2,808 research outputs found


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    The wide range of physical phenomena of industrial interest which can be properly represented by advection-diffusion transport models motivates a constant effort in the development of new numerical methods capable of dealing with strong advective effects such as compressibility ones. The recent direct interpolation technique (DIBEM) proved to be an accurate and reliable tool for the representation of problems with constant velocity field and initial tests were also performed for problems with variable velocity field, where the results are reasonably satisfactory, but not so robust, since the integral relative to the velocity divergence, in general, seems to disturb the performance of the formulation. The current article presents a new formulation of the direct interpolation technique for solving variable velocity problems with non-zero velocity divergence. The accuracy of the new proposal is measured against a known analytical solution and, also, contrasted with the classical formulation of DIBEM and dual reciprocity technique (DRBEM) for the same case. Preliminary results show that the alternative DIBEM formulation proposed promotes a consistent improvement in precision, outperforming the two techniques in cross-comparison

    The Reciprocity Gap Functional for Identifying Defects and Cracks

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    International audienceThe recovery of defects and cracks in solids using overdetermined boundary data, both the Dirichlet and the Neumann types, is considered in this paper. A review of the method for solving these inverse problems is given, focusing particularly on linearized inverse problems. It is shown how the reciprocity gap functional can solve nonlinear inverse problems involving identification of cracks and distributed defects in bounded solids. Exact solutions for planar cracks in 3D solids are given for static elasticity, heat diffusion and transient acoustics

    Unconventional Reservoir Flow Simulation: an Improved Boundary Element Fracture Modeling Technique and the Influence of Multi-Component Diffusion/Adsorption

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    The natural fractures and hydraulic fractures often form complex fracture network in shale reservoirs, which poses great challenge to the flow simulation of such complex reservoirs. In this study, a theoretically sound, and practically robust boundary element method (BEM) numerical algorithm is developed and successfully implemented. Explicit and discrete fracture description is adopted in this approach, and the complex fracture settings and interactions are effectively simulated. Comparing with the domain discretization methods (e.g., finite element method (FEM), finite difference method (FDM)), mesh generation is greatly simplified in our approach, especially for reservoirs with complex fracture configurations. Case studies show: our algorithm is capable of modeling two-dimensional (2D) steady state flow in fractured reservoirs with different boundary conditions and complex fracture networks; also, the transient flow dynamics and the flow dependence on matrix heterogeneity, which are seldom considered through a BEM approach, are successfully accounted for; in addition, by characterizing the fracture flow using finite volume element (FVM) formulation, the fluid flow in three-dimensional (3D) fractured reservoirs with irregular fractures is properly handled through this algorithm. Multiple porosity systems (especially organic matter) existing in shale reservoirs require a reservoir simulator to properly account for the multi-component diffusion/adsorption phenomena occurring in the matrix. A compositional model specifically tailored for the characteristics of shale reservoirs is thus developed. The model takes the pressure and component molar masses as the primary variables, and the IMPEM (implicit pressure and explicit mass) method as the solution technique. The multi-component adsorption and diffusion influences are shown to be successfully accounted for through this model. Case studies indicate: the multi-component adsorption which mainly exists in the shale organic matter usually plays a positive role in shale reservoir recovery; the influence of the different TOC values on shale fluid recovery may be different depending on the fluid type and the operating conditions; and the multi-component diffusion facilitates the gas recovery, yet the degree of this improvement differs for different wettability formations

    Scalar wave equation by the boundary element method: a D-BEM approach with non-homogeneous initial conditions

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    International audienceThis work is concerned with the development of a D-BEM approach to the solution of 2D scalar wave propagation problems. The time-marching process can be accomplished with the use of the Houbolt method, as usual, or with the use of the Newmark method. Special attention was devoted to the development of a procedure that allows for the computation of the initial conditions contributions. In order to verify the applicability of the Newmark method and also the correctness of the expressions concerned with the computation of the initial conditions contributions, four examples are presented and the D-BEM results are compared with the corresponding analytical solutions

    Use of Machine Learning for Automated Convergence of Numerical Iterative Schemes

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    Convergence of a numerical solution scheme occurs when a sequence of increasingly refined iterative solutions approaches a value consistent with the modeled phenomenon. Approximations using iterative schemes need to satisfy convergence criteria, such as reaching a specific error tolerance or number of iterations. The schemes often bypass the criteria or prematurely converge because of oscillations that may be inherent to the solution. Using a Support Vector Machines (SVM) machine learning approach, an algorithm is designed to use the source data to train a model to predict convergence in the solution process and stop unnecessary iterations. The discretization of the Navier Stokes (NS) equations for a transient local hemodynamics case requires determining a pressure correction term from a Poisson-like equation at every time-step. The pressure correction solution must fully converge to avoid introducing a mass imbalance. Considering time, frequency, and time-frequency domain features of its residual’s behavior, the algorithm trains an SVM model to predict the convergence of the Poisson equation iterative solver so that the time-marching process can move forward efficiently and effectively. The fluid flow model integrates peripheral circulation using a lumped-parameter model (LPM) to capture the field pressures and flows across various circulatory compartments. Machine learning opens the doors to an intelligent approach for iterative solutions by replacing prescribed criteria with an algorithm that uses the data set itself to predict convergence

    Developments on Computer Simulation of Injection Moulding - Modelling With Boundary Element and Finite Element Methods

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    Several mathematical models which are based mainly on the boundary integral equations are developed for computer simulation of injection moulding. The models are then implemented for the viscous flows in the filling stage, and the temperature field during the cooling stage of the process. Starting with the modelling of nonisothermal laminar flow in ducts, the dependence of viscosity on the pressure, temperature and shear rate is taken into account, and the velocity and temperature solutions to fully developed flow are developed. The solutions are used to obtain the approximate axial solutions and possibility of choking is discussed. The solutions are further extended to the cases of a slightly tapered circular pipe, and of cross sections of any shape the latter of which uses a boundary element model

    Inverse problems in elasticity

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    This review is devoted to some inverse problems arising in the context of linear elasticity, namely the identification of distributions of elastic moduli, model parameters or buried objects such as cracks. These inverse problems are considered mainly for three-dimensional elastic media under equilibrium or dynamical conditions, and also for thin elastic plates. The main goal is to overview some recent results, in an effort to bridge the gap between studies of a mathematical nature and problems defined from engineering practice. Accordingly, emphasis is given to formulations and solution techniques which are well suited to general-purpose numerical methods for solving elasticity problems on complex configurations, in particular the finite element method and the boundary element method. An underlying thread of the discussion is the fact that useful tools for the formulation, analysis and solution of inverse problems arising in linear elasticity, namely the reciprocity gap and the error in constitutive equation, stem from variational and virtual work principles, i.e., fundamental principles governing the mechanics of deformable solid continua. In addition, the virtual work principle is shown to be instrumental for establishing computationally efficient formulae for parameter or geometrical sensitivity, based on the adjoint solution method. Sensitivity formulae are presented for various situations, especially in connection with contact mechanics, cavity and crack shape perturbations, thus enriching the already extensive known repertoire of such results. Finally, the concept of topological derivative and its implementation for the identification of cavities or inclusions are expounded


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    In the thesis, four different MHD duct flow problems are solved by using the Dual Reciprocity Boundary Element Method (DRBEM) with the suitable boundary conditions according to the physics of the problem. The two-dimensional, steady or unsteady, fully-developed MHD flow of a viscous, incompressible and electrically conducting fluid is considered in a long pipe of rectangular cross-section (duct) under the effect of an externally applied magnetic field which is either uniform or time-dependent or axially changing. The inductionless MHD flow with temperature dependent viscosity and heat transfer is the first considered problem. In this problem, the induced magnetic field is neglected due to the small magnetic Reynolds number assumption. Secondly, the MHD duct flow under a time-varied external magnetic field is studied. Then, we turn our concern to MHD flow problems under an axial-dependent magnetic field varying in the streamwise direction (pipe-axis direction) in the third and the fourth problems. Specifically, the inductionless MHD flow with electric potential is considered under the effect of the axially-changing magnetic field as the third problem. Adding the induced magnetic field to the velocity and electric potential equations as a triple is the last MHD flow problem considered in the thesis. The parametrix BEM implementation is also presented for the solution of the variable coefficient convection-diffusion type equations. The influence of the magnetic fields on the MHD flows is investigated and simulated in terms of the velocity, temperature, induced magnetic field and electric potential contours for several values of physical parameters.Bu tezde, dört farklı Magnetohidrodinamik (MHD) kanal akış problemi, problemin fiziğine göre uygun sınır koşulları ile birlikte karşılıklı sınır elemanları metodu (DRBEM) kullanılarak çözülmüştür. Viskoz, sıkıştırılamaz ve elektrik ileten sıvının dikdörtgen kesitli bir kanal içerisindeki iki boyutlu, zamana bağlı veya zamandan bağımsız tam gelişmiş akışı dışarıdan uygulanan bir manyetik alan etkisinde incelenmiştir. Akışı etkileyen manyetik alan ya tek düzedir ya zamana bağlıdır ya da eksenel olarak değişmektedir. Ele alınan ilk problem, sıcaklığa bağlı viskoziteye ve ısı transferine sahip indüksiyonsuz MHD akışıdır. Bu problemde, indüklenen manyetik alan küçük manyetik Reynolds sayısı varsayımından dolayı ihmal edilmiştir. İkinci problem olarak, dışarıdan uygulanan ve zamana bağlı manyetik alan etkisindeki MHD akış çalışılmıştır. Daha sonra ise, üçüncü ve dördüncü problem olarak akım yönündeki eksen boyunca değişen bir manyetik alan etkisindeki MHD akış problemleri çözülmüştür. Üçüncü problemdeki MHD akışı elektrik potansiyeline sahip fakat indüksiyonsuz bir akıştır. Dördüncü problemde ise üçüncü problemdeki MHD akışa indüklenen manyetik alan eklenerek problem denklemleri hız, elektrik potansiyel ve indüklenen manyetik alan olarak üçlü çözülmüştür. Değişken katsayılı konveksiyon-difüzyon tipi denklemlerin çözümü için parametre sınır elemanı metodu (parametrix BEM) da kullanılmıştır. Uygulanan manyetik alanların MHD akışlarına etkisi, çeşitli fiziksel problem parametre değerleri için hız, sıcaklık, indüklenen manyetik alan ve elektrik potansiyeli açısından incelenmiş ve simülasyonları yapılmıştır.Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra

    A high-performance boundary element method and its applications in engineering

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    As a semi-numerical and semi-analytical method, owing to the inherent advantage, of boundary-only discretisation, the boundary element method (BEM) has been widely applied to problems with complicated geometries, stress concentration problems, infinite domain problems, and many others. However, domain integrals and non-symmetrical and dense matrix systems are two obstacles for BEM which have hindered the its further development and application. This thesis is aimed at proposing a high-performance BEM to tackle the above two drawbacks and broaden the application scope of BEM. In this thesis, a detailed introduction to the traditional BEM is given and several popular algorithms are introduced or proposed to enhance the performance of BEM. Numerical examples in heat conduction analysis, thermoelastic analysis and thermoelastic fracture problems are performed to assess the efficiency and correction of the algorithms. In addition, necessary theoretical derivations are embraced for establishing novel boundary integral equations (BIEs) for specific engineering problems. The following three parts are the main content of this thesis. (1) The first part (Part II consisting of two chapters) is aimed at heat conduction analysis by BEM. The coefficient matrix of equations formed by BEM in solving problems is fully-populated which occupy large computer memory. To deal with that, the fast multipole method (FMM) is introduced to energize the line integration boundary element method (LIBEM) to performs better in efficiency. In addition, to compute domain integrals with known or unknown integrand functions which are caused by heat sources or heterogeneity, a novel BEM, the adaptive orthogonal interpolation moving least squares (AOIMLS) method enhanced LIBEM, which also inherits the advantage of boundary-only discretisation, is proposed. Unlike LIBEM, which is an accurate and stable method for computing domain integrals, but only works when the mathematical expression of integral function in domain integrals is known, the AOIMLS enhanced LIBEM can compute domain integrals with known or unknown integral functions, which ensures all the nonlinear and nonhomogeneous problems can be solved without domain discretisation. In addition, the AOIMLS can adaptively avoid singular or ill-conditioned moment matrices, thus ensuring the stability of the calculation results. (2) In the second part (Part III consisting of four chapters), the thermoelastic problems and fracture problems are the main objectives. Due to considering thermal loads, domain integrals appear in the BIEs of the thermoelastic problems, and the expression of integrand functions is known or not depending on the temperature distribution given or not, the AOIMLS enhanced LIBEM is introduced to conduct thermoelasticity analysis thereby. Besides, a series of novel unified boundary integral equations based on BEM and DDM are derived for solving fracture problems and thermoelastic fracture problems in finite and infinite domains. Two sets of unified BIEs are derived for fracture problems in finite and infinite domains based on the direct BEM and DDM respectively, which can provide accurate and stable results. Another two sets of BIEs are addressed by employing indirect BEM and DDM, which cannot ensure a stable result, thereby a modified indirect BEM is proposed which performs much more stable. Moreover, a set of novel BIEs based on the direct BEM and DDM for cracked domains under thermal stress is proposed. (3) In the third part (Part IV consisting of one chapter), a high-efficiency combined BEM and discrete element method (DEM) is proposed to compute the inner stress distribution and particle breakage of particle assemblies based on the solution mapping scheme. For the stress field computation of particles with similar geometry, a template particle is used as the representative particle, so that only the related coefficient matrices of one template particle in the local coordinate system are needed to be calculated, while the coefficient matrices of the other particles, can be obtained by mapping between the local and global coordinate systems. Thus, the combined BEM and DEM is much more effective when modelling a large-scale particle system with a small number of distinct possible particle shapes. Furthermore, with the help of the Hoek-Brown criterion, the possible cracks or breakage paths of a particle can be obtained