514,081 research outputs found

    A platform for enterprise-wide healthcare knowledge management

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    The importance of effective information and knowledge management in enterprises has spurred the development of numerous information and knowledge management software.Whilst emphasis is placed on effective document management, the essence of knowledge management is diluted as the focus is presently on managing uninterpreted data and information in document-type formats.To address this issue of the lack of true knowledge management in enterprises, especially in healthcare enterprises, we propose a Platform for Enterprise-Wide Healthcare Knowledge Management (KM-Platform).This platform is made up of two suites of applications and services, i.e. the Intelligent Agent-Based Knowledge Management Application Suite and the Strategic Visualisation, Planning and Coalition Formation Service Suite

    Risk management in the management control system in Polish local government units : assumptions and practice

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    The issues related to management control and risk management are related not only to the safe operation of a given organization, but also contribute to ensuring the continuity of its operations. The main purpose of this article is to present the general principles of the organization of the management control and risk management system and to check the knowledge of its essence and principles by the employees of local government units. In the empirical part of the article, the method of desk research was used, as well as a questionnaire, which check the knowledge of rules and procedures by local government units’ employees. The research results show that the understanding of the essence and principles of management control system and risk management by employees is incomplete. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct training in the field, increasing the knowledge of the management control system. This is important because a properly functioning management control system may contribute to the improvement of public service provision, better use of resources, and may also prevent wastage

    Modelling process knowledge in architectural design: A case-based approach

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    The paper presents on-going research aimed at the understanding and support of process knowledge in architectural design, from early and not sufficiently defined, to satisfactorily-defined phases. Today, technical, planning, management and environmental issues have created a scenario of such complexity that traditionally efficient control tools (e.g. technical manuals) are inadequate and there is a demand for new, integrated instruments to handle the decision process underlying architectural design. We assume design as a recursive and incrementally specified intentional planning activity, involving goals, constraints and their relationships. The essence of architectural design is thus encapsulated in the continual recursive transformation of the initial model, in order to map the desired state onto the enacted one. On the basis of this concept of design we describe the model of an environment aimed at progressively representing the enlarging space of acquired knowledge, and at supporting the designer's central role in the management of complexity

    Strategic knowledge management : a conceptual framework

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    A conceptual model of Strategic Knowledge: Management (SKM) is presented as the main result of a research concluded in 2004, which aimed to develop a conceptual mode! of SKM. Thus, this paper, complete its model and establish the difference between Strategic Knowledge Management (SKM) and Knowledge Strategic Management (KSM). Using the inductive and deductive methods simultaneously, the methodology consisted of integrating general models of knowledge management with different strategic perspectives. Results seem to indicate a new topic of study in the organizational context, bringing together Business, Information Science and Psychology. In this regard, the model built up comprises three basic parts, namely: management features, kinds of knowledge and strategic issues. The research results point out the difference between SKM and KSM, based on its essence

    A phenomenological study of the impact of knowledge intensity and environmental velocity on in source or hosted contact centres.

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    Contact centres exist in order to focus the final step of the intra organisational value chain which then delivers optimalcustomer satisfaction. In this paper we analyse a centre with a view to investigating the impact of outsourcing or the inhouselocus of provision. Such centres exhibit agency/principal characteristics, bringing knowledge management into sharp focus, aspects of information intensity which impact on the organisational dynamics, and the learning of the employees. A phenomenological approach to determine the essence of the activities was deployed rather than a methodological initiative based post positivistic strategic analysis. The characteristics of contact centres investigated coalesce into two distinct categories; a framework to depict this is presented


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    Scientists and practitioners have developed and continue to refine methodologies of knowledge management with the aim to implement it into practice of public organisations. In recent studies, there has been an emphasis on the development of what can be considered a transdisciplinary approach in knowledge production and usage, where knowledge management, its theories, principles and practices are advanced. The aim of this study is to review the conceptual foundations of knowledge and knowledge management by advancing the conception of knowledge management in the context of transdisciplinary approach. The authors give an overview of the forms, levels and categories of knowledge. The increasing emphasis placed on knowledge in an organisational context has given rise to a new manifestation of capital which occurs as human or structural intellectual capital. By analysing theories on the essence of knowledge management, the viewpoint formed that knowledge management within an organisation should be viewed through the transdisciplinary approach, namely, production of knowledge that rises above disciplines should be done by collaboration of both academic and nonacademic representatives, who offer a new compass and map for complex problem solving

    Компетенция как объект стратегического управления знаниями предприятия

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    Визначено сутність стратегічного управління знаннями підприємства та компетенції підприємства. Визначено місце компетенції в системі елементів стратегічного управління знаннями підприємства. Встановлено взаємозв’язок елементів стратегічного управління знаннями підприємства. Запропоновано послідовність імплементації стратегічного управління знаннями в діяльність підприємства.The purpose of the article is to determine the essence of competence of the enterprise and investigate its role and position as an object of strategic knowledge management of enterprise. Scientific novelty of the research is to determine essence of strategic knowledge management of enterprise and competence of enterprise. The competence of enterprise as a unique combination of knowledge, skills, experience and institutional linkages, which together with the resources and technologies forms competitive advantages of the enterprise and ensure its market success. The place of competence in the system of elements of strategic knowledge management of enterprise is determined. The relationship of elements of strategic knowledge management of enterprise is set. The practical value of the investigations is to generate a sequence of implementation of strategic knowledge management activities of the enterprise, determining the stages of such іmplementation. As a conclusion it should be noted that forming of competence of the enterprise is a result of obtaining, transforming and context using of knowledge that occurs at certain stages of the cycle of knowledge and resulting from the strategy of knowledge management of enterprise. Competence plays a dual role in the strategic management of enterprise knowledge. On the one side, it is an object of strategic knowledge management of enterprise, on the other — its main result which create innovative products with new consumer properties.Определена сущность стратегического управления знаниями предприятия и компетенции предприятия. Определено место компетенции в системе элементов стратегического управления знаниями предприятия. Установлена взаимосвязь элементов стратегического управления знаниями предприятия. Предложена последовательность имплементации стратегического управления знаниями в деятельность предприятия

    The role of pedagogical management in the blended learning system of higher education in the Russian Federation

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    This research contributes to the study of pedagogical management in the blended learning system, which has become especially widespread within the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Pedagogical management is the process of managing the pedagogical process, which creates conditions for students to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with their qualifications. The article deals with the essence of pedagogical management in the context of teaching students of higher education institutions

    The Long Way of Knowledge Society

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    I think, therefore I am. Our ancestors said Cogito, ergo sum, in a Latin form of Rene Descartes' expression "Je pense, donc je suis", in Discourse on Method (1637). The same did Thomas Davenport, when gave his book the title Thinking for a living. Probably he didn't prefer the direct form in English of the above mentioned expression: "I think, therefore I am", but one that in essence is more poetical and more anchored in the reality of the third millennium's early days, in the way that only thinking we can exist. The title is also a commercial one, because the previous ten books also basically referred to knowing or knowledge. They used the research done in the following fields: knowledge management, process management and innovation. The opening of his last book, a best seller of 2005, is also interesting. The author gives the first chapter the title 'What's a Knowledge Worker, Anyway?". We could draw the conclusion that after so much effort, including a publishing one, the author remains with the doubt on the terminology so much used at the end of the 2nd millennium and the beginning of the 3rd one or leaves an open way to the next volumes. It is not by chance that there are voices that say he might be the next Peter Drucker. The last one said that the future society would be the knowledge society (see also Managing in the Next Society, 2002).society, knowledge

    О создании подсистемы управления знаниеориентированными активами предприятия

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    В статье раскрыта сущность понятия «знаниеориентированные активы». Выделены уровни и источники создания знаниеориентированных активов. Разработана классификация знаниеориентированных активов предприятия. Обоснована необходимость создания подсистемы управления знаниеориентированными активами в системе управления предприятием. Выявлены трудности, связанные с управлением знаниеориентированными активами и определены субъекты управления. Обозначены задачи подсистемы управления знаниеориентированными активами.У статті розкрито сутність поняття «знанняорієнтовані активи». Виділено рівні та джерела створення знанняорієнтованих активів. Розроблено класифікацію знанняорієнтованих активів підприємства. Обґрунтовано необхідність створення підсистеми управління знанняорієнтованими активами в системі управління підприємством. Виявлено труднощі, пов'язані з управлінням знанняорієнтованими активами та визначено суб'єкти управління. Позначено завдання підсистеми управління знанняорієнтованими активами.The article defines the concept of "knowledge-oriented assets" as individual and collective knowledge for use in the interests of the company, capable of bringing economic benefits to the organization. The creation levels of knowledge-oriented assets - individual, group and organizational have been highlighted. The classification of knowledge-oriented assets of the enterprise have been developed. The essence of knowledgeoriented assets in the form of assets of business processes, assets corporate culture and assets of the knowledge holders have been disclosed. The creation of the sources of these assets have been marked. The characteristics of knowledge-oriented assets in terms of their relevance to the company have been represented. The essence of encrypted and unencrypted knowledge-oriented assets of the enterprise have been disclosed. The necessity of creating a knowledge-oriented assets management subsystem assets in management system of the enterprise have been substantiated. The subjects of management of knowledge-oriented assets have been revealed. The tasks control subsystem of knowledge-oriented assets have been denoted. The difficulties associated with the management of knowledge-oriented assets have been revealed. The research found that the effectiveness of this subsystem will largely depend on the degree of motivation of employees to receive and use new knowledge, as well as the coordinated work of various subsystems of the enterprise: human resources, financial, marketing and others