25,841 research outputs found

    ERPs and their brain sources in perceptual and conceptual prospective memory tasks: commonalities and differences between the two tasks

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    The present study examined whether Event-Related Potential (ERP) components and their neural generators are common to perceptual and conceptual prospective memory (PM) tasks or specific to the form of PM cue involved. We used Independent Component Analysis (ICA) to study the contributions of brain source activities to scalp ERPs across the different phases of two event-based PM-tasks: (1) holding intentions during a delay (monitoring) (2) detecting the correct context to perform the delayed intention (cue detection) and (3) carrying out the action (realisation of delayed intentions). Results showed that monitoring for both perceptual and conceptual PM-tasks was characterised by an enhanced early occipital negativity (N200). In addition the conceptual PM-task showed a long-lasting effect of monitoring significant around 700 ms. Perceptual PM-task cues elicited an N300 enhancement associated with cue detection, whereas a midline N400-like response was evoked by conceptual PM-task cues. The Prospective Positivity associated with realisation of delayed intentions was observed in both conceptual and perceptual tasks. A common frontal-midline brain source contributed to the Prospective Positivity in both tasks and a strong contribution from parieto-frontal brain sources was observed only for the perceptually cued PM-task. These findings support the idea that: (1) The enhanced N200 can be understood as a neural correlate of a ‘retrieval mode’ for perceptual and conceptual PM-tasks, and additional strategic monitoring is implemented according the nature of the PM task; (2) ERPs associated with cue detection are specific to the nature of the PM cues; (3) Prospective Positivity reflects a general PM process, but the specific brain sources contributing to it depend upon the nature of the PM task

    The cognitive neuroscience of visual working memory

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    Visual working memory allows us to temporarily maintain and manipulate visual information in order to solve a task. The study of the brain mechanisms underlying this function began more than half a century ago, with Scoville and Milner’s (1957) seminal discoveries with amnesic patients. This timely collection of papers brings together diverse perspectives on the cognitive neuroscience of visual working memory from multiple fields that have traditionally been fairly disjointed: human neuroimaging, electrophysiological, behavioural and animal lesion studies, investigating both the developing and the adult brain

    Associative Recognition: Exploring the Contributions of Recollection and Familiarity

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    Episodic memory refers to the storage and retrieval of information about events in our past. According to dual process models, episodic memory is supported by familiarity which refers to the rapid and automatic sense of oldness about a previously encoded stimulus, and recollection which refers to the retrieval of contextual information, such as spatial, temporal or other contextual details that bring a specific item to mind. To be clear, familiarity is traditionally assumed to support recognition of item information, whereas recollection supports the recognition of associative information. Event Related Potential (ERP) studies provide support for dual process models, by demonstrating qualitatively distinct patterns of neural activity associated with familiarity (Mid-Frontal old/new effect) and recollection (Left-Parietal old/new effect). In the current thesis, ERPs were used to address two important questions regarding associative recognition – namely, the function of the neural signal supporting recollection and whether familiarity can contribute to the retrieval of novel associative information. The first series of experiments was aimed at addressing how recollection operates by employing a recently developed continuous source task designed to directly measure the accuracy of retrieval success. To date, the function of recollection has been fiercely debated, with some arguing that recollection reflects the operation of a continuous retrieval process, whereby test cues always elicit some information from memory. Alternatively, recollection may reflect the operation of a thresholded process that allows for retrieval failure, whereby test cues sometimes elicit no information from memory at all. In the current thesis, the Left Parietal effect was found to be sensitive to the precision of memory responses when recollection succeeded, but was entirely absent when recollection failed. The result clarifies the nature of the neural mechanism underlying successful retrieval whilst also providing novel evidence in support of threshold models of recollection. The second series of experiments addressed whether familiarity could contribute to the retrieval of novel associative information. Recent associative recognition studies have suggested that unitization (whereby multi-component stimuli are encoded as a single item rather than as a set of associated parts) can improve episodic memory by increasing the availability of familiarity during retrieval. To date, however, ERP studies have failed to provide any evidence of unitization for novel associations, whereas behavioural support for unitization is heavily reliant on model specific measures such as ROC analysis. Over three separate associative recognition studies employing unrelated word pairs, the magnitude of the Mid-Frontal old/new effect was found to be modulated by encoding instructions designed to manipulate the level of unitization. Importantly, the results also suggest that different encoding strategies designed to manipulate the level of unitization may be more successful than others. Finally, the results also revealed that differences in behavioural performance and modulation of the Mid-Frontal old/new effect between unitized and non-unitized instructions is greater for unrelated compared to related word pairs. In essence, the results suggest that unitization is better suited to learning completely novel associations as opposed to word pairs sharing a pre-existing conceptual relationship. Overall, the data presented in this thesis supports dual process accounts of episodic memory, suggesting that at a neural level of analysis, recollection is both thresholded and variable, whilst also supporting the assumption that familiarity can contribute to successful retrieval of novel associative information. The results have important implications for our current understanding of cognitive decline and the development of behavioural interventions aimed at alleviating associative deficits

    High-frequency neural oscillations and visual processing deficits in schizophrenia

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    Visual information is fundamental to how we understand our environment, make predictions, and interact with others. Recent research has underscored the importance of visuo-perceptual dysfunctions for cognitive deficits and pathophysiological processes in schizophrenia. In the current paper, we review evidence for the relevance of high frequency (beta/gamma) oscillations towards visuo-perceptual dysfunctions in schizophrenia. In the first part of the paper, we examine the relationship between beta/gamma band oscillations and visual processing during normal brain functioning. We then summarize EEG/MEG-studies which demonstrate reduced amplitude and synchrony of high-frequency activity during visual stimulation in schizophrenia. In the final part of the paper, we identify neurobiological correlates as well as offer perspectives for future research to stimulate further inquiry into the role of high-frequency oscillations in visual processing impairments in the disorder

    Recognition memory in amnestic-mild cognitive impairment: insights from event-related potentials

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    Episodic memory loss is the hallmark cognitive dysfunction associated with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Amnestic mild cognitive impairment (a-MCI) frequently represents a transitional stage between normal aging and early AD. A better understanding of the qualitative features of memory loss in a-MCI may have important implications for predicting those most likely to harbor AD-related pathology and for disease monitoring. Dual process models of memory argue that recognition memory is subserved by the dissociable processes of recollection and familiarity. Work studying recognition memory in a-MCI from this perspective has been controversial, particularly with regard to the integrity of familiarity. Event-related potentials (ERPs) offer an alternative means for assessing these functions without the associated assumptions of behavioral estimation methods. ERPs were recorded while a-MCI patients and cognitively normal (CN) age-matched adults performed a recognition memory task. When retrieval success was measured (hits versus correct rejections) in which performance was matched by group, a-MCI patients displayed similar neural correlates to that of the CN group, including modulation of the FN400 and the late positive complex (LPC) which are thought to index familiarity and recollection, respectively. Alternatively, when the integrity of these components was measured based on retrieval attempts (studied versus unstudied items), a-MCI patients displayed a reduced FN400 and LPC. Furthermore, modulation of the FN400 correlated with a behavioral estimate of familiarity and the LPC with a behavioral estimate of recollection obtained in a separate experiment in the same individuals, consistent with the proposed mappings of these indices. These results support a global decline of recognition memory in a-MCI, which suggests that the memory loss of prodromal AD may be qualitatively distinct from normal aging

    An exploration of pre-attentive visual discrimination using event-related potentials

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    The Mismatch Negativity (MMN) has been characterised as a ‘pre-attentive’ component of an Event-Related Potential (ERP) that is related to discriminatory processes. Although well established in the auditory domain, characteristics of the MMN are less well characterised in the visual domain. The five main studies presented in this thesis examine visual cortical processing using event-related potentials. Novel methodologies have been used to elicit visual detection and discrimination components in the absence of a behavioural task. Developing paradigms in which a behavioural task is not required may have important clinical applications for populations, such as young children, who cannot comply with the demands of an active task. The ‘pre-attentive’ nature of visual MMN has been investigated by modulating attention. Generators and hemispheric lateralisation of visual MMN have been investigated by using pertinent clinical groups. A three stimulus visual oddball paradigm was used to explore the elicitation of visual discrimination components to a change in the orientation of stimuli in the absence of a behavioural task. Monochrome stimuli based on pacman figures were employed that differed from each other only in terms of the orientation of their elements. One such stimulus formed an illusory figure in order to capture the participant’s attention, either in place of, or alongside, a behavioural task. The elicitation of a P3a to the illusory figure but not to the standard or deviant stimuli provided evidence that the illusory figure captured attention. A visual MMN response was recorded in a paradigm with no task demands. When a behavioural task was incorporated into the paradigm, a P3b component was elicited consistent with the allocation of attentional resources to the task. However, visual discrimination components were attenuated revealing that the illusory figure was unable to command all attentional resources from the standard deviant transition. The results are the first to suggest that the visual MMN is modulated by attention. Using the same three stimulus oddball paradigm, generators of visual MMN were investigated by recording potentials directly from the cortex of an adolescent undergoing pre-surgical evaluation for resection of a right anterior parietal lesion. To date no other study has explicitly recorded activity related to the visual MMN intracranially using an oddball paradigm in the absence of a behavioural task. Results indicated that visual N1 and visual MMN could be temporally and spatially separated, with visual MMN being recorded more anteriorly than N1. The characteristic abnormality in retinal projections in albinism afforded the opportunity to investigate each hemisphere in relative isolation and was used, for the first time, as a model to investigate lateralisation of visual MMN and illusory contour processing. Using the three stimulus oddball paradigm, no visual MMN was elicited in this group, and so no conclusions regarding the lateralisation of visual MMN could be made. Results suggested that both hemispheres were equally capable of processing an illusory figure. As a method of presenting visual test stimuli without conscious perception, a continuous visual stream paradigm was developed that used a briefly presented checkerboard stimulus combined with masking for exploring stimulus detection below and above subjective levels of perception. A correlate of very early cortical processing at a latency of 60-80 ms (CI) was elicited whether stimuli were reported as seen or unseen. Differences in visual processing were only evident at a latency of 90 ms (CII) implying that this component may represent a correlate of visual consciousness/awareness. Finally, an oddball sequence was introduced into the visual stream masking paradigm to investigate whether visual MMN responses could be recorded without conscious perception. The stimuli comprised of black and white checkerboard elements differing only in terms of their orientation to form an x or a +. Visual MMN was not recorded when participants were unable to report seeing the stimulus. Results therefore suggest that behavioural identification of the stimuli was required for the elicitation of visual MMN and that visual MMN may require some attentional resources. On the basis of these studies it is concluded that visual MMN is not entirely independent of attention. Further, the combination of clinical and non-clinical investigations provides a unique opportunity to study the characterisation and localisation of putative mechanisms related to conscious and non-conscious visual processing

    Cognitive Auditory Evoked Potentials in Investigation of Hearing Discrimination

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    Preattentive perception of occasional deviating stimuli in the stream of standard stimuli can be recorded with cognitive event-related potential (ERP) mismatch negativity (MMN). The earlier detection of stimuli at the auditory cortex can be examined with N1 and P2 ERPs. The MMN recording does not require co-operation, it correlates with perceptual threshold, and even complex sounds can be used as stimuli. The aim of this study was to examine different aspects that should be considered when measuring discrimination of hearing with ERPs. The MMN was found to be stimulusintensity- dependent. As the intensity of sine wave stimuli was increased from 40 to 80 dB HL, MMN mean amplitudes increased. The effect of stimulus frequency on the MMN was studied so that the pitch difference would be equal in each stimulus block according to the psychophysiological mel scale or the difference limen of frequency (DLF). However, the blocks differed from each other. The contralateral white noise masking (50 dB EML) was found to attenuate the MMN amplitude when the right ear was stimulated. The N1 amplitude was attenuated and, in contrast, P2 amplitude was not affected by contralateral white noise masking. The perception and production of vowels by four postlingually deafened patients with a cochlear implant were studied. The MMN response could be elicited in the patient with the best vowel perception abilities. The results of the studies show that concerning the MMN recordings, the stimulus parameters and recording procedure design have a great influence on the results.Siirretty Doriast

    Error Signals from the Brain: 7th Mismatch Negativity Conference

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    The 7th Mismatch Negativity Conference presents the state of the art in methods, theory, and application (basic and clinical research) of the MMN (and related error signals of the brain). Moreover, there will be two pre-conference workshops: one on the design of MMN studies and the analysis and interpretation of MMN data, and one on the visual MMN (with 20 presentations). There will be more than 40 presentations on hot topics of MMN grouped into thirteen symposia, and about 130 poster presentations. Keynote lectures by Kimmo Alho, Angela D. Friederici, and Israel Nelken will round off the program by covering topics related to and beyond MMN