19 research outputs found

    Parallel algorithm for the matrix chain product problem

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    This paper considers the problem of finding an optimal order of the multiplication chain of matrices. All parallel algorithms known use the dynamic programming approach and run in a polylogarithmic time using, in the best case, n6/log6n processors. Our algorithm uses a different approach and reduces the problem to computing some recurrence on a tree. We show that this recurrence can be optimally solved which enables us to improve the parallel bound by a few factors. Our algorithm runs in O (log3n) time using n2/log3n processors on a CREW PRAM and O(log2n log log n) time using n2/(log2n log log n)processors on a CRCW PRAM. This algorithm solves also the problem of finding an optimal triangulation in a convex polygon. We show that for a monotone polygon this result can be even improved to get an O(log2n) time and n processor algorithm on a CREW PRAM

    Faster optimal univariate microgaggregation

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    Microaggregation is a method to coarsen a dataset, by optimally clustering data points in groups of at least kk points, thereby providing a kk-anonymity type disclosure guarantee for each point in the dataset. Previous algorithms for univariate microaggregation had a O(kn)O(k n) time complexity. By rephrasing microaggregation as an instance of the concave least weight subsequence problem, in this work we provide improved algorithms that provide an optimal univariate microaggregation on sorted data in O(n)O(n) time and space. We further show that our algorithms work not only for sum of squares cost functions, as typically considered, but seamlessly extend to many other cost functions used for univariate microaggregation tasks. In experiments we show that the presented algorithms lead to real world performance improvements

    Distribution-aware compressed full-text indexes

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    In this paper we address the problem of building a compressed self-index that, given a distribution for the pattern queries and a bound on the space occupancy, minimizes the expected query time within that index space bound. We solve this problem by exploiting a reduction to the problem of finding a minimum weight K-link path in a properly designed Directed Acyclic Graph. Interestingly enough, our solution can be used with any compressed index based on the Burrows-Wheeler transform. Our experiments compare this optimal strategy with several other known approaches, showing its effectiveness in practice

    On the Fine-Grained Complexity of Least Weight Subsequence in Multitrees and Bounded Treewidth DAGs

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