much more detailed, spatially extensive survey data to be collected

    Predicting growing stock volume of Eucalyptus plantations using 3-D point clouds derived from UAV imagery and ALS data

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    Estimating forest inventory variables is important in monitoring forest resources and mitigating climate change. In this respect, forest managers require flexible, non-destructive methods for estimating volume and biomass. High-resolution and low-cost remote sensing data are increasingly available to measure three-dimensional (3D) canopy structure and to model forest structural attributes. The main objective of this study was to evaluate and compare the individual tree volume estimates derived from high-density point clouds obtained from airborne laser scanning (ALS) and digital aerial photogrammetry (DAP) in Eucalyptus spp. plantations. Object-based image analysis (OBIA) techniques were applied for individual tree crown (ITC) delineation. The ITC algorithm applied correctly detected and delineated 199 trees from ALS-derived data, while 192 trees were correctly identified using DAP-based point clouds acquired fromUnmannedAerialVehicles(UAV), representing accuracy levels of respectively 62% and 60%. Addressing volume modelling, non-linear regression fit based on individual tree height and individual crown area derived from the ITC provided the following results: Model E ciency (Mef) = 0.43 and 0.46, Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) = 0.030 m3 and 0.026 m3, rRMSE = 20.31% and 19.97%, and an approximately unbiased results (0.025 m3 and 0.0004 m3) using DAP and ALS-based estimations, respectively. No significant di erence was found between the observed value (field data) and volume estimation from ALS and DAP (p-value from t-test statistic = 0.99 and 0.98, respectively). The proposed approaches could also be used to estimate basal area or biomass stocks in Eucalyptus spp. plantationsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Carisma workshop: from 21 to 23 August 2017 in Helsinki, Finland

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    Terrestrial laser scanning in forest inventories

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    AbstractDecision making on forest resources relies on the precise information that is collected using inventory. There are many different kinds of forest inventory techniques that can be applied depending on the goal, scale, resources and the required accuracy. Most of the forest inventories are based on field sample. Therefore, the accuracy of the forest inventories depends on the quality and quantity of the field sample. Conventionally, field sample has been measured using simple tools. When map is required, remote sensing materials are needed. Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) provides a measurement technique that can acquire millimeter-level of detail from the surrounding area, which allows rapid, automatic and periodical estimates of many important forest inventory attributes. It is expected that TLS will be operationally used in forest inventories as soon as the appropriate software becomes available, best practices become known and general knowledge of these findings becomes more wide spread. Meanwhile, mobile laser scanning, personal laser scanning, and image-based point clouds became capable of capturing similar terrestrial point cloud data as TLS. This paper reviews the advances of applying TLS in forest inventories, discusses its properties with reference to other related techniques and discusses the future prospects of this technique

    Laserbasert oppmÄling av bygningsobjekter og bygninger

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    Building information models (BIMs) for facility management is gaining interest. Different technologies for collecting the raw material to extract such model are in rapid development. The most common technologies are based on images, structure light, laser or a combination of these. The new technologies have the potential to provide efficient data collection, but not necessarily at the same accuracy compared to the traditional methods. This thesis has explored how to rapidly establish a BIM for an existing building. This was done by investigating two different aspects related to this task. The first aspect was related to product specification and provide a framework for ordering and controlling a laser-based survey of a building. The second aspect explores how a laser-based system could be used to rapidly survey an existing building. Through the thesis and the first aspect, it is shown that the Norwegian survey community is lacking an unambiguous product specification for building surveys performed for BIM extraction and that the survey seldomly is adequately controlled. Based on these findings a product specification has been developed in cooperation with building owners. This cooperation made it possible to test the product specification in real projects. The product specification was developed through three different versions. The zero version was presented at the World Building Congress in 2016 and was tested in a renovation project at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. The evaluation of the project led to the first version that was used in a framework competition arranged by Ullensaker municipality in the south-east of Norway. The result led to the second and final version of the product specification. The proposed product specification follows a simplified transaction pattern between the customer and the producer. The focus has been on the customer's request for a building survey suitable for BIM extraction and the customer's acceptance actions when the building survey is delivered. The acceptance actions are based on well–known standards created by the Norwegian Mapping Authority. The customer request is based on the acceptance actions. This ensures that every requirements can be verified in the accepting stage. The main purposes of the product specification were to ensure reliable results and to minimize the difference between the customer request and the producer’s delivery. Additionally, an unambiguous product specification can ensure a fair competition situation between the producers and give the producers the possibility to select the best-suited technology. The second aspect is related to how a building can be efficiently surveyed and explores how this could be done with a laser-based system. A human carried survey system was developed through three stages. The first and second stages focused on circle shaped objects and were realized in cooperation with the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. The system surveyed tree diameter at breast height within sample plots in size 250-500 m2. The system was able to detect 87.5% of the trees with a mean difference of 0.1 cm, and a root mean square of 2.2 cm. The novel aspect is related to how the trees are segmented and how the diameters are estimated without losing precision due to degraded pose solution. The result can be used in forestry inventory projects together with airborne laser surveys. The third stage was made for indoor measurements. The main focus was on how to aid the navigation solution in the absence of Global Navigation Satellite System signals. The method divides the laser point measurements into small time frames. For each time frame, the laser points were automatically classified into column, walls, floor, and ceiling. This information was used to support a scan matching method called semantic-assisted normal distributions transform. The result from the scan matching was used to create a trajectory of the walking path followed during data capture. This result was fed back into the inertial navigation processing to aid the solution when the system was located inside the building. This gives the inertial navigation process the ability to reject scan matching failures. The novel method was able to improve the survey accuracy from a maximum deviation of 12.6 m to 1.1 m. The third stage had two different Inertial Measurement Units (IMU) installed. The most accurate system was a tactical graded IMU, and the lowest accurate system was an automotive graded IMU. With the proposed method, the automotive graded system was able to perform at a higher level than a standalone tactical graded solution.Interessen for Ă„ bruke BygningsInformasjonsModeller (BIMer) i forvaltning, drift og vedlikehold av bygninger er Ăžkende. Ulike teknologier for innsamling av data for Ă„ etablere slike modeller er i rask utvikling. De vanligste teknologiene er basert pĂ„ bilder, strukturert lys, laser eller en kombinasjon av disse. Ny teknologi utfĂžrer mĂ„lingene veldig effektivt, men ikke med samme nĂžyaktighet som tradisjoneller metoder. Denne studien har undersĂžkt hvordan en raskt kan etablere en BIM i et eksisterende bygg. Dette ble gjort ved Ă„ utforske to ulike aspekter av problemstillingen. Det fĂžrste aspektet ser pĂ„ produktspesifikasjon og foreslĂ„r et rammeverk til bruk ved bestilling og kontroll av laser-basert innmĂ„ling av eksisterende bygning. Det andre aspektet utforsker hvordan et laser-basert system raskt kan mĂ„le opp eksisterende bygg.The Norwegian Building Authority, Cautus Geo AS and Geomatikk survey have kindly founded parts of the studies

    Innovative surveying methodologies through Handheld Terrestrial LIDAR Scanner technologies for forest resource assessment

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    Precision Forestry is an innovative sector that is currently of great importance for forest and spatial planning. It enables complex analyses of forest data to be carried out in a simple and economical way and facilitates collaboration between technicians, industry operators and stakeholders, thus ensuring transparency in forestry interventions (Corona et al., 2017). The principles of "Precision Forestry" are to use modern tools and technologies with the aim to obtain as much real information as possible, to improve decision-making, and to ensure the current objectives of forest management. Thanks to the rapid technological developments in remote sensing during the last few decades, there have been remarkable improvements in measurement accuracy, and consequentially improvements in the quality of technical elaborations supporting planning decisions. During this period, several scientific publications have demonstrated the potential of the LIDAR system for measuring and mapping forests, geology, and topography in large-scale forest areas. The LIDAR scans obtained from the TLS and HLS systems provide detailed information about the internal characteristics of tree canopys, making them an essential tool for studying stem allometry, volume, light environments, photosynthesis, and production models. In light of these considerations, this thesis aims to expand the current knowledge on the terrestrial LIDAR system applications for monitoring forest ecosystems and dynamics by providing insight on the feasibility and effectiveness of these systems for forest planning. In particular, this study fills a gap in the literature regarding practical examples of the use of innovative technologies in forestry. The main themes of this work are: A) The strengths and weaknesses of the mobile LIDAR system for a forest company; B) The applicability and versatility of the LIDAR HLS tool for sustainable forest management applications; C) Single tree analysis from HLS LIDAR data.   To investigate these themes, we analyzed six cases studies: 1) An investigation of the feasibility and efficiency of LIDAR HLS scanning for an accurate estimation of forest structural attributes by comparing scans using the LIDAR HLS survey method (Handheld Mobile Laser Scanner) to traditional instruments; 2) An examination of walking scan path density’s influence on single-tree attribute estimation by HMLS, taking into account the structural biodiversity of two forest ecosystems under examination, and an estimation of the cost-effectiveness of each type of laser survey based on the path scheme considered; 3) A study of how LIDAR HLS surveys can contribute to fire prevention interventions by providing a quantitative classification of fuels and a preliminary description of the structural and spatial development of the forest in question; 4) An application of a method for assessing and rating stem straightness in tree posture using LIDAR HLS surveys to quantify differences between stands of different log qualities; 5) The identification of features of a Mediterranean old-growth forest using LIDAR HLS surveys according to the criteria established in the literature; 6) The extrapolation of dimensional information for Ficus macrophylla subsp. columnaris to identify the monumental character of the tree by comparing the most appropriate LIDAR HLS point cloud processing methodologies and estimating the total volume of individual trees. In conclusion, the results of these cases studies are useful to determine new research aspects within the system in the forest environment by applying recently published analysis methodologies and indications of relevant terrestrial LIDAR methodologies
