139 research outputs found

    Counting Protocols for Reliable End-to-End Transmission

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    AbstractWe present and analyze the performance of two newcounting protocols. Counting protocols use bounded headers yet provide a reliable FIFO channel in a computer network in which packets may be lost or delivered out of order. Using the classic alternating bit protocol as a basis, we derive two counting protocols: (i) theone-bit protocolwhich uses one bit headers and sends one packet per message under ideal conditions, but performs extremely poorly in networks with realistic loss rates and (ii) themode protocolwhich uses multiple-bit headers and whose performance improves as more bits are used in the header

    Bounded Protocols for Efficient Reliable Message Transmission

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    In the reliable message transmission problem (RMTP) processors communicate by exchanging messages, but the channel that connects two processors is subject to message loss, duplication, and reordering. Previous work focused on proposing protocols in asynchronous systems, where message size is finite and sequence numbers are bounded. However, if the channel can duplicate messages, lose messages, and arbitrarily reorder the messages, the problem is unsolvable. In this thesis, we consider a strengthening of the asynchronous model in which reordering of messages is bounded. In this model, we develop two efficient protocols to solve the RMTP: (1) when messages may be duplicated but not lost and (2) when messages may be duplicated and lost. This result is in contrast to the impossibility of such an algorithm when reordering is unbounded. Our protocols have the pleasing property that no messages need to be sent from the receiver to the sender

    Master index volumes 31–40

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    High speed all optical networks

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    An inherent problem of conventional point-to-point wide area network (WAN) architectures is that they cannot translate optical transmission bandwidth into comparable user available throughput due to the limiting electronic processing speed of the switching nodes. The first solution to wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) based WAN networks that overcomes this limitation is presented. The proposed Lightnet architecture takes into account the idiosyncrasies of WDM switching/transmission leading to an efficient and pragmatic solution. The Lightnet architecture trades the ample WDM bandwidth for a reduction in the number of processing stages and a simplification of each switching stage, leading to drastically increased effective network throughputs. The principle of the Lightnet architecture is the construction and use of virtual topology networks, embedded in the original network in the wavelength domain. For this construction Lightnets utilize the new concept of lightpaths which constitute the links of the virtual topology. Lightpaths are all-optical, multihop, paths in the network that allow data to be switched through intermediate nodes using high throughput passive optical switches. The use of the virtual topologies and the associated switching design introduce a number of new ideas, which are discussed in detail

    Distributed Runtime Verification Under Partial Synchrony

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    In this paper, we study the problem of runtime verification of distributed applications that do not share a global clock with respect to specifications in the linear temporal logics (LTL). Our proposed method distinguishes from the existing work in three novel ways. First, we make a practical assumption that the distributed system under scrutiny is augmented with a clock synchronization algorithm that guarantees bounded clock skew among all processes. Second, we do not make any assumption about the structure of predicates that form LTL formulas. This relaxation allows us to monitor a wide range of applications that was not possible before. Subsequently, we propose a distributed monitoring algorithm by employing SMT solving techniques. Third, given the fact that distributed applications nowadays run on massive cloud services, we extend our solution to a parallel monitoring algorithm to utilize the available computing infrastructure. We report on rigorous synthetic as well as real-world case studies and demonstrate that scalable online monitoring of distributed applications is within our reach

    Semantic-Preserving Transformations for Stream Program Orchestration on Multicore Architectures

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    Because the demand for high performance with big data processing and distributed computing is increasing, the stream programming paradigm has been revisited for its abundance of parallelism in virtue of independent actors that communicate via data channels. The synchronous data-flow (SDF) programming model is frequently adopted with stream programming languages for its convenience to express stream programs as a set of nodes connected by data channels. Static data-rates of SDF programming model enable program transformations that greatly improve the performance of SDF programs on multicore architectures. The major application domain is for SDF programs are digital signal processing, audio, video, graphics kernels, networking, and security. This thesis makes the following three contributions that improve the performance of SDF programs: First, a new intermediate representation (IR) called LaminarIR is introduced. LaminarIR replaces FIFO queues with direct memory accesses to reduce the data communication overhead and explicates data dependencies between producer and consumer nodes. We provide transformations and their formal semantics to convert conventional, FIFO-queue based program representations to LaminarIR. Second, a compiler framework to perform sound and semantics-preserving program transformations from FIFO semantics to LaminarIR. We employ static program analysis to resolve token positions in FIFO queues and replace them by direct memory accesses. Third, a communication-cost-aware program orchestration method to establish a foundation of LaminarIR parallelization on multicore architectures. The LaminarIR framework, which consists of the aforementioned contributions together with the benchmarks that we used with the experimental evaluation, has been open-sourced to advocate further research on improving the performance of stream programming languages

    Elasticity and Petri nets

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    Digital electronic systems typically use synchronous clocks and primarily assume fixed duration of their operations to simplify the design process. Time elastic systems can be constructed either by replacing the clock with communication handshakes (asynchronous version) or by augmenting the clock with a synchronous version of a handshake (synchronous version). Time elastic systems can tolerate static and dynamic changes in delays (asynchronous case) or latencies (synchronous case) of operations that can be used for modularity, ease of reuse and better power-delay trade-off. This paper describes methods for the modeling, performance analysis and optimization of elastic systems using Marked Graphs and their extensions capable of describing behavior with early evaluation. The paper uses synchronous elastic systems (aka latency-tolerant systems) for illustrating the use of Petri nets, however, most of the methods can be applied without changes (except changing the delay model associated with events of the system) to asynchronous elastic systems.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Eulerian Paths with Regular Constraints

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    Labeled graphs, in which edges are labeled by letters from some alphabet Sigma, are extensively used to model many types of relations associated with actions, costs, owners, or other properties. Each path in a labeled graph induces a word in Sigma^* -- the one obtained by concatenating the letters along the edges in the path. Classical graph-theory problems give rise to new problems that take these words into account. We introduce and study the constrained Eulerian path problem. The input to the problem is a Sigma-labeled graph G and a specification L subseteq Sigma^*. The goal is to find an Eulerian path in G that satisfies L. We consider several classes of the problem, defined by the classes of G and L. We focus on the case L is regular and show that while the problem is in general NP-complete, even for very simple graphs and specifications, there are classes that can be solved efficiently. Our results extend work on Eulerian paths with edge-order constraints. We also study the constrained Chinese postman problem, where edges have costs and the goal is to find a cheapest path that contains each edge at least once and satisfies the specification. Finally, we define and study the Eulerian language of a graph, namely the set of words along its Eulerian paths

    Protocols for collaborative applications on overlay networks.

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    Third, we address the limitations of traditional multicasting models. Towards this, we propose a model where a source node has different switching time for each child node and the message arrival time at each child depends on the order in which the source chooses to send the messages. This model captures the heterogeneous nature of communication links and node hardware on the overlay network. Given a multicast tree with link delays and generalized switching delay vectors at each non-leaf node, we provide an algorithm which schedules the message delivery at each non-leaf node in order to minimize the delay of the multicast tree.First, we consider the floor control problem wherein the participating users coordinate among themselves to gain exclusive access to the communication channel. To solve the floor control problem, we present an implementation and evaluation of distributed Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols on overlay networks. As an initial step in the implementation of these MAC protocols, we propose an algorithm to construct an efficient communication channel among the participating users in the overlay network. We also show that our implementation scheme (one of the first among decentralized floor control protocols) preserves the causal ordering of messages.Our research is focused on the development of algorithms for the construction of overlay networks that meet the demands of the distributed applications. In addition, we have provided network protocols that can be executed on these overlay networks for a chosen set of collaborative applications: floor control and multicasting. Our contribution in this research is four fold.Fourth, we address the problem of finding an arbitrary application designer specific overlay network on the Internet. This problem is equivalent to the problem of subgraph homeomorphism and it is NP-Complete. We have designed a polynomial-time algorithm to determine if a delay constrained multicasting tree (call it a guest) can be homeomorphically embedded in a general network (call it a host). A delay constrained multicasting tree is a tree wherein the link weights correspond to the maximum allowable delay between the end nodes of the link and in addition, the link of the guest should be mapped to a shortest path in the host. Such embeddings will allow distributed application to be executed in such a way that application specific quality-of-service demands can be met. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)Second, we address the problem of designing multicasting sub-network for collaborative applications using which messages are required to arrive at the destinations within a specified delay bound and all the destinations must receive the message from a source at 'approximately' the same time. The problem of finding a multicasting sub-network with delay and delay-variation bound has been proved to be NP-Complete in the literature and several heuristics have been proposed
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