246,035 research outputs found

    Human Worth as Collateral

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    Human worth has taken on a surprising new role: that of market asset. Specifically, lenders in radically different contexts are using their borrowers’ human worth as collateral in loan transactions. The two examples of this new collateralization that I examine are credit card lending in the United States and microlending programs in the Third World. I conclude that the use of human worth in these two contexts is too similar to be coincidental. Rather, this new collateralization is a product of globalization. For those interested in the effect of law on globalization, this convergence in the market for credit teaches important lessons. In both the contexts I examine, the laws governing secured and unsecured lending fail to recognize human worth as collateral. For this reason, the new collateralization serves as a counter-example to the claimed centrality of the rule of law in economic development


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    New technologies create new ways of sourcing to meet the needs of previously traditional markets. The new demands for production and consumption and changing consumer expectations require businesses to change their production, business, design, marketing, and product distribution methods. With globalization taking place more and more strongly and the emergence of the 4.0 industrial revolution, innovation creates a competitive advantage for the country and businesses. In Vietnam, the processing and manufacturing industry has played an essential role in the economy's driving force. This article aims to assess the role and status of innovation for the survival and development of processing enterprises in the Covid–19 epidemic Keywords: Innovation, Technology, Competition, Processing, Manufacturing Enterprises

    Private Capacity and Public Failure: Contours of Livestock Innovation Response Capacity in Kenya

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    Globalization, urbanization and new market demands - together with ever-increasing quality and safety requirements - are putting significantly greater pressures on agrifood stakeholders in the world. The ability to respond to new challenges and opportunities is important not just for producers but also for industries in developing countries. This paper aims to present what "innovation response capacity" entails, especially for natural resourcebased industries in a developing country context. It will also provide an analytical framework that draws elements from agricultural innovation capacity and the innovation systems framework. This is provided through case study research conducted in Kenya by exploring two livestock product companies: Farmer's Choice and Kenchic. The cases show how companies had worked around the problem of weak interaction with the various livestockrelated agencies of the public sector by developing links with international sources of knowledge and technology. This allowed the sector to respond rapidly to different challenges. While the country's historical development explains this pattern of innovation response capacity, public policy appears to be failing in its role of nurturing and contributing to the capacities needed for development in emerging economies, such as that of Kenya.Livestock, agriculture, innovation, innovation response capacity, Kenya


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    The globalizatoin plays important role in the grow and development of tourism onthe world market. The process of globalization has contributed in a political, economic andcultural sense, has directly affected the intensive growth of tourist travel. Increased mobilityof people, the development of communication technologies and the emergence of the Internethave contributed to the strengthening of international over domestic tourism. Also, globaltourism trends indicate a dominant influence on the process of globalization and its reflectionon the tourism business. All this clearly shows that tourism in the future will have to adaptto phenomena outside its borders and thus will undoubtedly be the most important and at thesame time the most sensitive branch of current and future trends that affect the demand andsupply of tourism products and services. The main goal of this paper is to examine the impactof specific global trends on structural market changes in the demand for tourism, which is aprerequisite for the development of new trends in tourism. This research addresses the globalstatus and trends of tourism, the contribution of the tourism sector to employment, grossdomestic product and overall economic progress globally. The effects on tourism as a resultof the development of global trends are further covered. However, globalization is a kind ofphenomenon that has contributed to the mutual connection between the countries of the world

    The relationship between consumer ethnocentrism, cosmopolitanism and product country image among younger generation consumers: the moderating role of country development status

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    Although the differences between developed and developing countries have been extensively studied in the context of globalization strategies, few studies have so far been conducted on the relationship between country development status and the possession by countries of a favorable (or unfavorable) product country image (PCI). Moreover, the results of such studies to date have been inconclusive. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the moderating role of country developmental status on PCI coupled with two antecedents of PCI, namely consumer ethnocentrism and cosmopolitanism. The paper also distinguishes between the PCI of the home and foreign country images of respondents. We test a new model that incorporates these constructs with a sample of 2655 younger generation consumers. The results show that country development status moderates some relationships but does not moderate others. These findings have significant implications for international companies from both developed and developing countries when developing global strategy

    The relationship between consumer ethnocentrism, cosmopolitanism and product country image among younger generation consumers: the moderating role of country development status

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    Although the differences between developed and developing countries have been extensively studied in the context of globalization strategies, few studies have so far been conducted on the relationship between country development status and the possession by countries of a favorable (or unfavorable) product country image (PCI). Moreover, the results of such studies to date have been inconclusive. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the moderating role of country developmental status on PCI coupled with two antecedents of PCI, namely consumer ethnocentrism and cosmopolitanism. The paper also distinguishes between the PCI of the home and foreign country images of respondents. We test a new model that incorporates these constructs with a sample of 2655 younger generation consumers. The results show that country development status moderates some relationships but does not moderate others. These findings have significant implications for international companies from both developed and developing countries when developing global strategy

    Bolstering Global Trade: Governance A Work Program for the WTO presented by the High-Level Board of Experts on the Future of Global Trade Governance

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    The WTO provides the foundation of the rules-based global trading system that has played a critical role in sup- porting growth in global GDP during recent decades. Preserving the salience of the WTO is vital in managing the adjustment pressures from globalization and sustaining the cooperation needed to govern trade relations in a world in which the transformation towards a global digital economy and associated servicification of production creates new policy challenges. Efforts to address these challenges are stymied by disagreements between WTO members regarding the priorities for the multilateral trading system. These disagreements reflect differences in views on the extent to which national policies have adverse international effects and the costs and benefits of ne- gotiating additional trade policy rules. The result has been to impede progress on rule-making for both long- standing core policies of concern to many WTO members (e.g., agriculture) as well as new policy areas. Matters have been compounded by dissatisfaction by some Members regarding the functioning of the WTO dispute set- tlement body and transparency mechanisms. While preferential trade agreements are important complementary vehicles for countries to pursue deeper coop- eration on trade policy matters than has been possible in the WTO, such initiatives depend on the strong foundation of basic rules provided by the WTO. Moreover, they only offer partial solutions – many of the emerging policy areas of concern to business and civil society call for multilateral cooperation. Re-vitalizing such coopera- tion does not require major changes in the organization. What is needed is willingness to engage in candid, substantive discussion of perceived problems and possible solutions. The recent Agreement on Trade Facilitation, with its positive approach to addressing development concerns, and the success of Members in incrementally deepening cooperation on some matters under the purview of some WTO agreements – e.g., addressing specific trade concerns arising from proposed new product regulations – show that WTO Members can innovate and agree to common approaches towards trade policies while recogniz- ing differences in social preferences and national circumstances

    Stakeholders of product management in case companies

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    Abstract. In the current markets, the demand for new products and services have emerged as a consequence of globalization and with it, a healthy competition for market shares and product positioning arise, which have led to technological innovation of products and services. The companies are in a constant search to achieve the maximization of their profits and for that, they have adapted different measures that will improve the development of their current products and the new ones. Product Management comprises the matters related to the proficiency of the product development through the lifecycle of a product. Product Managers are responsible for several processes that encompasses not only matters directed to the product itself but also related to different functions in a company and the management of the product portfolio. Each company possess a unique set of stakeholders which complements the activities of the product managers. The aim of this Master’s Thesis research is to analyze the practices of Product Management in seven case companies and how the identification of the stakeholders that are part of the daily activities of a Product Manager can improve their role. Within this research study, three research questions were set to encompass the objectives and scope which are: 1. How can the stakeholders be analyzed in product management? 2. Who are the key stakeholders of product management in the case companies? 3. What is the development approach for product management in the Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs)? The research review literature related to Product Management which emphasized New Product Development (NPD), Product Portfolio Management (PPM) and Stakeholder Approach which delve with Stakeholder Management and Stakeholder Theory related to the Identification, Classification and Salience assessment of the stakeholders. The study discusses the role of the Product Managers and how the identification of stakeholders in the seven case companies is carried out. The results of the research indicate that among the Finnish companies a thorough process of the identification of the Stakeholders of Product Management has not been extended as a common practice. Additionally, the key stakeholders of the Case Companies have been identified as well as the active role of a Product Manager. This research study provides an extensive review of the literature and the key elements to construct a framework based on the Product Management activities which emphasizes the Stakeholder Identification, Classification and Salience assessment that leads to the correct management of the stakeholders in the companies. Salience in the Product Management Stakeholders is a subject that should be researched further.TiivistelmĂ€. Globalisaation myötĂ€ uusien tuotteiden ja palveluiden kysyntĂ€ nykyisillĂ€ markkinoilla on kasvanut. Se on synnyttĂ€nyt tervettĂ€ kilpailua markkinaosuuksista ja tuotteiden asemoinnista, joka puolestaan on johtanut tuotteiden ja palveluiden teknologiseen innovointiin. Yritykset etsivĂ€t jatkuvasti keinoja tuloksen maksimointiin parantamalla nykyisten ja uusien tuotteiden kehittĂ€mistĂ€ eri tavoin. Tuotehallinta kĂ€sittÀÀ tuotekehitykseen liittyvĂ€n osaamiseen koko tuotteen elinkaaren ajan. TuotepÀÀlliköt ovat vastuussa useista prosesseista, jotka liittyvĂ€t tuotteiden lisĂ€ksi myös muihin yrityksen prosesseihin ja tuoteportfolion hallintaan. Sidosryhmien vaikutus tuotepÀÀllikön tehtĂ€viin on yrityskohtaista. TĂ€mĂ€n diplomityön tavoitteena on analysoida tuotehallinnan kĂ€ytĂ€ntöjĂ€ seitsemĂ€ssĂ€ case-yrityksessĂ€ ja selvittÀÀ miten tuotepÀÀllikön pĂ€ivittĂ€isiin tehtĂ€viin kuuluvaa sidosryhmien tunnistamista voidaan kehittÀÀ. Tutkimukselle on asetettu kolme tutkimuskysymystĂ€, joiden avulla selvitetÀÀn: 1. Miten tuotehallinnan sidosryhmiĂ€ analysoidaan? 2. MitkĂ€ ovat tuotehallinnan tĂ€rkeimpiĂ€ sidosryhmiĂ€ case-yrityksissĂ€? 3. MikĂ€ on pienten ja keskisuurten yritysten tuotehallinnan kehitysmalli? Tuotehallintaan liittyvĂ€ssĂ€ kirjallisuuskatsauksessa korostuu uusien tuotteiden tuotekehitys (NPD), tuoteportfolion hallinta (PPM) ja Stakeholder Approach, joka paneutuu sidosryhmien hallintaan ja sidosryhmĂ€teoriaan liittyen sidosryhmien tunnistamiseen, luokitteluun ja niiden tĂ€rkeyden arviointiin. Tutkimus kĂ€sittelee tuotepÀÀllikön roolia ja sitĂ€, miten sidosryhmien identifiointia toteutetaan seitsemĂ€ssĂ€ case-yrityksessĂ€. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, ettĂ€ suomalaisissa yrityksissĂ€ tuotehallinnan sidosryhmien tunnistamiseen ei ole yleiseksi laajentunutta kĂ€ytĂ€ntöÀ. LisĂ€ksi tutkimus osoittaa, ettĂ€ case-yritykset ovat tunnistaneet tĂ€rkeimmĂ€t sidosryhmĂ€t ja ymmĂ€rtĂ€neet tuotepÀÀllikön roolin. TĂ€mĂ€ tutkimus esittÀÀ laajan katsauksen kirjallisuuteen ja tĂ€rkeimmĂ€t elementit tuotehallinnan tehtĂ€vien viitekehyksen rakentamiseen, joka korostaa sidosryhmien tunnistamista ja luokittelua sekĂ€ niiden tĂ€rkeyden arviointia, joiden avulla sidosryhmiĂ€ voidaan hallita oikein yrityksissĂ€. Jatkotutkimusaiheeksi tunnistetaan tuotannon sidosryhmien tĂ€rkeys, jota tulisi tutkia edelleen


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    The globalization of the business environment over the last decades and the increase of the competition between global retail firms have forced the companies to reorganize their internal organization and some functions that were support activities in the past have now become strategic primary functions. The purchasing department is one of these functions. This thesis is studying how the purchasing function is incrementally integrating marketing aspects in order to be a driver of product innovation inside FMCG companies. Much has been studied in the literature about the interaction between the purchasing and marketing department, but the integration of marketing aspects in the function has been globally understudied. Previous studies have also proved that the purchasing department has to be involved in the new product development and the capture of innovation. However this study aims to explore the causal relation between theses two aspects, meaning how the integration of marketing aspects in the purchasing function is enhancing product innovation. From a theoretical point of view, a literature review has been conducted concerning the concepts of purchasing, marketing and innovation and how theses concepts are connected with each other, in order to have a better global understanding of the key elements. From an empirical point of view, the study case analyses the role of the purchasing function in product innovation for four Fast Moving Consumer Goods companies in France by interviewing eight respondents. This study case highlights why the marketing aspects are now intrinsic to the purchasing function and how this integration is enhancing the capture of product innovation. The main finding is that nowadays a buyer in the retail sector has to have a very strong customer (or market) orientation in order to be able to find successful product innovation. Finally the thesis makes a contribution to the existing literature by proposing a new definition of the purchasing function towards product innovation. This new definition is drawn in the form of a summary scheme.fi=OpinnÀytetyö kokotekstinÀ PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=LÀrdomsprov tillgÀngligt som fulltext i PDF-format
