1,454 research outputs found

    Digital training in the aeronautical industry:measuring the usability of two mobile applications

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    The air traffic control industry is highly regulated, with stringent processes and procedures to ensure that IP (Intellectual Property) and workplaces are kept secure. The training of air traffic controllers (ATCs) and other roles relating to air traffic services is a lengthy and expensive process. The rate in which trainees can be trained is projected to fall significantly short of the demand for staff to work in the air traffic industry. This paper focuses on two prototype mobile training applications - Location Indicators (LI) and the Aircraft Control Positions Operator (ACPO) Starter Pack. LI and the ACPO Starter Pack have been produced to explore how air traffic control training could be improved and supported using digital applications. Each application explores a key learning area for trainees in the air traffic control industry and presents an alternative to the equivalent training that is currently in use. The two prototypes that have been designed focus on producing a succinct user experience alongside gamified elements to improve engagement. As part of this paper, usability testing has been undertaken with LI and the ACPO Starter Pack. A total of nine usability tests have been undertaken at four different locations. These usability tests consisted of participants from differing demographics, varying experience with the current training and differing amounts of time with both applications. The System Usability Scale (SUS) was adapted and used to quantify participant’s reactions to the usability of each application. Usability scores for both applications were collected and then averaged to produce an overall score for each application. We can conclude from both usability scores and qualitative feedback that digital applications have the potential to engage future trainees in the air traffic services industry

    Synthetic Vision Enhanced Surface Operations and Flight Procedures Rehearsal Tool

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    Limited visibility has been cited as predominant causal factor for both Controlled-Flight-Into-Terrain (CFIT) and runway incursion accidents. NASA is conducting research and development of Synthetic Vision Systems (SVS) technologies which may potentially mitigate low visibility conditions as a causal factor to these accidents while replicating the operational benefits of clear day flight operations, regardless of the actual outside visibility condition. Two experimental evaluation studies were performed to determine the efficacy of two concepts: 1) head-worn display application of SVS technology to enhance transport aircraft surface operations, and 2) three-dimensional SVS electronic flight bag display concept for flight plan preview, mission rehearsal and controller-pilot data link communications interface of flight procedures. In the surface operation study, pilots evaluated two display devices and four display modes during taxi under unlimited and CAT II visibility conditions. In the mission rehearsal study, pilots flew approaches and departures in an operationally-challenged airport environment, including CFIT scenarios. Performance using the SVS concepts was compared to traditional baseline displays with paper charts only or EFB information. In general, the studies evince the significant situation awareness and enhanced operational capabilities afforded from these advanced SVS display concepts. The experimental results and conclusions from these studies are discussed along with future directions

    Audio Focus: Interactive spatial sound coupled with haptics to improve sound source location in poor visibility

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    International audienceIn an effort to simplify human resource management and reduce costs, control towers are now more and more designed to not be implanted directly on the airport but remotely. This concept, known as Remote Control Tower, offers a “digital” working context because the view on the runways is broadcast remotely via cameras, which are located on the physical airport. This offers researchers and engineers the possibility to develop novel interaction techniques. But this technology relies on the sense of sight, which is largely used to give the operator information and interaction, and which is now becoming overloaded. In this paper, we focus on the design and the testing of new interaction forms that rely on the human senses of hearing and touch. More precisely, our study aims at quantifying the contribution of a multimodal interaction technique based on spatial sound and vibrotactile feedback to improve aircraft location. Applied to Remote Tower environment, the final purpose is to enhance Air Traffic Controller's perception and increase safety. Three different interaction modalities have been compared by involving 22 Air Traffic Controllers in a simulated environment. The experimental task consisted in locating aircraft in different airspace positions by using the senses of hearing and touch through two visibility conditions. In the first modality (spatial sound only), the sound sources (e.g. aircraft) had the same amplification factor. In the second modality (called Audio Focus), the amplification factor of the sound sources located along the participant's head sagittal axis was increased, while the intensity of the sound sources located outside this axis was decreased. In the last modality, Audio Focus was coupled with vibrotactile feedback to indicate in addition the vertical positions of aircraft. Behavioral (i.e. accuracy and response times measurements) and subjective (i.e. questionnaires) results showed significantly higher performance in poor visibility when using Audio Focus interaction. In particular, interactive spatial sound gave the participants notably higher accuracy in degraded visibility compared to spatial sound only. This result was even better when coupled with vibrotactile feedback. Meanwhile, response times were significantly longer when using Audio Focus modality (coupled with vibrotactile feedback or not), while remaining acceptably short. This study can be seen as the initial step in the development of a novel interaction technique that uses sound as a means of location when the sense of sight alone is not enough

    The TASAR Project: Launching Aviation on an Optimized Route Toward Aircraft Autonomy

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    The Traffic Aware Strategic Aircrew Request (TASAR) concept applies onboard automation for the purpose of advising the pilot of route modifications that would be beneficial to the flight. Leveraging onboard computing platforms with connectivity to avionics and diverse data sources on and off the aircraft, TASAR introduces a new, powerful capability for in-flight trajectory management to the cockpit and its flight crew that is anticipated to induce a significant culture change in airspace operations. Flight crews empowered by TASAR and its derivative technologies could transform from todays flight plan followers to proactive trajectory managers, taking an initial critical step towards increasing autonomy in the airspace system. TASAR was developed as a catalyst for operational autonomy, a future vision where the responsibilities and authorities of trajectory management reside with the aircraft operator and are distributed among participating aircraft, thus fulfilling a vision dating back decades and enabling a fully scalable airspace system. This NASA Technical Paper maps TASAR to its foundational vision and traces its research and development from initial concept generation to an operational evaluation by a U.S. airline in revenue service, the final stage before technology transfer and commercialization

    Initial Implementation and Operational Use of TASAR in Alaska Airlines Flight Operations

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    NASA has been developing and testing the Traffic Aware Strategic Aircrew Requests (TASAR) concept for aircraft operations featuring a NASA-developed cockpit automation tool, the Traffic Aware Planner (TAP), which computes route changes compatible with nearby traffic and airspace constraints to improve flight efficiency. The TAP technology is anticipated to save fuel, flight time, and operating costs and thereby provide immediate and pervasive benefits to the aircraft operator. Alaska Airlines is partnered with NASA to implement and evaluate TASAR in revenue service. This paper will describe activities undertaken to achieve TASAR operational status at Alaska Airlines, and it will present preliminary results from initial flight operations

    Collaborative Audio Transcription and Repair as a Method for Novice Pilots to Learn Approach Briefing Crew Resource Management (CRM) Skills

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    The growth of aviation in scope, scale, and complexity increases the demands for student learning, including crew resource management (CRM) skills. Instructor facilitated methods have proven effective for CRM skill learning. This study investigated a method of collaborative audio transcription and repair based learning (CTRBL) offering the potential for reduced demand upon instructor resources for CRM learning. The theorybased CTRBL method was used in this study as a way for novice pilots to learn the CRM skill of conducting a crew approach briefing with a focus on risk mitigation. Learning methods used to develop the CTRBL method were drawn from facilitated scenario-based training in aviation, instructional methods in language learning, and discourse analysis in aviation. The CTRBL method effectiveness was evaluated by a quasi-experimental method using 42 participants formed into 21 dyadic groups. The results suggest that CTRBL is a manageable, independent student activity that is perceived by learners to be nearly as enjoyable as comparable ground-based CRM learning methods. Participants self-rated their post-treatment crew briefings higher than their pre-treatment briefings, and subject matter experts rated post-treatment crew briefings higher than pre-treatment briefings, suggesting the CTRBL method resulted in learning. Recommendations are made for future applications and research of CTRBL

    Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Delegation of Separation in NextGen Airspace

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    The purpose of this thesis was to determine the feasibility of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) performing delegated separation in the national airspace system (NAS). Delegated separation is the transfer of responsibility for maintaining separation between aircraft or vehicles from air navigation service providers to the relevant pilot or flight operator. The effects of delegated separation and traffic display information level were collected through performance, workload, and situation awareness measures. The results of this study showed benefits related to the use of conflict detection alerts being shown on the UAS operator\u27s cockpit situation display (CSD) and to the use of full delegation. Overall, changing the level of separation responsibility and adding conflict detection alerts on the CSD were not found to have an adverse effect on performance as shown by the low amounts of losses of separation. The use of conflict detection alerts on the CSD and full delegation responsibilities given to the UAS operator were found to create significantly reduced workload, significantly increased situation awareness and significantly easier communications between the UAS operator and air traffic controller without significantly increasing the amount of losses of separation
