243,314 research outputs found

    Leadership Competency Formation in Management Students Using Mobile Learning Technologies

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    The focus of education on world standards predetermines the need to modernize the forms, methods, and means of teaching taking into account the current level of development of Internet technologies and information communications. Mobile learning reflects the educational trends most fully as it provides continuous access to information at any time. It should be noted that the development of mobile technologies makes portable mobile devices more usable and universal. With the development of mobile technologies, the need for quick access to information and the acquisition of knowledge has increased, as well as the mobility of the population. Therefore, the search for new approaches in organizing the educational process and creating educational materials accounting for the preferences of modern students and the information society as a whole becomes especially urgent. The goal of the study is to reveal the experience of implementing mobile learning based on the example of teaching the “Fundamentals of Leadership” course. Based on an experimental study, the study of the influence of the use of mobile learning technologies on the formation of leadership competency in management students is carried out

    Leadership Competency Formation in Management Students Using Mobile Learning Technologies

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    The focus of education on world standards predetermines the need to modernize the forms, methods, and means of teaching taking into account the current level of development of Internet technologies and information communications. Mobile learning reflects the educational trends most fully as it provides continuous access to information at any time. It should be noted that the development of mobile technologies makes portable mobile devices more usable and universal. With the development of mobile technologies, the need for quick access to information and the acquisition of knowledge has increased, as well as the mobility of the population. Therefore, the search for new approaches in organizing the educational process and creating educational materials accounting for the preferences of modern students and the information society as a whole becomes especially urgent. The goal of the study is to reveal the experience of implementing mobile learning based on the example of teaching the “Fundamentals of Leadership” course. Based on an experimental study, the study of the influence of the use of mobile learning technologies on the formation of leadership competency in management students is carried out

    Content-aware power saving multimedia adaptation for mobile learning

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    Due to the tremendous enhancements in the capabilities of mobile devices in recent years and accessibility to higher bandwidth mobile internet, the use of online multimedia learning resources on mobile devices is increasingly becoming popular. Improvements in battery capacity have not matched the same advancements compared to other features of mobile devices. Limited Battery power is introducing a significant challenge in making better use of online educational multimedia resources. Online Multimedia Resources drains more battery power as a result of higher amount of wireless data transfer and therefore limiting learning opportunities on the move. Many power saving multimedia adaptation techniques have been suggested. Majority of these techniques achieve battery efficiency while reducing multimedia quality. So far, however, to the best of our knowledge no previous effort has considered the factor of learning efficacy in multimedia adaptation process. Existing adaptation techniques are susceptible to information loss as a result of quality of reduction. Such loss affects the learning content efficacy and jeopardizes the learning process. In this paper, we recommend a novel power save educational multimedia adaptation approach that considers the learning aspect of multimedia in the adaptation process. Our technique enables learning for extended duration by battery power saving without putting the learning process at risk. Efficacy of entire learning resources is managed by not allowing any part of the learning multimedia to be delivered in a quality that will negatively affect the learning outcome. We also present a framework that guides the implementation of our approach followed by description of our prototype application that uses educational multimedia metadata implemented in semantic web technologies

    Modern Solutions For Economic Higher Education In The Knowledge-Based Society

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    The use of modern solutions specific to contemporary society, together with stakeholders’ involvement, will lead to a substantial increase in the practice-oriented approach of the teaching process. The objective of this paper is to present directions for the implementation of modern teaching solutions in the economic higher education. It highlights the implications that knowledge-based economy brings for the economic higher education. It analyzes the virtual campus as a modern solution for collaborative higher education and the level of knowledge in the use of mobile devices and technologies in the learning process of students from three faculties of the Academy of Economic Studies. The analysis is based on a survey conducted among students enrolled in three faculties of the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies. A series of indicators is proposed to assess the efficiency of human resources training activities, developed in order to enhance the relevance of economic higher education for the labor market and knowledge-based society. The research results consist in identifying modern solutions for the use of mobile technologies by students in the educational process.knowledge society, higher education, e-learning, m-learning, information technology

    Towards Sustainable Education with the Use of Mobile Augmented Reality in Early Childhood and Primary Education: A Systematic Mapping

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    Over the years, educational institutions have faced significant difficulties in the teaching process at all educational levels, due to lack of motivation, concentration, attention, and confidence, among other aspects. In this sense, information and communication technologies can be the answer to transform educational models. One of the most promising and accessible technologies in recent years is mobile augmented reality (MAR), which allows students to visualize content through a mobile device combining the real environment with a virtual environment, providing an interactive and digital vision of the physical world in real time. The appropriate use of digital technologies in early childhood and primary education can promote socialization, comprehension, learning, language development, attention, and other educational benefits. However, due to the novelty of this technology, there is limited research and a gap in the literature on the use of MAR at these educational levels. This research work, through systematic mapping, aims to give an overview of how AR and mobile devices have been used in the last decade, which academic areas have benefited from the use of this innovative academic approach, and the main benefits and problems of using this technology in early and primary education. The findings are encouraging and show that AR technology, together with mobile devices, can be used to support the teaching of science, mathematics, reading, language, geography, etc.This work was financed by the Universidad de Las Américas through project code: TIC.LCC.22.01

    Psychological and educational requirements for the use of mobile information and communication technologies in education process

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    у статті розглянуто психолого-педагогічні вимоги до використання мобільних ІКТ у навчальному процесі.In the paper consider psychological and educational requirements for the use of mobile ICT in education process

    The use of maple mathematical software in teaching medical and biological physics

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    Computerization of training becomes an integral part of the educational process. The development of technologies, mobile devices necessitates the improvement and updating of training courses. The use of software in the learning process is widespread, which requires from a modern student to master the mathematical apparatus, to have knowledge of the basics of programming and the ability to work at the level of a confident user with a variety of software tools and applications. Particularly relevant is the need for the use of computer technologies during the study of topics for self-directed study. The introduction of information technologies will enrich the content and diversify the ways of mastering new topics, stimulating students for self-education and self-development. The article is devoted to application of the software package of applied mathematics Maple during the educational process of students of higher medical establishments

    Організація освітнього процесу в закладах загальної середньої освіти із застосуванням технології m-learning

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     In the article on the basis of the analysis of scientific and methodological literature and network sources the content of the concepts of "mobile learning", "mobile technologies", "mobile learning technologies" is investigated. So by the concept of mobile learning (m-learning) in the WFD we mean a form of e-learning using the personal mobile devices of students, learning in different contexts - through social and meaningful interaction, using the learning technologies of mobile devices at a convenient time for students. The experience of introducing mobile technologies (m-learning) into the school's educational process is generalized. The article highlights the pedagogical conditions, didactic functions and principles of mobile learning in the HLS. The main aspects of the introduction of mobile learning in the HLS are the use of mobile technology, that is, when a technology tool mediates schoolchildren and knowledge as an extension of e-learning and is one of the possible areas of blended learning, this is learner-centered learning. The peculiarities of the introduction of mobile education in general secondary education institutions are identified, the advantages of the use of mobile learning in the educational space of the WSS are outlined. With the introduction of mobile learning, the educational process adapts to the environment, becoming compact, focused and interactive. In mobile learning, it is important that the information is delivered in small portions, as clearly as possible to the situation and, at the same time, that the process of interaction with the product is satisfying. Accordingly, users' habits are changing: students increasingly want the learning process to be simple, effective and fun. They use mobile devices to communicate with participants in the educational process, providing a new level of communication and learning management. For teachers, the advantage of using mobile learning is the ability to ask students in response to the task, and parents to monitor the progress of children through obtaining relevant information from school.Keywords: mobile learning, e-learning, learning principles, information and communication technologies.У статті на основі аналізу науково-методичної літератури та мережних джерел досліджено зміст понять «мобільне навчання», «мобільні технології», «технології мобільного навчання». Так під поняттям мобільне навчання (m-learning) в ЗЗСО розуміємо форму електронного навчання із використанням особистих мобільних пристроїв школярів, навчання в різних контекстах - через соціальну та змістову взаємодію, із використанням навчальних технологій мобільних пристроїв у зручний для учнів час. Узагальнено досвід впровадження мобільних технологій (m-learning) в навчальний процес школи. У статті виокремлено педагогічні умови, дидактичні функції та принципи мобільного навчання у ЗЗСО. Основними аспектами впровадження мобільного навчання в ЗЗСО є використання мобільної технології, це навчання, коли за допомогою технологічного інструменту опосередковуються школяр та знання, як продовження електронного навчання та є один із можливих напрямків змішаного навчання, це навчання орієнтоване на учня. Визначено особливості впровадження мобільного навчання в закладах загальної середньої освіти, зазначено переваги використання мобільного навчання в освітньому просторі ЗЗСО. Із впровадженням мобільного навчання освітній процес адаптується до умов цього середовища, стаючи компактним, вузьконаправленим і інтерактивним. У мобільному навчанні важливим є те, що інформація подається невеликими порціями, максимально чітко відповідала ситуації і, при цьому, щоб процес взаємодії з продуктом приносив задоволення. Відповідно, змінюються звички користувачів: учні все більше хочуть, щоб процес навчання був простим, ефективним і веселим. Для зв’язку між учасниками освітнього процесу використовують мобільні пристрої, забезпечуючи новий рівень комунікації та управління навчанням. Для учителів перевагою використання мобільного навчання є можливість робити запит в учнів у відповідь на завдання, а батьки – здійснювати контроль за успіхами дітей через отримання актуальної інформації з школи.Ключові слова: мобільне навчання, електронне навчання, принципи навчання, інформаційно-комунікаційні технології

    Training in cooperation with the use of information technology

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    Training of modern graduate takes place in the conditions of requirements of the Federal state educational standards aimed at development of students’ competences. In order to train a competent graduate, higher education institutions are looking for ways that will make this process more effective and dynamic. The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of higher education institutions in the implementation of training in cooperation with the use of information technology. The wide development of information technologies and their penetration into various spheres of society has determined their implementation in the educational process. The use of information technology is based on the use of personal computers. Now this tool is an integral part of the modern educational process. Placing emphasis on the fact that learning in cooperation is not a fundamentally new technology the authors say that it acquires relevance by incorporating innovative technologies. The article considers the ideas of training in cooperation with the use of information technologies, raises the importance and significance of this issue in modern educational conditions. Training in cooperation expands the students' information field. On the basis of the study of scientific literature, the features of training in cooperation, its essence and value purpose for the formation of competence of students of pedagogical University are highlighted. The study suggests an increase in students ' motivation to study materials after the introduction of information technologies that allow them to be more mobile and creative. The process of mutual learning in the process of cooperation becomes more effective. The higher the motivation of the student to study the discipline is, the higher the level of his knowledge is. The results of the study can be used in the further implementation of information technologies for the development of the learning process in cooperation

    Augmented reality and pedestrian navigation through its implementation in m-learning and e-learning: evaluation of an educational program in Chile

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    [EN] The implementation of Mobile Pedestrian Navigation and Augmented Reality in mobile learning contexts shows new forms of interaction when students are taught by means of learning activities in formal settings. This research presents the educational, quantitative, and qualitative evaluation of an Augmented Reality and Mobile Pedestrian Navigation app. The software was designed for mobile learning in an educational context, to evaluate its effectiveness when applied as a teaching tool, in comparison to similar tools such as those present in e-learning. A mixed-method analysis was used, with primary school students from Chile as subjects (n = 143). They were split into one control group and one experimental group. The control group worked in an e-learning environment, while the experimental group performed the activity as field work, making use of the app (m-learning). Students were evaluated pretest and posttest using an objective test to measure their level of learning. In parallel, a satisfaction survey was carried out concerning the use of these technologies, in addition to interviews with several students and teachers of the experimental group. Pretest-posttest results indicate that the experimental group outperformed the control group in their learning levels. The results of the interviews and the satisfaction survey show that these technologies, combined with fieldwork, increase the effectiveness of the teaching-learning processes. Further, they promote the interaction of students with contents for learning, and they improve students’ performance in the educational process. The main goal is to provide a methodology for the analysis of an ad-hoc designed app. The app is intended to provide an m-learning process for subjects being taught about cultural heritage. The quantitative and qualitative results obtained show that it can be more effective than using similar technologies in e-learning context