1,507 research outputs found

    Bao: A Lightweight Static Partitioning Hypervisor for Modern Multi-Core Embedded Systems

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    XNOR Neural Engine: a Hardware Accelerator IP for 21.6 fJ/op Binary Neural Network Inference

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    Binary Neural Networks (BNNs) are promising to deliver accuracy comparable to conventional deep neural networks at a fraction of the cost in terms of memory and energy. In this paper, we introduce the XNOR Neural Engine (XNE), a fully digital configurable hardware accelerator IP for BNNs, integrated within a microcontroller unit (MCU) equipped with an autonomous I/O subsystem and hybrid SRAM / standard cell memory. The XNE is able to fully compute convolutional and dense layers in autonomy or in cooperation with the core in the MCU to realize more complex behaviors. We show post-synthesis results in 65nm and 22nm technology for the XNE IP and post-layout results in 22nm for the full MCU indicating that this system can drop the energy cost per binary operation to 21.6fJ per operation at 0.4V, and at the same time is flexible and performant enough to execute state-of-the-art BNN topologies such as ResNet-34 in less than 2.2mJ per frame at 8.9 fps.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, 3 listings. Accepted for presentation at CODES'18 and for publication in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Circuits and Systems (TCAD) as part of the ESWEEK-TCAD special issu

    Dynamic Binary Translation for Embedded Systems with Scratchpad Memory

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    Embedded software development has recently changed with advances in computing. Rather than fully co-designing software and hardware to perform a relatively simple task, nowadays embedded and mobile devices are designed as a platform where multiple applications can be run, new applications can be added, and existing applications can be updated. In this scenario, traditional constraints in embedded systems design (i.e., performance, memory and energy consumption and real-time guarantees) are more difficult to address. New concerns (e.g., security) have become important and increase software complexity as well. In general-purpose systems, Dynamic Binary Translation (DBT) has been used to address these issues with services such as Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation, dynamic optimization, virtualization, power management and code security. In embedded systems, however, DBT is not usually employed due to performance, memory and power overhead. This dissertation presents StrataX, a low-overhead DBT framework for embedded systems. StrataX addresses the challenges faced by DBT in embedded systems using novel techniques. To reduce DBT overhead, StrataX loads code from NAND-Flash storage and translates it into a Scratchpad Memory (SPM), a software-managed on-chip SRAM with limited capacity. SPM has similar access latency as a hardware cache, but consumes less power and chip area. StrataX manages SPM as a software instruction cache, and employs victim compression and pinning to reduce retranslation cost and capture frequently executed code in the SPM. To prevent performance loss due to excessive code expansion, StrataX minimizes the amount of code inserted by DBT to maintain control of program execution. When a hardware instruction cache is available, StrataX dynamically partitions translated code among the SPM and main memory. With these techniques, StrataX has low performance overhead relative to native execution for MiBench programs. Further, it simplifies embedded software and hardware design by operating transparently to applications without any special hardware support. StrataX achieves sufficiently low overhead to make it feasible to use DBT in embedded systems to address important design goals and requirements

    Efficient and Reliable Task Scheduling, Network Reprogramming, and Data Storage for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) typically consist of a large number of resource-constrained nodes. The limited computational resources afforded by these nodes present unique development challenges. In this dissertation, we consider three such challenges. The first challenge focuses on minimizing energy usage in WSNs through intelligent duty cycling. Limited energy resources dictate the design of many embedded applications, causing such systems to be composed of small, modular tasks, scheduled periodically. In this model, each embedded device wakes, executes a task-set, and returns to sleep. These systems spend most of their time in a state of deep sleep to minimize power consumption. We refer to these systems as almost-always-sleeping (AAS) systems. We describe a series of task schedulers for AAS systems designed to maximize sleep time. We consider four scheduler designs, model their performance, and present detailed performance analysis results under varying load conditions. The second challenge focuses on a fast and reliable network reprogramming solution for WSNs based on incremental code updates. We first present VSPIN, a framework for developing incremental code update mechanisms to support efficient reprogramming of WSNs. VSPIN provides a modular testing platform on the host system to plug-in and evaluate various incremental code update algorithms. The framework supports Avrdude, among the most popular Linux-based programming tools for AVR microcontrollers. Using VSPIN, we next present an incremental code update strategy to efficiently reprogram wireless sensor nodes. We adapt a linear space and quadratic time algorithm (Hirschberg\u27s Algorithm) for computing maximal common subsequences to build an edit map specifying an edit sequence required to transform the code running in a sensor network to a new code image. We then present a heuristic-based optimization strategy for efficient edit script encoding to reduce the edit map size. Finally, we present experimental results exploring the reduction in data size that it enables. The approach achieves reductions of 99.987% for simple changes, and between 86.95% and 94.58% for more complex changes, compared to full image transmissions - leading to significantly lower energy costs for wireless sensor network reprogramming. The third challenge focuses on enabling fast and reliable data storage in wireless sensor systems. A file storage system that is fast, lightweight, and reliable across device failures is important to safeguard the data that these devices record. A fast and efficient file system enables sensed data to be sampled and stored quickly and batched for later transmission. A reliable file system allows seamless operation without disruptions due to hardware, software, or other unforeseen failures. While flash technology provides persistent storage by itself, it has limitations that prevent it from being used in mission-critical deployment scenarios. Hybrid memory models which utilize newer non-volatile memory technologies, such as ferroelectric RAM (FRAM), can mitigate the physical disadvantages of flash. In this vein, we present the design and implementation of LoggerFS, a fast, lightweight, and reliable file system for wireless sensor networks, which uses a hybrid memory design consisting of RAM, FRAM, and flash. LoggerFS is engineered to provide fast data storage, have a small memory footprint, and provide data reliability across system failures. LoggerFS adapts a log-structured file system approach, augmented with data persistence and reliability guarantees. A caching mechanism allows for flash wear-leveling and fast data buffering. We present a performance evaluation of LoggerFS using a prototypical in-situ sensing platform and demonstrate between 50% and 800% improvements for various workloads using the FRAM write-back cache over the implementation without the cache

    Self-Reliance for the Internet of Things: Blockchains and Deep Learning on Low-Power IoT Devices

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    The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) has transformed common embedded devices from isolated objects to interconnected devices, allowing multiple applications for smart cities, smart logistics, and digital health, to name but a few. These Internet-enabled embedded devices have sensors and actuators interacting in the real world. The IoT interactions produce an enormous amount of data typically stored on cloud services due to the resource limitations of IoT devices. These limitations have made IoT applications highly dependent on cloud services. However, cloud services face several challenges, especially in terms of communication, energy, scalability, and transparency regarding their information storage. In this thesis, we study how to enable the next generation of IoT systems with transaction automation and machine learning capabilities with a reduced reliance on cloud communication. To achieve this, we look into architectures and algorithms for data provenance, automation, and machine learning that are conventionally running on powerful high-end devices. We redesign and tailor these architectures and algorithms to low-power IoT, balancing the computational, energy, and memory requirements.The thesis is divided into three parts:Part I presents an overview of the thesis and states four research questions addressed in later chapters.Part II investigates and demonstrates the feasibility of data provenance and transaction automation with blockchains and smart contracts on IoT devices.Part III investigates and demonstrates the feasibility of deep learning on low-power IoT devices.We provide experimental results for all high-level proposed architectures and methods. Our results show that algorithms of high-end cloud nodes can be tailored to IoT devices, and we quantify the main trade-offs in terms of memory, computation, and energy consumption

    Self-Test Mechanisms for Automotive Multi-Processor System-on-Chips

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    Embedded Firmware Solutions

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    Verbesserung von Cloud Sicherheit mithilfe von vertrauenswürdiger Ausführung

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    The increasing popularity of cloud computing also leads to a growing demand for security guarantees in cloud settings. Cloud customers want to be able to execute sensitive data processing in clouds only if a certain level of security can be guaranteed to them despite the unlimited power of the cloud provider over her infrastructure. However, security models for cloud computing mostly require the customers to trust the provider, its infrastructure and software stack completely. While this may be viable to some, it is by far not to all customers, and in turn reduces the speed of cloud adoption. In this thesis, the applicability of trusted execution technology to increase security in a cloud scenario is elaborated, as these technologies are recently becoming widespread available even in commodity hardware. However, applications should not naively be ported completely for usage of trusted execution technology as this would affect the resulting performance and security negatively. Instead they should be carefully crafted with specific characteristics of the used trusted execution technology in mind. Therefore, this thesis first comprises the discussion of various security goals of cloud-based applications and an overview of cloud security. Furthermore, it is investigated how the ARM TrustZone technology can be used to increase security of a cloud platform for generic applications. Next, securing standalone applications using trusted execution is described at the example of Intel SGX, focussing on relevant metrics that influence security as well as performance of such an application. Also based on Intel SGX, in this thesis a design of a trusted serverless cloud platform is proposed, reflecting the latest evolution of cloud-based applications.Die steigende Popularität von Cloud Computing führt zu immer mehr Nachfrage und auch strengeren Anforderungen an die Sicherheit in der Cloud. Nur wenn trotz der technischen Möglichkeiten eines Cloud Anbieters über seine eigene Infrastruktur ein entsprechendes Maß an Sicherheit garantiert werden kann, können Cloud Kunden sensible Daten einer Cloud Umgebung anvertrauen und diese dort verarbeiten. Das vorherrschende Paradigma bezüglich Sicherheit erfordert aktuell jedoch zumeist, dass der Kunde dem Cloud Provider, dessen Infrastruktur sowie den damit verbundenen Softwarekomponenten komplett vertraut. Während diese Vorgehensweise für manche Anwendungsfälle einen gangbaren Weg darstellen mag, ist dies bei Weitem nicht für alle Cloud Kunden eine Option, was nicht zuletzt auch die Annahme von Cloud Angeboten durch potentielle Kunden verlangsamt. In dieser Dissertation wird nun die Anwendbarkeit verschiedener Technologien für vertrauenswürdige Ausführung zur Verbesserung der Sicherheit in der Cloud untersucht, da solche Technologien in letzter Zeit auch in preiswerteren Hardwarekomponenten immer verbreiteter und verfügbarer werden. Es ist jedoch keine triviale Aufgabe existierende Anwendungen zur portieren, sodass diese von solch gearteten Technologien profitieren können, insbesondere wenn neben Sicherheit auch Effizienz und Performanz der Anwendung berücksichtigt werden soll. Stattdessen müssen Anwendungen sorgfältig unter verschiedenen spezifischen Gesichtspunkten der jeweiligen Technologie umgestaltet werden. Aus diesem Grund umfasst diese Dissertation zunächst eine Diskussion verschiedener Sicherheitsziele für Cloud-basierte Anwendungen und eine Übersicht über die Thematik "Cloud Sicherheit". Zunächst wird dann das Potential der ARM TrustZone Technologie zur Absicherung einer Cloud Plattform für generische Anwendungen untersucht. Anschließend wird beschrieben wie eigenständige und bestehende Anwendungen mittels vertrauenswürdiger Ausführung am Beispiel Intel SGX abgesichert werden können. Dabei wurde der Fokus auf relevante Metriken gesetzt, die die Sicherheit und Performanz einer solchen Anwendung beeinflussen. Zuletzt wird, ebenfalls basierend auf Intel SGX, eine vertrauenswürdige "Serverless" Cloud Plattform vorgestellt und damit auf aktuelle Trends für Cloud Plattformen eingegangen

    lLTZVisor: a lightweight TrustZone-assisted hypervisor for low-end ARM devices

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e ComputadoresVirtualization is a well-established technology in the server and desktop space and has recently been spreading across different embedded industries. Facing multiple challenges derived by the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) era, these industries are driven by an upgrowing interest in consolidating and isolating multiple environments with mixed-criticality features, to address the complex IoT application landscape. Even though this is true for majority mid- to high-end embedded applications, low-end systems still present little to no solutions proposed so far. TrustZone technology, designed by ARM to improve security on its processors, was adopted really well in the embedded market. As such, the research community became active in exploring other TrustZone’s capacities for isolation, like an alternative form of system virtualization. The lightweight TrustZone-assisted hypervisor (LTZVisor), that mainly targets the consolidation of mixed-criticality systems on the same hardware platform, is one design example that takes advantage of TrustZone technology for ARM application processors. With the recent introduction of this technology to the new generation of ARM microcontrollers, an opportunity to expand this breakthrough form of virtualization to low-end devices arose. This work proposes the development of the lLTZVisor hypervisor, a refactored LTZVisor version that aims to provide strong isolation on resource-constrained devices, while achieving a low-memory footprint, determinism and high efficiency. The key for this is to implement a minimal, reliable, secure and predictable virtualization layer, supported by the TrustZone technology present on the newest generation of ARM microcontrollers (Cortex-M23/33).Virtualização é uma tecnologia já bem estabelecida no âmbito de servidores e computadores pessoais que recentemente tem vindo a espalhar-se através de várias indústrias de sistemas embebidos. Face aos desafios provenientes do surgimento da era Internet of Things (IoT), estas indústrias são guiadas pelo crescimento do interesse em consolidar e isolar múltiplos sistemas com diferentes níveis de criticidade, para atender ao atual e complexo cenário aplicativo IoT. Apesar de isto se aplicar à maioria de aplicações embebidas de média e alta gama, sistemas de baixa gama apresentam-se ainda com poucas soluções propostas. A tecnologia TrustZone, desenvolvida pela ARM de forma a melhorar a segurança nos seus processadores, foi adoptada muito bem pelo mercado dos sistemas embebidos. Como tal, a comunidade científica começou a explorar outras aplicações da tecnologia TrustZone para isolamento, como uma forma alternativa de virtualização de sistemas. O "lightweight TrustZone-assisted hypervisor (LTZVisor)", que tem sobretudo como fim a consolidação de sistemas de criticidade mista na mesma plataforma de hardware, é um exemplo que tira vantagem da tecnologia TrustZone para os processadores ARM de alta gama. Com a recente introdução desta tecnologia para a nova geração de microcontroladores ARM, surgiu uma oportunidade para expandir esta forma inovadora de virtualização para dispositivos de baixa gama. Este trabalho propõe o desenvolvimento do hipervisor lLTZVisor, uma versão reestruturada do LTZVisor que visa em proporcionar um forte isolamento em dispositivos com recursos restritos, simultâneamente atingindo um baixo footprint de memória, determinismo e alta eficiência. A chave para isto está na implementação de uma camada de virtualização mínima, fiável, segura e previsível, potencializada pela tecnologia TrustZone presente na mais recente geração de microcontroladores ARM (Cortex-M23/33)

    An Adaptable and Unsupervised TinyML Anomaly Detection System for Extreme Industrial Environments

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    Industrial assets often feature multiple sensing devices to keep track of their status by monitoring certain physical parameters. These readings can be analyzed with machine learning (ML) tools to identify potential failures through anomaly detection, allowing operators to take appropriate corrective actions. Typically, these analyses are conducted on servers located in data centers or the cloud. However, this approach increases system complexity and is susceptible to failure in cases where connectivity is unavailable. Furthermore, this communication restriction limits the approach’s applicability in extreme industrial environments where operating conditions affect communication and access to the system. This paper proposes and evaluates an end-to-end adaptable and configurable anomaly detection system that uses the Internet of Things (IoT), edge computing, and Tiny-MLOps methodologies in an extreme industrial environment such as submersible pumps. The system runs on an IoT sensing Kit, based on an ESP32 microcontroller and MicroPython firmware, located near the data source. The processing pipeline on the sensing device collects data, trains an anomaly detection model, and alerts an external gateway in the event of an anomaly. The anomaly detection model uses the isolation forest algorithm, which can be trained on the microcontroller in just 1.2 to 6.4 s and detect an anomaly in less than 16 milliseconds with an ensemble of 50 trees and 80 KB of RAM. Additionally, the system employs blockchain technology to provide a transparent and irrefutable repository of anomalies